سرویس منال کونیکا مینولتا 451
This document contains information that was exported directly from Konica Minolta’s SSD Support knowledge base. Some solutions may contain hyperlink references which originally contained links to graphic or text files. If you wish to view these files, you must access the solutions via SSD CS Expert Support on Konica Minolta’s website, www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us.
Legal Notice
This document is designed as a diagnostic tool, primarily for Konica Minolta’s support personnel, and authorized service representatives. Konica Minolta recommends that all service be performed by an authorized service representative. Users are responsible for seeking advice of a Konica Minolta authorized service representative regarding the information, opinion, advice or content of this document.
Copyright 2008, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
bizhub C451 |
Abnormal noise or odor |
Solution ID TAUS0703379EN* Solution Usage 52
Squeaking noise from the fusing unit.
CAUSEcopyir.com Fusing unit failure.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com This issue has been escalated to Konica Minolta Business Technologies in Japan.
KMBS/SSD is working with partners in support and R & D in Japan to obtain a resolution for this issue as quickly as possible.
If viewing this solution via the web, please establish a ticket via either the web or by calling the contact center at 1-800-825-5664 . Once a ticket has been established an E-mail will be sent when this solution is updated.
IMPORTANTcopyir.com For phone advisors, please attach thissolution to the ticket so thatan automatic E-mailwill be sent to the technician when this solution is updated. Please end the call with call code “Escalated to Japan”.
Replace the fusing unit (p/n A00JR72122). Serial number cut-in is as followscopyir.com
bizhub C550 A00J010008998 and below
bizhub C451 A00K010009747 and below
bizhub C650 A00H010001659 and below
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ASG/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703215EN* Solution Usage 13
“Creaking” (or squeaking) noise from fusing unit.
CAUSEcopyir.com The bushing which holds the brush roller in the fusing unit is slightly angled to the roller shaft; the edge of the bushing is “vibrating”.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Please apply heat-resistant conductive grease like SANKOL ECG25(p/n A00JPP0000) between the brush roller and bushing (see attachment). Note copyir.com To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0800191EN* Solution Usage 3
C3101 (C-3101)with anabnormal noisefrom thefusing unit.
CAUSEcopyir.com The fusing drive unit was not installed properly. As a result, there is excessive spacebetween the gearon the main body and the gearon the fusing unit;the drive is not transmitted properly.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Please reinstall the fusing drive unit and the exit drive unit and confirm the installation of the driving units by referring to the attached file.
Replace the gear (p/n A00J 2355 00) if itis damaged (stripped) by the worm motor (p/n A00J R749 00).
Also,please see attachment ( gear.pdf ) as a reference.To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703394EN* Solution Usage
Description Abnormal noise.
bizhub C451 |
Abnormal noise or odor |
CAUSEcopyir.com Power supply fan is noisy.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Install thepower supply fanmounting countermeasure as explained in the attached Parts Modification Notice and associated Applied Product Information.
Note copyir.comTo view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
bizhub C451 |
Breakage, damage, malformed, removed part |
Solution ID TAUS0702441EN* Solution Usage 3
Description FS-608, C1104.
CAUSEcopyir.com A damagedCoupling Gear in the stacker section of the FS-608.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the 18-tooth (18T) Coupling Gear (p/n 129U 7704 1).
Note copyir.com Please refer to page 13 of the May 2007 FS-608 Parts Manual (attached). To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution provided by Bill Griswell -Gordon Document Products in Marietta , Georgia
Solution ID TAUS0800902EN* Solution Usage 2
DF-610/DF-611, jamming on 2nd side.
CAUSEcopyir.comDamaged mylar on the 2nd transport guide plate.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the damaged mylar (p\n 9J07 4703 01).
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703203EN* Solution Usage
FS-517/FS-608, lower cover plate is bent out of the box at installation.
CAUSEcopyir.com When placing the finisher on the palette, the lower cover plate (p/n A07R16090)was damaged by the packing material.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com This issue only affected a small percentage of FS-517/FS-608 finishers. The correction in the packing material has been changed for FS-517 (S/N A07R00604 and later) and FS-608 (S/N A07U0081 and later).
Since there is only a limited supply of the lower covers (p/n A07R16090-FOC) the program will expire in 6 months or when the FOC lower covers are depleted.
To obtain a free-of-charge lower cover plate (p/n A07R16090-FOC), please follow the procedure belowcopyir.com
FOC PART(S) ORDERING PROCEDURE (U.S. market only) copyir.com
Free-of-Charge (FOC) part(s) can be ordered via the online KMBS Technical (FOC) & Special Programs order form which is accessible in
MyKonicaMinolta.com => Service => Warranty, Repair& Special Programs => Warranty Services & Technical/FOC Programs =>SSD Technical (FOC) & Special Programs.
Upon receipt and verification of the online claim information, KMBS Logistics Operations will process a Free-of-Charge parts order. All parts will be shipped via UPS Ground Service. KMBS will ship all parts at no-charge; no invoice will be generated. Questions related to an FOC parts claims may be directed to KMBS Logistics Operations by calling 201-934-5339.
IMPORTANT REMINDER copyir.comAs mentioned above, the FOC program will end either in 6 months or when the FOC lower covers are depleted.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Rich Raynor and Craig Blyther, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801319EN* Description C1183 (C-1183) when printing to Tray 3 on the FS-519 finisher. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The bracket that holds PS11 (p/n 4037 0905 01) is malformed. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the PS11 holding bracket (p/n 9J08 9104 00). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801519EN* Description JS-504/JS-505, lower tray lever breakage. |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Breakage, damage, malformed, removed part |
Please refer toBulletin Number 6481for details. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0801971EN* Solution Usage
P-22after install.
CAUSEcopyir.com Laser unit mounting posts are broken off when MFP installed causing the color misregistraion P-22 error. Tray 1 may have been stuck and, when forced open, can also break off laser unit mounting poststhatmay protrude through into Tray 1.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Epoxy post back onto laser unit or replace entire laser unit (P/H assembly). bizhub C451/C550 – p/n A00J R741 00 bizhub C650 – p/n A00H R700 00
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0808549EN* Solution Usage
LU-301, Caster weld failure.
CAUSEcopyir.com Manufacturing anomaly. Insufficient spot-welding of the nuts on the left support plate.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Please review the attached Bulletin Number 6627 for additional information. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
Solution ID TAUS0702732EN* Solution Usage 31
TheMFP will not come out of Power Save Mode when a print job is sent to the IC-409. This occurs mainly in the morning when the machine stays in Power Save Mode overnight. Main body and controller may need to be power-cycled in order for printing to take place.
CAUSEcopyir.com System code version 1.0 firmware bug causing the IC-409 to lose communication with the main body.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com The IC-409 must have patches 1-U52ZX and 1-UF108 installed to allow communication to be maintained during the Low Power Mode. These patches only apply to IC-409 system code version 1.0 and should not be installed on the the IC-409 running system code version 1.01 and above. Note copyir.com The latest version firmware and system software are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ron Reed and Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800785EN* Solution Usage 21
With IC-409 version 1.01 system code, theMFP will not come out of Power Save Mode when a print job is sent to the IC-409.This occurs mainly in the morning when the machine stays in Power Save Mode overnight. Main body and controller may need to be power-cycled in order for printing to take place.
CAUSEcopyir.com Firmware bugwith the IC-409 version 1.01 in which itloses communication with the main body when theMFP goes into Power Save Mode.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com A new patch file (1-XL217)for the IC-409 isavailable that corrects this issue.
Patch files are available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selectorcopyir.com
1.Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com
2.Select the “Service” link located on the top of the page.
3.Select the “SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)” link located on the left.
4.Select the “Continue on to the SSD Home Page” link located in the middle of the page.
5.Select the “Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more” link located on the left.
6.Search for the patch file name or select Color Products => IC-409 => System Code. Notecopyir.com
1.Please ensure that the IC-409 system code 1.01 has patch 1-W5C85 (16.8MB)installed prior to installing patch 1-XL217 (17.94MB).
- If issuepersists after installing patch 1-XL217, please install patches 1-ZB8PP1-105NZD.
- Please refer to the attachedRelease Notesand other documentation for more detail on these patches. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution byTony Pizzoferrato, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0700907EN* Solution Usage 9
How to scan to E-mail using an Emperon controller.
See the attached documents, whichhave step-by-step Scan to E-mail setup instructions for the Emperon standard controllers. Theseare training documents andare structured using classroom examples. Be sure to replace site-specific parameters (TCP/IP addresses, E-mail addresses, etc., with those specific to the installation.
Note copyir.com To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702393EN* Solution Usage 8
With the IC-409 installed, the network communication between the client PC and the MFP may fail.”Unable to Connect to the Network” messagemay display after the MFP times out when attempting to connect. This occurs mainly when the IC-409 and MFP are manually configured for TCP/IP.
CAUSEcopyir.comThe IC-409 will attempt to resolve any TCP/IP addressing conflict but is not able to due to the address being manually set.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comTo allow proper addressing and communication, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Shut down the IC -409.
2.On the main body, set Utility/Admininistration Setting/Network Setting/TCP-IP Setting/IP Setting to Auto Input.
3.Power down the main body.
4.Power up the IC -409.
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
5.After 3 minutes, power up the main body.
This will allow the IC-409 to act as a DHCP server and set a TCP/IP address on the main body NIC.Since the MFP NIC is addressed by the IC-409, a conflict does not exist.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0647541EN* Description FK-502, C-B003 after installing the fax kit. Solution PROBABLE CAUSEScopyir.com
Change the Fax (Sub) to Unset in Service Mode by performing the followingcopyir.com a. Access the Service Mode. b.Select the Option Board Status. c.Select Unset of Fax (Sub). d.Select End and Exit to return to copy screen. 3.The FK-502 board is not seated properly. Remove and reseat the fax board. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
6 |
Solution ID TAUS0702345EN* |
Solution Usage |
6 |
Description PLEASE POWER ON CONTROLLER message. Fiery® is correctly configured. This may occur after upgrading the IC-409 to version 1 .01. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect firmware or corrupted system software. SOLUTIONcopyir.comUpdate theMFP firmware to themost current base firmware available. If message reoccurs, remove the sticker covering the Service mode switches and flip the switches ON/OFF at least 3x. Return th e swi tches to the OFF position andreinstall the system software. Install the following patchescopyir.com 1- W5C 85 1- VKPBU 1- THD8Q 1- XL 217 1- ZB8PP 1- Z5Q9E 1-105NZD Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software (and patches)is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. A ccess t he Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0702294EN* Description How to configure LDAP access on a Lotus® Notes R5 or R6 server. Performing a LDAP Search using an Anonymous Connection via Lotus Notes. (supportedLDAPVersion) not enabled. Solution |
Solution Usage 4 |
LDAP Production R5/R6 server setup copyir.com 1.Edit Notes.ini and add LDAP task. ServerTasks = Router, Replica, Update, Amgr, AdminP, CalConn, Event, Sched, Stats, HTTP, POP3, maps, LDAP. 2.Create a new Configuration document for LDAP to control Anonymous Access. 3.Create a new Configuration doc, call it Allservers in the Group or Server name, then save and close the doc. 4.Now open the Allservers doc. Note that the Basics tab has changed. 5.Select Use these settings as the default for all servers. Note that Group or Server name is now *-Default-. Also there is now an LDAP tab. 6.Click on the fields that you want to be accessible button. |
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
7. Set it to show First Name InternetAddress and LastName only. Do this so only limited info is available. Notes copyir.com
a. If you upgrade a server from a previous release to Lotus® Domino 6, the LDAP service uses the LDAP anonymous access configuration from the previous release. If you create or edit the domain Configuration Settings documents after updating the directory with the Lotus® Domino 6 PUBNAMES.NTF design, the list of attributes allowed for anonymous access include the following attributes (attached – ldap1.pdf)not listed in the previous releasecopyir.com
b.The Allservers configuration doc will only affect the servers running LDAP. It will also allow the MFPs to access LDAP without using an authentication account and password. This is the method that all users are using according to Lotus® Incident 1632724. c. Please refer to the attached document for more detail.
d. To view the document(s), Microsoft® Word® or Word® Viewer must be installed. Word® Viewer 2003 (11.7MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at the following URL; httpcopyir.com//www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&FamilyID=95e24c87-8732-48d5-8689-ab826e7b8fdf . e. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0702439EN* Solution Usage 4
Description F023.
CAUSEcopyir.com MFPB failed.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comPerform a Data Clear. Reseat all the connections on PWB-MFPB. Replace MFPB if necessary and flashMFP with most current firmware. If the problem persists, swap NVRAM.
IMPORTANTcopyir.com All requests for NVRAMs must be approved by the SSD Hotline and a problem ticket generated. If a request is received without an established problem ticket number the request will be denied.
PARTS copyir.com bizhub C550 – PWB-MFPB (p/n A00J H020 07); bizhub C451- PWB-MFPB (p/n A00J H020 07); bizhub C650 – PWB-MFPB (p/n A00J H021 00) Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702651EN* Solution Usage 3
C1127 (C-1127) error code.
CAUSEcopyir.com The after punch shift home sensor (PS303) is not turned ON after a lapse of a given time after the punch shift motor (M302) is turned ON.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comReplace the Punch drive board (PDB) (p/n A04F H010 01) and theFinisher Control Board (p/n A07R H090 12).
Note copyir.com If the error reoccurs, perform a System Error Clearcopyir.com
1.Enter Tech Rep Mode.
2.Press System 1.
3.Press Initialization.
4.Press System Error Clear and press the Start key.
5.Power the machine OFF/ON using the main power switch.
CAUTION copyir.comWhen attempting to flashfirmware,if the error code is not cleared, the machine willget stuckat the PRCB and the flash will be unsuccessful. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800406EN* Solution Usage 3
FK-502, T81 message is displayed when attempting to fax out without the OFF HOOK option selected. If, OFF HOOK is selected the fax is sent successfully.
CAUSEcopyir.com Dial Tone Detection is set to ON.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To set Dial Tone Detection to OFF, perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press the Utility/Counter key.
- Touch [Details] on the touchscreen.
- Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
- Touch [FAX] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [NetWork] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [NetWork Setting 2] on the touchscreen. The Dial Tone Detection setting selection option will be displayed at the top of the touchscreen.
- Touch [OFF] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [END] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
10.Power the copier OFF/ON to lock the setting into the fax unit.
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Ian Lynch and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702318EN* Solution Usage Description After connecting the Fiery® IC-409 to the MFP, Scan to FTP and Scan to E-mail stop working. The Fiery® is accessible when PINGed; Pagescope web connection can be accessed,and can print. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect system settings. SOLUTIONcopyir.comDuring the IC-409 installation make sure the following is settings are entered in the main body optionscopyir.com 1.In Service Mode Under [System2], set selection to[Controller1]. 2.In Utility=> Administrator Settings => TCP/IP Settings => IP Settings => set to AUTO. This will allow the main body to then obtain a TCP/IP address from the IC-409. Note copyir.com This is very important when switching between built-in and Fiery® controller. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD |
2 |
Solution ID TAUS0703698EN* Description FK-502, unable to transmit or receive and an error R09 is indicated. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The hard drive is not installed. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Re-install the hard drive by performing the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter the Tech Rep mode. 2.Press System 2. 3.Press HDD. 4.Press Installed. 5.Power machine OFF/ON using the main power switch. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio/Chuck Tripp/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
2 |
Solution ID TAUS0801356EN* Description Cannot print to the MFP after the TCP/IP address has been entered and theMFP was rebooted. Solution |
Solution Usage |
2 |
CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect configuration. SOLUTIONcopyir.com In the Admin mode under the TCP\IP settings, set theMFP to DHCP and reboot it. This will allow theMFP to browse th e DHCP field is populated, enter theMFP original static TCP/IP address under the TCP\IP settings and reboot theit again. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD |
network. Once the |
Solution ID TAUS0653781EN* Description FK-502, unable to TX from operation panel or with RightFax®. The fax screen can not be accessed on the operation panel. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Fax TX Restrict is ON. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Set Fax TX Restrict OFF. To set Fax TX Restrict OFF, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter the Administrator mode. 2.Select Security Setting. 3.Select Security Details. 4.Select the down arrow. 5.Select Restrict Fax TX. |
Solution Usage |
1 |
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
6.Select OFF.
7.Select Close 4 times to exit the Administrator mode.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution provided by Shane Dempsey, U.S. Imaging Solutions, LLC. and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702079EN* Solution Usage 1
CD252 (C-D252) code at start up.
CAUSEcopyir.com The Controller 1 setting is enabled in Tech. Rep. Mode without the IC-409 (Fiery® controller) installed.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To reset the error code, perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press Utility/Counter button.
- Press ‘Job Details button’ on the operation panel.
- Press Utility/Counter button.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until ‘Meter Count’ is displayed on the operation panel.
- Press ‘Check Details’ button.
- Enter Tech. Rep Mode (Stop, 0, 0, Stop, 0, 1).
- Press ‘System 2’ button.
- Press ‘Image Controller’. Button.
- Press ‘Controller 0’ for the standard controller.
10.Exit Tech Rep Mode.
11.Cycle power OFF/ON.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702135EN* Solution Usage 1
T81 when attempting to transmit a fax TX using one-touch dialing.
CAUSEcopyir.com Dial tone not detected.Fax TX off hook is OK. Fax RX is OK.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com When setting up one-touch dialing, insert at least one extra pause to allow time for the PBX dialtone to be detected.Also make sure to disable Dial Tone Detection ; go tocopyir.com
1.Service Mode.
4 .Network Setting 2.
5, Dial Tone Detection and set it to OFF.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801190EN* Solution Usage 1
Finishing options do not work via IC-409 when selected through any driver.
CAUSEcopyir.com The No Authentication and Account Printing setting under server setup on the IC-409 is set incorrectly.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com If Account tracking and User Authentication are being utilized for printing, ensure that the No Authentication and Account Printing setting is set to Enabled. If Account tracking and User Authentication are not being utilized for printing then ensure that the No Authentication and Account Printing setting is set to Disable.
How to set No Authentication and Account Printing setting; 1. Utility button.
2.Controller details.
3.Menu => Run Setup => Yes => OK.
4.Password => Fiery.1=>ENTER.
5.Server Setup => Enter => OK => OK => Enter => OK => OK => OK => down arrow to select Enable or Disable => OK
6.Menu => Save changes => Yes => OK.
7.Exit setup.
8.Reboot system.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD and Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
Solution ID TAUS0808082EN* Solution Usage 1
Network tab disappears.
CAUSEcopyir.com Even though the configuration page shows an IP address, the MFP needs to reassign the IP address.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com ARP and Ping will assign the IP address on network card remotely.
1.Check the MAC address on the MFP. Be sure the network cable is plugged into the MFP and the network.
2.Open a Command prompt on a networked PC.
3.Type ‘arp -a’ (without the quotation marks). Confirm that the MAC address of MFP is not listed.
4.Type ‘arp -s IP_address_of_MFP Mac_Address_of_MFP’
Examplecopyir.com ‘arp –s 00-20-6B-5C-A9-12’
5.Type ‘arp –a’ and cconfirm that the MAC address of MFP is listed.
6.Type ‘ping IP_address_of_MFP –t’. There should be a series of responses showing communication with the MFP. Examplecopyir.com ‘ping -t’
7.Quit the ping by pressing Ctrl+C.
Notecopyir.com Print the attached document for reference.
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ASG/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0808268EN* Solution Usage 1
Unable to establish an HTTP/IPP printing connectionthrough a Gateway with printer on a local LAN.
The following error message appearscopyir.com “Windows cannot connect to the printer. Either the printer name was types incorrectly, or the specified printer has lost its connection to the server.”
CAUSEcopyir.comTheMFPdoes not accept an HTTP/IPPURI that specifies thegateway’s IP address to be used in conjunction with the gateway’s port forwarding setting.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com New firmware is now available that corrects this issue for the following models; C203 – version GY6-R5
C253 – version GX6-R5
C353 – version GW6-R5
C451 – version GW6-R5
C550 – version GW6-R5
C650 – version GW6-R5
The new firmwareis available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector copyir.com
1.Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com
2.Select the “Service” link located on the top of the page.
3.Select the “SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS )” link located on the left.
4.Select the “Continue on to the SSD Home Page” link located in the middle of the page.
5.Select the “Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more” link located on the left.
Please refer to the attached PDF documents for detail information on this firmware release.
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS/BSE
Solution ID TAUS0656615EN* Solution Usage 0
FK-502, unable to fax to international destinations.
CAUSEcopyir.com Country code (011) was not dialed.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Ensure to dial Country Code (011) before all international faxes.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703640EN* Solution Usage 0
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
When the MFP “wakes up” from Power Save Mode, the “i” mark is not indicated on the panel.
CAUSEcopyir.com Failure of IC-409 firmware.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comTo verifycopyir.com
1.Place theMFP into Power Save Mode and wait for about 30 seconds.
2.”Wake-up” the engine from Power Save Mode and check that the “i” mark is indicated on the panel.
3.Perform the previous stepsrepeatedly.It may take about 2 minutes to display the “i” mark or the “i” may not be indicated on the panel at all.
Install the attached IC-409 patches (1-U52ZX and 1-UFI08) and please refer to the Release Notes for detail.
Note copyir.com To open the ZIP file, WinZip® must be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® websitecopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm . The file can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0900085EN* Solution Usage 0
Unable to scan to E-mail using a Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007.
CAUSEcopyir.comThe Microsoft® Exchange Server is not set up correctly.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comPlease use the attached settings to set up scan to E-mail on the Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701945EN* Solution Usage
Scan to E-mail is not working; Start Button is amber (orange). No Errors. Document Feeder will not feed the originals.
CAUSEcopyir.com The machine has not been properly set up.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press Utility/ Counter.
- Administrator Settings [12345678].
- Select Administrator Registration.
- Under Administrator Name, enter a Name (Administrator Name or Copier Name).
- E-mail address. Enter Administrator E-mail or Copier E-mail.
- Press OK.
- Select Input Machine Address.
- Under Device Name, enter the given name for the copier.
- E-mail Address. Enter the E-mail address of the copier.
10.Press OK.
11.Exitby pressing Close three (3) times.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702844EN* Solution Usage
When scanning to SMB using Send and Print, why is an error message not displayed if the connection to the SMB server fails?
The failure to display an error message when the connection to the SMB server fails using Send and Print has been addressed with version 6B firmware.
Please update the machine firmware to version 6B or later.
Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703050EN* Solution Usage
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
When manually configuring the TCP/IP address on the IC-409 (Fiery®) and the MFP, the network communication between a client PC and the MFP may fail. This may be a problem when trying to use the network-related functions like network printing, scanning to FTP, etc.
CAUSEcopyir.com The IC-409 replies to an ARP request for two TCP/IP addresses, which are the TCP/IP address of IC-409 and the address of the Fiery®. If the next TCP/IP address for the IC-409 is assigned to the MFP, the MFP and a client PC cannot make proper network communication. For example, TCP/IP address configurationcopyir.com
TCP/IP address
Subnet mask
In this case, if assigning to the MFP, the problem will be seen. A patch file is required.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Until patch file is installed, please use this workaroundcopyir.com
Assign a TCP/IP address to the MFP excluding the assigned TCP/IP address for the IC-409 and the next TCP/IP address.
Since the IC-409 replies to an ARP request for the two TCP/IP addresses, please do not assign those two addresses to other network devices either. For example, it is O.K. to assigncopyir.com and or even, however, please do not assign
Notes copyir.com
1.When using DHCP configuration, the problem will not happen. However, the IC-409 will request two TCP/IP addresses and the MFP will request one address. Therefore, three (3) TCP/IP addresses are taken up.
- Attached is the patch file (ic409v10_pt1thd8q.exe – 2.41MB)and it can also be downloaded from the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
- – Refer to the attached Release Notes and instructions prior to patch installation. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0703132EN* Solution Usage
Why is Envelope not displayed under the paper size in Paper Jam History?
Envelope not being displayed under paper size in the Paper Jam History has been addressed with version 58 firmware. Please install version 58 firmwareor later on the machine.
Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703669EN* Solution Usage
Unable to print a calibration page from Command WorkStation™.
CAUSEcopyir.com The IC-409 system code is corrupt.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Reload system code on the IC-409.
Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support ( CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800822EN* Description How to set up Scan to FTP via PageScope Web Connection. Solution |
Solution Usage |
Please perform the step-by-step procedures mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution byIan Lynch and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0800905EN* Solution Usage
Issues pertaining to network connection of the IC-409.
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
Please refer to the attached documentation for details. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0801561EN* Solution Usage
Whensending a banner job with plain paper as the paper type to the Fiery®,the job will be deleted at the MFP.
CAUSEcopyir.comAccording to MFP specification, the banners must be printed on thick paper.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Please select following thick paper as a media type in printer driver when printing banners. Fiery X3eTY 50_45C-KM (IC-409) bizhub C451 = Thick3
bizhubC353/C253/C203 = Thick1 or Thick2
Thick1, Thick2 or Thick3
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0801997EN* Solution Usage
Output for AS/400® loops continuouslyuntil job is held.
CAUSEcopyir.com When using a remote output queue on an AS/400®, the XAIX destination option is normally used for printing multiple copies.
The remote writer opens the connection to the printer and sends down multiple copies of the print data and control file pair. Each control file contains one print command for the data file that preceded it. This method is required for printers that start printing the data right away. However, there are some print servers that will close the connection after the first copy is sent. This is an unexpected close, resulting in retrying to send from the beginning which will cause the remote writer to loop forever and will cause the spooled file to be printed indefinitely. In this case, XAIX should not be used.
When XAIX is not specified, the data file and control file will be sent once, but the control file will contain multiple print commands. This reduces network traffic, but can only be used with serversthat can buffer all the data before knowing how many copies to print.
Therefore, without XAIX specified, the print server may or may not print multiple copies of the OS/400® or i5/OS® spooled file.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Install the following minimum firmware versioncopyir.com bizhub 350/250/200
Base firmware version 80 (filenamecopyir.com 4040-0100-G30-80-002)
bizhub 360/420/500
Special model-specific firmware version 31-GD1 file namecopyir.com
bizhub 360copyir.com 360us_m0g3100d1.exe bizhub 420copyir.com 420us_m0g3100d1.exe
bizhub 500copyir.com 500us_m0g3100d1.exe
bizhub 361/421/501
Special model-specific firmware version 13-GC5 file namecopyir.com
bizhub 501copyir.com 501US_m1g1300c5.exe
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
bizhub 421copyir.com 421US_m1g1300c5.exe
bizhub 361copyir.com 361US_m1g1300c5.exe
bizhub C203/C253/C353/C353P
Special model-specific firmware version, file name and checksumcopyir.com
bizhub C353 GC2-R4 copyir.com A02E0Y0-F000-GC2-R4.EXE, Checksum8FE5 bizhub C253 GD2-R4 copyir.com A02E0Y0-F000-GD2-R4.EXE, Checksum9C53 bizhub C203 GE2-R4 copyir.com A02E0Y0-F000-GE2-R4.EXE, ChecksumBF30 bizhub C353P GW1-72 copyir.com A02E0Y0-F000-GW1-72.EXE, Checksum9217
bizhub C451/C550/C650
Special model-specific firmware version GC2-R4, file name and checksumcopyir.com
bizhub C451 GC2-R4copyir.com A00K0Y0 -F000-GC2-R4.EXE, Checksum 80AA
bizhub C550 GC2-R4copyir.com A00J0Y0 -F000-GC2-R4.EXE, Checksum 2266
bizhub C650 GC2-R4copyir.com A00H0Y0 -F000-GC2-R4.EXE, Checksum A684
bizhub PRO 1050 Series/IC-611
Print controller system code (ISW Trns install) version 31_CPF0_ISW (filenamecopyir.com 1050_p131cpf0p.exe)
Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS
Solution ID TAUS0802637EN* Solution Usage
Host Name and File Path are blank using Scan-to-Home (Folder).
CAUSEcopyir.com The LDAP server does not respond to an MFP request with the expected resultbecause the domain user’s E-mail address field is blank.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com The following table lists modification notices and special firmware for each engine series.
Modification Notice
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
C650 A00H0Y0-F000-GC8-R5.EXE
The modification notice and firmwareare available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’
Notecopyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Rick Veale, ESS/BSE
Solution ID TAUS0802695EN* Solution Usage
FK-502, when routing to a fax to an E-mail and the size of the fax is to large for the E-mail server, is a notification sent or does the machine indicate that the fax did not go through?
Thereceived andforwarded job will be printed if it cannot be routed to the specified destination as long as the setting Forward and Print if TX fails is selected.To select this option, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Enter Admin Mode.
2.Select FAX.
3.Select Forward Fax Setting.
4.Select Forward and Print if TX Fails.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802703EN* Solution Usage
FK-502, receiving faxes is extremely slow.
CAUSEcopyir.comThe machine firmware is corrupt or the Fax memory is scrambled.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comFlash or reflash the machine firmware to the latest version. Perform a Fax initialization by performing the following procedurecopyir.com
1.Enter Tech Rep Mode.
2.Select Fax.
3.Select Initialization.
4.Select Fax Function Parameter and press Yes.
Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support ( CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802748EN* Description A yellow halftone band on a Microsoft® PowerPoint document after being converted from Microsoft® Excel. Solution CAUSEcopyir.comThe IC-409 needs to be calibrated. SOLUTIONcopyir.comCalibrate the IC-409 via Command WorkStation™. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0808163EN* Description |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
Normally, when executing ColorCal™ on the IC-409, it is necessary to place the Kodak® Gray Scale together with the measurement page on the original glass. However, ColorCal™ can be successfully measured without using the Gray Scale.
When executing ColorCal from MFP panel
1.Select ColorCal™ from the MFP panel (selecting Standard or Expert does not matter).
2.Output measurement page.
3.Place only the measurement page on the original glass. DO NOT use Kodak® Gray Scale.
4.Execute ColorCal™.
5.ColorCal™ is successfully measured and “Apply/Overwrite Yes” is indcated. This is not correct.Normally, “Kodak Gray Scale is not detected.” is displayed.
CAUSEcopyir.com This is specification. When customers loose the Kodak® Gray Scale, they should not perform ColorCal™ until they get a new Gray Scale. To allow for executing ColorCal™ without the Gray Scale, this operation is used as an “emergency” countermeasure only.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Basically, it is not recommended to perform ColorCal™ without the Gray Scale. If placing only the measurement page on the original glass and executing ColorCal™, a value of the Gray Scale is used which was previously measured successfully.
Note copyir.com Attachedare samples of the Actual Kodak® Gray Scale and a video for reference.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Cesar Jimenez/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0808361EN* Solution Usage
The fax will not receive when connected to a PBX phone system.
CAUSEcopyir.com The phone line rings once with one tone and subsequent rings have a different tone.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To changethe fax network setting, perform the following procedurecopyir.com
1.Enter Service mode
2.Select Fax.
3.Select Network.
4.Select the Network 1 tab and set Receive Signal detection Mode to “Time”.
5.Press OK.
6.Press Exit.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0808426EN* Solution Usage
When sending a job from Macintosh® OS to the IC-409 when MFP and IC-409 are in sleep mode, neither the MFP nor IC-409 “wake up”. The job is not printed, but remains in the driver spool. The IC-409 PostScript driver is used to send the job.
CAUSEcopyir.com System software requires an upgrade.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Upgrade system software to IC-409 version 1.01,patch 1-Z5Q9E. Please see attached patch file and documentation(for accessibility in case the Download Selector cannot be accessed).The latest version firmware or system software is also available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
Note copyir.comTo viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0808427EN* Solution Usage
When sending a print job from a PC to the IC-409 when the MFP and IC-409 are in sleep mode, the MFP does not “wake up” but the controller does.The IC-409 PostScript driver is used to send the joband the job is sentbut not printed.
CAUSEcopyir.com System software requires an upgrade.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Upgrade system software to IC-409 version 1.01,and install patchesin order.
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
If the issue is not improved after applying patch “1-XL217” and “1-ZB8PP”, please apply patch “1-105NZD”.
Refer to The Program relaease Notes prior to installation. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0808452EN* Description FK-502, when receiving a fax it is printed two times. Solution CAUSEcopyir.comCorrupt fax memory. SOLUTIONcopyir.comPerform the following fax initialization procedurecopyir.com 1.Enter Tech Rep mode. 2.Select FAX. 3.Select INITIALIZATION. 4.Press Fax Function Parameter and Communication Journal Data and press the YES twice. 5.Power machine OFF/ON using the main power switch. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0900030EN* Description Unable to print, PING or browse the NIC. Solution CAUSEcopyir.comThe PRCB has failed. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the PRCB (p/n A00J H001 06). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0900054EN* Solution Usage
Unable to print via Authentication and NTLM ver2.
CAUSEcopyir.com The print driver is corrupt.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Remove the print driver files via server properties and then delete the actual print driver. Reboot the Client and/or the Server and then reinstall the print driver. The latest print drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the the KMBS public site ( httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0900385EN* Solution Usage
SCANNER NOT AVAILABLE message on the operation panel when pressing the Fax/Scan key.
CAUSEcopyir.com The scanner is isolated.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To activate the scanner, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Enter Tech Rep Mode.
2.Select System 1.
3.Select Trouble Isolation.
bizhub C451 |
Controller – no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup |
4.Press the number 3 tab.
5.Select the scanner and change to UNSET.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0900501EN* Solution Usage
FK-502, incoming faxes are not picked up when calls are routed through an Avaya© automated phone system.
CAUSEcopyir.comThe number of RX call rings is set to the default value of [2].The Avaya© automated phone system only recognizes the incoming fax communication when the RX call rings are programmed to [0].
SOLUTIONcopyir.comTo program the RX call rings to [0], perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2.Touch [3 Administrator Settings] on the touchscreen.
3.Input the Administrator password (default password is 12345678).
4.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
5.Touch [8 Fax Settings] on the touchscreen.
6.Touch [3 Line Parameter Setting] on the touchscreen.
7.Touch [Number of RX call Rings] on the touchscreen.
8.Repeatedly, touch [-] on the touchscreen until 0x is displayed as the number of RX call rings.
9.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
10.Touch [Close] on the touchscreen.
11.Press the Reset key.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark Midkiff, KMBS/Miami Lakes, FL
Solution ID TAUS0900625EN* Solution Usage
Why when trying to print a 4 page pre-paginated booklet from Publisher 2007 asking for 4 sets does the job show in the job queue as one 16 page job?
When trying to print a 4 page pre-paginated booklet from Publisher 2007 asking for 4 sets the job may show in the job queue as one 16 page job due to it’s interaction with the driver. To allow the correct output please install the version 6.3.1 PS driver for the standard controller on the workstation.
Notecopyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0900677EN* Solution Usage
The machine is indicating a C-B003 code.
Causecopyir.comFax misconfiguration. The fax option is turned on when there is no fax kit installed.
Solutioncopyir.com Turn off the fax options.
Enter the service mode.
Select System 2.
Select option Board Status.
Check that Fax Circuit 1 and Circuit 2 are set to unset.
Touch End, back out of service mode.
Power cycle the machine using the main power switch.
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by David Silverstein, Workgroup/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Dirty image – Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background |
Solution ID TAUS0800155EN* Solution Usage 7
There are ¼ inch gray/black squares all over the copies.
CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect or incomplete setup procedure causes a security pattern to be output over the copies.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Follow the setup procedure completely and in the correct order and do not cycle power between steps.Common installation errors arecopyir.com
Date and time enter in one location
Touch panel not adjusted
List outputs not printed out upon completion of setup
Seeattachment for the installation procedure and sample of the output ( box_sample ). To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham/Jim Behrends/Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801599EN* Description Black smudges/smears/halo-effect or text that looks bolded or offset on the second side. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The secondary transfer is set too low. SOLUTIONcopyir.com To adjust the secondary transfer, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter Tech Rep mode. 2.Select Image Processing Adjustment. 3.Select Transfer Output Fine Adjustment. 4.Select Secondary transfer Voltage. 5.Select Plain paper. 6.Select Black and increase the value to +7. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
5 |
Solution ID TAUS0802468EN* Description Black smudges/smears/halo-effect/ghosting or text that looks bolded or offset on the firstor second side of the copies. Solution CAUSEcopyir.comThe secondary transfer is set too low. SOLUTIONcopyir.comTo adjust the secondary transfer, perform the followingcopyir.com 1 .Enter Tech Rep mode. 2 .Select Image Processing Adjustment. 3.Select Transfer Output Fine Adjustment. 4.Select Primary Trans Adj. 5.Increase the data to a (3) for all four colors. 6 .Select Secondary Transfer Voltage. 7 .Select Plain paper. 8.Select Black and increase the value to +7. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.comSolution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
5 |
Solution ID TAUS0802107EN* Description When first powering up the machine in the morning, the following image failure is generatedcopyir.com Carrier adhesion (Black and possibly Magenta) Low image density/images are almost not printed Uneven image density |
Solution Usage |
3 |
bizhub C451 |
Dirty image – Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background |
CAUSEcopyir.com Poor contact between the main body and the Black Imaging Unit. As for Magenta, since the failure occurrence ratio is quite low, there may not be an issue.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Apply either rubber or a harder urethane foam on the fixed lever control part of the Imaging Unit, and press it down on the back side of the IU. This should ensure better contact. A terminal plate has been added in production so that the terminal of the Black Imaging Unit will certainly contact with the pin located on the main body. Please refer to the attachment for details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0801367EN* Solution Usage 2
Description Marks on copies.
CAUSEcopyir.com Static electricity has been generated by the friction of the paper and the Guide Plate, and there is a possibility that toner is “sprinkled” in the feeding direction of the paper.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comA Guide Sheet has been attached to the Guide Plate, thus the generation of static electricity by the friction of the paper and the Guide Plate has been prevented. Please refer to the attached Parts Modification Notice for more detail. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0802321EN* Solution Usage 1
Dark corner band from lead-to-trail on the front or rear side of copies only.
CAUSEcopyir.com Possible missing scanner glide bushings.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Check to make sure that the black plastic glide bushings on the ends of the scanner unit are intact. These items can be located on page 10, Scanner section, Key 11 (p/n 4002 1481 01)and Key 12 (p/n 4002 1480 01) of the March 2008 bizhub C451/C550/C650 Parts Guide Manual.
Note copyir.com See attached copy sampleas areference. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0808143EN* Solution Usage 1
Image failure (black streaks) in the main scan direction on thick paper.
CAUSEcopyir.comVibrations are created when the trailing edge of the preceding paper is passing by the timing roller.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comReduce the effect of the vibrations on image quality by widening the paper interval by changing the below settingcopyir.com
1.Enter Service Mode.
2.Select [Machine] on the touch panel.
3.Select [Thick Paper Mode] on the touch panel.
4.Select [Image Quality] on the touch panel.
5.Select [End] on the touch panel.
6.Select [Exit] on the touch panel.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703744EN* Solution Usage
bizhub C451 |
Dirty image – Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background |
When scanning an 8.5×11 original to a file there is a line near the edge of the scanned image. There are no lines on copies.
CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect adjustment.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Perform the Scan Area adjustment, as described in section 10.4.6 of the Field Service Manual. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800806EN* Solution Usage
Triangular lines at the front or back of the copy in the main scan direction (see attachment for sample).
CAUSEcopyir.com One of the bushings is missing from the 2/3 mirror assembly.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Please inspect the 2/3 mirror assembly and make sure that the assembly is properly sliding across the guides. If the bushings are missing andthey are found in the scanner they can be easily snapped back in place;lift gently up on the assembly and push them back in place. If they cannot be found then please order them. There are two part numbers for them depending upon which is missing (p/n 4002 1481 01 and p/n 4002 1480 01). Note copyir.com To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by David Silverstein, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801572EN* Description Output has squares on most pages. The boxes vary in size and color.Some are filled, and some are open, and sometimes rectangles code may be logged. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Memory failure. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the memory modules (p/n V865 3000 12) located on PWB-MFP. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bruce Bode, KMBS/Des Moines |
Solution Usage are printed. C-FC2B |
Solution ID TAUS0900591EN* Description What can cause intermittent Magenta background across the entire page that fades in from lead to trail? |
Solution Usage |
Solution Intermittent Magenta background across the entire page that fades in from lead to trail can be caused by a failing HV1. Please replace HV1 (p/n A00J M407 01) to correct the problem. SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD |
bizhub C451 |
Other image quality failure |
Solution ID TAUS0808189EN* Solution Usage 1
Unable to view fax forwarding files asTIFF. Files are forwarded only as PDF.
Change the default “Scan/Fax Settings” to “current settings” Notecopyir.com Do NOT change the default “Copier Settings”.
1.Press theUtility button.
2.Select Scan/Fax Settings.
3.Select Default Scan/Fax Settings. This will change the default scan settings to TIFF.
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ASG/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Image blank or solid color |
Solution ID TAUS0703835EN* Solution Usage 11
P-14at power up possibly with incorrect color registration (P-21 and/orP-22 may also be indicated).
1.Low level of firmware.
Update firmware level to most current level available. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
Also, if the problem is not corrected, replace Image Unit. Please refer to attached Bulletin Number 5860 for the Imaging Unit part number(s). To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
2.Failed print head relay board.
Note copyir.com Code may occur after stabilization runs. Performing the color alignment adjustment does not correct the problem.
Replace the print head relay board (p/n A00J H003 00). The print head relay board is also referred to as REYB/PH or PWB-J.
Besure to check Imaging Unit and replace if necessary. Target Black Imaging Unit which is the most common cause of the P-14 code. Please see attached Bulletin Number 5860 (for the Imaging Unit part number). To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Jim Harding, KMBS/Edison and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
3.The Color Alignment Adjustment was not performed during setup.
Note copyir.com Code may be indicated after a new setup.
Perform the Color Alignment Adjustmentcopyir.com a. Enter Service mode.
b.Select Machine.
c.Select and perform the Color Alignment Adjustment.
d.Exit Service mode and cycle the power.
Also, pleasemake sure to check Imaging Unit and replace if necessary. Target Black Imaging Unit which is the most common cause of the P-14 code.Please see attached procedure and Bulletin Number 5860 (for the Imaging Unit part number). To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
4. The Skew adjustment needs to be performed. Perform the following skew adjustment procedurecopyir.com a.Enter Tech Rep mode.
b.Select Machine.
c.Skew Adjustment.
d. Perform the procedure as outline in the Service manual or download the attached document.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0654574EN* Solution Usage 8
Gray box(es) printed after installation.
One large gray box in the middle of all prints.
Many ¼-inch boxes throughout all pages.
CAUSEcopyir.com Installation procedures were not completed properly.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Complete the installation procedures thoroughly in the following ordercopyir.com
- Adjusting Touch Panel – Press the Accessibility key, Touch Panel Adj.
- Setting Gradation Adjustment – Go into Service Mode, Image Processing Adjustment, Gradation Adjustment.
- Touch High Compression Mode and press Start (perform 3 times ).
- Touch Gradation Mode and press Start (perform 3 times ).
- Touch Resolution Mode and press Start (perform 3 times ).
- Date/Time Setting – go into Service Mode, Press Stop, 1, 1, 4, 4, Clear.
- Go into Utility/Counter, Administrator Setting, System Setting, Date/Time Setting.
- Install Date – go into Service Mode, System 1, Install Date.
- Serial Number Input – go into Service Mode, System 1, Serial Number (if serial number is already there, Clear and re-enter it).
10.Unit Change – go into Service Mode, System 2, Unit Change.
11.List Output – Please Load 8.5×11 Landscape paper on Tray 1, go into Service Mode, List Output, and Touch Machine Management List and press Start.
bizhub C451 |
Image blank or solid color |
12.Press Adjustments List and press Start.
13.Press Service Parameter List and press Start.
14.Press Fax Setting List and press Start. Notes copyir.com
a.Be sure to correctly follow the procedures in order as explained in the attached Installation Manual.
b.If you do not follow the procedure in order, image trouble may occur.
c.Repeat the procedure whentrouble occursas shown in the attachments (sample outputs).
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800430EN* Solution Usage 3
Intermittent streaks from front to rear and faded colors. A sample image has been attached to this document.
CAUSEcopyir.com The black toner filter or the ozone filter may be clogged.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Remove and clean the ozone filter (p/n A00J R731 00), and the black toner filter located on the right side of the MFP. The black toner filteris the filter that ships with the black toner cartridge.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801553EN* Description Black (more than other colors)has a halo or offsetting aroundcharacters. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Failed second transfer roller. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the second transfer roller(p/n A00JR71500). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage 1 |
Solution ID TAUS0702629EN* Solution Usage
PROBLEMcopyir.com Black squares are printed uniformly across the copies.
CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect gradation adjustment settings.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To correct the problem, enter the service mode, select image adjustment, then gradation. Run each of the gradation adjustments three times as outlined in the setup instructions. Once the gradation settings are correct, the black squares will be eliminated.
Notecopyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
Notecopyir.com Most documentation (manuals, etc.) can be downloaded from the MyKonicaMinolta.com Supported Models Library or from the KMBS public site ( httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab.
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703418EN* Solution Usage
Non-driver based printing of raw ASCII text exhibits incorrect character spacing (too close) when using the printer Courier font.
CAUSEcopyir.comAn abnormality with firmware version 58.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Upgrade the bizhub C451/C550/C650 to version 6B or above. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
Note copyir.com Please refer to the attached exerpt from the Print Operations Users Guide regarding available font selections that affect non-driver based printing of
bizhub C451 |
Image blank or solid color |
raw ASCII text. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703660EN* Solution Usage
Square dots on copy (internal prints).
CAUSEcopyir.com Damaged PWB-MFPB. Please see attachment for a copy quality sample of the problem.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comReplace the PWB-MFPB and flash the copier with most current firmware.
bizhubC550 – PWB-MFPB, p/n A00J H020 07 bizhubC451 – PWB-MFPB, p/n A00J H020 07 bizhubC650 – PWB-MFPB, p/n A00J H021 00
Notes copyir.com
1.The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
2.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at copyir.com
httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703816EN* Description Color copies are distorted but prints are normal. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Bushing on the 2nd mirror assembly is binding. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Clean and/or replace the bushing (p\n 4002148001) if damaged. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801175EN* Description When printing on thick paper, the first sheet is OK, but subsequent pages are blurred near the trail edge. Solution |
Solution Usage |
CAUSEcopyir.com The loop senors PS41 and PS42 have failed or possibly their actuators are worn or broken. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Repair or replace PS41 or PS42 and/or the actuators (p/n 4037090601 – PS41/PS42, p/n A00J107500 – PS41 Actuator and p/n A00J104002 PS42 Actuator). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0801211EN* Solution Usage
DF-611, copies of originals fed through the RADF are light. Copies of originals placed on the glass are OK.
CAUSEcopyir.comThe machine memory is scrambled.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comReset the machine to factory defaults by performing the followingcopyir.com
1.Press the Utility key.
2.Press User Settings.
3.Press Copier Settings.
4.Press Default Copier Settings.
5.Press Factory and OK.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Image blank or solid color |
Solution ID TAUS0801212EN* Solution Usage
DF-611, copies are wavy and exhibit poor copy quality from the document feeder.Copies of originals placed on the glass are OK.
CAUSEcopyir.comIncorrect document feeder height.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comPerform the RADF height adjustment as outlined in the Service Manual.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801723EN* Description Blank image from one or more colors. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The lock lever for the imaging unit is not locked properly and the imaging unit is not rotating. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Inspect the lock lever assembly and replace it, if necessary. The part numbers arecopyir.com A00JR70100 forYellow/Magenta lock lever A00JR70200 forCyan lock lever A00JR70300 forBlack lock lever SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801823EN* Description Black/color image background. Solution |
Solution Usage |
CAUSEcopyir.comLaser drive board failure. Note copyir.com Please refer tothe attachment sample of the faluty imagefor black. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adob downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the PH unit (p/n A00J R741 00). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan). |
e Reader® can be |
Solution ID TAUS0900032EN* Description Blue lines in the lead-to-trail direction. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The MFPB has failed. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the MFPB(p/n A00J H020 07 for the bizhub C451/C550 and p/n A00J H021 00 for the bizhub C650). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0900424EN* Description Blank copies; internal prints and printing is normal. |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Image blank or solid color |
CAUSEcopyir.com Poor connection of interface cable between the IPB (PWB-C)and MFP boards. Failed I/F cable or IPB.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Reseat the I/F cable. If issue is not resolved replace the I/F cable (p/n A00J N140 01) followed by the IPB (p/n A00J H011 00).
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Image delay, advance, shift or skew |
Solution ID TAUS0800055EN* Solution Usage 2
When printing via Microsoft® Office Excel, files will print landscape on portrait paper or portrait on landscape paper and cannot be corrected
CAUSEcopyir.com Microsoft® Office Excel Job Control is enabled.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Disable Microsoft® Office Excel Job Control in Printing Preferences. To disablecopyir.com Start=> Printers and Faxes => right-click printer=> select Printing Preferences=> select “Other” tab=> uncheck Excel Job Control=> click Apply=> click OK. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800697EN* Solution Usage 1
Adjustment procedure for color registration.
Please refer to the attached document to adjust color registration.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0802369EN* Description FK-502, when fax forwarding the image is intermittently rotated and cut off. Solution |
Solution Usage |
1 |
CAUSEcopyir.com The machine Fax memory is corrupt or the machine firmware is corrupt. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Perform a Fax Initialization by performing the following procedure, and then flash or re-flash the machine to the latest firmware version. 1.Enter Tech Rep mode. 2.Select Fax. 3.Select Initialization, select all options and press YES. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0802680EN* Solution Usage Description When using Microsoft® Publisher 2007 to create a banner page, the separate pages that comprise the banner page are incorrectly oriented and tiled. Solution CAUSEcopyir.comAn anomaly in Microsoft® Publisher 2007. SOLUTIONcopyir.comPerform the following and refer to the attached workaround documentas a reference. 1.Open the Properties of the printer driver. 2 .Settings tab => Save Custom Size. 3 .Register the paper size. 4.Open the Publisher file. 5.Open the Print screen. 6 .The paper size setting clicks the Properties of the printer, and selects the registered paper size. 7.The registered size of the form appears in the PostScript/PCL driver. Notes copyir.com a.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . b. Try using the 2007 Microsoft® Office Add-incopyir.com Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS to make a banner.It worksvery well without the tiling. This is a “save as” PDF converter rather than a “print PDF”, although it works okay with Acrobat®. httpcopyir.com//www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=4D951911-3E7E-4AE6-B059-A2E79ED87041&displaylang=en%20 SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ken Walker, Workgroup/SSD |
1 |
bizhub C451 |
Image delay, advance, shift or skew |
Solution ID TAUS0802742EN* Solution Usage
When printing a duplex job and three hole punching, the last page is improperly orientated onto thepaper.
CAUSEcopyir.comThe firmware is corrupt.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comFlash or reflash the machine firmware to at least version J8. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0808139EN* Solution Usage
Using Microsoft® Publisher, when duplexing, the second side is not orientated properly.
CAUSEcopyir.com The type of binding required is not set properly in the print driver.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To setthe type of binding required, perform the following procedurecopyir.com
1.Upon performing a File Print, select Properties.
2.Select the Layout Tab.
3.Select the Binding Position.
4.Select Left, Right or Top to perform the required binding position.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0900035EN* Solution Usage
When printing on Letterhead paper, if the tray and driver are set for Letterhead, the machine will print the image on the opposite side of the letterhead.
CAUSEcopyir.com Paper loaded in the paper tray incorrectly.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com When printing on Letterhead and selecting Letterhead on the engine and in the printer driver, the letterhead paper must be loaded into the paper tray facedown.
Solution ID TAUS0900092EN* Solution Usage
The annotation (Bates stamping) location cannot be changed when using scan to box.
CAUSEcopyir.com Special firmware is needed to allow this function.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Please install GY2-R5 firmware.The firmware is available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selectorcopyir.com
1.Login in via www.mykonicaminolta.com .
2.Select the “Service” tab located at the top of the page.
3.Select the “SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)” link located to the left.
4.Select the “Continue on to the SSD Home Page” link located in the middle of the page.
5.Select the “Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more” link located to the left.
6.Select a Product Group and then a Product (model). A File Type and OS are optional selections.
7.Click on ? Show.
8.All product-related downloads are listed with the most current at the top of each category.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BES
bizhub C451 |
Image failure other than density/color – magnification, blur |
Solution ID TAUS0801822EN* Description Grainy texture in the halftone image in high compression mode when copying.Print is O.K. (Normal condition) (Abnormal condition) Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Laser drive board failure. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the PH unit (p/n A00J R741 00). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan). |
Solution Usage |
2 |
Solution ID TAUS0703218EN* Description Scan to E-mail, PDF or TIFF comes through as MIME-encoded text instead of image file. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Corrupt machine memory settings. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Perform a System Data Clearcopyir.com 1.Enter the Service Mode (Utility, Details, stop, 0, 0, stop, 0, 1). 2.Select System 1. 3.Select Initialization. 4.Select Data Clear. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0703741EN* |
Solution Usage |
Description Non-standard originals are not rotated when reduced to 8.5×11.For example, an 11×14 original is reduced and cut off instead of reduced and rotated. Solution CAUSEcopyir.comIncorrect setting. SOLUTIONcopyir.comTo auto rotate custom originals when reducing to letter size (portrait) perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter the Admin mode. 2.Select Copier settings. 3.Go to page 2 and select Automatic Image Rotation. 4.Set Automatic Image Rotation to “When Auto Zoom/Reduce is set.” 5.Exit the Admin mode. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0800935EN* Solution Usage
Black text on a gray backgroundis bolder thanthe same text printed onwhite or another color background.
CAUSEcopyir.com Firmware upgrade required.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com In order to have the text/lines on the graybackground look normal as compared toother colored or white background,upgrade to fimware version 88 or greater. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
Note copyir.com Please refer to attached print sample. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the
bizhub C451 |
Image failure other than density/color – magnification, blur |
Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
bizhub C451 |
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color |
Solution ID TAUS0703514EN* Solution Usage 8
P21 or color shift during copying or printing. Color shift is in main scan direction and the amount of color shift is different between front and back side. Color shift occurs at maximum 1mm to 2mm.
CAUSEcopyir.com Firmware update from version 6B is required.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Install minimum firmware version 6M to correct this issue.
Please refer to attachment as an example of the color shift.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Rich Raynor, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800826EN* Solution Usage Description Poor blue reproduction or intermittent banding front to rear. Blue will have a marble effect and banding is most likely in brown or green but may appear in other colors. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com First and second transfer is too low. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Increase the first and second transfer slowly until the problem is resolved. To increase the transfer voltage perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter service mode. 2.Select Image Processing Adjustment. 3.Select Transfer Output Fine Adjustment. 4.Increase for each color under 1st transfer by 1 then test. Repeat as needed. 5.Perform the same for 2nd transfer if needed. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution byJohn Sobala, DSM – North Region |
5 |
Solution ID TAUS0702383EN* Solution Usage Description Black text on agray backgroundappears morebold thanthe same text printed onregular white background. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com A settings change is required. SOLUTIONcopyir.com In order to have the text on the gray backgroundbethe sameason thewhite, please change the driver settingscopyir.com
2 |
Solution ID TAUS0703465EN* Solution Usage 2
Image density is light on single-sided copies and prints.
CAUSEcopyir.com Secondary transfer adjustment is set to 0 in the Tech Rep mode by default.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com This should only affect serial number range between A00K0100000001 through A00K010000135. To change the secondary transfer for first sidecopyir.com
1. Access Tech Rep mode.
2.Press Utility => Meter Count => Check details => Image Process Adjustment => Transfer output Fine Adjustment => Secondary transfer adjustment => First side => Plain paper.
3. Change the setting from 0 to 3 by using the plus sign on the screen.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Rich Raynor, ESS/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color |
Solution ID TAUS0800208EN* Solution Usage 2
Color registration issues.
Review the attached lattice pattern sample image. If this is the issue, replace PWB-MFP(p/n A00J H020 07). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800805EN* Solution Usage 1
Copies from the glass or EDH are light. Prints are normal density.
CAUSEcopyir.com Mis-alignment of lens.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Perform the mechanical alignment ofthe optics section as described in section 14.1 of the Field Service Manual. Please see attachment.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Check/clean Exposure Lamp
Check/clean Mirrors
Replace Scanner relay board (p/n A00J H00A 02) if necessay
Replace CCD Unit (p/n A00J R705 00) if necessary
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Earl Simmons, KMBS/Woodland Hills and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801346EN* Solution Usage 0
Corel® documents print light. Output from other applications is normal.
CAUSEcopyir.com Setting in Corel®. When the colors in a file or in the workspace color palette are not displaying as bright, vibrant colors this can be caused by the Color Management being enabled in CorelDRAW®. The default setting in CorelDRAW® is Color Management enabled.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To disable Color Management,perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Click on Tools, Color Management.
2.In the Style drop-down list, select “Color Management Off” and click OK.
Note copyir.com In this mode, colors may not print as they are displayed on screen.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703638EN* Solution Usage
When printing from Adobe® Photoshop®, the color density varies throughout the output image.
CAUSEcopyir.com Firmware issue does not allow proper color rendering in the document.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Install firmware version 6M to correct this issue.
Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ron Reed, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800125EN* Solution Usage
Prints too dark when selecting greyscale.
CAUSEcopyir.com Adjustment required.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Perform the Monochrome Density Adjustmentcopyir.com
bizhub C451 |
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color |
In Service Mode select=> Imaging Process Adjustment=> Monochrome Density Adjustment=> select Lighter or Darker as necessary to a maximum of +2 or -2 in single step increments. The default setting is 0.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800218EN* Solution Usage
Unable to copy or print onto transparencies in color.
CAUSEcopyir.com The machine copies and prints onto transparencies in black only.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com This is a machine limitation.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801905EN* Solution Usage
Color shift happens if Glossy mode is enabled andpaperis fed from a tray whichis set to “Letterhead”, “Colored paper” or”Special paper”. This problem will not happen if only Glossy modeis used or if only “Special paper”is used without Glossy mode selected.
CAUSEcopyir.comPossibly a failed PWB Assembly EE.
Note copyir.com Please check the attached file for the colorshift symptom. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SOLUTIONcopyir.comReplace PWB Assembly EE board (p/n A00J H00C 00). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KM Europe (BEU).
Solution ID TAUS0802314EN* Solution Usage
Copying or printing the first 8.5×11 page, is OK, but subsequent pages have incorrect color alignment.
CAUSEcopyir.com The spring on the fuser loop sensor flagfell off.This allowed the flag to remain in a position that indicated a paper loop condition causing fuser drive to run at full speed.This would pull the primary transfer belt.
Note copyir.com This problem would also be seen if the first copy was run on 11×17 paper.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Reposition the fuser loop sensor actuator spring.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802375EN* Solution Usage
When making copies using full color with a blue pen circle on the original, the circle is copied as black.
CAUSEcopyir.com The machine firmware is corrupt.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Flash or re-flash the machine to firmware version J8. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0808650EN* Solution Usage
Color copies are black and white.
bizhub C451 |
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color |
Causecopyir.com IPB failure
1.Check and reseat the connections from the CCD unit to the IPB.
2.Check and reseat the thick gray SCSI cable from the IPB to the MFP board.
3.If the problem pesists, then replace the IPB (p/n A00J H011 00).
Notecopyir.com Printing is in color when this occurs.
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0900031EN* Solution Usage
Yellow is not reproducing when copying from the glass or RADF. Internal prints are OK and single colors are OK.
CAUSEcopyir.com The memory is corrupt.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Perform a data clearcopyir.com
1. Enter Tech Rep mode.
2.Press System 2.
3.Press Initialization.
4. Press Data Clear and then the Start key.
5.Power the unit OFF/ON using the main power switch when prompted.
IMPORTANT copyir.com Prior to the Data Clear, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.The one touches will be erased.Export the addresses from the machine.
2.The E-mail information will be erased.Export the Device information from the machine.
3.Make a note of the TCP/IP address configuration as the machine will be reset to DHCP.
4.Backup any account codes with PageScope Data Administrator.
After the Data Clear, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Reinstall the HDD in System 2/HDD and power the machine OFF/ON.
2.If a Fax is installed, set the target back to U.S. in System1/Marketing.
3.Re-input the TCP/IP address information.
4.Import the address book and device settings.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Image voids or deletions |
Solution ID TAUS0703289EN* Solution Usage
White lines in the feed direction on copies and test prints.
CAUSEcopyir.com There is developer on the mirror beneath the imaging unit and it is blocking the laser beam path causing the lines.See the attached sample image. Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Remove the imaging unit and check for developer spilled onto the print head mirror. The mirror is part of the print head assembly (p/n A00J R741 00).
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0900099EN* Solution Usage
White lines in main scan/cross direction while printing/copying.
CAUSEcopyir.com Failed PWB Assembly MFP.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace PWB Assembly MFP (p/n A00J H020 07 for bizhub C550/C451 and p/n A00J H021 00 for bizhub C650).
Note copyir.com A copy sample is attached for reference. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KM Europe (BEU).
Solution ID TAUS0900450EN* Solution Usage
White dots on copies.
CAUSEcopyir.com The black image unit has failed.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the black image unit (Item #A06003F).
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0700453EN* Solution Usage 671
NVRAM Troubleshooting Procedure used to identify NVRAM problems.
bizhub C250/C252/C300/C350/C351/C450
NVRAM trouble codes (C-D3xx codes) can occur at any time. Mostly these codes happen when updating firmware. A NVRAM Data Restore procedure was announced a few months ago to address these codescopyir.com
Stop, 0, 7, 1, 3, 9, *
What this procedure does is take a good image of the NVRAM off the MFP board (created when you performed the NVRAM Data Backup) and restore it to the NVRAM. There are approximately 30 registers that can be corrupt, so the above procedure may have to be done as much as 30 times.
WARNING copyir.com If a corrupt NVRAM is suspected, DO NOT perform the NVRAM Data Backup. This will take the corrupt NVRAM image and back it up to the MFP board. If this is done, and the NVRAM is replaced, the corrupt data that was just backed up will be transferred to the new NVRAM.If this is the case, then the NVRAM and MFP board will have to be replaced as a set.
Known unrecoverable NVRAM symptomscopyir.com
1.Stuck on hour glass screen
2.Incorrect meters
3.When performing the NVRAM restore procedure the codes repeat themselves
Note copyir.com One thing that has been noticed is these machines seem to be highly susceptible to voltage sags and spikes.It is HIGHLY recommended to install a quality power line conditioner on these machines.
Known fixes for various codescopyir.com
C-D36E and C-E002 – Install Phase 3.01 firmware (H5 or H6 depending on model).
If a corrupt NVRAM is suspected, please try performing a Data Clear.This can be found in the Tech Rep mode.
IMPORTANT copyir.com All programmed addresses will be cleared. Please backup the address data using PageScope Web Connection to backup the data before performing the Data Clear.
If NVRAM replacement is necessary please be aware that the meters may not be transferred and they might be reset to zero. This is unrecoverable and the correct meters cannot be input.
Codes C-3C00 through C-3C40 indicate a corrupt BRU
Codes C-3C50 through C-3C90 indicates a problem with the PWB-C board or the scanner to main body cable.
8050/CF5001/bizhub PRO C500
The NVRAM for the C500 cannot be replaced in the field. The only way to correct a corrupt NVRAM is to send the OACB, NVRAM, and PRCB into Konica Minolta to be reset.
Known defective NVRAM symptomscopyir.com
1.Meters or default adjustment values are extremely high.
2.Adjustments do not hold after powering the machine OFF/ON.
Note copyir.com On the Black and White machines verify that the NVRAM is bad by swapping a good NVRAM from another machine in the same product family. This will save significant time and expense in getting back the machine in working condition.
bizhub 200/250/350
Common symptoms when NVRAM replacement may be necessarycopyir.com
1.Machine not going to ready state.
2.Not printing to a host name with DHCP.
3.Not scanning to E-mail.
4.On startup, abort code 0x0000999a.
5.Abort code 0x00f00b00.
6.Not printing.
7.Machine rebooting every few minutes.
8.Screen freezing in KM logo.
9.Keep losing machine settings when power OFF.
bizhub 420/500
Common symptoms when NVRAM replacement may be necessarycopyir.com
Notecopyir.com First try to flash the machine to the latest firmware before swapping the NVRAM because the firmware fixes many of the following symptomscopyir.com
- Screen freeze in KM logo.
- Fax unit locking up the copier or not recognized.
- C-E084 error code.
- Cannot PING the copier.
- C-D203 error code.
- Display resetting to Japanese.
- Losing network settings after firmware upgrade.
- C-E002 error code.
- Scan to email or FTP.
10.Loss of adjustment data.
11.Total counter is reset.
12.Display TCR adjustment.
13.C-284x error code.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
bizhub 600/750
Common symptoms when NVRAM replacement may be necessarycopyir.com
1.Screen freeze in KM logo.
2.Cannot recognize DF.
3.Error code SC2203.
Common symptoms when NVRAM replacement may be necessarycopyir.com
1.Blank screen.
2.Loss of E-mail addresses.
3.Loss of settings.
4.Error code E56-01.
Ordering Procedures copyir.com
Call the SSD Hotline at 800-825-5664, to open a Problem Ticket. Go to www.mykonicaminolta.com and select Service tab => Warranty, Repair & Special Programs => RA Form. Fill out the RA Form.
IMPORTANT NOTE copyir.com All requests for NVRAMs must be approved by the SSD Hotline and a problem ticket generated. If a request is received without an established problem ticket number the request will be denied.
Updates/Status copyir.com
Call Logistics at 201-934-5339.
Notes copyir.com
a.Refer toattached Bulletin Number 5783 for more detail as well as theattached RA form.
b.To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD and Cesar Jimenezand Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0656768EN* Solution Usage 47
What Konica Minolta printer drivers will come bundled with Microsoft® Windows Vista™ and what is the release schedule for Vista™- compatible drivers?
Please refer to the Windows Vista™ Hardware Compatibility List for Printers & Scanners.
For EFI legacy products that will not receive a Vista™-specific driver, refer to the following statementcopyir.com
“The previous drivers ( System 5/5e-8/8e ) will not work on 64-bit Vista™. However, these drivers will work on the 32-bit version of Windows Vista™ with minor issues.”
Known issue copyir.com Borders and frames around icons and panes within the driver UI may not show up correctly.
Notes copyir.com
1.If a previous driver was Microsoft® Windows XP WHQL certified, Microsoft® also honors the digital signature (CAT file) on Windows Vista™.
2.The latest print drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the KMBS public site
(httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
3.The Windows Vista™ Compatibility Legend can be viewed atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//kmbs.konicaminolta.us/content/support/vistasupport.html
4.Refer to the attached document for a list of Konica Minolta printer drivers that come bundled with Microsoft® Windows Vista™. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Ehmke, ESS/SSD and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0657563EN* Description How to troubleshoot C-D370 (CD370). Solution To troubleshoot the errorcopyir.com 1.Reset the code by pressing stop-0-7-1-3-9. This will display a “*” on the LCD. Press this button. |
Solution Usage 44 |
2.Perform a Data Clear and then perform the Setup Procedures from the beginning. 3. Perform a NVRAM Recovery Procedure. Please see attached document. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
4.If the problem persists Replace the NVRAM and PWB-MFP. Note copyir.com Please call the SSD Hotline for NVRAM replacement.
4038 0121 06 C250PWB-MFP
4038 2414 01 C252 PWB-MFP
A02E H342 05 C203/C253 PWB-MFP
A02E H341 05 C353 PWB-MFP
A00J H020 07 C451/C550 PWB-MFPB
A00J H021 00 C650PWB-MFPB
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701604EN* Solution Usage 31
NVRAM/BRU replacement form.
The online NVRAM/BRU Replacement RA/Claim formis referencedin attached Bulletin Number 5783.
Notes copyir.com
1.AN SSD TICKET NUMBER MUST BE ASSIGNED IN ORDER TO PLACEA NVRAM/BRU ORDER ONLINE. All requests for NVRAMs must be approved by the SSD Hotline and a problem ticket generated. If a request is received without an established problem ticket number, the request will be denied.
2.To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800104EN* Solution Usage 21
VoIP TX/RXsolutions.
More and more customers changing their PBX systems from analog or ISDN to VoIP-based PBX systems.
Note copyir.com A digital-to-analog converter can be usedand will work, but Konica MInolta will not provide any support if there arephone/fax issues.
Due to the general incompatibility of fax and VoIP,certain settings may not work. The problem is not caused by the Fax Unit, butis caused bycopyir.com
the general design of VoIP using TCP/IP Packets VoIP PBX systems
the general specification of VoIP and it’s
*Coding an decoding timings
*Fax fixed timings
*LAN Packet losses
*Quality of Services
*ITU/RFC Specification implementation
*Interpretation of technical terms within the specifications of the ITU-T and RFC documents.
VoIP is still not supported offically by Konica Minolta, but may work in some instances.
Performing these suggested settings may solve the problem.Follow the operation made step-by-stepcopyir.com
From Service Mode
==> FAX Settings
==> Communication
==> Protocolset “ON” the “V.29 EP Tone” Protocol and set “OFF” all other faster protocolls.
From Service Mode
==> FAX Settings
==> Communication
==> Others we have set “OFF” the “ECM Function”
From Service Mode
==> FAX Settings
==> Function Parameter
==> Address “0e0012 = 01111000
( Hex 78 = 120 sec )
(T1 Timer for Calling)
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
From Service Mode
==> FAX Settings
==> Function Parameter
==> Address “0e0013 = 01111000 ( Hex 78 = 120 sec ).
(T1 Timer for Called)
From Service Mode
==> System 2
==> Software Switch
==> SoftSwitch 21 Bit5=1
( HEX 20 = over 4.5 sec )
(T4 Waiting time between start Identification) Notescopyir.com
a. Before performing the above mentioned settings it is recommended to upgrade the firmware to the latest version and to check if the FK-502 will have the latest available version. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
b.Expect more communication problems than on anISDN or analog line (approximately 15% more).
Workaround copyir.com
If the aforementioned settingsdo not showan acceptable result,offer as alternativecopyir.com
Unimessage Pro Fax Server Solution where Scan to E-mail with auto prefix-suffix setting is used (depending on the machine Series – prefix-suffix will be added automatically or can be selected manually).
RightFax Server with “Setup Utility for RightFax” using OpenAPI.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KM Europe (BEU) and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD.
Solution ID TAUS0607358EN* Description The entire print job is stapled instead of each set when printing multiple stapled sets from Microsoft® Word. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The Collate option in the Microsoft® Word dialog box is selected. SOLUTIONcopyir.com When printing and stapling multiple sets, the Collate option in the Microsoft® Word dialog box must be deselected. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
17 |
Solution ID TAUS0646730EN* Description How to change the Administrator password. Solution To change the Administrator password, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter the Service mode. 2.Press STOP-0-CLEAR to enter the Enhanced security mode. 3.Select Administrator Password. 4.Enter NEW Administrator password. 5.Click on END. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
17 |
Solution ID TAUS0700026EN* Description How black and white versus color increment the machine counters. Solution |
Solution Usage |
16 |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
The reason that many ofthe color printers will count a page as color, even though the page content looks like Black and White or Gray, is that many “Office” applications create or use graphics using RGB data. Even though a graphic may be black, it uses RGB values of 0-0-0 to achieve black or will use equal values of RGB to represent gray. As far asa Konica Minoltaprinter is concerned, this is color information and will therefore count the page as a color page. This scenario applies to applications like Microsoft® OfficeWord, Excel and Publisher, to name a few. Higher end applications like Adobe® PageMaker®/InDesign®/Illustrator® and Quark® typically use the CMYK color space.
A job can consist of just K (Black), with no CMY components. This will print as just black. If printing a gray shade from one of these applications, a halftone screen would have to be used using just K or using equal values of CMYK, which would count as color.
Note copyir.com If the files have been converted to a PDF, Acrobat® 6 and7 Pro have built-in Preflighting tools under the “Advanced” menu. Preflighting the document will provide detail of what color components each graphic is composed. Other add-ons, such as Enfocus© PitStop Professional will also provide the same capabilities from within Acrobat®.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701261EN* Solution Usage 16
How to set up Scan to SMB in Microsoft® Windows Vista™.
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ has a Public Folder Sharing function to make the setup easier than the previous OSs. Follow the procedures below. At the Workstation/PC copyir.com
1.Right-click on the Network icon on the desktop.
2.Select Properties.
3.In the Network and Sharing Center, and then under the Sharing and Discovery title, click on Public Folder Sharing.
4.Click on ‘Turn on sharing so anyone with network access can open, change, and create files’.
5.Click Apply (Click Continue to the ‘Windows needs your permission to Continue’ message).
6.Create the folder and set to share. Click on the ‘This Computer’ icon in the Network and Sharing Center to display the available hard drives or local disk(s).
7.Double-click on the desired disk and create a new folder.
8.Right-click on the new folder and select ‘Share…In the File Sharing’ dialog box. Make sure the desired user(s) are displayed and/or added as needed. Set the permission level to Co-owner to allow writing rights.
9.Click on Share and then (Click ‘Continue’ to the ‘Windows needs your permission to Continue’ message).
At the engine (direct input) copyir.com
1.Press the Scan button on operation panel.
2.Touch Direct Input tab.
3.Touch Scan to SMB.
4.In the host name field enter theTCP/IP address of the target PC.
5.In the Destination Folder enter the shared folder name.
6.in the User ID field enter the valid workgroup or domain User Name.
7.In the Password field enter the user Password.
8.Press Start.
Note copyir.com For more information on Microsoft® Vista™ File and Printer Sharing technologies, go to httpcopyir.com//www.microsoft.com/technet/network/evaluate/vista_fp.mspx
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Mark D’Attilio and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801227EN* Solution Usage 14
NVRAM replacement.
For NVRAM replacement, please follow these instructionscopyir.com
CAUTION copyir.com Once a NVRAM is installed in an MFP and the MFP is powered up, the NVRAM is no longer useful for any other MFP. As a general rule, swapping a NVRAM between different MFPs is not allowed. NEVER replace a NVRAM from a different model or from any model with a different firmware version.
bizhub C650/C550/C451/C353/C253/C203
To replace a NVRAM;
1.Install new NVRAM in the MFP.
2.Power ON the MFP.
Note copyir.com When installing new NVRAM and turning on MFP first time, NVRAM is initialized according to the model/firmware version of the MFP in which the NVRAM is installed. While initializing, a hourglass screen is displayed for about 90 seconds. Do not power OFF the MFP while the hourglass screen is indicated.
3.Make following setting correctly in Service Mode.
System1 => Marketing Area
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
System2 => HDD
System2 => Option Board Status
System2 => Image Controller Setting
System2 => Software Switch Setting (required for bizhub product only)
*Switch Numbe 10
*Hex Assignmentcopyir.com 02
4.Power OFF/ON the MFP.
5.Do the setup procedure instructed in the Installation Manual. Please refer to attached documentation for details.
Please refer to attached documentation fordetails.
bizhub 500/420/360
Please refer to attached documentation fordetails.
Please refer to attached documentation fordetails.
Please refer to attached documentation fordetails.
bizhub 750/600
Please refer to attached documentation fordetails.
Note copyir.com To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0642282EN* Description How to change the default settings for the Scan Mode. Solution To specify the default settings of the Scan Mode, perform the followingcopyir.com
10.Touch [Close] twice to exit. Note copyir.com The default settings of the Scan Mode can be set to factory default by touching [Factory Default]. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
11 |
Solution ID TAUS0702513EN* Description How to install/connect an Equitrac© device. Solution There are 2 different methods for connecting the device. Key counter connector = 4-pin Vendor connector = 8-pin To install/connect Equitrac© copyir.com 1.Equitrac©must have thesupply cable (Item #CABX0094)along with any adaptersfor the product. |
Solution Usage |
10 |
2.Move the control panel up and then left. 3.Remove the curved, beige/white cover/panel (two screws) behind the control panel (noticea 4-pin connector).Depending upon the Equitrac©cable, the adapteron top of it may have to be removed. 4 . Remove the black cover on the right side of the platen glass and break off the cut-out nearest the control panel/front. 5 .Connect the Equitrac©cable referenced in step 1 into the to cable behind the control panel. 6 .Run the cable through the outlet that was broken off. |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
7 .Replace all the covers and powerON the machine.
8.Go to the Tech Rep mode, then billing mode (stop-9).
9 .Select “management function choice” toenable the counter.
10.Select “key counter only” tab.
11.Select “End”.
12.Select “Exit”.
13.There should be a red box on the main screen that indicates “Insert Plug-In counter”.Thismeans thatthe device is ready.End user codecan now be entered to activate the Equitrac© device.
Vendor Connector
1.Equitrac© must have the supply cable (Item #CABX0813) along with any adapters for the product.
2.Remove Back Cover. Please see the attached connector documents for connector location andattached Marketing Bulletin for more details.To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Earnest Newson – KMBS/Carrollton, TX and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0630235EN* Description Part number for the 128MB Compact Flash card which is used to install main body firmware. Solution Compact Flash card (p/n 7660403601). CAUTION copyir.com CF card cannot be larger than 256MB; 512MB will notallow the download to begin. Please see attachment. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
9 |
Solution ID TAUS0657076EN* Description Parts required to connect a Hecon® conventional key counter, Hecon® Base 10or legacy Minolta key counter to the main body. Solution |
Solution Usage |
7 |
Please see attached Bulletin Number 5563 for details. Note copyir.com To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0702105EN* Solution Usage Description How to set up the AU-101 Biometric Authentication Unit. Solution Please perform the step-by-step procedures outlined in the attached document. Refer to the attached User’s Guide and Quick Guide if necessary. Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
7 |
Solution ID TAUS0703092EN* Solution Usage 7
Description eCopy™ compatible machine models, firmware and TWAIN drivers list.
Please refer to attached documentation. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . Notes copyir.com
1.The latest version firmware is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
2.The latest printer drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from theKMBS public site
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
(httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD and Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701830EN* Solution Usage 6
What are the colorOHP film specifications?
It is not recommended to color copy or print ontoOHP film with the bizhub C451, bizhub C550 and bizhub C650. Black is the only colorspecified for OHP film copying/printing.
Solution ID TAUS0702437EN* Description Part number for the IC-409 System Software DVD. Solution Fiery® IC-409 System Software DVD, version 1.01(p/n 4506 7441). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD andIan Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
6 |
Solution ID TAUS0702567EN* Description Instead of 128MB CF cards to update thefirmware, can1GB or 512MB CF cards be used to program the MFP? Solution Only the 128MB CF card (p/n 7660 4036 01) is compatible.Please see attached photoas reference. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
6 |
Solution ID TAUS0800962EN* Description SERVER CONNECT ERROR message and unable to scan to E-mail viaMicrosoft® Exchange Server 2007. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com An exception for the printer was not added to the Microsoft® Exchange Server. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Have theserver Administrator add an exception for the printer to the Exchange exceptions list. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
6 |
Solution ID TAUS0801706EN* Solution Usage 6
Paper Test requirements.
For initial test the dealer/branch must supply 1000 sheets of the media paper. Once the paper is received the Ticket is escalated toESS.
If the initial test does not have any issues then a second test can be done. The dealer/branch must supply enough media to cover 1/3 of a PM cycle. There is a charge involved to cover labor and supplies. The dealer/branch will be notified byESS before the test to communicate the charges.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0647606EN* Solution Usage 5
How to extend the life of the image units past end of life.
To allow the machine to continue to operate after an image unit has reached end of life, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Enter the Service Mode.
2.Enter Security Mode (Stop, 0, Clear).
3.Press IU Life Stop Setting and select Not Stop, then End.
Note copyir.com Be aware that copy quality can become poor. Please see the attached Bulletin Number 5705. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed.
Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD,Ian Lynch and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0647637EN* Solution Usage Description How to setup User Authentication. Solution To set up User Authentication, perform the followingcopyir.com
10.Select [User Name] and enterthe individual’s name. 11.Select [User Password] and enter the individual’s password. 12.Select [OK]. 13.Select [Close] 5 times to enter to the main copy screen. Note copyir.com Please refer to attached documentation for additional detail. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
5 |
Solution ID TAUS0701048EN* Description PK-512, how to enable the punch option. Solution To enable the punch option, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter the Service Mode. 2.Select Finisher. 3.Select Punch Option Setting. 4.Select PK -512. 5.Select 2-holes/3-holes. 6.Press Decision. 7.Cycle Power OFF/ON. |
Solution Usage |
5 |
Solution ID TAUS0702838EN* Description How to create a device printer on an AS/400® system using SCS over LAN. Solution To Create a Device Description on AS/400® to print to KMBS printers perform the followingcopyir.com 1.From the Main Menu under Selection or Command, typecopyir.com CRTDEVPRT <enter>. 2.Change the following to set up the printer (those settings not changed, keep at default)copyir.com a.Device Description – (name the printer i.e., KMPrinter) b.Device Class – *LAN c.Device Type – 3812 d.Device Model – 1 e.LAN Attach – *IP
Solution Usage |
5 |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
- Font Identifier – 011
- Form Feed – * Autocut
- Manufacturer – *HP5si
- Paper Source (both) – *letter
- Address – (TCP/IP address of the NIC)
- User Define Option – *IBMSHRCNN
m.System Driver (hit F4) – *IBMSNMPDRV or *HPPJLDRV if SNMP is disabled in the environment.
Note copyir.comVary ON the device to allow attachment.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703275EN* Solution Usage 5
How to allow public users to make B/W copies whilenot allowingcolor.
To allow public users to make black & white copies while preventing them from making color copies, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Enter the Administrator mode.
2 .Press User Authentication/Account Track.
3 .Press General Settings.
4 .Touch User Authentication and select (On MFP) and press OK.
5 .System will prompt, “Are you sure you want to clear all data”; press YES.
6 .Press User Authentication Settings.
7 .Select User Registration.
8 .Press the upward arrow.”000 Public” should be displayed.
9 .Select Edit.
10.Select Output Permission.
11.Select Color Restrict.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800065EN* Solution Usage 5
FS-609 Booklet Finisher and IC-409 Fiery® Image Controller.
These functional enhancements are made available through the support of firmware upgrade version 62 or later. This firmware upgrade supports the FS-609 as well as the IC-409 Fiery® Image Controller.
Item #
FS-609 – A0D60Y0
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Requires firmware upgrade version 62
Not Supported
Not Supported
Not Supported
IC-409 – A074WY1
Not Supported
Requires firmware upgrade version 62; not available for the bizhub C203
The FS-609 Booklet Finisher supports the PK-501 Punch Kit (Item #4614452) and the MS-5D Staples (Item #4623361).
IMPORTANT copyir.com There has been an Item number change. Item #A074WY0 for the bizhub C650/C550/C451 has been discontinued. TheItem #A074WY1 now supportsboth thebizhub C650/C550/C451as well as thebizhub C253/C353. The IC-409 with Item #A074WY0 is no longer available.
Both versions of the IC-409 Fiery® Image Controller do share the same interface to connect to their respective devices – the VI-504 (Item #A091WW0). Like the IC-409 Fiery® Image Controller for the bizhub C650/C550/C451 (as explained in attached Marketing Bulletin #07-GB-035), the IC-409 for the bizhub C353/C253 can be used simultaneously with the standard Emperon Print System.
Note copyir.com To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
In order to connect the IC-409 on the bizhub C353/C253, two (2) TCP/IP addresses are required. One is required for the Fiery® Controller and one for the device itself. With two TCP/IP addresses the Emperon Print System can be used in conjunction with the IC-409 Fiery® Image Controller. This connection method will enable users to perform the following functionscopyir.com
Printing to the Emperon Print System as well as the Fiery® Image Controller using the two separate TCP/IP addresses
User Box functionality is still available with the Fiery® Image Controller attached
PC-Faxing is possible using the PC-Fax Driver available with the Emperon Print System
Solution ID TAUS0801324EN* Solution Usage 5
Supporting bizhub vCare.
Initial setup documents for vCare support are attached. The attacheddocuments were sent to all the BSCs. This information is for the BSCs only. It does not apply to dealers.
Notes copyir.com
1.Please be aware that the bizhub C203/C253/C353/C451/C550/C650 support one-way communication.
2.To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0645779EN* Solution Usage 4
How to capture a file on the color MFPs when printing using the Emperon controller.
The following must be set up in order to capture the filescopyir.com
1.Press the utility button and select Administrator Settings.
2.Select Security setting => Security Detail => Print Data Capture must be set to Allow => Administrator Settings => Network Setting => FTP setting, FTP Server must be set to ON.
3.In Tech Rep Mode, select System2 and select Data Capture. Select ON.
4.Send print jobs. When finished, enter Command prompt and run FTP client. 5 . Issue OPEN ipaddress command and login as the following user capture
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
- Type lcd \ command to set the local directory to root of C drive.
- Use the ls command to list the files.
- Type binary to change the transfer mode to binary.The response should be 200 .
- Type set to I .
10.Use the get command to retrieve the files (i.e., get c741n.cpt). This will transfer the file tolocal c drive.
11.After complete enter the bye command.
12.Type exit to quit the command prompt.
To delete the jobs on the HDD,select administrator settings => Security Detail => Restrict.
The function will remove the files from the printer.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0657371EN* Solution Usage 4
Citrix© compatibility.
Please refer to the attached Citrix© compatibility list for additional information.Some products not listed below arelisted in the document.It covers other MFPs and Controllers like the bizhub C350/C353/C253/C203, the bizhub PRO 1050/920, the bizhub 600/750/360/420/500/162/180/210, IC-303 and IC-409. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Tested in both the Citrix© Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix© Metaframe Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Office, Microsoft® Excel and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the PostScript Visual driver version 1.0.1, the Adobe® PostScript driver version 1.0.0 or the PCL driver version 1.01 the print controller can be used without restrictions.
Tested in both the Citrix© Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix© Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Word 2003 /Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the PostScript Visual driver version 2.0.28, the Adobe® PostScript driver version 2.0.28 or the PCL driver version 2.0.0, the print controller can be used without restrictions.
Tested in both the Citrix© Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix© Metaframe Presentation™ Server 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Office, Microsoft® Excel and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the GDI driver version 1.00 or the PCL driver version 1.00 the print controller can be used with the following restrictionscopyir.com
1.Cancelled print jobs may stay in queue when using the GDI driver.
2.The printer icon may disappear when cancelling a print job when using the GDI driver.
3.Print jobs may hang when printing from two or more workstations simultaneously using the GDI driver.
Tested withCitrix© Metaframe™ FR3 on Microsoft® Windows 2000 and 2003 Server, using PostScript version 1.1.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6. The only restrictions found were that Owner Information functions were not available.
Tested in both the Citrix© Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix© Metaframe Presentation Server™ 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6 applications loaded. Testing has been performed with the PostScript driver version 1.0. The following restrictionscopyir.com
1.The mixed media function may not be used.
2.Enabling the “Delete pending print jobs at logout” on the Metaframe™ server does not result in the print jobs being deleted.
3.Print job access codes should not be used.
Tested withCitrix© Metaframe™ FR3 on Microsoft® Windows 2000 and 2003 Server, using PostScript version 1.0.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6. The following are restrictions that were foundcopyir.com
1. Custom Size setting is not available.
2.Owner Information, Lock Job and Copier store print functions are not available.
3. The client default settings are not saved.
Tested withCitrix© Metaframe™ FR3 on Microsoft® Windows 2000 and 2003 Server, using PostScript version 2.0.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6. The only restrictions found were thatMedia Mixed function is not available by network printer.
Tested in both the Citrix© Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix© Metaframe Presentation Server™ 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Office, Microsoft® Excel and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the PostScript Visual driver version, the PostScript Adobe® driver version or the PCL driver version 1.0.1 the print controller can be used with the following restrictionscopyir.com
1.The watermark function will not function when using the PCL driver.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
2.The PostScript Visual driver is not available with Microsoft® Windows 2003 Server.
3.Booklet mode may not function when called within Adobe® Acrobat®.
Tested withCitrix© Metaframe™ FR3 on Microsoft® Windows 2000 and 2003 Server, using PostScript version 1.1 and 2.1.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6. The only restrictions found were that Owner Information functions were not available.
bizhub C350 Standard Controller
Tested in both the Citrix© Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix© Metaframe Presentation Server™ 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6 applications loaded. Testing has been performed with the PCL driver version 1.0 with the following restrictioncopyir.com The watermark feature will not be available on a locally installed printer.
bizhub 200/250/350 Standard Controller
Tested in both the Citrix© Metaframe™ XP (FR3) and the Citrix© Metaframe Presentation Server™ 3.0 environments with the Microsoft® Office, Microsoft® Excel and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 applications loaded. When utilizing the PostScript Visual driver version 1.0.1 or the PCL driver version 1.0.2 the print controller can be used with the following restrictionscopyir.com
1.The custom paper size setting is not available.
2.The default selections made on client workstations will not be reflected on the printer properties screens.
bizhub C650/C550/C451/C450/C352/C351/C300/C252/C250 Tested withCitrix© Metaframe™.
Applications tested were Microsoft® Word 2003, Excel 2003 and Adobe® Acrobat® 6.No restrictions were found in testing.
Solution ID TAUS0657446EN* Solution Usage Description Getting an invalid card error when loading firmware with a Crucial© 128MB Compact Flash card. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The Crucial© 128MB CF card is not supported. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Load firmware using the recommended CF Card. Note copyir.com The recommended card is the 128MB SanDisk© Compact Flash card (p/n 7660 4036 01). Please see attached photoas reference. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
4 |
Solution ID TAUS0700805EN* Description What type of envelope is supported? Solution Preservation Wove 24lb. #6 3/4 (98mm x 165mm) is the approved envelope type. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
4 |
Solution ID TAUS0702740EN* Description How to properly remove Command WorkStation™ from a Macintosh®. Solution |
Solution Usage |
4 |
Please perform the step-by-step procedures mentioned in the attached document. Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0703749EN* Solution Usage Description How to perform the NVRAM recovery procedure. Solution Attached isa document which explains how to perform the NVRAM and NICrecovery procedure. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe |
4 |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
IMPORTANT NOTE copyir.com Please read the information carefully and use the correct firmware for the machine on which you are performing this procedure. Using theincorrect firmware can cause unexpected results and possible damage to the NVRAM.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Rich Raynor, ASG/SSD and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800745EN* Solution Usage 4
How to enable SMB (File Sharing) from a Macintosh® OSX 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4.8, or 10.5.
Please see the attached documentsexplaining how to enable SMB (File Sharing) from a
Macintosh® OSX 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4.8, or 10.5. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Cesar Jimenez/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0648443EN* Solution Usage 3
How to remove print drivers from Macintosh® OS X, 10.2x, 10.3x, 10.4x, 10.5x.
Follow the How to remove Macintosh OS X drivers instructions to correctly remove driver files prior to installing a new or updated version of the driver. This is highly recommended to avoid driver conflict.
Completely deleting\removing the PPD plug-ins for the loading of the driver will NOT overwrite the previous versions.
Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Ehmke, ASG/SSD and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0654475EN* Solution Usage 3
FK-502, how to program the number of redial attempts.
To program the number of redial attempts, perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press the Utility/Counter key.
- Touch [Details] on the touchscreen.
- Press Stop-0-0-Stop -0-1.
- Touch [FAX] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [System] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Communication Setting] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [-] or [+] on the touchscreen until the desired redial attempt value is displayed on the touchscreen, the redial attempt value can be set from 0 to 7.
- Touch [End] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Function Parameter] on the touchscreen.
10.Touch [Address] on the touchscreen. Using the right-arrow scroll to the furthest bit on the right side of the address.
11.Press the 1 key. The address displayed should be [000B0001].
12.Touch [Data] on the touchscreen. Use the right-arrow key and scroll to each of the last three bits on the right side of the address and press the 1 key. The address displayed should be [00000111] with a value of [07] displayed to the right of the data.
13.Touch [Decision] on the touchscreen.
14.Touch [Address] on the touchscreen. Use the right-arrow key and scroll to the furthest bit on the right side of the address.
15.Press the 2 key. The address displayed should be [000B0002].
16.Touch [Data] on the touchscreen. Use the right-arrow key and scroll to each of the last three bits on the right side of the address and press the 1 key. The address displayed should be [00000111] with a value of [07] displayed to the right of the data.
17.Touch [Decision] on the touchscreen.
18.Touch [End] on the touchscreen.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
19.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0656962EN* Solution Usage Description Connecting a Hecon® (key counter) device to the mainbody. Solution Please seeattachedBulletin Number 5563inregards to Hecon® conventional key counter, Hecon® Base 10 and legacy Minolta key counter support. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
3 |
Solution ID TAUS0658132EN* Description Cannot fax out with T00 and T82 error codes. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect settings. SOLUTIONcopyir.com To correctcopyir.com 1.In the Tech Rep mode, set the Marketing area for the fax to U.S. and then Initialize the fax. 2.Input the fax header data in the Administrator mode. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
3 |
Solution ID TAUS0701349EN* Description AU-101, how to enable the Bio Authentication Unit. Solution To enable the AU-101, perform the followingcopyir.com
10.Cycle power OFF/ON. |
Solution Usage |
3 |
Solution ID TAUS0701453EN* Description Unable to access the printer from a web browser. Can print to and PING the machine. Solution |
Solution Usage |
3 |
CAUSEcopyir.com TCP/IP conflict with another device on the network. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Remove the network cable from the printer and PING the same TCP/IP address again. If there is a Reply from the same TCP/IP address, work with the network administrator to identify the other network device with the same TCP/IP address as the printer. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0702326EN* Solution Usage 3
C-CC00 code at power up after updating firmware.
CAUSEcopyir.com The HDD Conversion Up has not been performed after firmware upgrade.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To perform a HDD Conversion Up, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Enter the service mode (Utility-Details-stop-0-0-stop-0-1).
2.Select State Confirmation.
3 .Select Memory HDD Adj.
4.Scroll to page 2/ 2.
5.Select Conversion Up.
6.Press the Start button.
7.Turn the Main Power OFF/ON.
Solution ID TAUS0702640EN* Description Configuration page header is printing as Generic 45C-2, Generic 45C-1 or Generic 50C-1. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect settings. SOLUTIONcopyir.com To change the Configuration Page header to Konica Minolta bizhub C451/C550/C650perform the followingcopyir.com
Generic 45C-2 = C451 Generic 45C-1 = C550 Generic 50C-1 = C650 SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
3 |
Solution ID TAUS0702693EN* Description Synchronizing Account Track users with Active Directory. Solution Synchronizing Account Track users with Active Directorycopyir.com
10.Click on OK twice. 11.Click on Close. Note copyir.com Previously, the Account Track Codes and Active Directory had to be set up. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
3 |
Solution ID TAUS0702738EN* Description Support for “Scan to me/Scan to home” secure SMB scanning using Active Directory. Solution Scan to Me/Scan to Home is a supported feature that is available with special firmware version GWK-6M and a software switch se tting. Before Setting the Soft Switchcopyir.com Verify that User Authentication to Active Directory works. Verify that Scan to E-mail works. |
Solution Usage |
3 |
bizhub C451 |
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Verify that LDAP works.
Follow this procedurecopyir.com
1.Enter Service Mode.
2.Enter System 2.
3.Enter Switch Settings.
4.Enter Switch 26.
5.Enter HEX 10.
6.Select FIX.
7.Exit Service Mode and power cycle the machine. Notes copyir.com
- Please refer to attached documentation. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
- The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702913EN* Solution Usage Description How to set up LDAP. Solution Please perform the step-by-step procedures mentioned on the attached PDF. Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
3 |
Solution ID TAUS0801272EN* Description Support for Account track, Secure print, and User authentication from Unix/Linux environments. Solution Konica Minolta does not support Account track, Secure print, and User authentication from Unix/Linux environments at this time. The availability of these options for Unix/Linux environments is being considered for future development. Please attachticket to this solution and provide the following information; 1. Product model number(s). 2. Now many products placed or being considered for placement. 3.What “flavor” and version of Unix/Linux operating system. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS/SSD |
Solution Usage |
3 |
Solution ID TAUS0801501EN* Description The Account Track screen resets and shortly after a copy job and the user is prompted to enter the password again. Solution Change the reset timing by performing the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter the Admin mode. 2.Select System Settings. 3.Select Reset Settings. 4.Select System Auto Reset. 5.Press the Clear key and enter the desired time delay before the screen is reset. 6.Exit the Admin mode. Note copyir.comIf a long delay is selected, users can re-activate account track manually by pressing the Access key. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
3 |
Solution ID TAUS0801813EN* Description How to convert a TIFF into a PDF when fax forwarding. Solution Solutioncopyir.com To convert a TIFF into a PDF when fax forwarding, perform the following stepscopyir.com 1. Press the Fax key. |
Solution Usage |
3 |
bizhub C451 |
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2.Press Scan Settings.
3.Press File Type and select PDF.
4.Press the Copy button.
5.Press Utility.
6.Press Copier settings 7.Press Default settings.
8. Press Current.
Solution ID TAUS0651550EN* Description Konica Minolta Security White Paper. Solution See Security White Paper for details. Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
2 |
Solution ID TAUS0652000EN* Solution Usage Description FK-502, how to insert a pause between the PBX outside line number and the fax telephone number. Solution To insert a pause between the PBX outside line number and the fax telephone number, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter Admin mode, then select Fax Settings => PBX Set. 2.Turn on PBX and enter Prefix. When creating a new registration of the Fax destination, please do followingcopyir.com
2 e. |
Solution ID TAUS0656793EN* Description SMTP authentication tips. Solution |
Solution Usage |
2 |
Refer to the attacheddocument whichprovides details on how to configure the MFP to allow SMTP Authentication for Scan to E-Mail. Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Rick Veale, ESS/BSE |
Solution ID TAUS0657465EN* Description Unable to load firmware using a Kingston© 256MB CF card. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The Kingston© 256MB CF card is not supported. |
Solution Usage |
2 |
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Load firmware using the recommended CF Card. Note copyir.com The recommended card is the 128MB SanDisk© Compact Flash card (p/n 7660 4036 01). Please see attached photoas reference. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0658101EN* Solution Usage 2
How to increase image unit life.
To increase image unit lifecopyir.com
1.Go into Service Mode.
2.At the Service, in order to get into the Enhanced Security Screen presscopyir.com Stop, 0, Clear (Stop, 9 forbizhub C350).
3.Select IU Life Stop Setting.
4.Choose either Stop or No Stop.
5.Click on End to Save.
Please follow the steps outlined in the attached Bulletin Number 5705 -Extending Image Unit Life.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0658215EN* Description How to program the touchscreen display language. Solution To program the touchscreen display language, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the Utility/Counter key. 2.Touch [2 User Setting] on the touchscreen. 3.Touch [1 System Setting] on the touchscreen. 4.Touch [1 Language Selection] on the touchscreen. 5.Touch the desired touchscreen display language [English], [French], [Spanish], or [Japanese]. 6.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen. 7.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
2 |
Solution ID TAUS0701161EN* Description Howto default the priority display screen to either copy or Fax/Scan display screen. Solution To default the priority display screen, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press Utility button. 2.Select Administrator Settings and enter passcode (default 12345678). 3.Select System Setting. 4.Reset Settings. 5.Select System Auto Reset. |
Solution Usage |
2 |
Solution ID TAUS0701618EN* Description PostScript printer driver for Microsoft® Windows Vista™. Solution |
Solution Usage |
2 |
The latest printer drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from theKMBS public site ( httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ), Support & Drivers tab, or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’. The Windows Vista™ Compatibility Legend can be viewed atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//kmbs.konicaminolta.us/content/support/vistasupport.html Note copyir.com Refer to the attached document for a list of Konica Minolta printer drivers that come bundled with Microsoft® Windows Vista™. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html |
Solution ID TAUS0702015EN* Solution Usage 2
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
LED blinks for low toner, low paper.
CAUSEcopyir.com By default, the orange LEDs on the front of the machine blink when either the toner level or the paper level is low. As a result, operators may replace the toner cartrdige too soon, wasting toner and increasing the cost of operation. Similarly, many operators prefer to have the paper indication appear only when the paper source is completely empty.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com It is strongly recommended that both the low-toner and low-paper indications be disabled at the next service call. Use this procedurecopyir.com
1.Ensure that Version 58 or higher firmware is installed.
2.To disable the low-toner indication, change the following settingcopyir.com Service Mode => System 1 => Machine LED Setting => Warning Status => Type 2 (Type 1 enables the indication).
3.To disable the low-paper indication, change the following settingcopyir.com Service Mode => System 1 => Machine LED Setting => Paper Remainder => Type 2 (Type 1 enables the indication).
Complete details are contained in attached BulletinNumber 5980. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702849EN* Solution Usage 2
FS-519,is unable to be attached to the main body.
CAUSEcopyir.com Unable to fit the FS-519 transport section of the finisher into the machine due to improper configuration/installation.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comBe advised thatparts (pictures attached) must be removed in order for the finisher to connect to the engine.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703111EN* Solution Usage 2
How to set up Account Track.
PREREQUISITES copyir.comAccess to Administrator Setting via a password will be needed. The default password is 12345678.
APPLICATIONS copyir.comThe customer has two departments that utilize various copy modes on the bizhub. The client requires that Account Track “accounts” for these departments be set up. The Marketing Department is the first account that will be set up and there are no copy limits. The Sales Department is the second account andcolor copying will be set with limits. This job shop exercise will instructin setting up accounts with account names and passwords. End-users cannot gain access to the MFP unless they have an authorized password and/or an account name.Copy limitations on color copying will alsobe requiredfor the second account.
Note copyir.com Please use the attached step-by-step instructions. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703197EN* Solution Usage 2
Is printing directly from a USB memorysupported?
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Printing directly fromUSB memoryis supported. Use of this Direct Print function requires the engine firmware be upgraded toversion 6B, it also requires installation of the EK-602 USB Host Board option (Item #A090WW0). Supported file types are PDF, JPG, TIF,and XPS.
Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703224EN* Solution Usage 2
How to print halftone test patterns.
To print halftone test patterns, perform the following procedurecopyir.com
1.Enter Tech Rep mode.
2.Select Test Mode.
3.Select Halftone Pattern.
4.Select Single, Hyper, Gradation.
5.Select the desired halftone color.
6.Press C and enter the desired halftone density -1 (lightest)through 255 (darkest).
7.Press the START button to output the pattern.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703292EN* Solution Usage 2
Is the FS-517/FS-608 compatible for use with the bizhub C451?
The FS-517/FS-608 is compatible with the bizhub C451 but version 6B or later firmware must be installed. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
Notes copyir.com
1.Please refer to attached Marketing bulletin 07-GB-037 for information on other changes to the product. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
2.The FS-608 and FS-517 are the same as those used on the bizhub C550/C650.
3.The PI-503cannot be used on the finishers for this machine.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703411EN* Description FK-502, how to adjust the cable EQL for TX and RX. Solution To adjust the cable EQL for TX and RX, perform the followingcopyir.com
10.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and Ted Young, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
2 |
Solution ID TAUS0703682EN* Description eCopy™ ShareScan OP step-by-step installation instructions. Solution |
Solution Usage |
2 |
bizhub C451 |
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Please refer to attached install documentation for the step-by-step procedure and theeCopy™ compatible machine models, firmware and TWAIN drivers list. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800084EN* Description How to configure the IC-409 to the MFP. Solution Please refer to attached documentation for detailed procedure. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . |
Solution Usage |
2 |
Solution ID TAUS0800210EN* Description WhichUSB drives are approved for scan to USB? Solution Following are the USB drives tested and approved for the scan to USB functioncopyir.com Model Maker Result RUF-C64M/U2 (64MB) BUFFALO Passed RUF2-E128-B (128MB) Passed RUF2-S1G+C4-BK (1GB) Passed MF-UU2512WH (512MB)ELECOM Passed MF-AU201GGT (1GB) Failed GH-UFD2GTB (2GB)GREEN HOUSE Passed TB-M2/1GG (1GB) I-O DATA Passed TB-B2G (2GB) Failed TG256-NRX044 (256MB) Passed SDCZ6-1024-J65 (1GB) SanDisk Passed USM512JX (512MB) SONY Passed |
Solution Usage |
2 |
USM1GJ (1GB) Passed Note copyir.com Only USBsticksformattedwith FAT32 are supported as product specification.The above list was verified withFAT32 USB memory sticks. CAUTION copyir.com If the USB drive has the U3 security option, remove this feature from the USB before trying to scan because this feature disables the scanning of files stored on the USB stick. |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mahen Shukla and Craig Blyther, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800338EN* Solution Usage 2
What port and protocol is used for the driver auto configuration feature?
The port number used for the driver auto configuration option is Port 161 and the protocol is SNMP. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800508EN* Solution Usage 2
Where to find paper recommendations for specific models.
Please refer to the attachedMedia Guide for the products listed. It can also be found on the MyKonicaMinolta.com web site by following the procedure belowcopyir.com
1.Log into the MyKonicaMinolta.com web site.
2.Click on “Products.”
3.Click on “Supported Models Library.”
4.Select “Office Systems” in the pull down menu for Category and select the appropriate product.
5.Click on the link for “Support Materials” and scroll to the link for the Media Guide Office Workgroup Products.
Note copyir.com To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800987EN* Solution Usage 2
Scanned PDF files open in Adobe® Acrobat® at less than 100% of the selected default size.
This issue has been escalated to Konica Minolta Business Technologies in Japan.
KMBS/SSD is working with partners in support and R&D in Japan to obtain a resolution for this issue as quickly as possible. New firmware that corrects this issue is expected to be provided in the second quarter of 2008.
If viewing this solution via the web, please establish a ticket via either the web or by calling our contact center at 1-800-825-5664 . Once a ticket has been established an E-mail will be sent when this solution is updated.
For phone advisors, please attach to this solution for an automatic E-mail that will be sent to the technician when this solution is updated. End the call with call code “Escalated to Japan”.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gabe Smith, ESS/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0801502EN* Solution Usage 2
FS-608, how to change the Tri-Fold to INSIDE fold.
Please perform the following procedure to change the tri-fold to INSIDEcopyir.com
1 .Enter Admin Mode.
2 .Select Security Settings.
3.Select Administrator Security Levels and set to a Level 1 or level 2.This will allow this option to be displayed in user settings.Return to the main screen.
4 .Press the Utility key and select User Settings.
5 .Select Copier Settings and scroll to page 3.
6.Select Tri-Fold Settings and then select either INSIDE or OUTSIDE tri-fold and press OK. Note copyir.com An FS-608 must be installed for the inside outside option to appear.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801712EN* Solution Usage 2
Equitrac© cables for the Vendor 2 interface.
The Vendor 2 interface offers the ability to differentiate between color and B&W on a per page level. You can now track and differentiate between color and B&W for both copy and print based on user login when connected to Equitrac© Professional, Equitrac© Express or Equitrac© Office.
With the Vendor 2 interface you will have access to MFP features such as Auto Color, Duplex and Booklet that are not available with the Vendor 1 interface. Other features such as User Box and TWAIN scanning are restricted. Please refer to the Service Manual for a complete list of restrictions and see the attached Marketing Bulletin forItem Numbers and Requirements. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0801799EN* Solution Usage 2
Print jobs do not print with a Jamex® coin-op device attached.
CAUSEcopyir.comSpecial firmware is needed to print form a Jamex® coin-op device.
Note copyir.com Please see the attached Marketing Bulletinto obtain details concerning the special firmware needed for printing. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SOLUTIONcopyir.comInstall the firmware and change Software Swtich 39 to Hex value 01.To changea softwareswitchcopyir.com
1.Enter the Service mode.
2.Select System 2.
3.Select Software Switch Setting.
Note copyir.com The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD and Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801842EN* Solution Usage 2
How to print aTX report (confirmation page) after every fax sent.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
To print a TX report (confirmation page) after every fax sentcopyir.com Di152/152f and Di183/183f 1. Press Utility key.
2.Scroll down to Reports; press YES.
3.Scroll down to TX reports; press YES.
4.Move arrow to ON and press YES.
bizhub C203/C253/C353/C451/C550/C650
2.Administrator Settings.
3.Fax Settings.
4.Report Settings.
5.TX Result Report.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802171EN* Solution Usage 2
Unable to change the default resolution because the “Default Scan/Fax Settings” button is grayed out.
To change the default scanning resolution perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press the Scan/Fax key.
- Press Users Settings.
- Press Scan/Fax.
- Press Factory Settings and then OK.
- Select Scan Settings.
- Select Resolution and set the desired scan resolution.
- Press the Utility key.
- Select User Settings.
- Select Scan/Fax Settings.
10.Select Default Scan/Fax Settings button and set to Current.
11.Press OK.
12.Exit the Utility mode.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802852EN* Solution Usage 2
There are intermittent ghost jams, no jam codes are shown. The LCD displays the jam in the entrance or middle of the conveyance area of the finisher.
In the transport section entrance there is an entrance path switching plate that activates a sensor on the rear of the transport by the solenoid. The sensor will activate if the plate is home and think there is paper there.
Open finisher door to clear the jam.
Adjust the position of the sensor bracket. (bend the sensor bracket a bit). (THANKScopyir.com PAT BOYKIN) provided this solution.
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0650393EN* Description Is scan to PC (SMB) supported in a Novell® environment? Solution |
Solution Usage 1 |
bizhub C451 |
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Scan to PC (SMB) in a Novell® environment is not supported as the necessary protocol is not installed on a Novell® Server or client. The following information are the specifications (as of 9/08/04) for PC (SMB) scanningcopyir.com
Supported environment copyir.com
1.Connection to file sharing server in broadcast domain.
2.SMB (TCP/IP) shared folder of Microsoft® Windows.
Non-supported environment copyir.com
1.Network beyond router.
2.SMB other than TCP/IP (NetBEUI/IPX are not supported).
3.Direct Hosting SMB (mounted SMB on Microsoft® Windows 2000 or later).
4.User Level sharing of Microsoft® Windows 98.
5.Sharing that needs authentication with Microsoft® Windows 2003 Domain.
6.CIFS mounting of non-Windows OS (e.g.copyir.com SAMBA® on UNIX/LINUX, CIFS sharing on Novell® Netware®) Restrictions of mounting copyir.com 1. NetBIOS Name Binding;
- On Microsoft® Windows network, TCP/IP has to be obtained from NetBIOS name as same mechanism as DNS to obtain TCP/IP address from Domain name of Internet.
- On Microsoft® Windows OS, TCP/IP address can be obtained from NetBIOS name by following procedurescopyir.com ( H Node case ) – Cache in Local PC.
– Inquiry to WINS server.
-Inquiry by Broadcast.
-Imhost in Local PC (NetBIOS ver. of host file in Domain ).
-Confirmation of host file in local PC.
-Inquiry to DNS.
7145/7222/7228/7235 only support Inquiries by Broadcast. Therefore, this cannot be connected to a server beyond a router that cannot be reached by Broadcast.
Restrictions of SMB Protocol copyir.com
1 . On Microsoft® Windows Network, there are various version protocols for authentication.
a. 7145/7222/7228/7235 cannot connect to the server that requires NTLM 0.12, higher-level protocol, since these models support only LANMAN 2.0. b. Non-accessible servers since they require NTLM 0.12 or higher protocol.
c.Microsoft® Windows 98 User Level Sharing.
d.Microsoft® Windows 2003 Domain.
Restrictions of identification copyir.comIt has been confirmed that mounting CIFS of non-Windows (e.g.copyir.com SAMBA® on UNIX/LINUX, CIFS sharing on Novell® Netware®) cannot be connected.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0651795EN* Solution Usage Description How to set the fax for international TX faxing. Solution To set the fax for international TX, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the fax button on the control panel. 2.Press COMM. setting on the fax screen. 3.Press LINE setting. 4.Press OVERSEAS. 5.OK to back out to the fax screen. 6.Enter the overseas international number in the DIRECT input starting with 011, area code and then the telephone number. Note copyir.com Make sure to use any prefix number (9) before the 011 in order to get an outside line. Examplecopyir.com 9 + 011 + country code + city code + number. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0701062EN* Solution Usage Description How to access Service Mode when unable to use the normal procedure. Solution Service Mode can be accessed through the Trouble Reset screen using the below procedurecopyir.com 1. TurnON the main power switch while holding the UTILITY/COUNTER key. 2.When TROUBLE RESET appears on the touchscreen press STOP, 0, 0, STOP, 0, 1. 3.If prompted for a password enter 92729272 andtouch END. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD andIan Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
1 |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0701174EN* Solution Usage 1
Unable to print booklets from Microsoft® Publisher.
CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect settings.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com In order to print booklets in Microsoft® Publisher ensure the proper settings are selected inPublisher and the printer drivercopyir.com
1.Select booklet within Publisher.
2.Within theLayout tab of the print driver ensureprint type is selected to2-sided.
3.Select the proper binding.
4.Under the Finish tab, select Saddle Stitch.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701876EN* Description How to change the display to Quick Copy or Copier Centric screen. Solution TheMFP supports two different screen typescopyir.com Basic (the default) and Copier Centric (quick copy). To Change to the Copier Centr followingcopyir.com 1.Press [Utility/Counter]. 2.Select [2. User Setting]. 3.Select [2. Custom Display Setting]. 4.Select [1. Copier Setting]. The BASIC (default) tab will be displayed. 5.Select [QUICK COPY]. This is the Copier Centric option. 6.Press [Close] 4 times to return to the Ready screen. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage ic screen, perform the |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0702145EN* Description What settings are required to choose the paper tray from which the TX Report prints? Solution The tray from which the TX Report prints can be selected using the following stepscopyir.com 1.Press the Utility/Counter Key. 2.Select User Setting. 3.Select System Setting. 4.Select Paper Tray Setting. 5.Select Print Lists. 6.Select the paper tray from which the TX Report should print. 7.Press OK. 8.Follow the prompts to exit back to a normal panel. |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0702192EN* Description How to default the color mode to B/W on the touchscreen. Solution To default the color mode to B/W on the touchscreen, perform the followingcopyir.com
10.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen. 11.Touch [Close] on the touchscreen. |
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12. Touch [Close] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702445EN* Description How to set up FTP Publishing Services on a Microsoft® Vista™ workstation. Solution |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Please follow the step-by-step procedures as shown in the attacheddocument. Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0702576EN* Solution Usage Description ICP list. Solution Please review the attached document. Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0702593EN* Solution Usage 1
MachineindicatesthatThick 3 papershould be loaded in the bypass tray when printing. Thick 3 paper is set for the bypass tray, and Auto tray select and Thick 3 is set at the driver.
CAUSEcopyir.com The bypass tray is not enabled in the Auto tray select settings.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To enable the bypass tray in theauto tray select settings, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Press Utility.
2.Select User settings.
3.Select Paper tray settings.
4.Select Auto tray select settings.
5.Highlight the bypass tray.
Solution ID TAUS0702618EN* Solution Usage 1
How to enable Account Track on a Macintosh®.
In the Macintosh® go to File=> Print => Copies and Pages => Security tabs.Click on Security and make the necessary entries/changes in the User authentication settings for Account Track.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703089EN* Description FK-502, how to enable/disable Compulsory Memory RX with dual line kit installed. Solution To enable/disable Compulsory Memory RX, perform the followingcopyir.com
Solution Usage 1 |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
- Touch [System] on the touchscreen.
- Under the heading of Compulsory Memory RX touch [ON] or [OFF] as the desired setting.
- Touch [[END] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
Note copyir.com This applies only if a second fax line is installed on the machine.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703110EN* Solution Usage 1
How to perform a Secure Print.
SECURE PRINT copyir.com Secure Print allows security to be imposed upon a document to be sent to the bizhubfor printing. The document will be “printed” to a secure User Box and cannot be accessed, printed, or even viewed without first entering its authentication data at the MFP. Secure Print is a very powerful feature as it allows security control of a document “on the fly”. The security data is imposed on the document in the print driver as a one-time function that applies only to that specific printing of that specific document at that specific time. No prior programming is required to use Secure Print.
APPLICATIONS copyir.com The end user has a document prepared and wants to print the document to the bizhub, however, they do not plan on retrieving the document.
Note copyir.com For step-by-step procedures, please see attachment. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703115EN* Solution Usage 1
Booklet creation.
PREREQUISITES copyir.comAn 8-page 8.5×11 Microsoft® OfficeWord document with text will be needed. In addition, legal size paper (8.5×14) be must loaded in one of the cassettes. The bizhubmust have the FS-608 booklet finisher.
APPLICATIONS copyir.comThe end userhas to create an 8.5×14 stapled and folded booklet from a Microsoft® OfficeWord document that is 8.5×11.
Note copyir.com Please perform the step-by-step procedures mentioned in the attached PDF. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703293EN* Solution Usage 1
FK-502, how to enable and adjust the line monitor speaker volume.
To adjust the line monitor speaker volume, perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press the Utility/Counter key.
- Touch [3 Administrator Settings] on the touchscreen.
- Enter the Administrator Password (default password is 12345678).
- Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [8 Fax Settings] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [3 Line Parameter Setting] on the touchscreen.
- Press the down-arrow on the lower left of the touchscreenone timeuntil screen 2/3 is displayed.
8.Select [Line Monitor Sound] and Select [On].
9.Press the down-arrow on the lower left of the touchscreenone timeuntil screen 3/3 is displayed.
- Touch [Line Monitor Sound Vol.] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Lower] or [Higher] on the touchscreen to increase or decrease the monitor speaker volume as desired by the customer. The setting range is 0 to
- Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
- P ress the Reset key.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703308EN* Description Can Account tracking codes and counts be Exported and Imported from the machine NIC? Solution |
Solution Usage 1 |
Account tracking codes and counts can be Exported and Imported. When performing a Data Clear, Account tracking informationis era sed. The |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
followingprocedure can be used in the event a Data Clear needs to be performed to backup the Account codes and Copy/Print/Scan limits.
To backup Export and Import Account tracking data, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Browse to the NIC and log in as Administrator.
2.On the Maintenance tab select Import/Export.
3.Select Device Setting and select OK.
4.Select Export and click OK.
5.Save the file to the desktop or a folder.
6.To Import the file perform the same procedure but this time select Import.
7.Browse to the file and click OK.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703516EN* Solution Usage 1
How to update firmware using Internet ISW.
The Internet ISW function requires that the firmwareTAR file be extracted from theGZ file. This can be done using WinZip® or WinRAR®.
Use an FTP server utility to host the firmware. There isone availablevia the Download Selectorunder Black and White Products => Utilities => ftp_server_1.0.exe.
To perform the updatecopyir.com
1.Go to Tech Rep mode.
2.Select the Internet ISW button.
3.Select the Internet ISW Set button => Set to ON => Press the END button.Determine if updating via FTP or HTTP.
4.Select the appropriate settings button, FTP or HTTP. The instructions are the same from here on in.
5.Select the desired button protocol button, and select the ON button => Press the END button.
6.If a proxy is required to access the server, select the Connect Proxy server button and select the ON button. Then press the Proxy Server button and enter the TCP/IP address and the port number of the proxy server. This will not be the host server holding the firmware. 7.Select the address space size IPv4, IPv6 or FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name).
8.When complete, press the connection settings buttons, check that the port number is set to 21, connection timeout is set to 1 minute and PASV mode is set to OFF.
9.Select the Forwarding Access Setting button.
10.Enter the User ID that the MFP will use to access the server.
11.Enter the password for the user.
12.Enter the address of the host servercopyir.com
If using an HTTP server type h ttpcopyir.com//ip _address/directory
If using a FTP server type ftpcopyir.com//ip_address/directory
13.Enter the filenameof the firmware. This should end with a TAR extension. Remember that this file is extracted from theGZ file and not renamed.
14.Press the END button.
15.Select the Download button and then press the ISW Start button.Start rebooting… message is indicated.The MFP will reboot.
16.After the hourglass, the following messages should be displayedcopyir.com
Now connecting to the firmware server
Now getting information from the firmware server
Now downloading program data from the firmware server
IMPORTANT copyir.comThe server hosting the firmware needs to be available even after the firmware starts and finishes. Tests show that firmware is still downloading even though programming of the firmware has begun.
17.The normal firmware update screen will be displayed andyou can press start or wait 30 seconds; it will start automatically.
18.When complete, recycle the MFP.
19.After the hourglass a message will be displayedcopyir.com
The version upgrade through the network download is complete. Touch [OK] to use the device.
20.Press the OK button to continue.
21.Check the firmware versions.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703719EN* Solution Usage 1
How to save the scan settings as default when using the User Box feature.
To save the scan settings as default when using a User Box, follow the procedure belowcopyir.com
- Create a User Box.
- Press the Fax/Scan button and select the User Box that was just created.
- Select Scan Settings and input the applicable scan settings.
bizhub C451 |
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- Press OK.
- Press Utility/Counter.
- Select User Settings.
- SelectScan/Fax Settings.
- Select Default Scan/Fax Settings.
- Select Current Setting.
10.Press OK twice.
11.Press Close twice.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800041EN* Solution Usage 1
Canprinting to the Emperon and the Fiery® be done atthe same time?
Printing to the Emperon and the Fiery® simultaneously is possible. Please see the attached document. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed.
Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD and Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800137EN* Solution Usage 1
Ifa scanned job is storedto user box and then openedwith PageScope Box Operator (Box Operator Viewer),the file is automatically deleted.
CAUSEcopyir.com This is specification.The “Document Hold Setting” is set to “OFF” and the scanned jobwill be deleted automatically.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Set the “Document Hold Setting” to “ON” (Administrator Settings => System Settings => User Box Settings => Document Hold Setting). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0800146EN* Description How to set the file format for fax forwarding to default to PDF. Solution To set the default fax forwading file format to PDF, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the FAX button. 2.Select the Scan Setting on the LCD. 3.Select the File Type as PDF. [ The steps below make the setting the default. ] 4 . Select the Utility button. 5.Select User Setting. 6.Select Scan/Fax Settings. 7.If the setting is set for Factory, change it to Current. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0800184EN* Description Which interface kit is required to support the connection of the IC-409 (Fiery®) on the bizhub C451? Solution |
Solution Usage |
1 |
To support printing through the IC-409 (Fiery® controller X3e TY 50-45C-KM) please order the VI-504 (Item #A091WW00). See attached Installation Manual for additional detail. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . |
Solution ID TAUS0800214EN* Solution Usage 1
How to program the Low Power Mode/Sleep Mode Setting.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
To program the Low Power Mode/Sleep Mode Setting, perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press the Utility/Counter key.
- Touch [3 Administrator Setting] on the touchscreen.
- Enter the Administrator password (default password is 12345678).
- Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [1 System Settings] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [1 Power Save Settings] on the touchscreen.
- Touch setting desired to change on the touchscreen; Low Power Mode setting or Sleep Mode.
- Press the [C] key. Input the Low Power Mode setting desired by the customer using the numeric keypad. The Low Power Mode setting can be programmed within a range of 10 to 240 minutes and can NOT be turned off.
- For the Sleep Mode select Yes for ON, for a time range of 15 to 240 minutes, or No for off.
10.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
11.Press the Reset key.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham and Ted Young, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800335EN* Description When the engine runs out of paper and is not addressed it will cause the writer on the AS/400® to stop. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The writer on the AS/400® times outafter 170 seconds (by default)when MFP runs out of paper. SOLUTIONcopyir.com The following changes to the device description will cause the writing to ignore the time out and just report the error. 1.Pick one of the devices and end the writer and vary the device off. 2 .Select the option that will allow you to ‘Change Device Desc’. 3 .On the first screen look for the ‘Printer error message’ parameter and change it to ‘*INFO’. 4 .Page down twice and look for the ‘User-defined options’ parameter it should read ‘*IBMSHRCNN’; under thisadd ERRMSGINFO. 5.Start the writer and vary the device on and test.These changes must be done for the other device on the AS/400®. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0800353EN* Description Does the AU-101 or AU-201support external server authentication? Solution The AU-101 and AU-201do not support external server authentication. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan). |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0800380EN* Description How to adjust the beep sound volume. Solution Toadjust or disable the beep sound perform the following adjustmentcopyir.com 1.Press the Accessibility key. 2.Press the down arrow one time. 3.Press Operation Confirm Sound. 4.Select NO, High Medium or Low and press OK. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0800426EN* Solution Usage 1
The front cover for the FS-519 interferes with the MFP cover.
CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect installation of finisher.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Please adjust the casters for the FS-519. If the casters cannot be adjusted, please install the two spacers and protective film in the FS-519 KIT (p/n A0DARS0011).
Regarding this issue and the KIT install instruction, please refer the attached documentation. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
FOC PART(S) ORDERING PROCEDURE (U.S. market only) copyir.com
Free-of-Charge (FOC) part(s) can be ordered via the online KMBS Technical (FOC) & Special Programs order form which is accessible in
bizhub C451 |
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MyKonicaMinolta.com => Service => Warranty, Repair& Special Programs => Warranty Services & Technical/FOC Programs =>SSD Technical (FOC) & Special Programs.
Upon receipt and verification of the online claim information, KMBS Logistics Operations will process a Free-of-Charge parts order. All parts will be shipped via UPS Ground Service. KMBS will ship all parts at no-charge; no invoice will be generated. Questions related to an FOC parts claims may be directed to KMBS Logistics Operations by calling 201-934-5339.
IMPORTANT REMINDER copyir.comAs mentioned above, the FOC program will end either in 6 months or when the FOCFS-519 KITsare depleted. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800549EN* Description If the machine is equipped with the AU-101, can the machine be accessed using the user name and password? Solution The machine can be accessed either with the AU-101 or from the control panel using the user name and password. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by David Silverstein, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0800570EN* Description Is the system software version 1.01 the same for all? Solution System software (p/n 4506-7441) is the same for all the listed models. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0800820EN* Description How to set up Scan-to-USB; scanning to a USB flash drive. Solution MFPSettings copyir.com 1.Press Administrator Setting. 2.Press System Settings. 3.Select User Box Settings. 4.Select External Memory Function Settings. 5.Select Save Document – ON. 6.Press OK. 7.Press Close 4 times. 8.Reboot the MFP. Inserting USB memory device copyir.com 1.Press User Box. 2.Save Document. 3.System User Box. 4.External Memory. 5.Press OK. 6.SelectScan Settings. 7.SelectFile Type. 8.Press OK. 9.Press Start. Notes copyir.com
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0800849EN* Description How to scan to SMB with the Fiery® IC-409 connected. Solution To scan to SMB with the Fiery® IC-409 connected, please see the attached documentation. |
Solution Usage |
1 |
bizhub C451 |
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SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800887EN* Solution Usage 1
How to delete a secure print document without printing the document.
To delete a secure print document without printing the document, perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press the User Box key.
- Touch [File Document] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [System User Box] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Secure Print User Box] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
- Input the ID for the secure print document stored on the machine.
- Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
- Input the password for the secure print document stored on the machine.
- Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
10.Highlight the desired secure print document to be deleted.
11.Touch [Delete] on the touchscreen.
12.Touch [Yes] on the touchscreen.
13.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
14.Press the Copy key.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800939EN* Solution Usage 1
The XML page cannot be displayed. Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet.”Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later” message.
1.HTTP and PageScope Web Connection (PSWC)have to be ON all the time in order to have web access.
2.Perform a Data Clear on the MFP, making sure that the default setting like PSWCis ON.
3.Tryaccessing theMFP froma laptop first. Use Microsoft® Windows Internet Explorer 6 or Firefox.
Note copyir.com Using IE7maypresent difficulties.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800943EN* Solution Usage 1
Description SMTP error 554.
CAUSEcopyir.com The mail servers are set to POP before SMTP as a security measure to prevent SPAM. The mail server collectsthe TCP/IP address during authenticationwith the POP server, and then permits SMTP relaying from that TCP/IP address for a short period of time.
This means thatincoming mail MUST be checkedbeforemail is allowed to be sent. Ifsettingan E-mail client (like Microsoft® Outlook) to checkmail regularly,outgoing mail may sit inthe Outbox until the incoming mail is checked again.
Ifonly checking mail wheninitially openingthe E-mail client,a Send/Receive will need to be forced beforethe outgoing mail can be sent. IfE-mail is not checked within 30 minutes,an “Error 554copyir.com Relay Access Denied” error may be received.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Quick Fix
1.Move anything inthe Outbox tothe Drafts folder.
2.With nothing inOutbox, click Send/Receive.
3.After a successful Send/Receive, try sending an E-mail fromthe Drafts folder.
Long Term Fix (in Microsoft® Outlook)
1.In Microsoft® Outlook, go to “Tools” then “Email Accounts”.
2.Click “View or change existing E-mail account”, then click “Next”.
3.Selectthe account, then click “Change”.
4.Click “More Settings”.
5.Click the tab labeled “Outgoing Server”.
6.Select “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication”, then select “Log on to incoming mail server before sending mail” at the bottom.
7.Click “OK”.
bizhub C451 |
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8.Click “Next”.
9.Click “Finish”.
Note copyir.com This procedure should be done by theonsite Network Administrator.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800968EN* Description How to backup the original NVRAM (data) counters to the new NVRAM. Solution Presentlythere is no way to backup any of the NVRAM data. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0801083EN* Description Preventing half foldsfrom skewing. Solution |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Perform the Folding stopper tilt adjustment(see attached). Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0801120EN* Description Can the machine be set so the message “Do You Want To Print The Communication Report” is not displayed when scanning to E-mai Solution The message”Do You Want To Print The Communication Report” can be prevented from being displayed when scanning to E-mail by settingscopyir.com 1.Enter the Administrator mode on the machine. 2.Choose Fax Settings. 3.Choose Report Settings. 4.Scroll until TX Result Report Check is displayed. 5.Set the TX Result Report Check to OFF. 6. Exit the Administrator mode. |
Solution Usage 1 l? making the following |
Solution ID TAUS0801142EN* Description Configuring and licensing i-Option for supported MFPs. Solution i-Option provides enhanced features for MFPs which support i-Option. MFPs which currently support i-Option arecopyir.com bizhub C451/C550/C650 bizhub C203/C253/C353 There are two separate i-Option features available. One or both may be registered on the same MFP. LK-101 – Provides access to the Web Browser & Image Panel |
Solution Usage 1 |
LK-102 – Adds Enhanced PDF Encryption capabilities Firmware version 88 or higher for the bizhub C451/C550/C650 or bizhub C203/C253/C353 will support i-Option. However, to enable i-Option features, i-Optionmust be purchased, licensed and the MFP configured correctly. Extra 512MB RAM must be installed on the MFP (UK-201 Upgrade Kit). Please see the attached documents for information on configuring and licensing supported MFPs for i-Option functionality and the correctItem Codes (or consult MyKonicaMinolta.com for the up-to-date Item codes). To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark Kemp, ESS/SSD |
bizhub C451 |
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Solution ID TAUS0801325EN* Description How to Import/Export addresses or CSV files to the fax driver. Solution To Import/Export a CSV file to thefax driver Address Bookcopyir.com 1.Go to thePrinting Preferencesof the fax driver. 2.Select the Phone Book entry. 3.Go to File. 4.Select Open. 5.Select the CSV file to import. 6.Select OK. 7.Select File and the Save. To Export addressescopyir.com 1. Open driver and select printing preferences. 2.Select the Phone Book entry tab. 3.Select the Folder or the Group to export. 4.Go to File. 5.Go to Save As. 6.Select the locationto where the file is to be saved and select OK. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ESS/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0801329EN* Description How to change the number of pages that can be used with tri-folding. Solution The machine can be set to tri-fold 1, 2, or 3 sheets. To change the setting, perform the followingcopyir.com
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0801452EN* Description Can the Fax/Scan function be accessed when Account Track is enabled? Solution The function is not possible when Account Track is enabled. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0801493EN* Description Can jam codes be displayed to the user when they occur? Solution |
Solution Usage |
1 |
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This machine cannot be set to display jam codes as they occur.To view jam code history, enter the Service Mode and select [Counter] then [JAM]. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801546EN* Description FK-502, how to insert a pause in the PBX setting. Solution It is not possible to insert a pauseafter the outside line access code in the PBX setting. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0801586EN* Description DF-611, can the EEPROM (IC17) for the DFCB be ordered? Solution The EEPROM (IC17) has been made available to order as a field replaceable unit (p/n V864800079). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0801654EN* Description LK-101/LK-102/LK-103 License Authentication Operation Guide. Solution See attached LK-101/LK-102/LK-103 License Authentication Operation Guide. Some of the topics covered arecopyir.com Input/ Display confirmation procedure when operation the license management Upgrade instructions when using functions added from i-Option Instructions for part replacement Activation Deactivation Repair |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Initialization Note copyir.com To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . |
bizhub C451 |
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Solution ID TAUS0801711EN* Solution Usage 1
How to reset the administrator password. The administrator password has been changed and is not working.
To reset the administrator passwordcopyir.com
1.Please enter the Service mode.
2.Press Stop, 0, Clear and the Security mode should come up.
3.Select administrator password and enter a new password.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by David Silverstein, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801734EN* Solution Usage 1
FK-502. fax communication time out errors.
CAUSEcopyir.com No response to V.34 signal (High speed fax communication).
SOLUTIONcopyir.com New time settings have been implemented from phase 3.05 onwards.
1.New ITU recommendations T.30 for Faxing over IP 450ms time windows between ANSam and DIS.
Formerly,when a V.34 device sent a fax to a non-V.34 device, the sequence ANSam to DISprogress was75ms. Because of the fact that the called device cannot respond to ANSam this setting has been implemented. However, if the V.17 modulation is used without disabling echo cancellers, it will negatively impact the half-duplex sequence. Therefore, to disable the echo cancellers, the time window between ANSam to DIS has been changed to 450ms ± 50ms (T.30 will be revised). With this version, it is possible select the time window with the function parameter setting as follows. Function parametercopyir.com 0e004b
Bit 1 =
0copyir.com 450ms (Default)
1copyir.com 75ms
2.When receiving a non-ECM Fax, error lines may occur if noise is on the line. Therefore, Konica Minolta has modified the time of non-ECM. Function parametercopyir.com 0x0e000e
Bit 7 =
0copyir.com Normal (default)
1copyir.com Strict
Normalcopyir.com Check timecopyir.com 0.5s
Strictcopyir.com Check timecopyir.com 0.8s
Normalcopyir.com Check timecopyir.com 0.8s
Strictcopyir.com Check timecopyir.com 1.1s
Note copyir.com Theparameter does not work when using 2400bps
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801836EN* Solution Usage 1
Where is the SMTP E-mail server information located on the controller?
To locate the SMTP E-mail server informationcopyir.com
2.Adminstrator Settings.
4.Enter 12345678.
8.Enter SMTP server address.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD
bizhub C451 |
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Solution ID TAUS0802155EN* Solution Usage 1
What can cause a CB116 (C-B116) code to be indicated when the FK-502 is set in Service mode?
The machine will display a CB116 code when the FK-502 is set in Service mode if it has been installed in the incorrect slot on the machine. Please confirm that the FK-502 has been installed in the rearmost slot on the machine. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802231EN* Description How to default to Copy, Fax/Scan or User Box mode. Solution To default to Copy, Fax/Scan or User Box modecopyir.com 1.Press the Utility/Counter key. 2.Enter [Administrator Settings]. 3.Touch [System Setting]. 4.Touch [Reset Setting]. 5.Touch [Auto Reset]. 6.Touch [Copy], [Fax/Scan] or [User Box] depending on your selection. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0802283EN* Description How to program the compact PDF compression level. Solution To program the compact PDF compression level, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the Utility/Counter key. 2.Touch [2 User Setting] on the touchscreen. 3.Touch [4 Scan/Fax Settings] on the touchscreen. 4.Touch the down-arrow on the touchscreen to access screen 2/2. 5.Touch Compact PDF Compression Level on the touchscreen. 6.Touch [High Quality], [Standard], or [High Compression] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer. 7.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen. 8.Press the Reset key. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0802327EN* Solution Usage 1
What steps should be performed if the “Initialization” procedure fails to clear the “License Management Error”?
After an “Initialization” code has been received from SSD Technical Support, the “Initialization” procedure fails to clear the “License Management” error on the MFP. An “Invalid setting” message may be displayed on the MFP after entering the “Initialization” code.
If the “Initialization” procedure fails to clear the “License Management” error on the MFP The NVRAM and Service EEPROM boards need to be replaced with brand-new NVRAM and Service EEPROM boards at the same time, so that both will then be in an initial condition After this is completed reload the latest firmware.
Notes copyir.com
1.If any i-Option functions had been purchased for this MFP, the i-Option License registration procedure will need to be performed again.
- The online NVRAM/BRU Replacement RA/Claim form is referenced in attached Bulletin
Number 5783. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
NVRAM/BRU ORDER ONLINE . All requests for NVRAMs must be approved by the SSD
Hotline and a problem ticket generated. If a request is received without an established problem ticket number, the request will be denied. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark Kemp, ASG/SSD
bizhub C451 |
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Solution ID TAUS0802694EN* Solution Usage 1
How to disable the banner page option to separate jobs.
To disable the banner page option, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Press the Utility key.
2.Press User Settings.
3.Press Printer Settings.
4.Press Basic Settings.
5.Press the down arrow and select Banner Sheet Printing.
6.Press OFF and then OK.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Rich Raynor, ASG/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802862EN* Description FS519,Stapled sets are not properly aligned. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The aligning belt drive gear has been dislodged or is missing. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Reseat or replace the aligning belt drive gear (p/n 9J08 1626 02). SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
1 |
Solution ID TAUS0808069EN* Description What is SRA sized paper? Solution |
Solution Usage |
1 |
SRA is the abbreviation of Supplementary Raw Format A. It is slightly larger than standard “A” size paper. SRA paper is typica lly use bleed to the edge of the page is required, similar to printing 11×17 with bleeds on 12×18. Common SRA paper measurments in millimeterscopyir.com SRA0 = 900×1280 SRA1 = 640×900 SRA2 = 450×640 SRA3 = 320×450 SRA4 = 225×320 |
d in printing where a |
Solution ID TAUS0808178EN* Description How to forward faxes to different destinations for each line with multi-line fax option. |
Solution Usage 1 |
Solution Due to design constraints, it is not possible to forward received faxes to different destination. Both lines will forward received fax to same forwarding destination. However, on a limited basis, it is possible to set up fax forwarding to different destinations based on TSI routing. Please refer to the User manual for the model in question. SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Mahen Shukla, ESS/BSE and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
bizhub C451 |
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Solution ID TAUS0808502EN* Solution Usage 1
How to default the finisher to offset.
To program the finisher default to offset,perform the followingcopyir.com
1 .Press the Utility key.
2 .Press User Settings.
3 .Press Copier Settings.
4 .Press Default Copier Settings.
5 .Press Factory and OK.
6 .Return to the main screen and select Finishing.
7 .Under Offset select YES and press OK.
8 .Press the Utility key.
9 .Press User Settings.
10.Press Copier Settings.
11.Press Default Copier Settings.
12.Press Factory and OK.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0808520EN* Solution Usage 1
Compatibility for Captaris® RightFax®.
Konica Minolta includes RightFax® compatibility as a standard feature of the MFP firmware of the supported workgroup MFPs, as well as a built-in setup utility within the MFP PageScope Web Connection.
Konica Minolta also offers the downloadable Setup Utility for RightFax®, which provides another means of configuring the MFPs to communicate with RightFax®. All that is required is the purchase of one Konica Minolta Connector for Captaris® RightFax® for each MFP, where RightFax® functionality is needed. Please see attached Marketing Bulletin #08-GB-032 and Guide to the Konica Minolta Connector for Captaris® RightFax® for details. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Note copyir.com The links in the Guide to the Konica MinoltaConnector for Captaris® RightFax® document are “live”.
Solution ID TAUS0900013EN* Solution Usage 1
How to use the Firmware Imaging Toolkit software.
Please perform the step-by-step procedure mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
CAUTION copyir.com Never format the CF card on color machines.
Notes copyir.com
1.Before installing the most current version always delete the previous version via Add and Remove Programs.
2. Firmware Imaging Toolkit 2006 can be downloaded via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0900358EN* Solution Usage 1
FS-608, how to print a Signature Booklet (5.5×8.5) with Macintosh® 10.5 using Microsoft® Word.
Tocreate a Signature Booklet (5.5×8.5) with Macintosh® 10.5 using Microsoft® Word (MFP is printingonto 11×17 paper),perform the followingcopyir.com
1. Select File/Print.
2.Select the drop-down for Copy & Pages.
3.SelectPaper handling.
4.Select Scale to fit.
5.Select Destination paper size (5.5×8.5 not 8.5×11).
6.InLayout & finish select Booklet.
7.Select Left bind.
8.In Finish, select Center staple and fold.
Note copyir.com As long as 8.5x11R landscape isin the paper drawerselected in the printer driver, it will print out a Signature Booklet of 5.5×11.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ASG/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0629386EN* Solution Usage 0
ISO 15408 certification information.
TheMFPsare certified ISO 15408. Refer to the following for more detailed information concerning ISO 15408 as well as the attached Security White Paper. 1. ISO 15408 FAQ
- Trusted Computing Base
- ISO 15408-3
- Common Criteria
Note copyir.com To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0702065EN* Description How to duplex glossy paper. Solution Duplexing glossy paper is not recommended. |
Solution Usage |
0 |
Solution ID TAUS0702426EN* Description How to set up with Active Directory. Solution To set up with Active Directorycopyir.com 1.Enable [ON] External Server.
10.Select User Authentication- External Server Authentication. 11.Make Sure to go into System Settings. 12.Set Daylight Savings Time Settings. |
Solution Usage |
0 |
bizhub C451 |
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13.Set Date / Time Settings.
14.Then go to Network Settings.
15.Detail Setting.
16.Time Adjust Setting.
17.NTP Setting.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702908EN* Solution Usage 0
How to set up User Authentication [Embedded].
Please perform the step-by-step procedures mentioned in the attached PDF.
Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703114EN* Solution Usage 0
How to use Copy Protect mode.
PREREQUISITES copyir.com One letter size original (8.5×11) with textis needed. After setting up “Copy Protect” parameters, a copy will be made of the first copy.
APPLICATIONS copyir.com Copy Protect allows (for security purposes) printed copies to have hidden text (such as “invalid copy”) that prevents unauthorized copying.
This hidden text will appear when making copies of the original copy.
Note copyir.com Please perform the step-by-step procedures mentioned in the attacheddocumentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703286EN* Description Is Microsoft® Windows 98/ME supported? Solution Microsoft® Windows 98/ME is not supported and there are no print drivers available. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
0 |
Solution ID TAUS0703689EN* Description PK-515 modification for the FS-514 and the older style FS-519. Solution |
Solution Usage |
0 |
The FS-514 and the older style FS-519do not come with the punch waste container sensor bracket. Part numbers and step-by-step procedure on how to assemble the bracket for the punch unit on the PK-515 for the older model FS-519 are included in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ESS/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0800400EN* Solution Usage 0
Preventing the write from crashing on the AS/400®.
In order to prevent the write from crashing on the AS/400® read the following IBM bulletin.
Timeout Settings in the Operating System Printer Device Description
Settings in the printer device configuration in operating system that can cause writers to end are the Inactivity timer and Activation timer.
The recommended setting for Inactivity timer should be set at some value other than *NOMAX so that the connection will be closed during periods of no activity. Even if not sharing on the network, *NOMAX can cause problems with the writer connection.
bizhub C451 |
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The Activation timer should be set to a value large enough to prevent posting of intervention errors due to TCP/IP transmission delays and printer processing delays. The default setting of 170 seconds is usually large enough to accomplish this unless you send large files to a printer with a slow processor that has a lot of memory. Increasing the activation time will prevent unwanted intervention errors but that time will have to pass before you will get a desired intervention error.
Note that intervention errors do not stop the print process. If the Printer Error Message parameter in the Device Description for the writer was set to *INQ , then the intervention will require an operator input to retry or to cancel the writer.
(At R370, the Printer Error message is not recognized on ASCII printers. Change the User defined options parameter to ERRMSGINFO ).
If the Printer Error Message parameter was set to *INFO , then the driver will continue to retry until the connection has been established or the TCP/IP has closed the socket or, in the case of a slow printer processor, the proper response is obtained which is either the printer is on-line or that the printer has received all the data. If the connection was eventually successful, the intervention message will be attempted to be removed from the message queue, and process will continue.
Please set the Printer Error Message to *INFO and the User Defined options to ERRMSGINFO.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801302EN* Solution Usage Description Previous documentation may detail different ways to access the i-Option License Management Server (LMS), which may not be correct. Solution The correct way to access the LMS is througha MyKonicaMinolta.com login => Service tab.From the Service tab of MKM are two linkscopyir.com License Code Generation – GenerateLicense Code To perform i-Option license registration. License Management Server -Generate License Code -Deactivate License Code -Deactivate License Code in LMS -Repair License Code Which may be necessary to be perfomed if “License Management Error” results on an MFP which i-Option had never been registered. Note copyir.com Please see attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . |
0 |
Solution ID TAUS0801387EN* Description How to change the count for 11×17 to one. Solution To enable one count on the total counter for 11×17 paper, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter Tech. Rep. Mode and press Stop 9. 2.Select [Counter Setting]. 3.Press Mode 1, End, and Exit. Note copyir.com Select Mode 2 for two counts. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
0 |
Solution ID TAUS0801803EN* Solution Usage 0
Part number for the cable used for the vending 2 mode when an Equitrac© device is connected to the MFP.
bizhub C250/C252/C300/C351/C352/C450 and CF2002/CF3102
Equitrac© Vendor 2, VK-501 Interface Cable (p/n 7640005183) and for the Equitrac© (p/n CABX0805). To use this cable the MFP (copier)must also have the Vendor Interface Kit, VK-501 (p/n 4599234) installed.
bizhub C203/C253/C353/C451/C550/C650
Equitrac© Vendor 2 – 8-pin Interface Cable (p/n7640005184), and for Equitrac© (p/n CABX0813).An optional Vendor Kit is not needed for these models. Note copyir.comPlease contact Konica Minolta for the parts information. Do not call Equitrac© Customer Support.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ken Walker, Workgroup/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0801844EN* Solution Usage 0
How to setthe tray from which the TX Report prints.
To setthe tray from which the TX Report printscopyir.com
1.Press the Utility/Counter Key.
2.Select User Setting.
3.Select System Setting.
4.Select Paper Tray Setting.
5.Select Print Lists.
6.Select the paper tray from which the TX Report should print.
7.Press OK.
8.Follow the prompts to exit back to a normal panel.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802098EN* Solution Usage 0
Increase yield of color imaging units using version 6B firmware.
Several factors influence the yield of color Imaging Units (IUs)copyir.com
Color IU life is defined by the “life count”
Life count is the number of hours that the IU is in use (running)
Standard yield is the number of prints that the IU can produce before the “life count” reaches the “life value” under standard conditions as shown in the table below.
Due to this system, a color IU may reach life end before achieving the standard yield under certain conditions. This is because the ratio of hours that the IU is working for printing increases.
the print volume is low
the number of prints per job (p/j) is low the ratio of color to monochrome prints is low
Factors that influence IU page yield
Conditions on which standard yield is based
Job mode
5 p/j
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
5 p/j
7 p/j
5 p/j
Color mode
“Color” or “BWcopyir.com (not “AUTO”
Paper size
8.5 x 11 (A4)
Average print volume per month
Number of image stabilizations
– number of times the machine is turned on
– number of times returning from sleep mode
– temperature/humidity change
– 20 times/month
– none
– no change
Version 6B firmware (Function Enhancement 2) has three functions to help improve the standard yield for color IUs in low volume / low p/j / low color ration machines. These improvementscopyir.com
Reduce the image stabilization when returning from sleep mode
Offer a choice to suspend color IU life stop
Provide the choice for a new ACS mode
These measures can increase the life of the IU when
users are printing mainly in monochrome the print volume is low
if ACS is chosen for the default copy mode
the sleep timer setting is short
1. Reduced image stabilization when returning from sleep mode
With Version 6B firmware, image stabilization will not be performed when the printer wakes from sleep mode unless it has been at least 8 hours since the previous stabilization. If the duration is less than 8 hours and the print head temperature changes at least 2 degrees, auto color registration correction is done. This process, which is a part of image stabilization, takes 4 seconds.
Machine state
Time since last image stabilization
bizhub C451 |
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Print head temperature change
Old firmware
Ver. 6B firmware
Return from sleep
8 hours or more
Image stabilization
Image stabilization
Less than 8 hours
2° or more
Auto color registration correction
Less than 2°
No process
Return from power save
2° or more
Auto color registration correction
Auto color registration correction
Less than 2°
No process
No process
2. Suspend color IU life stop
The life counter value can be suspended in the service mode. This also suspends the IU replacement message.
Life value
(message displayed)
Maximum print
(life stop)
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Even if “suspend” is selected, the number of prints will not exceed the standard yield.
Using this function will run printing into the margin of quality. Therefore, if extended lifetime is set, print quality may be reduced if the life counter exceeds 3610M. It is important to understand this limitation and monitor the machine accordingly.
3. Select the new ACS mode
The ACS mode can be changed to limit the amount of time that the color IUs run. When the new mode is selected, the printer works as though doing monochrome printing without driving the color IUs. Service Mode ? System Setting 2 ? Software SW settingcopyir.com
Switch Number 50copyir.com Hex 00 ? 01
Turn the main switch off and back on
If a color original is copied, the first copy time take a few extra seconds while the color IUs are prepared.
If mixed originals are copied, the machine works as a color machine from the first color original. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0808521EN* Solution Usage Description Captaris® RightFax® documentation. Solution Please see attached Captaris® RightFax® documentation for reference. Guide to the Konica Minolta Extension for Captaris® RightFax® Guide to the Konica Minolta Connector for Captaris® RightFax® Setup Utility for Captaris® RightFax® – User’s Guide Operations for Captaris® RightFax® – User’s Guide Notes copyir.com
httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
0 |
Solution ID TAUS0900142EN* Solution Usage Description Is account tracking supported onMacintosh® O/S 10.5? Solution Account tracking is supported onMacintosh O/S 10.5.Additionally, the account track selection can be found in the COPIES AND P AGES pull down and then select OUTPUT METHOD.The account track and authentication screen will be present. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
0 |
Solution ID TAUS0603556EN* Solution Usage
Power consumption data.
To view power consumption data for warm-up, standby, and running modes, see the attachment.
Notecopyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE
Solution ID TAUS0626631EN* Description Is tandem printing or copying supported? Solution Tandem printing or copying is not supported at this time. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0700806EN* Description Is the SA-501 (Scan Accelerator Kit) required to enable Bates Stamping? Solution The SA-501 Scan Accelerator Kit is not required to enable Bates Stamping. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0700807EN* Description Is the optics LED- or laser-based? Solution Theoptics islaser-based. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0700827EN* Description Is there a battery backup feature for the fax receptions held in memory? Solution There is no battery backup due to the fact the fax jobs are stored on the HDD, therefore, there is no need for the battery backup. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0700868EN* Solution Usage
Can the file formats supported by the MFP be applied to all original types (Auto, Full Color, Grayscale, Black)?
Not all file formats are supported.The following chart indicates which file types are supported per each of the original types available.Please note that the bizhub C451/C550/C650 supports an increased number of file formats and original types as compared to the bizhub C450/C352/C300/C252/C250 mid-range color series.
bizhub C451/C550/C650 Original Setting & File Type Compatibility Matrix
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
File Type
Full Color
Compact PDF
Yes *
Yes *
Yes *
Yes *
Yes *
* Improvements over the bizhub C450/C352/C300/C252/C250.
The bizhub C450/C352/C300/C252/C250 do not support Auto Mode or Grayscale for Compact PDF; no Auto, Full Color or Grayscale for TIFF files and JPEG files could not be scanned if the Original Setting was set to Black.Scanning JPEG files in Black is the only scenario common to the mid-range color series and the bizhub C451/C550/C650.All other file types and original settings have been improved to provide greater versatility.
bizhub C450/C352/C300/C252/C250 Original Setting and File Type Matrix
File Type
Full Color
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Compact PDF
No SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0700876EN* Solution Usage
When stored scan jobs are printed, can you select duplex and have all the jobs duplexed as one document?
When you combine files in the box and print in duplex mode, theMFP prints those files in duplex, however, not as a whole job (combined job), but duplex for each original job. Because each job is originally one-sided, it has the rear side as a blank sheet. If those files are combined and printed in duplex mode, as each original file has the blank rear side, it is printed as if in simplex mode. Therefore, for either scanned file or print file, it is printed in one-sided mode.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0700877EN* Solution Usage
Does the controller offer IPv6 support?
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
TheIC-409 does offer support for IPv6 as well as IPv4.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0700879EN* Description How to scan and make a copy at the same time. Solution The Send and Print feature will allow you to scan or fax a document and make a copy at the same time. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0700880EN* Description How to get meter information on the number of copies and prints for color and B/W according to each account or user. Solution The meter count information gives you only the totals. It does not break down by account or user. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0700881EN* Solution Usage
Are all the new and upgraded PageScope utilities (Font Management, HDD Backup, Print Status Notifier, etc.) backwards compatible with older models?
ThePageScope utilities are compatible with older models.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0700882EN* Description Is the HDD backup utility the same as the utilities available for other bizhub products? Solution The HDD backup utility is the same as for the other bizhub products. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0700883EN* Description Is it possible for the MFP to distinguish between color and B/W clicks in PRINT mode? Solution Via the utility counter,it can distinguish within PRINT mode as well as in COPY mode. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0700892EN* Description Can the MFP apply the same PDF Encryption permissions at the device as are available with Adobe® Acrobat®? |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
TheMFP can apply the same PDF Encryption permissions at the device as are available when using Adobe® Acrobat®.
Solution ID TAUS0701027EN* Solution Usage
FK-502, how to set up Fax ABBR Dial (Abbreviated Dial one-touch).
To set up Fax ABBR Dial (Abbreviated Dial one-touch), perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press the Utility/Counter button.
- Select #1 One Touch Registration.
- Select #2 Fax.
- Select # 1 Address Book.
- Select # 1 Abbr. Dial.
- Select New.
- Select Name, and type the name that will be associated to this fax one-touch (optional).
- Select OK.
- Select Line Setting, and select the desired settings accordingly (Overseas TX, ECM On/Off, Check Destination, Line 1, 2, or No Selection).
10.Select OK.
11.Select Tone, and enter a known valid fax number with optional pauses if needed (examplecopyir.com 9 p 1 p 8601234567).
Note copyir.com Notice the one-touch number that is now associated with this one-touch (examplecopyir.com No. 0020) and the Index of the location of the name; this will becomethe one-touch.
12.Touch OK, and clear 5 times to get back to the main screen.
13.From the main screen of the MFP select the Fax button.
14.Select Abbr. Dial (A) and type in the fax one-touch number (No. 0020) or just go to the Address Book and select the name that is associated to the fax one-touch.
15.Put the document to be faxed into the ADF andpress the start button.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701032EN* Solution Usage
Is Bates Stamping available when printing?
Annotation (Bates Stamping) is a scan function and is only supported when scanning. It is possible to date/time, page number, and place a logo or company name on each page printed out with various stamp functions when using the Emperon controller. If these settings are saved as a favorite setting in the driver it is then possible to have one-touch “Bates Stamping” when printing. Date/time and page numbering are selections in the driver and can be edited for location. A logo can be created as an overlay and the same method can be used for a company name. Once all the selections are made they can be saved as a favorite setting to allow for quicker selection of the settings.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701038EN* Description What is the default Administrator Password? Solution The default Administrator Password is 12345678. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0701039EN* Description How to access Service Mode. Solution To access Service Mode, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the UTILITY/COUNTER key. 2.Select METER COUNT on the touchscreen. |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
3.Select CHECK DETAILS on the touchscreen.
4.Press STOP, 0, 0, STOP, 0, 1.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701168EN* Solution Usage
How to enable/disable the diagnostic code that is output along with the NG of a fax transmission report.
To enable/disable the diagnostic code that is generated along with the failed NG of a fax transmission report,perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Enter Service Mode.
2.Select FAX.
3.Select List Output.
4.Under the List Output Setting, select the desired ON/OFF of the Journal Diagnostic Code Addition.
5.Exit, OK, out of Service Mode and back to the main screen.
Note copyir.com This is used in conjunction with the printed report of a failed TX report. See solution on How to Enable a TX report after fax transmission TAUS0657010EN0* and/or TAUS0653229EN0*.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701274EN* Solution Usage
What options are required for to perform Bates Stamping (Annotation)?
Thebizhub C203/C253/C353/C451/C550/C650do not require optional accessories to perform Bates Stamping. Bates Stamping is offered as a standard function and referred to as Annotation.
Note copyir.com Annotation (Bates Stamping) applies to scanned documents only.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701284EN* Solution Usage
Does theMFPhave the ability to E-mail meter counts from Pagescope Netcare?
TheMFP doeshave the ability to E-mail meter counts from Pagescope Net Care.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0701432EN* Solution Usage
AU101, when authenticating to an external server and a user scans to E-mail, only one document can be scanned. Machine does not keep the users ‘Fromcopyir.com’ address in the ‘Fromcopyir.com’ field requiring the user to log out/log in to send the next scan job.
In order to scan multiple E-mails while authenticating with a external server,perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Press Utility.
2.Select Administration Settings.
3.Select System Settings.
4.Select Reset Settings.
5.Select Job Reset.
6.Select Next Job.
7.Select Reset Data After Job and set it to OFF.
Solution ID TAUS0701463EN* Solution Usage
Why are there two permissions requested for PDF Encryption, one for the password and one for document permissions?
One permission enables the file to be opened and the other permission allows print and edit functions.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0702118EN* Solution Usage
PK-510/PK-512, how to enable the punch option.
To enable the punch option, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Access the Service Mode.
2.Touch [Finisher] on the touchscreen.
3.Touch [Punch option setting] on the touchscreen.
4.Touch [PK-512 or the PK-510] on the touchscreen.
5.Touch [2-Holes/3-Holes] on the touchscreen.
6.Touch [decision] on the touchscreen.
7.Cycle power OFF/ON.
Note copyir.com See the attacheddocumentation for more information. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702124EN* Solution Usage
Can theMFP print through the USB and Ethernet ports simultaneously?
The unit is capable ofprinting through the USB andEthernet ports simultaneously.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702358EN* Solution Usage
MSDS information for drum, developerand toner.
Attached are the Material Safety Data Sheets for the bizhub C451/C550/C650. Notes copyir.com
1.To open the ZIP file, WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® websitecopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm . The file can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run.
2.To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
3.The MSDS documentation is also available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from theKMBS public site ( httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
Solution ID TAUS0702361EN* Solution Usage
Where to findmanuals and other product documentation.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Most documentation (manuals, etc.) can be downloaded from the MyKonicaMinolta.com Supported Models Library or from the KMBS public site ( httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab.
Solution ID TAUS0702418EN* Solution Usage
Can printing be performed when using a host name instead of a TCP/IP address via DHCP?
Printing can be performed when using a host name instead of a TCP/IP address via DHCP. The Microsoft® Windows 2000 or 2003 Server must be set to Dynamically update DNS A and PTR records for DHCP.
Note copyir.comSee attached screen shots for settings. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com
httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702517EN* Solution Usage
Why does the Start Key stay orange (amber) when trying to print the Machine Management List?
The Start Key will remain orange (amber)when trying to print the Machine Management List if Letter Landscape (8.5x11R) is not available. Letter Landscape (8.5x11R) must be available in one of the paper trays or the manual bypass.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702677EN* Solution Usage
How to prevent boxes for EPS and PDF from disappearing when printing from Macintosh® OS 10.4.
Use the Macintosh® OS 10.4x PostScript Driver version 2.01.
Note copyir.com The latest print drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from theKMBS public site ( httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702699EN* Solution Usage
How to print the Account Track list.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
To print the Account Track list, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Press Utility/Counter.
2.Select Administrator Settings.
3.Select User Authentication/Account Track.
4.Select Print Counter List.
5.Select Paper Tray.
6.Press Start.
7.A Counter List will be printed as shown in the attached document.
Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0702757EN* Description Is the FS-608 finisher compatible with these models? Solution The FS-608 iscompatible with these models. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0702775EN* Description Is TWAIN scanning possible using the USB port? Solution Only local printing is available via the USB port. TWAIN scanning is not possible. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0702779EN* Description After ARPing LinkCom™ III, the LAN light still flashes and is not seen in PrintGuide™. Solution |
Solution Usage |
CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect procedure. SOLUTIONcopyir.com After ARPing the LinkCom™ box, PING the TCP/IP address in order to activate the ARP. The light will go solid and it will PrintGuide™. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS |
be seen in |
Solution ID TAUS0702856EN* Description C-2152 code at startup. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The PRCB has failed. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Replace the PRCB (p/n A00J H001 06). |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0702889EN* Description Printing to a printer on a Microsoft® Windows XP PC from a Macintosh® OS version 10.3. Solution |
Solution Usage |
Please perfrom the step-by-step procedures mentioned in the attached PDF. Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703109EN* Solution Usage
How to create a Trifold from the driver.
PREREQUISITES copyir.com The folder function is available only when the optional finisher FS-608 is installed.
Note copyir.com The fold function cannot be specified when the staple, punch, or saddle stitch function is specified.
APPLICATION copyir.com Sometimes an end user will have a document prepared for folding such as an advertising flyer or a rebate special, etc. They may want to print this document, either single-sided or duplexed, and apply a trifold to finish the document. They want to place the image(s) of their digital file on Letter Size Paper (8.5×11).
Note copyir.com Please see the attached PDF for step-by-step procedure. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703112EN* Solution Usage
How to perform a Letter to Legal Booklet creation.
Please perform the step-by-step procedures mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703113EN* Solution Usage
How to fax from the Desktop using the fax driver.
The FK-502 Fax Kit must be installed on the machine and the fax driver software must be loaded onthe PC. The bizhubfax driver ison thePrint Driver CD orit can be downloadedvia the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the the KMBS public site ( httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’. Normally, a faxis sent by loading an original into the fax machine and sending it from the device. With computer faxing (PC-Fax) a faxcan besent directly fromthe computer without using any paper.
This product now has a separate fax print driver that receives the transmission commands sent from the application. It is available as a separate driver to enable users to set it as a default.
The data is transmitted to the MFP print controller via USB for a stand-alone printer or Ethernet interface when used as a network printer. In the print controller, the data is then rasterized to form the bitmap image data. Finally, the data is stored in the memory of the MFP and transmitted like a conventional fax job.
Beforeattempting to send a fax,make sure the Fax Driver is configured properly and that it recognizes all of the installed options.
Note copyir.com Please perform the step-by-step driver procedure mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703196EN* Description Is printing from a PC USB port supported? Solution Printing from a PCUSB ports is supported. It requires the EK-602 USB Host Board option(Item #A090WW0). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0703363EN* Description Can PageScope Data Administrator export user boxes to another unit? Solution PageScope Data Administrator cannot export user boxes to another unit. Note copyir.com At this present time, there is no application or utility, except for the HDD Backup utility, which takes hours to co mplete the backup. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0703383EN* Description Why the Saddle kit option is not shown. Solution The Saddle Stitch function and Fold function are available only when optional finisher FS-608 is installed. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0703390EN* Description FK-502, how to program the receive mode to Auto RX or Manual RX. Solution To program the receive mode to Auto RX or Manual RX, perform the followingcopyir.com
10.Press the Reset key. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0703421EN* Description Compatibilty of bizhub C451 firmware on the bizhub C550/C650. Solution None of the firmware versions are compatible/interchangeable. Note copyir.com Each firmware version is specific to the model number and must be installed on the correct model. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0703455EN* Description Can one phone line be shared for voice and for fax? Solution The specification requires the unit be connected to a dedicated analog PSTN line. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0703463EN* Solution Usage
How to enable or disable the Separate Scan feature on theMFP display as a default.
To have the Separate Scan feature highlighted as a DEFAULT on the operation control panel,select it (highlight it) before performing the followingcopyir.com
1.Press the Utility/Counter button on the control panel.
2.Select #2 User Settings.
3.Select #3 Copier Settings.
4.Select Default Copier Settings. Select Current Settings.
5.Exit back out to the mainscreen by hitting the OK, OK, Close, and Close.
The Separate Scan Feature should now be permanently highlighted (green) on theMFP display.
Note copyir.com To set it back to where it is NOT permanently displayed on theMFPpanel selects the FACTORY DEFAULT instead of Current Settings and this will set thedisplay back to the factory defaults.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703483EN* Solution Usage
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Is there a Popup driver available for the MFP using Account Track?
The Popup for Account Track is available in both the standard PCL and Visual PostScript drivers. The Popup must be enabled in the properties of both drivers and can be done using the following stepscopyir.com
1.Navigate to the Printers and Faxes Folder.
2.Right click on the bizhub C451 driver and choose Properties.
3.Choose the settings tab.
4.Check “Popup Authentication Dialog when Printing”.
5.Select Apply.
6.Select OK.
Note copyir.com The latest print drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the KMBS public site ( httpcopyir.com//www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703484EN* Description When installing the AU-101 is it necessary to install the EK-602? Solution It is necessary to install the EK-602 USB Host Board when the AU-101 is installed. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0703505EN* Description Certain jam and error codes are not currently listed in the bizhub C451/C550/C650 Service Manual version 4.0. Solution |
Solution Usage |
Attached is a current list of jam and error codes. Note copyir.com To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Rich Raynor, ESS/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0703511EN* Solution Usage
Can a pause be inserted into the phone number when using Desktop Faxing?
A pause can be inserted into the phone number that is entered into the driver.Inserting “P” (without the quotation marks) in the phone number will set up the pause when the fax dials the phone number.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703584EN* Description Can transfer paper be used? Solution Transfer paper has not been testedand is currently not a recommended paper type. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0703651EN* Description How to enable/disable Duplex Print (RX). Solution To enable/disable Duplex Print (RX), perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the Utility/Counter key. 2.Touch [3 Administrator Setting] on the touchscreen. 3.Enter the Administrator password (default password is 12345678). 4.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen. |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
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- Touch [8 Fax Setting] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [4 TX/RX Settings] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Duplex Print (RX)] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [ON] or [OFF] as desired by the customer.
- Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
10.Press the Reset key.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703656EN* Solution Usage
The Net Care Counter Reader counts are not displayed correctly when Active Directory Authentication is enabled on the MFP.
The User Authentication users do not appear in the Net Care Counter Reader function and all the Account Track Counters are all listed at 0.
CAUSEcopyir.com User(s)never logged in at the MFP.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com If Active Directory Authentication is enabled on the MFP and is Synchronized with Account Track, if the user has never logged in at the MFP and has printed to the MFP, the Counters will not display correctly in the Net Care Counter Reader function. Once the user has logged in at the MFP panel, the User Authentication/Account Track synchronization will take place and the Counter readings in Net Care will be automatically updated and displayed correctly.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark Kemp, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703716EN* Solution Usage
How to display the toner concentration level of the developing units on the machine touchscreen.
To display the toner concentration level of the developing units on the machine touchscreen, perform the followingcopyir.com 8020/8031
1.Press the UTILITY key.
2.Touch [Meter Count] on the touchscreen.
3.Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
4.Touch [State Confirm] on the touchscreen.
5.Touch [Level History 1] on the touchscreen. The current ATDC value for the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black developing units will be displayed on the touchscreen. A value of 8.00% is normal.
6.Touch [END] on the touchscreen.
7.Touch [FIN. TIME] on the touchscreen.
bizhub C451/C550/C650
1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2.Touch [Meter Count] on the touchscreen.
3.Touch [Check Details] on the touchscreen.
4.Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
5.Touch [State Confirmation] on the touchscreen.
6.Touch [Level history 1] on the touchscreen.The TCR level for the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black developing units will be displayed on the touchscreen.
A value of approximately 7.00% is normal.
7.Touch [END] on the touchscreen.
8.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
bizhub C250/C300/C351/C352/C450 1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2.Touch [Details] on the touchscreen.
3.Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
4.Touch [State Confirmation] on the touchscreen.
5.Touch [Level History1] on the touchscreen. The TCR for the cyan, magenta, yellow and black developer units will be displayed on the touchscreen. A value of approximately 8.00% is normal.
6.Touch [END] on the touchscreen.
7.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0703734EN* Solution Usage
Where is the program key on the Fax/Scan menu?
To find the program key, press the Fax/Scan button and then press the Mode Memory, and the programmed keys are shown. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703747EN* Solution Usage
Will the standard controller keep track of print jobs?
The standard controller does keeptrack of print jobs. Touch Job List, then Job Details, and then Job History to see the printed jobs.
Note copyir.com Secure documents are automatically deleted after a set length of time. The default setting is 1 day, and the setting can be specified in the administrator mode.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703796EN* Solution Usage
When the PK-515 is installed into the bizhub C451, the Punch Unit selection is limited to the PK-510.
CAUSEcopyir.com Firmware/printer driver change is required.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Until a firmware/driver update is available to correct this issue, please select the PK-510 as the Punch Unit. There will be no problem with the operation of the PK-515. Please refer to the attached documentation for additional detail.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0703797EN* Description How to delete unused User Boxes. Solution To delete unused User Boxes, perform the followingcopyir.com
10.Press the Reset key. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0703809EN* Description Where is the admin E-mail address information entered when setting up scan to E-mail via the Konica Minolta Web Interface? |
Solution Usage |
Solution Under the Konica Minolta Web, login as the administrator, enter the admin password (12345678 – unless it has been changed). Under the “Maintenance” tab of the web interface select the “Machine Setting” tab. Enter the admin E-mail address information andfollow the prompts to save the informationthen exit. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ken Walker, Workgroup/SSD |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0703817EN* Solution Usage
Why Banner printing defaults the driver to Thick 3 and the setting is greyed out.
This is normal operation for both the driver and the printer. The machine will slow down when printing onto banner paper sizes. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703839EN* Solution Usage
How to access the machinevia the Web interface to program the one-touch buttons.
Please be aware that the IC-409 will assign the TCP/IP address automatically to the machine. The jumper cable needs to be connected from the IC-409 to the main body allowing this to happen.
The machine needs to be set to DHCP (automatic TCP/IP address). The TCP/IP address for the main body with this configuration will be the one above the TCP/IP address for the IC-409. For example if the TCP/IP address for the IC-409 is the main body can be accessed at, To program the one-touch information the main body needs to be accessed at its TCP/IP address not the TCP/IP address for the IC-409.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by David Silverstein, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0703862EN* Description Is desktop faxing for Intel® Macintosh® available? Solution Desktop faxing is not available for Intel® Macintosh®. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0800122EN* Description Why the scan to box feature is lost when installing the Equitrac©. Solution This is the specification of the machine and will not be implemented in the future firmware according to Japan. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ESS/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0800138EN* |
Solution Usage |
Description When storing a PC print job to a public box andchecking the print settings of this job on the MFP panel,print quantity (copies) is displa ifmultiple copies were selected. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect setting. SOLUTIONcopyir.com ChangeSoftware Switch 64 to Hex Assignment 1copyir.com
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan). |
yed as “1” even |
Solution ID TAUS0800227EN* Description FK-502, during multi-line faxing, can Line 1 be set for reception only. Solution |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
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Line 1 is used for both transmission and reception and cannot be set as reception-only line.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800280EN* Description How to print full bleed on 12×18 paper. Solution Output 11×17 originals on 12×18 paper to preserve color bars, crop marks and margins. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0800354EN* Description How to enable direct printing while Vendor 2 mode is enabled. Solution |
Solution Usage |
To direct print without going through the “Secure Print mode” under Vendor mode, please perform the followingcopyir.com Access Administrator Settings => Security Settings => Function Management Settings => Usage Settings for Each Function => Print => Please select “OFF” on Print setting. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan). |
Solution ID TAUS0800355EN* Solution Usage
How to set up Scan to SMB in Microsoft® Windows Vista™.
Please perform the step-by-step procedure mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800357EN* Solution Usage
How to program a paper tray for special paper type.
To program a paper tray for a special paper type, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Touch the paper icon on touchscreen.
2.Touch the desired paper tray to be programmed on the touchscreen.
3.Touch [Change Tray Settings] on the touchscreen.
4.Touch the special paper type desired [Plain Paper], [Special Paper], [Thick], [Thick 1+], [Thick 2], [Thick 3], [Letterhead] , or [Colored Paper] as desired by the customer.
5.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800403EN* Solution Usage
How to print SAP R/3barcodes.
In order to print SAP barcodes, you need to have the barcode fonts installed on the MFP. This means that you need to purchase SAP compatible barcode fonts and install them onto the HDD of the controller.
Currently the best andeasiestway to print SAP barcodes is to attached a device from Typehaus to the MFP.
This device has been tested and it complete compatible with SAP barcodes. This device is so sophisticated that you need not configure it with an TCP/IP address, it will assume the TCP/IP address of the MFP and intercept the font call for the barcode and replace the call with the actual barcode fonts. Nothing else will be required.
To Purchase this device contactTypehaus atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//typehaus.com . Be sure to mention your affiliation with Konica Minolta. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800432EN* Solution Usage
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
How to enable/disable auto color selection (ACS).
To enable/disable auto color selection (ACS), perform the followingcopyir.com
- Press the Utility/ Counter key.
- Touch [Meter Count] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Check Details] on the touchscreen.
- Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
- Touch [System 2] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Software Switch Setting] on the touchscreen.
- Touch [Switch No.] on the touchscreen and enter “50” using the numeric keypad.
- Touch [HEX Assignment] on the touchscreen and enter “00” to disable ACS or enter “01” to enable ACS using the numeric keypad.
- Touch [Fix] on the touchscreen.
10.Touch [END] on the touchscreen.
11.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800433EN* Description IsMagneCote® paper or magnetic backed paper supported? Solution MagneCote® paperor magnetic backed paper is not supported. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Marge McLea, ProductionCustomer Support/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0800548EN* Description When using the firmware imaging tool the computer gets a Read error 0003, the system cannot find the path specified. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com The temp folder may be missing from the root of the Ccopyir.com drive. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Check and make sure the temp folder is on the root of the Ccopyir.com drive. Create it if it is missing. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by David Silverstein, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0800555EN* Solution Usage
What is the Product Specification for detectable paper sizes that can be run in the DF-611?
According to the Product Specifications of the DF-611 Field Service Manual, the detectable paper sizes that can be run in the DF-611are 5.5×8.5 to 11×17. Please see the attached product specificationdocument for additional/other information. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800576EN* Solution Usage
How do you adjust button sound volumeon the machine?
To adjust the button sound volume, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Press the Accessibility key.
2.Scroll to page 2/2.
3.Select Sound Setting.
4.Select Operation Confirmation Sound.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Tom Kelly, Workgroup/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0800613EN* Solution Usage
Update to Service Manualcopyir.com new Jam code & Trouble codes are added.
The bizhub C650/C550/C451 Field Service Manual updatescopyir.com
Page562copyir.com Jam code 9901 is added.
Page 564copyir.com Jam code 9901 is added.
Page579-1copyir.comDescription of jam code 9901 is added.
Page604-1copyir.com Trouble codes CC170 to CC174 are added.
Page657copyir.com Descriptionsof trouble codes CC170 to CC174 are added.
Note copyir.com Please refer toattached file for additional detail. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0800637EN* Solution Usage
The bizhub C451/C550/C650 series does notuse software switchestoisolate a faulty component. Howcan this be done on these models?
To isolate a faulty component, please perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Enter the Service mode.
2.Select System 1.
3.Select Trouble Isolation.
4.Change the affected component to “Set.”
5.Exit the Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800643EN* Description Are printer drivers available for Microsoft® Windows 9x/ME? Solution Microsoft® Windows* 9x/ME is not supported, thus printer drivers are not available. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0800701EN* Description Special switch for “Image Logging”.Store any processed document onan FTP Server. Solution How to enable the “Image Logging” function 1. Enter Service Mode. 2. Select “System 2”. 3.Press “Software Switch Setting”.
10.Press “Exit”. 11.Press “Utility/Counter”. How to set the “Image Logging” function 1. Enter “Administrator Mode”. 2.Select “Security Settings”. 3.Press “Image Log Transfer Settings”. 4.Select “ON”. 5.Select “FTP Server”. 6.Press “Server Settings”. 7.Enter “Host Name, File Path, User Name and Password”. |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
8.Press “OK”.
9.Select “Forward”.
- Select “All Items or Individual Item”. All Items meanscopyir.com “All processed documents, received or send using any of the available functions of the machine will be stored.”
Individual Item meanscopyir.com “Fax, Fax Rx, Scan” or any combination can be selectedto store a copy of the processed document.” 11. Leave the Administrator Mode.
Depending onsettings, all documents the machineprocesses will be stored on an FTP location.
IMPORTANT copyir.comPlease do NOT enable this switch if the customeris notrequesting this feature.
In addition it is recommended to let the customer sign awaiver denotingthat this special function has been enabled and that this feature may have to be explained toother users, depending of course, onthebusiness and the provision ofnationallaw. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KM Europe (BEU).
Solution ID TAUS0800708EN* Solution Usage
Ther PK-512 Service Manual states that in Service Mode , whenselecting State Confirmation , the edge detection sensors 1~5 will indicate 1 when no paper is present and 0 when paper is present. When verifying this, the machineindicates 0 when no paper present and 1 when paper is present.
CAUSEcopyir.com The Service Manual is incorrect.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comPlease correct your Service Manual information.The correct state is for the machine to indicate 0 when no paper present and indicate 1 when paper is present.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800710EN* Solution Usage
When the driver Quality tab is selected, 600dpi resolution is indicated but cannot be changed.
The default screen resolution for theMFP is600dpiand cannot be changed. Some items such as resolution may appear grayed out. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ken Walker, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800742EN* Solution Usage
How to enable FTP Publishing Services on Microsoft® Windows XP Pro/Windows 2000/Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2003 Server.
Please have the Network Administrator perform the setup procedures mentioned in the attached document. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Note copyir.com I386 files may be required. The instructions are for Microsoft® Windows XP Pro/Windows 2000/Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2003 Server.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800794EN* Solution Usage
Issystem softwarefor the IC-409compatible when the controller is connected to the bizhub C253/C353 and the bizhub C550 series MFPs?
The IC-409 system software iscompatible for use withthe bizhub C253/C353 andbizhub C451/C550/C650. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800944EN* Solution Usage
Can a fusing unit be swapped from one machine to the another of the same model?
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Fusing units cannot be swapped from machine to machine. When installing a fusing unit,a fuse willOPEN andthe fusing unitis now”married” to the machine.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800946EN* Solution Usage
How to find/display a MAC address.
To find the MAC address of a specific device in a Microsoft® Windows environment, such as a main body internal NIC, access the command prompt,PING the TCP/IP address of the device and then perform the command, arp –a .
The attached procedures are for Microsoft® Windows 98/NT/2000/2003/XP, DOS/Microsoft® Windows 3.11/Microsoft® Windows for Workgroups, Microsoft® Windows Vista™ and Macintosh® OS X. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Note copyir.com Also attached is the Technitium MAC Address Changer© freeware program. This software is not supported by Konica Minolta and is to be used at your own risk.
To open the ZIP file, WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® websitecopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm . The file can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800958EN* Solution Usage
Why are there numerous fuser jams when running 11×17, duplex and full bleed with 100% coverage?
Printing or copying originals at 100% coverage/fill is not supported and willcause fuser jams. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0800960EN* Solution Usage
When printing, the drivers are very slow populating the printing preferences dialog box.
CAUSEcopyir.comPrioritize Arranging Papers is selectedon the finishing tab under Paper Arrangement.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com Change Prioritize Arranging Papers to Prioritize Production on the finishing tab of the print driver under Paper Arrangement.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801015EN* Description Power source requirements. Solution The power source requirements arecopyir.com Voltage fluctuationcopyir.com Maximum ± 10% (at 110V/120 to 127V/220 to 240V AC) Frequency fluctuationcopyir.com Maximum ± 3 Hz (at 50 Hz/60 Hz) |
Solution Usage |
Use a power source with as little voltage or frequency fluctuations as possible. Note copyir.com This information is available in the Quick Guide for each model on page X-29. To view this informationrefer tothe attached guide for the corresponding model. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0801040EN* Solution Usage
How to find/display the MAC address in a Macintosh® OS X environment (versions 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5).
Please perform the procedures mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801045EN* Solution Usage
How to check Java version on a Macintosh® OS 10.X.
To check Java version on a Macintosh® OS 10.Xcopyir.com
Open a Finder window=> select the base HD=> select Applications=> select Utilities=> select Java.All installed versions of Java will be listed.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801057EN* Solution Usage
ZU-603, Installation and Service Manuals.
Attached arecopyir.com
ZU-603 Installation Manual
ZU-603 Sevice Manual (Theory of Operation)
ZU-603 Sevice Manual (Field Service) ZU-603 Wiring Diagram
To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0801064EN* Solution Usage
Will print be inhibited when transfer belt unit life is exceeded?
Printing will be inhibited when the maximum number of printed pages is reached for the transfer belt unit. See the table below for the maximum page count for each machine.
Maximum number of printed pages
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801071EN* Description Can version 88 firmware be downgraded? Solution The version 88 (i-Option) firmware cannot be downgraded to a lower level (Function Enhancement Level). Note copyir.comA downgrade cannot beforcedby exchanging the NVRAM. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801078EN* Description How to insert an image from a scanner into a Microsoft® Word 2007 document using a TWAIN driver. Solution |
Solution Usage |
Please perform the step-by-step procedure mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be inst a can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
lled. Adobe Reader® |
Solution ID TAUS0801080EN* Description Serial number and meter reading locations. Solution Serial Number copyir.com Located on the UL label at the lower rear of machine. Meter copyir.com Mechanical counter is located behind the white door immediately to the right of the front door. Software counter accessed by pressing Utility/Counter on the operation panel.Press Meter Count at upper left of display. Notecopyir.com Please see attachment. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801099EN* Description |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
How to use the proof printing feature to print multiple sets when using the standard or Fiery® controller.
To print out the sets, perform the followingcopyir.com
1.Press the Job details tab.
2.Press the Release held tab twice.
3.Highlight the job and press the Start key.
Note copyir.com Please ensure that machine firmware version isthe latest. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ESS/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801234EN* Solution Usage
Print Head Unit part number.
Print Head Unit (p/n A00J R741 00). See attached photo as a reference.
Reasons why each printer head cannot be replaced individually copyir.com The specifications value of BOW of the lens in the PH Unit cannot be met. The line parts and replacement parts are classified according to their characteristics and shipped according to this grouping. It has to do with the different lots of curved lens assemblies. The unts are calibrated based on measurement of that lens (with some type of device). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801241EN* Description How to print out an E-mail one-touch list. Solution To print out an E-mail one-touch list, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter Admin Mode. 2.Select One Touch User Box Reg. 3.Select Address Reg List. 4.Select Address Book List. 5.Select E-mail and then Print. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801253EN* Description How to program the Administrator Feature Level. Solution To program the Administrator Feature Level, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the Utility/Counter key. 2.Touch [Meter Count] on the touchscreen. 3.Touch [Check Details] on the touchscreen. 4.Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1. 5.Press Stop-0-Clear. 6.Touch [Administrator Feature Level] on the touchscreen. 7.Touch [Level 1], [Level 2], or [Prohibit] as desired by the customer. 8.Touch [END] on the touchscreen. 9.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801301EN* Solution Usage
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
How to insert an image from a scanner into a Microsoft® Word 2007 document.
This document describes how to insert an image from a scanner into a Microsoft® Office Word 2007 document.
To insert an image from a scanner into a Microsoft® Word 2007 document, follow these stepscopyir.com
1.Installthe Konica Minolta TWAIN driver.
2.Start Microsoft® Word 2007.
3.On the Insert tab, click Clip Art .
4.In the Clip Art pane, click Organize clips .
5.Select the Device (current TWAIN driver ).
6.Select Device from the Device List and select Connect .
7.Makea selection from this screen.
8.Placethe document on the platen glass of theMFP or documentsin the document feeder.
9.Select Scan from the TWAIN driver.
Note copyir.com Please see attachment for complete details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801340EN* Description When scanning, is there an option for blank page removal? Solution Blank page removal is not available. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801352EN* Description Can the fax can be set to send at different times? Solution The fax unit can be programmed to transmit at a specified time.To send a fax at a specified time, perform the followingcopyir.com
Note copyir.comThe transmission start time should be in the 24-hour clock format.
10.Press [Start] key. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801388EN* Description How to disable the print function when forwarding a fax. Solution To disable the fax from printing out at the machinecopyir.com 1.Enter the Admin. Mode. 2.Select Fax Settings. 3.Function Settings. 4.Forward TX Setting. 5.Select the Foward & Print (If TX Fails) and pressOK and exit the mode. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0801420EN* Solution Usage
Can the default file name when scanning to SMB be changed?
The default file name when scanning to SMB cannot be changed.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801456EN* Solution Usage
User manually forwarding and intermittently the faxes are not being forwarded to the folder and faxes are lost.
CAUSEcopyir.com Customer does not have a dedicated fax line for the machine andthe faxes are answered andmanually forwarded to the fax.
SOLUTIONcopyir.comSMB forwarding should function correctly all the time when set up correctly and intermittent receipt at the folder could be based on the way the fax is connected to the phone line and transferred. Connect the fax to a direct fax line with no rollover or forwarding line involved. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Don St. Onge, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801458EN* Solution Usage
What is the maximum capacity of the evelator tray for stapled sets?
The maximum number of stapled sets is determined by paper size and number of pages in the stapled set.The maximum is 100 sets for 8.5×11 with sets of less than 10 pages each.
Note copyir.com Please see page 2 of the FS-517 in the bizhub C650 Field Service Manual for the complete table listing. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801462EN* Description How to print out an E-mail one-touch address list. Solution To print out an E-mail one-touch address list, perform the followingcopyir.com 1 .Enter Admin Mode. 2 .Select One Touch User Box Reg. 3 .Select Address Reg List. 4 .Select Address Book List. 5.Select E-mail and then Print. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801486EN* Solution Usage
How toset a one-touch to dial out.
It is possible to direct dial a remote fax but not through a one-touch. If the line is a standard digital T1 line, it normallyis not supported with this fax option.
Although, if an outbound fax is possible, it mayfunction with the T1 line. Make the following changescopyir.com
1.Enter the Service mode.
2.Select Fax, and then select Network.
3.Select Network setting 2 and set dial tone detection toOFF and DC-loop check to OFF.
4.Restart the MFP.
5.It should now be possible to set a one-touch key and fax out.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ken Walker, Workgroup/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0801503EN* Solution Usage
When sending E-mail from the machine, can a list of “From” addresses be accessed to change them instead of manually entering the “From” address each time?
The “From” addresses can only be entered manually unless User Authentication is activated. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801526EN* Solution Usage
How to enable the POP UP box when authentication is enabled.
To enable the POP UP box when authentication is enabled perform the following within the driver (Examplecopyir.com the bizhub C451/550/650 PostScript driver version 6.1.2).
1.Select Start =>Printer and Faxes.
2.Right-click on the driver =>select Properties.
3.Select the Settings tab and check off the box, Popup Authentication Dialog when Printing . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801566EN* Solution Usage
The Service Manual only indicates the capacity but not paper weight. What is the exact specification?
The exact specification for tri-fold is Plain paper (17lb to 24 lb), 8-1/2×11 w, A4 w, and 16K w, 3 sets (17lb to 21- 1/4 lb) 16 sets (21-1/2 lb to 24 lb), from finishing tray number 3. The information can be found in the User’s Manual on page 208 (see attached).
Note copyir.com To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ken Walker, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801567EN* Solution Usage
Office Workgroup and Production Print – Basic Functionality Chart (Marketing Bulletin 08_GB_024).
Konica Minolta is pleased to announce a new sales tool called the Office Workgroup and Production Print – Basic Functionality Chart (see attachment). This chart has been developed to give you a broad overview of the basic functionality on all current Office Workgroup MFPs and Production Print Systems. This ‘at-a-glance’ chart will be helpful to determine product families, standard and optional features, print and scan PPM speeds, copy, print controller, local and network scanning destinations and lastly fax functionality.
Models associated with the chart arecopyir.com bizhub 160, 161f, 181, 200, C203, 250, C253, 350, C353, C353P, 360, 421, C451, 501, C550, 600, C650, 750 and bizhub PRO C5500, C6500, 920, 1050e.
This chart will be associated under Support Materials or individual product pages for each model listed on MyKonicaMinolta.com. Note copyir.com To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0801602EN* Solution Usage
The Engine Network ID (MAC address) does not appear on the configuration page in DHCP mode.
CAUSEcopyir.com System code patch required.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
SOLUTIONcopyir.comInstall the attached IC-409 patch file (1-VLROC). Please refer to the attached Release Notes prior to installation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . Notes copyir.com
1.The patch file (18.9MB) is also available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
2. To open the file(s) using WinZip®, WinZip® must be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® websitecopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm . The file can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0801609EN* Solution Usage
Troubleshooting Guide (version 2.0) and Options Troubleshooting Guide (version 2.1).
Troubleshooting Guide for bizhub C451/C550/C650 (15.7MB). Also, Options Troubleshooting Guide for bizhub C451/C550/C650 which includes FS-517/FS-519/FS-608/PK-510/PK-515. Please see attached documentation. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0801649EN* Solution Usage
How to perform a Data Clear.
To perform a Data Clearcopyir.com
IMPORTANT copyir.com Prior to the Data Clearcopyir.com
The one touches will be erased so it is recommended to export the addresses from the machine.
The E-mail information will be erased so please export the Device information from the machine.
Make a note of the TCP/IP address configuration as the machine will be reset to DHCP. Backup any account codes with PageScope Data Administrator.
Data Clear
1.Enter Tech Rep Mode.
2.Press System 1.
3.Press Initialization.
4.Press Data Clear and then the Start key.
5.When [OK] is displayed, wait 10 seconds or more and cycle the main power switch OFF/ON.
After the Data Clearcopyir.com
1.Reinstall the HDD under System 2/HDD and power the machine OFF/ON.
2.If a Fax is installed, set the target back to U.S. in System1/Marketing.
3.Reinput the TCP/IP address information.
4.Import the address book and device settings.
Note copyir.com Reinstall the HDD, TCP/IP address and set the machine to U.S. target if a FK-502 is installed.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp and Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801665EN* Solution Usage
Why does the machine not allow multiple one-touch destinations for scanning to be selected? The message “The address for the communication method exceeds the number of one touches for broadcast” may be displayed.
The machine will not allow multiple one-touch destinations for scanning to be selected if Restrict Broadcasting is enabled.
Restrict Broadcasting can be turnedOFF by carrying out the following stepscopyir.com
1.Enter the Administrator Mode.
2.Choose System Setting.
3.Select Restrict User Access.
4.Select Restrict Operation.
5.Touch Restrict Broadcasting and set it to OFF.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0801717EN* Description “Could not execute because the size of file has reach its maximum” message. Registration of Photo under the Store Address tab i Connection will not registerbitmap images that are 48×48 and 24-bit BMP. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Thedata size of the photo/bitmap is larger than the acceptable size. SOLUTIONcopyir.com The specification of acceptable photo data is as followscopyir.com File Typecopyir.com BMP format, 24-bit color, uncompressed Image Sizecopyir.com 48×48 pixels Data Sizecopyir.com 6966 bytes SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ron Reed, ASG/SSD |
Solution Usage n PageScope Web |
Solution ID TAUS0801731EN* Description Intermittently user authentication fails when authenticating with Active Directory. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect server name is entered for Active Directory authentication, or the server is a secondary or from a trusted domain. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Enter the name of the server running Active Directory (primary domain controller). SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801737EN* Description FK-502, multi-line, Fax Forwarding, fax troubleshooting. |
Solution Usage |
Solution Please see the attached document pertaining to FK-502 multi-line, Fax Forwarding, fax troubleshooting. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0801738EN* Solution Usage
FK-502, subject change for fax forwarding.
When forwarding to E-mail, the subject format can be selectedasfollows for Image Receiver Software.
Soft Switch number 28 =00 (hex)
FWDcopyir.com[ @@@ ] copyir.comFAX image from [ **** copyir.comyyyy/mm/dd]
Note copyir.com @@@ represents the sender name registered in the MFP forwarding the fax job. When nothing is registered as the sender,subject of the E-mail will be blank.
**** represents the information of the fax sender.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801752EN* Solution Usage
Fusing Unit pico fuse location.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Please see attachments for the location of the Fusing Unit pico fuse. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801837EN* Description How to change the E-mail Administrator, or who the E-mail is from whenscanningto E-mail. Solution To change the E-mail Administrator, or who the E-mail is from whenscanningto E-mailcopyir.com Utility Administrator Setting Password Administrator Machine Settings Administrator Registration Fill out Administrator Name (this will indicate who the E-mail is from) Fill out E-mail address of the Administrator SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801966EN* Description How to print out a configure page. Solution To print out a configure pagecopyir.com 1. Utilities/Counter. 2.User Setting. 3.Printer Settings. 4.Print Report Configure page. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0801974EN* Solution Usage
What can cause the from address of the machine not to change when scanning to E-mail even though the Administrator Registration E-mail address has been changed?
The from address for the machine when scanning to E-mail will not change even through the Administrator Registration E-mail address has been changed if the Scan/Fax settings have been set to current setting.
The Default Scan Fax Settings can be changed using the following stepscopyir.com
1.Touch the Fax/Scan Key.
2.Touch the Utility Key.
3.Select User Setting.
4.Choose Scan/Fax Setting.
5.Choose Default Scan/Fax Settings.
6.Choose Current Setting.
7.Touch OK.
8.Exit the User Mode.
9.Power the machine OFF/ON.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0801982EN* Solution Usage
Can the fax driver be used with the IC-409 connected?
The controllerwill work as long as the Fax driver is pointed to theMFP TCP/IP address and not the TCP/IP address for the IC-409.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by David Silverstein, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802009EN* Solution Usage
Can the Emperon controller print an E-mail attachment?
Due to the specification of the unit not supporting the function, the Emperon controller will not printany attachment from an E-mail. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802039EN* Solution Usage
Firmware J8 serial number break.
Please refer to attached Marketing Bulletin 08-GB-040 for details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0802054EN* Solution Usage
SP-501 installation instructions.
Please refer to the attached SP-501 (Stamp Unit) Installation Manual. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0802109EN* Description How to disable the beep sound when a fax tranmission does not complete. Solution To disable the Fax Incomplete Tone, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the Accessibility buton. 2.Select page 2/2. 3.Select 2) Sound Setting. 4.Select 4) Caution Sound. 5.Select Simple Caution Sound (Level 2). 6.Set to NO and press OK. 7.Press Reset to return to normal mode. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ron Reed, ASG/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802116EN* Description Waste toner box location and replacement. Solution Waste toner box location and replacementcopyir.com 1.Open front door on main body, where toner is located. 2.The waste toner is located below the toner. 3.Push out the blue handles on the right and left hand side, and the toner box will pop out. 4.Insert new toner box. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0802137EN* Description How to receive faxes from a computer fax server. Solution To receive faxes from a computer fax servercopyir.com
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802150EN* Description Setting up WebDAV on a Microsoft® Windows XP Pro workstation. |
Solution Usage |
Solution Please perform the procedures mentioned in the attached documentation. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0802158EN* Description Why is the TSI User Box selection not available in the Administrator Mode? Solution The TSI User Box selection will not be available in the Administrator Mode if Fax Forwarding has beenenabled. Please usethe fo llowi Fax Forwarding functioncopyir.com 1.Enter the Administrator Mode. 2.Select Fax. 3.Select Function Settings. 4.Select Forward TX Setting. 5.Choose No. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage ng steps to turn off the |
Solution ID TAUS0802220EN* Description Why faxes are forwarded to a user box when Vendor mode is enabled. Solution Due to the specificationof the Vending mode, faxes will be forwarded to a user box so the unit can properly process the data. Note copyir.comIf PC-Fax RX Setting is set to Allow, then Memory RX Setting will be missing from the tabs. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802224EN* Description Available settings for extending the life of imaging units. |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Be sure that the latest version of firmware is installed in the machine. Then use the model-specific steps included in attached Bulletin Number 6525 and Bulletin Number 6105 to adjust the IU Life settings.
Notes copyir.com
1. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on ‘Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more’.
2.To viewthe PDFs, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
Solution ID TAUS0802261EN* Description How to change the Page Size in Adobe® InDesign® in Macintosh® OSX 10.5. Solution To change the Page Size in Adobe® InDesign® in Macintosh® OSX 10.5copyir.com 1.With the document open, select File. 2.Select Print. 3.On the General tab select the printer from the list. 4.On the Setup tab select the desired page size. 5.Select Print to print the job. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802262EN* Description How to change the Page Size in Adobe® Acrobat® in Macintosh® OSX 10.5. Solution To change the Page Size in Adobe® Acrobat® in Macintosh® OSX 10.5copyir.com 1.With the document open, select File. 2.Select Page Setup. 3.Format Forcopyir.com Select the printer from the list. 4.Page Sizecopyir.comSelect the desired page size. 5. SelectOK. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802295EN* Solution Usage
What could cause the Memory RX Setting not to be available in the Admin Mode?
The Memory RXSetting will not be available if the TSIUser Box is turned on. The TSIUser Box can be turned off using the following stepscopyir.com
1.Enter the Admin Mode.
2.Choose Fax.
3.Choose Function Setting.
4.Choose TSI User Box.
5.Select No.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802299EN* Description Duplex option is not shown when printing from Macintosh® OS 10.5. Solution |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect settings.
SOLUTIONcopyir.com To select the duplex option, please select the followingcopyir.com
1. Select File/print from the application being used.
2.Click on Firefox®, and select Layout/Finish.
3.Click Print Type and choose 2-Sided.
Note copyir.comThe duplex (2-Sided)option is not listed as a finishing function and can only be seen when the file/print is selected from the application. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802302EN* Solution The message “Cannot be set Since Single Side Only is selected” when trying to make a duplex copy from the LU-301 will be displ Single Side Only. The setting for the LU-301 can be changed carrying out the following stepscopyir.com 1. Touch the Paperselection on the LCD panel. 2.Select the LU-301. 3.Select Change Tray Settings. 4.Choose Plain Paper. 5.Touch OK. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage ayed if the tray is set for |
Solution ID TAUS0802312EN* Description When programming one-touch keys using the web interface; can the default reset timeout interval be changed? Solution Change the reset timing by performing the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter the Admin mode. 2.Select System Settings. 3.Select Reset Settings. 4.Select System Auto Reset. 5.Press the Clear key and enter the desired time delay before the screen is reset. 6.Exit the Admin mode. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802313EN* Description How to add or remove a tray from the ATS selection list. Solution To add or remove a tray from the ATS selection listcopyir.com 1.Press Utility. 2.Select User settings. 3.Select Paper tray settings. 4.Select Auto tray select settings. 5.Highlight the tray you want to add/remove from the ATS selection list. 6.Exit the settings and power cycle the machine. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802323EN* Solution Usage
With User Authenication, Novell® server, new users without restrictions are being created.
This issue has been escalated to Konica Minolta Business Technologies in Japan.
KMBS/SSD is working with partners in support and R&D in Japan to obtain a resolution for this issue as quickly as possible.
If viewing this solution via the web, please establish a ticket via either the web or by calling the contact center at 1-800-825-5664 . Once a ticket has been established an E-mail will be sent when this solution is updated.
For phone advisors, please attach to this solution for an automatic E-mail that will be sent to the technician when this solution is updated. Once the toner and developerlot numbersare received, end the call with call code “Escalated to Japan”.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/BSE
Solution ID TAUS0802392EN* Solution Usage
Why the machine management list cannot be printed even though the Start Key is blue.
The machine management list will not be printed if the HDD has been set to “not installed” in Service Mode. Please confirm that the HDD is set to “installed” using the following stepscopyir.com
1.Enter Service Mode.
2.Choose System 2
3.Select HDD
4.Choose Installed.
5.Touch OK.
6.Exit Service Mode.
7.Power Cycle the machine using both the sub and main power switches.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802400EN* Solution Usage
Why more than 1000 fonts cannot be downloaded to the machine.
This is the machine specification. The machine can store 1000 or less number of fonts (Download fonts and Resident fonts). The machine has 217Resident fonts, thereforethat leaves no more than 782fonts that can be downloaded.It is strongly recommended, though,that782 fontsare NOT downloaded. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID TAUS0802411EN* Solution Usage
FK-502, when routing a fax to an E-mail address, what happens if the E-mail does not go through due to an E-mail server malfunction?
Providing that PRINT IF TX FAILS is selected when setting up the routing address, the machine will indicate that the fax received the job OK and is complete. The machine will also print the document in the case of failure. In essence if the document prints the job has failed to route to the selected location.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802414EN* Solution Usage
FS-519 installation.
The FS-519 is a common option for the bizhub C451 and bizhub C353 series. However, installation is different.
The FS-519 has two Installation Manuals, and on page E-1 in both manuals there is highlighted information describing the differences (see attached).
bizhub C451 Installation Manual statescopyir.com
‘Applied Machinecopyir.com C451’ at the top of the page and ‘mounting bracket B and adjustment screw are not used to install the finisher to the models explained here.’ at the bottom of the page.
bizhub C353 seriesInstallation Manual statescopyir.com
‘Applied Machinescopyir.com C353/C253/C203/C353P’ at the top of the page and ‘Guide A, guide B, and mounting bracket A are not used to install the finisher to the models explained here.’ at the bottom of the page.
Note copyir.com To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0802452EN* Description The Account Tracking list indicates LARGE SIZE below the TOTAL count, what size is being tracked? Solution The LARGE SIZE indication on the Account Tracking reportis for tracking jobs that use 11×17 paper. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802465EN* Description What can cause the link lights on the RJ45 connection not to light? Solution The link lights on the RJ45 connection may not light if the Network speed has been changed from the Auto Selection and set to a spe Network speed can be set back to Auto carrying out the following stepscopyir.com 1.Enter Administrator Mode. 2.Select Network. 3.Touch the Forward key. 4.Choose Detail Setting. 5.Choose Device Setting. 6.Set theNetwork Speed to Auto. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage cific speed. The |
Solution ID TAUS0802505EN* Description FK-502, how to enable/disable Busy Tone detection. Solution To enable/disable Busy Tone detection, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the Utility/Counter key. 2.Touch [Meter Count] on the touchscreen. 3.Touch [Check Details] on the touchscreen. 4.Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1. 5.Touch [FAX] on the touchscreen. 6.Touch [Network] on the touchscreen. BUSY TONE Detection will be displayed on the touchscreen. 7.Touch [ON] or [OFF] as desired by the customer. 8.Touch [END] on the touchscreen. 9.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802515EN* Solution Usage
Recommended OHP paper (transparencies).
The recommended OHP paper (transparencies) is CG3700 by 3M (Item #7640000420).
Notes copyir.com
1.Konica Minolta does not “officially” support color transparencies for the bizhub C650/C550/C451. Please refer to attached Marketing Bulletin #08-GB-051 for more information. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
2.Konica Minolta does not guarantee the image quality on the OHP to be equivalent to the image quality of other paper types and media.
3.For the bizhub PRO C500, feed transparencies from the MF tray in the landscape direction only. Select Normal 1 for paper type setting. The registration sensor is the reflective type and will misdetect the lead edge of the transparency if the following is not performedcopyir.com
Update tofirmware level version 12 or higher and setdipswitch 4-1 to 1 in the 25 mode.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
4.Transparencies that are labeled for use in the HP® Color LaserJet 5/5M will also work in the KL3015.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802534EN* Solution Usage
What is the part number for the Tray 3 (1500 sheet) paper feed assembly?
Tray 3 (1500 sheet) paper feed assembly (p/n is A00JR75700).
Solution ID TAUS0802550EN* Solution Usage
When printing to the machine and selecting the Manual Bypass Tray in the driver why does the machine always ask for paper to loaded in the bypass even though paper is present?
The machinewill ask for paper to loaded in the bypass even though paper is present if the Manual Bypass Adjustment has not been carried out. The manual bypass adjustment can be carried out using the following stepscopyir.com
- Enter the Service Mode.
- Select Machine.
- Select Manual Bypass Tray Adjustment.
- Select Max Width.
- Set the guides 301mm apart.
- Press the start key and confirm OK is displayed.
- Select Min Width.
- Set the guides89 mm apart.
- Press the start key and confirm OK is displayed.
10.Exit the Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Dave Bruni, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802641EN* Solution Usage
When opening up driver properties or Printing defaults, there is a delay before the properties are displayed.
This issue has been escalated to Konica Minolta Business Technologies in Japan.
KMBS/SSD is working withpartners in support in Japan to obtain a resolution for this issue as quickly as possible.
Note copyir.com If viewing this solution via the web, please establish a ticket via either the web or by calling the contact center at 1-800-825-5664. Once a ticket has been established an E-mail will be sent when this solution is updated.
For phone advisors, please attach to this solution so that an automatic E-mail will be sent to the technician when this solution is updated. End the call with call code “Escalated to Japan”.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/BSE
Solution ID TAUS0802642EN* Solution Usage
Can eCopy™ be connected to the EFI Fiery® IC-409?
The IC-409 can be connectedby two methods. With each method, there is a change in function and limitation. Please choose the best method to meet your customer’s needscopyir.com
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Method A
Method B
Web page
Use the machine TCP/IP
address to access PageScope Web Connection and the Fiery® TCP/IP address to access Fiery® Web Tools
Same as Method A
No Difference between A and B.
Fiery® Network Limitation
Fiery® Remote Scan 5 will not be
No Limitation
Machine (Emperon) Network Limitation
No Limitation
The following will not be supported
-1000Base-T – AppleTalk™
-SMB Browsing
See attached documentation to set up configuration. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/BSE
Solution ID TAUS0802645EN* Description The equipment ID is wrong. Solution It is necessary to call theVcare queueto correct the address. SPECIAL NOTEcopyir.com Solution contribution by Don St. Onge, Workgroup/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802654EN* Description Errors when writing to the CF card via the Firmware Imaging Toolkit. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Thereis additional setup configuration requiredafter installing the Firmware Imaging Toolkit. SOLUTIONcopyir.comProcedure by OScopyir.com |
Solution Usage |
bizhub C451 |
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Microsoft® Windows Vista™ 1. Open Control Panel.
2.Open System and Maintenance, and then click on Administrative Tools.
3.Double-click on Local Security Policy.
4.Local Security Policy is opened and Security Settings is displayed in the left portion ofthewindow.
5.Click left side of Local Policies, and then Local Policies is opened.
6.Click displayed Security Options, and then double-click on[Devicescopyir.com Allowed to format and eject removable media] that is displayed in the right side ofLocal Security Policy window.
7.Change the setting to Administrators and Interactive Users and click OK.
8.After restarting PC, all users can use Compact Flash Card.
Microsoft®Windows XP 1 . Open Control Panel.
2.Open Performance and Maintenance, and then clickon Administrative Tools.
3.Double-click on Local Security Policy.
4.Please open the following policy.
Security Settings\Local Polices\Security Options\Allowed to format and eject removable media 5 . Select Administrators and Interactive Users,and then click OK.
6. Rebootthe PC to take effect.
Microsoft®Windows 2000 1. Open Control Panel.
2.Open Administrative Tools.
3.Double-click on Local Security Policy.
4.Please open the following policy.
Security Settings\Local Polices\Security Options\Allowed to format and eject removable NTFS media 5. Select Administrators and Interactive Users,and then click OK.
6. Rebootthe PC to take effect.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/BSE
Solution ID TAUS0802704EN* Description Microsoft® Internet Explorer timeout when browsing to the NIC. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Internet Explorer is not set to refresh page every visit. SOLUTIONcopyir.com Set Internet Explorer to refresh page every visit by performing the followingcopyir.com 1.Open Internet Explorer properties. 2.Select Settings. 3.Select the radio button for Every visit to the page and click OK. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802732EN* Description How to enable/disable Tray 1. Solution To enable/disable Tray 1, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the Utility/Counter key. 2.Touch [Meter Count] on the touchscreen. 3.Touch [Check Details] on the touchscreen. 4.Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1. 5.Touch [System 1] on the touchscreen. |
Solution Usage |
6.Touch [Trouble Isolation] on the touchscreen. 7.Tray 1 will be displayed on the touchscreen. Touch [Set] to place Tray 1 in the disabled mode or [Unset] to place Tray 1 in the enabled mode. 8.Touch [Apply] on the touchscreen. 9.Power the machine OFF/ON using the main power switch. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD |
Solution ID TAUS0802751EN* Solution Usage
How to set up WebDav from Microsoft® Windows 2003 Server.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Please perform the step-by-step procedures mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802759EN* Description How to two-hole punch onto 8.5x11R paper when printing. Solution To perform a two-hole punch print using 8.5x11R paper, make the following selections in the print drivercopyir.com 1 .Select the paper tray being used. 2 .Go to the layout tab and select Top Bind. 3.Go to the Finish tab and select 2 Hole Top. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark D’Attilio, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802764EN* Description FK-502, how to program the default paper tray for RX fax (Receiving). Solution To program the default paper tray to print incoming faxes (receiving RX faxes), perform the followingcopyir.com
10.Press [Close ]. 11.Press [Close]. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0802819EN* Solution Usage
How to set up WebDav from Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server.
Please perform the procedures mentioned in the attached documentation. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html . SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802879EN* Solution Usage
How toaccess Trouble Isolation.
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
To access Trouble Isolationcopyir.com
1.Go into Service Mode.
2.System 1.
3.Trouble Isolation.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0802914EN* Solution Usage
Why all vCare/CSRC and network settings need to be reset after the NVRAM reset procedure has been performed.
After the NVRAM reset procedurehas been performed, the MFP will stop communicating with the vCare system.
The NVRAM reset procedure procedure is performed to Initailize a corrupt NVRAM or to reset the NIC settings to Factory Default. When loading this special firmware, there is a choice to perform one of two options
NVRAM Initialize.
Resets the NVRAM except those counters that are shown on the first page of the counter list.
NIC setting erase.
Reset the Network settings saved in the NVRAM.
Only one of these options can be performed at a time.
Additionally, after either of the options for this procedure has been performed, the MFP network settings will also need to be reset.
Please refer to attached “NVRAM reset procedure” for more detailsand for all settings which will need to be reset on the MFP. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site atcopyir.com httpcopyir.com//www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .
To reset vCare/CSRC settings
For the bizhub workgroup models, (the settings for bizhub production models differ)in Tech Rep mode, perform the following procedure in order to reset settingscopyir.com
1. CS Remote Care – Server Settings, select Data Initialization – press Yes, then press End.
.In the CS Remote Care – Detail Settings, select RAM Clear – press Set, then press End.
IMPORTANT copyir.comRemember to cycle power.
3.After the MFP powers up, then re-enter all the vCare settings and confirm successful communication with the vCare system.
4.Please consult the MFP bizhub vCare E-mail Setup Instructions for each specific model for details on all the required settings.
SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Mark Kemp, ASG/SSD
Solution ID TAUS0807972EN* Description How to display the Counter/Data warnings on the touchscreen. Solution To display the Counter/Data warnings on the touchscreen, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the Utility /Counter key. 2.Touch [Meter Count] on the touchscreen. 3.Touch [Check Details] on the touchscreen. 4.Press STOP-0-0-STOP-0-1. 5.Touch [Counters] on the touchscreen. 6.Touch [Warning] on the touchscreen. The Counter/Data warnings will be displayed on the touchscreen. 7.Touch [END] on the touchscreen. 8.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0807985EN* Description Is it possible to use a key counter or vending device and user authentication/account track at the same time? |
Solution Usage |
Solution It is notpossible -this is a machine limitation. The account track and authentication settings are not available when the plug- in counter or vending mode is enabled. They are not compatible. Either a vending device or user authentication/account track can be used but not both at the same time. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by David Silverstein, Workgroup/SSD and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD |
bizhub C451 |
Miscellaneous |
Solution ID TAUS0808015EN* Description Fax direct input is not visible. Solution CAUSEcopyir.com Incorrect setting. SOLUTIONcopyir.com To enable direct input, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Enter the Administrator mode. 2.Select User Authentication/Account Track. 3.Select Public User Access. 4.Set Direct Input to “Allow”. 5.Exit the Administrator mode. Special notecopyir.com Solution contributed by Donald Schroeder, KMBS/Rolling Meadows. |
Solution Usage |
Solution ID TAUS0808078EN* Description How to enable/disable the PS Error Page. Solution To enable/disable the PS Error Page, perform the followingcopyir.com 1.Press the Utility/counter key. 2.Touch [2 User Settings] on the touchscreen. 3.Touch [5 Printer Settings] on the touchscreen. 4.Touch [PS Setting] on the touchscreen. 5.Touch [Print PS Error] on the touchscreen. 6.Touch [ON] or [OFF] on the touchscreen as desired by the customer. 7.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen. 8.Press the Reset key. SPECIAL NOTE copyir.com Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD |
Solution Usage |