کیو سرا میتا fs3900dn

0150    Engine PWB EEPROM error
Detecting engine PWB EEPROM communication error     copyir     copyir.comcom    Improper installation engine PWB EEPROM     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB
0420    Paper feeder communication error Communication error between engine PWB and optional paper feeder     copyir     copyir.comcom    Improper installation paper feeder     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective harness between connect     copyir     copyir.comcomL PWB (YC2) and paper feeder interface connector     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective harness between connect     copyir     copyir.comcomL PWB (YC6) and engine PWB (YC4)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective paper feeder     copyir     copyir.comcom
1010    Lift motor lock error
*35/37 and 45/47 ppm printers (EUR/ USA model) only A motor over     copyir     copyir.comcomcurrent signal is detected continuously for 5 seconds since the lift motor is activated     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective bottom plate elevation mechanism in the paper cassette     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective lift motor drive transmission system     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective lift motor     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
1140    Lift motor ascent error
*35/37 and 45/47 ppm printers (EUR/ USA model) only Optional bulk paper feeder’s tray top position sensor does not turn on     copyir     copyir.comcom Lift motor lock error occurred 3 times     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective bulk paper feeder’s tray top position sensor     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective harness between bulk paper feeder’s tray top position sensor and main PWB (YC6)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective bulk paper feeder’s main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
1150    Lift motor descent error
*35/37 and 45/47 ppm printers (EUR/ USA model) only Optional bulk paper feeder’s tray bottom position sensor does not turn on     copyir     copyir.comcom Lift motor lock error occurred 3 times     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective bulk paper feeder’s tray bottom position sensor     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective harness between bulk paper feeder’s tray bottom position sensor and main PWB (YC8)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective bulk paper feeder’s main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
2000    Main motor error
MMOTRDYN signal does not go low within 2 s after MMOTONN signal goes low     copyir     copyir.comcomfeeder     copyir     copyir.comcomD    Defective harness between main motor and engine PWB (YC10)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective main motor drive transmission system     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective main motor     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
2200    Drum motor error
DMOTRDYN signal does not go low within 2 s after DMOTONN signal goes low     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective harness between drum motor and engine PWB (YC11)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective drum motor drive transmission system     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective drum motor     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
4000    Polygon motor (laser scanner unit) error
POLRDYN signal does not go low within 2 s after POLONN signal goes low     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective harness between polygon motor and main PWB (YC10)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective harness between main PWB (YC11) and engine PWB (YC12)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective laser scanner unit     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
4200    Laser output (pin photo sensor) error
The pin photo signal (PDN) is not output within a specified time after the polygon motor ready signal (POLRDYN) becomes ready (L level)     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective harness between PD PWB (YC1) and main PWB (YC12)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective APC PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective PD PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
5100    Short     copyir     copyir.comcomcircuited main charger output
Five pages have been printed with the main charger output short     copyir     copyir.comcomcircuited     copyir     copyir.comcom    Drum unit installed incorrectly     copyir     copyir.comcom Engine PWB installed incorrectly     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
6000    Broken fuser heater lamp wire
The temperature does not reach 100°C/ 212°F after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 30 s     copyir     copyir.comcom 30/31 ppm printer (EUR/USA model): The temperature does not rise by 1°C/ 1     copyir     copyir.comcom8°F after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 5 s during printing     copyir     copyir.comcom 35/37 and 45/47 ppm printers (EUR/USA model): Fuser thermistor M detection temperature does not rise by 1°C/1     copyir     copyir.comcom8°F after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 10 s during warm     copyir     copyir.comcomup or at standby     copyir     copyir.comcom Fuser thermistor S detection temperature does not rise by 1°C/1     copyir     copyir.comcom8°F after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 5 s during warm     copyir     copyir.comcomup or at standby     copyir     copyir.comcom The temperature does not rise by 1°C/ 1     copyir     copyir.comcom8°F after the fuser heater lamp has been turned on continuously for 5 s during printing     copyir     copyir.comcom    Poor contact in the fuser thermistor M connector terminals     copyir     copyir.comcom Fuser thermistor M installed incorrectly     copyir     copyir.comcom Thermal cutout triggered     copyir     copyir.comcom Fuser heater lamp installed incorrectly     copyir     copyir.comcom Broken fuser heater lamp wire     copyir     copyir.comcom
6020    Abnormally high fuser thermistor M temperature
30/31 ppm printer (EUR/USA model): The temperature of the fuser thermistor M detects 250°C/482°F or more continuously for 3 s     copyir     copyir.comcom 35/37 and 45/47 ppm printers (EUR/USA model): The temperature of the fuser thermistor M detects 240°C/464°F or more continuously for 3 s    Shorted fuser thermistor M     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
6030    Broken fuser thermistor M wire
30/31 ppm printer (EUR/USA model): Input from fuser thermistor M is less than 1 (A/D value) for more than 1 s     copyir     copyir.comcom 35/37 and 45/47 ppm printers (EUR/USA model): Input from fuser thermistor M is less than 1 (A/D value) for more than 3 s     copyir     copyir.comcom    Poor contact in the fuser thermistor M connector terminals     copyir     copyir.comcom Broken fuser thermistor M wire     copyir     copyir.comcom Fuser thermistor M installed incorrectly     copyir     copyir.comcom Thermal cutout triggered     copyir     copyir.comcom Fuser heater lamp installed incorrectly     copyir     copyir.comcom Broken fuser heater lamp wire     copyir     copyir.comcomp
6120    Abnormally high fuser thermistor S temperature
*35/37 and 45/47 ppm printers (EUR/ USA model) only The temperature of the fuser thermistor S detects 250°C/482°F or more continuously for 3 s    Shorted fuser thermistor S     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
6130    Broken fuser thermistor S wire
*35/37 and 45/47 ppm printers (EUR/ USA model) only Input from fuser thermistor S is less than 1 (A/D value) for more than 1 s     copyir     copyir.comcom    Poor contact in the fuser thermistor S connector terminals     copyir     copyir.comcom Broken fuser thermistor S wire     copyir     copyir.comcom Fuser thermistor S installed incorrectly     copyir     copyir.comcom
6400    Zero cross signal error
The ZCROSS signal does not reach the engine PWB for more than 2 s     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective harness between connect     copyir     copyir.comcomL PWB (YC8) and engine PWB (YC3)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective connection between power source unit (YC103) and connect     copyir     copyir.comcom L PWB (YC1) Defective power source unit     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
7000    Toner motor lock error
A motor over     copyir     copyir.comcomcurrent signal is detected continuously for 5 seconds since the toner motor is activated     copyir     copyir.comcom    Lump of toner inside toner container     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective toner replenishment drive system     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective toner motor     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
7410    Drum unit non     copyir     copyir.comcom installing error
The drum unit is not installed or not installed properly     copyir     copyir.comcom The drum PWB EEPROM does not communicate normally     copyir     copyir.comcom    The drum unit is not installed     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective connection drum PWB (YC1) and connect     copyir     copyir.comcom L PWB (YC3)     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective drum PWB EEPROM     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
F000    Communication problem between the main PWB and operation panel PW
Communication is failed between the operation panel PWB and the main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective system DIMM PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective operation panel PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
F010    Main PWB (system DIMM PWB) checksum error
Checksum failed with system DIMM PWB on the main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective system DIMM PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
F020    Main or expanded memory error
Checksum failed with main memory (RAM) on the main PWB or expanded memory (DIMM)     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective system main memory (RAM) on the main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective expanded memory (DIMM)     copyir     copyir.comcom
F030    General failure
Miscellaneous failure with the main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom other than F000     copyir     copyir.comcom F010     copyir     copyir.comcom F020     copyir     copyir.comcom F040 and F226     copyir     copyir.comcom above     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective main     copyir     copyir.comcom PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
F040    Main PWB      copyir     copyir.comcom engine PWB communication error
Communication between main PWB and engine PWB is failed     copyir     copyir.comcom    Defective harness between engine PWB (YC12) and main PWB (YC11)     copyir     copyir.comcom or improper connector insertion Defective main PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom Defective engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
F050    Engine PWB ROM checksum error
A checksum error occurred with ROM on the engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom    Some error may have occurred when downloading the firmware of the engine PWB Defective ROM on the engine PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom
F226    Main PWB video data control error    Defective main     copyir     copyir.comcom PWB     copyir     copyir.comcom

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