کیو سرا میتا fs1060dn

0100    Backup memory read/write error (NOR)
Flash returns an abnormal status     copyir.com    Defective flash memory     copyir.com
0120    MAC address data error For data in which the MAC address is invalid     copyir.com    Defective flash memory     copyir.com
0190    Backup memory error (engine) Unable to read the main PWB IC     copyir.com    Defective flash memory     copyir.com Defective main PWB     copyir.com
0630    Scan DMA error Unable to transfer DMA     copyir.com    Defective main PWB     copyir.com
2000    Main motor error
Pulse is not detected after 1000msec     copyir.com Motor won’t stabilize after 300msec     copyir.com    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector     copyir.com Defective drive transmission system of motor     copyir.com Defective motor     copyir.com Defective main PWB     copyir.com
4000    Polygon motor synchronize error
Polygon motor is not stabilized within 15 s since the motor is activated     copyir.com After polygon motor is stabilized, the ready signal is not detected for 7 s continuously     copyir.com    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector     copyir.com Defective polygon motor     copyir.com Defective main PWB     copyir.com
4200    BD stability error
The BD signal is not detected for 1000 ms after processing the compulsion lighting     copyir.com At the interrupt in VSYNC, the BD error is detected continuously for 10 times in 400 ms intervals     copyir.com    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector     copyir.com Defective APC PWB     copyir.com Defective main PWB     copyir.com
6000    Broken fuser heater
The temperature does not reach 100° C/212 °F after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 30 s     copyir.com At the time of 20 degrees or less from specified temperature, the fuser temperature does not rise by 2 degrees or more after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 8 s     copyir.com(during ready or during print)    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector     copyir.com Fuser thermostat triggered     copyir.com Defective fuser heater     copyir.com Defective main PWB     copyir.com
6020    Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature
Fuser thermistor detects a temperature higher than 210°C/410°F for 3 s    Deformed connector pin     copyir.com Shorted fuser thermistor     copyir.com Defective power source PWB     copyir.com Defective main PWB     copyir.com
6030    Broken fuser thermistor wire
Average input AD given by the thermistor is less than 2 for 300msec     copyir.com    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector     copyir.com Broken fuser thermistor wire     copyir.com Fuser thermostat triggered     copyir.com Defective main PWB     copyir.com
6400    Fixing control zerocross signal error
The ZCROSS signal does not reach the main PWB for more than 2 s     copyir.com    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector     copyir.com Defective power source PWB     copyir.com Defective main PWB     copyir.com

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