کیو سرا میتا km4220
C001 Memory copy PCB 1 communication problem • Problems with data from memory copy PCB 1 copyir.com Defective memory copy PCB 1 copyir.com
C003 Memory copy PCB 2 problem* 1 • Problems with data from memory copy PCB 2 copyir.com Defective memory copy PCB 2 copyir.com
C010 RAM/ROM problem • Read and write data does not match copyir.com Defective main PCB copyir.com
C011 Backup memory data problem • Data in the specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values copyir.com Problem with the backup memory data copyir.com Defective backup RAM copyir.com
C021 Operation unit main PCB communication problem • There is no reply after 20 retries at communication copyir.com Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com Defective main PCB or operation unit main PCB copyir.com
C022 Communication problem between the engine PCB and main PCB
• There is no reply after 20 retries at communication copyir.com Defective engine ROM IC copyir.com Defective main PCB copyir.com
C023 Scanner communication problem • There is no reply after 5 retries at communication copyir.com Defective main PCB copyir.com
C024 Printer board communication problem*2 •There is no reply after 20 retries at communication copyir.com Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com Defective main PCB or printer board copyir.com
C026 Memory copy PCB 1 communication problem • There is no reply after five retries at transmitting copyir.com • There is no reply after five retries at receiving copyir.com Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com Defective main PCB or memory copy PCB 1 copyir.com
C032 Large paper deck communication problem 1 • Communication errors from the communication microcomputer (IC56) on the main PCB: No communication: there is no replay after 3 retries copyir.com Abnormal communication: a communication error (parity or checksum error) is detected five times in succession copyir.com Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com Defective engine PCB copyir.com Defective main PCB copyir.com Defective deck main PCB copyir.com
C032 Paper feed desk communication problem 3 • An error code from the paper feed desk is detected eight times in succession copyir.com No communication: there is no reply after 3 retries copyir.com Abnormal communication: a communication error (parity or checksum error) is detected five times in succession copyir.com Poor contact of the connector
terminals copyir.com Defective engine PCB copyir.com
Defective main PCB copyir.com Defective desk main PCB copyir.com
C034 Finisher communication problem 2 • Communication errors from the communication microcomputer (IC56) on the main PCB: No communication: there is no reply after 3 retries copyir.com Abnormal communication: a communication error (parity or checksum error) is detected five times in succession copyir.com Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com Defective engine PCB copyir.com Defective main PCB copyir.com Defective finisher main PCB copyir.com
C036 Memory copy PCB 2 communication problem 1 • There is no reply after five retries at transmitting copyir.com • There is no reply after five retries at receiving copyir.com Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com
C037 Communication microcomputer problem • A problem is detected with the communication microcomputer (IC56) on the main PCB copyir.com Defective main PCB or memory copy PCB 2 copyir.com Defective main PCB copyir.com
C104 Optical system problem • After AGC, correct input is not obtained at CCD copyir.com Insufficient exposure lamp luminosity copyir.com Defective mainPCB copyir.com Incorrect shading position copyir.com CCD PCB output problem copyir.com
C200 Drive motor problem • DM LOCK signal remains high for 1 s, 1 s after the drive motor has turned on copyir.com Poor contact of the drive motor connector terminals copyir.com Defective drive motor rotation control circuit copyir.com Defective drive transmission system copyir.com
C210 Paper conveying motor problem • PCM LOCK signal remains high for 1 s, 1 s after the conveying motor has turned on copyir.com Poor contact of the paper conveying motor connector terminals copyir.com Defective paper conveying motor rotation control circuit copyir.com Defective drive transmission system copyir.com
C220 Side registration motor problem • A problem where the side registration home position switch does not turn off after the side registration motor has turned 30 steps or the switch does not turn on after the motor has turned 265 steps is detected twice in succession copyir.com (The first time, the copier indicates that the duplex unit is not inserted correctly, requesting the user to open and reinsert the duplex unit copyir.com After the second detection, the copier enters partial operation control copyir.com) Defective side registration motor copyir.com Defective side registration home position switch copyir.com Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com Malfunction of the side registration guides copyir.com
C230 Paper feed motor problem • PFM LOCK signal remains high for 1 s, 1 s after the paper feed motor has turned on copyir.com Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com Defective paper feed motor rotation control circuit copyir.com Defective drive transmission system copyir.com
C231 Desk drive motor problem 3 • DDM LOCK signal remains high for 1 s, 2 s after the desk drive motor has turned on copyir.com Poor contact of the desk drive motor connector terminals copyir.com Defective desk drive motor rotation control circuit copyir.com
C241 Upper lift motor problem • When the drawer is inserted, the upper lift limit switch does not turn on within 4 to 5 s of the upper lift motor turning on copyir.com • During copying, the upper lift limit switch does not turn on within 200 ms of the upper lift motor turning on copyir.com Broken gears or couplings of the upper lift motor copyir.com Defective upper lift motor copyir.com Poor contact of the upper lift motor connector terminals copyir.com Defective upper lift limit switch copyir.com Poor contact of the upper lift limit switch connector terminals copyir.com
C242 Lower lift motor problem • When the drawer is inserted, the lower lift limit switch does not turn on within 4 to 5 s of the lower lift motor turning on copyir.com • During copying, the lower lift limit switch does not turn on within 200 ms of the lower lift motor turning on copyir.com Broken gears or couplings of the lower lift motor Defective lower lift motor copyir.com Poor contact of the lower lift motor connector terminals copyir.com
C243 Upper desk lift motor problem 3 • When the drawer is inserted, the upper desk lift limit switch does not turn on within 4 to 5 s of the upper desk lift motor turning on copyir.com • During copying, the upper desk lift limit switch does not turn on within 200 ms of the upper desk lift motor turning on copyir.com Broken gears or couplings of the upper desk lift motor copyir.com Defective upper desk lift motor copyir.com Poor contact of the upper desk lift motor connector terminals copyir.com Defective upper desk lift limit switch copyir.com Poor contact of the upper desk lift limit switch connector terminals
C244 Lower desk lift motor problem 3 • When the drawer is inserted, the lower desk lift limit switch does not turn on within 4 to 5 s of the lower desk lift motor turning on copyir.com • During copying, the lower desk lift limit switch does not turn on within 200 ms of the lower desk lift motor turning on copyir.com Broken gears or couplings of the lower desk lift motor copyir.com Defective lower desk lift motor copyir.com Poor contact of the lower desk lift motor connector terminals copyir.com Defective lower desk lift limit switch copyir.com Poor contact of the lower desk lift limit switch connector terminals copyir.com
C310 Scanner carriage problem • The home position is not correct when the power is turned on or at the start of copying using the bypass table copyir.com Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com Defective scanner home position switch copyir.com Defective main PCB or scanner motor PCB copyir.com Defective scanner motor copyir.com
C332 Scanner watchdog problem • The main routine does not run within 8 copyir.com192 ms of the main switch being turned on Defective main PCB copyir.com
C340 Original detection position problem • The original size detection microcomputer in the main PCB cannot store initial data correctly copyir.com Poor contact of the connectors copyir.com Defective original size sensor copyir.com Defective main PCB or scanner motor PCB copyir.com
C400 Polygon motor synchronization problem • The polygon motor does not reach the stable speed within 9 s of the polygon motor remote signal turning on copyir.com Poor contact of the polygon motor connector terminals copyir.com Defective polygon motor copyir.com Defective power source PCB copyir.com Defective engine PCB copyir.com
C401 Polygon motor steadystate problem • The polygon motor rotation is not stable for 600 ms after the polygon motor rotation has been stabilized copyir.com Poor contact of the polygon motor connector terminals copyir.com Defective polygon motor copyir.com Defective power source PCB copyir.com Defective engine PCB copyir.com
C420 BD steady-state problem • The VTC detects a BD error for 600 ms after the polygon motor rotation has been stabilized copyir.com Defective laser diode copyir.com Defective polygon motor copyir.com Defective main PCB copyir.com
C510 Main charger problem • MC ALM signal is detected continuously for 400 ms when MC REM signal is turned on copyir.com Defective highvoltage transformer PCB copyir.com Leakage during main charging copyir.com
C511 Transfer/separation highvoltage problem • STALM signal is detected continuously for 400 ms when TC/SC REM signal is turned on copyir.com Defective highvoltage transformer PCB copyir.com Leakage during transfer/separation charging copyir.com
C610 Broken fixing unit thermistor wire • The fixing temperature does not increase for 40 s after the fixing heaters have been turned on for warming up copyir.com • The fixing temperature remains below 50C/122F for 10 s continuously after the fixing heaters have been turned on during stabilization copyir.com Poor contact of the fixing unit thermistor connector terminals copyir.com Broken fixing unit thermistor wire copyir.com Fixing unit thermistor installed incorrectly copyir.com Fixing unit thermostat triggered copyir.com Fixing unit heater M or S installed incorrectly copyir.com Broken fixing unit heater M or S wire copyir.com
C620 Abnormally low fixing temperature • The fixing temperature remains below 120C/248F for 10 s copyir.com Poor contact of the fixing unit thermistor connector terminals copyir.com Broken fixing unit thermistor wire copyir.com Fixing unit thermistor installed incorrectly copyir.com Fixing unit thermostat triggered copyir.com Fixing unit heater M or S installed incorrectly copyir.com Broken fixing unit heater M or S wire copyir.com
C630 Abnormally high fixing temperature • The fixing temperature exceeds 220C/428F for 10 s copyir.com • The fixing unit high temperature detection circuit on the engine PCB detects an abnormally high temperature copyir.com Shorted fixing unit thermistor copyir.com Broken fixing unit heater control circuit on the power source PCB copyir.com
C640 Zero-crossing signal problem • The main PCB does not detect the zero-crossing signal (Z CROSS SIG) for the time specified below copyir.com At power-on: 3 s Others: 5 s Poor contact of the connector terminals copyir.com Defective power source PCB copyir.com Defective main PCB copyir.com
C710 Toner sensor problem • The sensor output voltage is outside the range of 0 copyir.com5 to 4 copyir.com5 V during copying or in maintenance item U130 copyir.com • The toner sensor control voltage cannot be set within the range in maintenance item U130 copyir.com Defective toner sensor copyir.com Poor contact of the toner sensor connector terminals copyir.com Developer problem copyir.com
C730 Broken external temperature thermistor wire • The input voltage is above 4 copyir.com5 V (230 bits) copyir.com Poor contact of the humidity sensor PCB connector terminals copyir.com Defective external temperature thermistor copyir.com
C731 Short-circuited external temperature thermistor • The input voltage is below 0 copyir.com5 V (250 bits) copyir.com Poor contact of the humidity sensor PCB connector terminals copyir.com Defective external temperature thermistor copyir.com
C740 Toner hopper problem • The toner hopper lockup sensor does not turn off after the toner recycle motor has rotated for at least 1 minute copyir.com Toner main hopper lockup copyir.com Defective toner hopper lockup sensor copyir.com Poor contact of the toner hopper lockup sensor connector terminals copyir.com Defective toner recycle motor copyir.com Poor contact of the toner recycle motor connector terminals copyir.com
C801 Finisher paper conveying motor problem 2 • The paper conveying motor lockup signal is detected for 0 copyir.com5 s or longer copyir.com The paper conveying motor connector makes poor contact copyir.com The paper conveying motor malfunctions copyir.com Defective finisher main PCB copyir.com
C803 Finisher paper conveying belt problem 2 • An on-to-off or off-to-on state change of the paper conveying belt home position sensor is not detected within 2 s of the paper conveying belt clutch turning on copyir.com The paper conveying belt is out of phase copyir.com The paper conveying belt clutch malfunctions copyir.com The paper conveying belt home position sensor malfunctions copyir.com The paper conveying belt home position sensor connector makes poor contact copyir.com The internal tray is incorrectly inserted
C814 Finisher tray elevation motor problem 2 • The sort tray is not detected in the home position within 30 s of the start of the tray elevation motor rotation copyir.com The tray elevation motor connector makes poor contact copyir.com The tray elevation motor malfunctions copyir.com Defective finisher main PCB copyir.com
C817 Finisher front jogger motor problem 2 • While the front jogger is not detected in the home position, the front jogger home position sensor does not detect the jogger within 1 copyir.com5 s of the start of front jogger motor clockwise rotation copyir.com • After the front jogger is detected in the home position, the front jogger home position sensor still detects the jogger within 0 copyir.com5 s of the start of front jogger motor counterclockwise rotation copyir.com The front jogger motor connector makes poor contact copyir.com The front jogger motor malfunctions copyir.com The front jogger motor home position sensor connector makes poor contact copyir.com The front jogger motor home position sensor malfunctions copyir.com Defective finisher main PCB copyir.com
C818 Finisher rear jogger motor problem 2 • While the rear jogger is not detected in the home position, the rear jogger home position sensor does not detect the jogger within 1 copyir.com5 s of the start of rear jogger motor clockwise rotation copyir.com • After the rear jogger is detected in the home position, the rear jogger home position sensor still detects the jogger within 0 copyir.com5 s of the start of rear jogger motor counterclockwise rotation copyir.com The rear jogger motor connector makes poor contact copyir.com The rear jogger motor malfunctions copyir.com The rear jogger motor home position sensor connector makes poor contact copyir.com The rear jogger motor home position sensor malfunctions copyir.com Defective finisher main PCB copyir.com
C821 Finisher front stapler problem 2 • The front stapler home position sensor does not change state from non-detection to detection within 0 copyir.com2 s of the start of front stapler motor counterclockwise (forward) rotation copyir.com • During initialization, the front stapler home position sensor does not change state from non-detection to detection within 0 copyir.com6 s of the start of front stapler motor clockwise (reverse) rotation copyir.com The front stapler connector makes poor contact copyir.com The front stapler malfunctions copyir.com a) The front stapler is blocked with a staple copyir.com b) The front stapler is broken copyir.com Defective finisher main PCB copyir.com
C822 Finisher rear stapler problem 2 • The rear stapler home position sensor does not change state from non-detection to detection within 0 copyir.com2 s of the start of rear stapler motor counterclockwise (forward) rotation copyir.com • During initialization, the rear stapler home position sensor does not change state from non-detection to detection within 0 copyir.com6 s of the start of rear stapler motor clockwise (reverse) rotation copyir.com The rear stapler connector makes poor contact copyir.com The rear stapler malfunctions copyir.com a) The rear stapler is blocked with a staple copyir.com b) The rear stapler is broken copyir.com Defective finisher main PCB copyir.com
C920 Deck paper conveying motor problem 1 • No pulse is input within 500 ms of the start-up copyir.com • No pulse is input within 100 ms of the previous pulse input copyir.com The deck paper conveying motor connector makes poor contact copyir.com Defective deck paper conveying motor PCB copyir.com The deck paper conveying motor does not rotate correctly (the motor is overloaded) copyir.com
C921 Paper deck motor 1 problem 1 • No pulse is input within 20 ms of the start-up copyir.com • No pulse is input within 400 ms of the previous pulse input copyir.com Paper deck motor 1 connector makes poor contact copyir.com Paper deck motor 1 does not rotate correctly (the motor is overloaded) copyir.com
C922 Paper deck motor 2 problem 1 • No pulse is input within 20 ms of the start-up copyir.com • No pulse is input within 400 ms of the previous pulse input copyir.com Paper deck motor 2 connector makes poor contact copyir.com Paper deck motor 2 does not rotate correctly (the motor is overloaded) copyir.com
C923 Right lift position problem 1 • While the paper deck motor is driving, lift upper limit switch 1 detects the right lift reaching the upper limit copyir.com Upper limit switch 1 connector makes poor contact copyir.com Deck level switch 1 connector makes poor contact copyir.com
C924 Left lift position problem 1 • While the paper deck motor is driving, lift upper limit switch 2 detects the left lift reaching the upper limit copyir.com Upper limit switch 2 connector makes poor contact copyir.com Deck level switch 2 connector makes poor contact copyir.com