کیو سرا میتا kmc3130

C0000    Main Motor’s failure to turn
The Main Motor Lock signal remains faulty for a predetermined continuous period of time while the Main Motor is turning       copyir.com    1 Main Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Check connector for connection       copyir.com Correct drive coupling (drive transmitting gear engagement)       copyir.com 2 Main Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: the voltage across PJ13I-7A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 3 Main Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: the voltage across PJ7PU1-4 on DC Power Supply 1 and GND is DC 0 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 24 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com NO: Change DC Power Supply 1       copyir.com
C0001    Main Motor turning at abnormal timing
The Main Motor Lock signal remains faulty for a predetermined continuous period of time while the Main Motor remains stationary       copyir.com    1 Main Motor rotation while it is being energized: the voltage across PJ13I-7A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com
C0010    Imaging Unit Motor C’s failuretoturn
The Lock signal remains faulty for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period after the motor rotation has stabilized and before the motor starts decelerating       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Correct drive coupling (drive transmitting gear engagement, coupling engagement)       copyir.com Check that the LED Assy is locked in position       copyir.com 2 Imaging Unit Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: Cyan: the voltage across PJ12I-3B on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Magenta: the voltage across PJ12I-7A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Yellow: the voltage across PJ12I-3A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Black: the voltage across PJ12I-7B on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0011    Imaging Unit Motor C turning at abnormal timing
The Lock signal remains faulty for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period after the motor has completely stopped and before the motor starts accelerating       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit Motor rotation while it is being energized: Cyan: the voltage across PJ12I-3B on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Magenta: the voltage across PJ12I-7A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Yellow: the voltage across PJ12I-3A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Black: the voltage across PJ12I-7B on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com
C0012    Imaging Unit Motor M’s failuretoturn
The Lock signal remains faulty for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period after the motor rotation has stabilized and before the motor starts decelerating       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Correct drive coupling (drive transmitting gear engagement, coupling engagement)       copyir.com Check that the LED Assy is locked in position       copyir.com 2 Imaging Unit Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: Cyan: the voltage across PJ12I-3B on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Magenta: the voltage across PJ12I-7A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Yellow: the voltage across PJ12I-3A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Black: the voltage across PJ12I-7B on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0013    Imaging Unit Motor M turning at abnormal timing
The Lock signal remains faulty for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period after the motor has completely stopped and before the motor starts accelerating       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit Motor rotation while it is being energized: Cyan: the voltage across PJ12I-3B on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Magenta: the voltage across PJ12I-7A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Yellow: the voltage across PJ12I-3A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Black: the voltage across PJ12I-7B on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com
C0014    Imaging Unit Motor Y’s failure to turn
The Lock signal remains faulty for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period after the motor rotation has stabilized and before the motor starts decelerating       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Correct drive coupling (drive transmitting gear engagement, coupling engagement)       copyir.com Check that the LED Assy is locked in position       copyir.com 2 Imaging Unit Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: Cyan: the voltage across PJ12I-3B on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Magenta: the voltage across PJ12I-7A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Yellow: the voltage across PJ12I-3A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Black: the voltage across PJ12I-7B on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0015    Imaging Unit Motor Y turning at abnormal timing
The Lock signal remains faulty for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period after the motor has completely stopped and before the motor starts accelerating       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit Motor rotation while it is being energized: Cyan: the voltage across PJ12I-3B on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Magenta: the voltage across PJ12I-7A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Yellow: the voltage across PJ12I-3A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Black: the voltage across PJ12I-7B on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com
C0016    Imaging Unit Motor Bk’s failuretoturn
The Lock signal remains faulty for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period after the motor rotation has stabilized and before the motor starts decelerating       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Correct drive coupling (drive transmitting gear engagement, coupling engagement)       copyir.com Check that the LED Assy is locked in position       copyir.com 2 Imaging Unit Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: Cyan: the voltage across PJ12I-3B on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Magenta: the voltage across PJ12I-7A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Yellow: the voltage across PJ12I-3A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com Black: the voltage across PJ12I-7B on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0017    Imaging Unit Motor Bk turning at abnormal timing
The Lock signal remains faulty for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period after the motor has completely stopped and before the motor starts accelerating       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit Motor rotation while it is being energized: Cyan: the voltage across PJ12I-3B on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Magenta: the voltage across PJ12I-7A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Yellow: the voltage across PJ12I-3A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com Black: the voltage across PJ12I-7B on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com
C0040    Fusing Cooling Fan Motor 2’s failure to turn
A Fusing Cooling Fan Lock signal is detected for a continuous 3-sec       copyir.com period while Fusing Cooling Fan Motor 2 is turning       copyir.com    1 Fusing Cooling Fan Motor 1 turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO Check connector for connection       copyir.com Check fan for overload       copyir.com 2 Fusing Cooling Fan Motor 1 rotation when the Start key is pressed: the voltage across PJ14I-13A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com
C0046    Fusing Cooling Fan Motor 1’s failure to turn
A Fusing Cooling Fan Lock signal is detected for a continuous 3-sec       copyir.com period while the Fusing Cooling Fan Motor is turning       copyir.com    1 Fusing Cooling Fan Motor 2 turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO Check connector for connection       copyir.com Check fan for overload       copyir.com 2 Fusing Cooling Fan Motor 2 rotation when the Start key is pressed: the voltage across PJ14I-3A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C004C    Ozone Ventilation Fan Motor’s failure to turn
An Ozone Fan Lock signal is detected for a continuous 3-sec       copyir.com period while the Ozone Ventilation Fan Motor is turning       copyir.com    1 Ozone Ventilation Fan Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Check connector for connection       copyir.com Check fan for overload       copyir.com 2 Ozone Ventilation Fan Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: the voltage across PJ10I-15 on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 3 Ozone Ventilation Fan Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: the voltage across CN2HV3-3 on High Voltage Unit 3 and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change High Voltage Unit 3       copyir.com
C004E    Power Supply Cooling Fan Motor’s failure to turn
A Power Supply Cooling Fan Lock signal is detected for a continuous 3-sec       copyir.com period while the Power Supply Cooling Fan Motor is turning       copyir.com    1 Power Supply Cooling Fan Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Check connector for connection       copyir.com Check fan for overload       copyir.com 2 Power Supply Cooling Fan Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: the voltage across PJ13PU1-3 on DC Power Supply 1 and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change DC Power Supply 1       copyir.com
C0060    Fusing Drive Motor’s failure to turn
A Fusing Drive Motor Lock signal remains faulty for a predetermined continuous period of time while the Fusing Drive Motor is turning       copyir.com    1 Fusing Drive Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Check connector for connection       copyir.com Correct drive coupling (drive transmitting gear engagement)       copyir.com 2 Fusing Drive Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: the voltage across PJ13I-1A on Master Board and GND is DC 5 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 0 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 3 Fusing Drive Motor rotation when the Start key is pressed: the voltage across PJ7PU1- 4 on DC Power Supply 1 and GND is DC 0 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 24 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com NO Change DC Power Supply 1       copyir.com
C0061    Fusing Drive Motor turning at abnormal timing
The Fusing Drive Motor Lock signal remains faulty for a predetermined continuous period of time while the Fusing Drive Motor remains stationary       copyir.com    1 Fusing Drive Motor rotation while it is being energized: the voltage across PJ13I-1A on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com
C0094    2nd Image Transfer Roller pressure/retraction failure
• The 2nd Image Transfer Pressure Position Sensor is not activated (retracted position) within 1 sec       copyir.com after the 2nd Image Transfer Roller has started its retracting motion       copyir.com • The 2nd Image Transfer Pressure Position Sensor is not deactivated (not the retracted position) within 1 sec       copyir.com after the 2nd Image Transfer Roller has started its pressing motion       copyir.com    1 While the 2nd Image Transfer Pressure/ Retraction Clutch is supposed to be deenergized during timing of pressure/retraction operation: the voltage across PJ14I-9A on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the clutch is deenergized and DC 0 V when the clutch is energized       copyir.com YES: Check connector for connection       copyir.com Check for overload       copyir.com Change clutch       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 2 I/O check for 2nd Image Transfer Pressure Position Sensor operation during pressure/ retraction operation: the voltage across PJ14I-6B on Master Board and GND is DC 0 V when the sensor is unblocked and DC 5 V when the sensor is blocked (pressed position)       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Correct actuator       copyir.com Check sensor connector for connection       copyir.com Change sensor       copyir.com
C0096    1st Image Transfer Roller pressure/retraction failure
• The 1st Image Transfer Retraction Position Sensor is not activated (retracted position) within 3 sec       copyir.com after the 1st Image Transfer Pressure/Retraction Motor has started turning       copyir.com • The 1st Image Transfer Retraction Position Sensor is not deactivated (pressed position) within 1       copyir.com5 sec       copyir.com after the 1st Image Transfer Pressure/Retraction Motor has started turning       copyir.com    1 1st Image Transfer Pressure/Retraction Motor turns during pressure/retraction operation       copyir.com NO: Check connector for connection       copyir.com Correct drive coupling (drive transmitting gear engagement)       copyir.com Change motor       copyir.com Change Master Board       copyir.com 2 I/O check for 1st Image Transfer Retraction Position Sensor operation during pressure/ retraction operation: the voltage across PJ17I-1A on Master Board and GND is DC 0 V when the sensor is unblocked and DC 5 V when the sensor is blocked (retracted position)       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Correct actuator       copyir.com Check sensor connector for connection       copyir.com Change sensor       copyir.com
C0098    Fusing Roller pressure/ retraction failure
• No change is observed in the encoder pulse even after the lapse of 0       copyir.com5 sec       copyir.com after the Fusing Pressure/Retraction Motor has started turning for retraction direction during retraction control       copyir.com • No change is observed in the encoder pulse even after the lapse of 0       copyir.com5 sec       copyir.com after the Fusing Pressure/Retraction Motor has started turning for pressure direction during pressure control       copyir.com • The Fusing Pressure Position Sensor is not activated (pressed position) even when 31 motor encoder pulses have been counted after the Fusing Pressure/Retraction Motor has started turning for pressure direction during pressure control       copyir.com    1 Fusing Pressure/Retraction Motor rotation when the Fusing Roller is retracted: the voltage across PJ14I-4A on Master Board and GND is DC 0 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 24 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com YES: Check motor connector for connection       copyir.com Change motor       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 2 I/O check for Fusing Pressure Position Sensor when the Fusing Roller is retracted: the voltage across PJ6I-11B on Master Board and GND is DC 0 V when the sensor is unblocked (retracted position) and DC 5 V when the sensor is blocked       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Check sensor installation       copyir.com Correct detecting plate       copyir.com Check sensor connector for connection       copyir.com Change sensor       copyir.com 3 Fusing Pressure/Retraction Motor rotation when the Fusing Roller is pressed: the voltage across PJ14I-5A on Master Board and GND is DC 0 V when the motor is deenergized and DC 24 V when the motor is energized       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 4 I/O check for Fusing Pressure Position Sensor when the Fusing Roller is pressed: the voltage across PJ6I-11B on Master Board and GND is DC 0 V when the sensor is unblocked and DC 5 V when the sensor is blocked (pressed position)       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Check sensor installation       copyir.com Correct detecting plate       copyir.com Check sensor connector for connection       copyir.com Change sensor       copyir.com 5 I/O check for Fusing Retraction Position Sensor operation while the Fusing Pressure/ Retraction Motor is turning: the voltage across PJ17I-3B on Master Board and GND remains DC 0 V when the sensor is unblocked or remains DC 5 V when the sensor is blocked while the motor remains stationary, and alternates between DC 0 V when the sensor is unblocked and DC 5 V when the sensor is blocked while the motor is turning       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Check sensor installation       copyir.com Correct detecting plate       copyir.com Check sensor connector for connection       copyir.com Change sensor       copyir.com
C0200    Cyan PC Drum Charge Corona malfunction
The SCD signal remains inactive for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period while charge corona is being output (i       copyir.come       copyir.com, the Remote signal is being turned ON)       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit contact failure YES: Correct or clean Imaging Unit contact       copyir.com 2 High Voltage Unit 1 contact failure YES: Correct or clean High Voltage Unit 1 contact       copyir.com 3 After corona output has been turned ON: Cyan (C0200): The voltage across PJ9I-10 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Magenta (C0202): The voltage across PJ9I-8 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Yellow (C0204): The voltage across PJ9I-6 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Bk (C0206): The voltage across PJ9I-12 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com YES: Change High Voltage Unit 1       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.comoard       copyir.com
C0202    Magenta PC Drum Charge Corona malfunction
The SCD signal remains inactive for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period while charge corona is being output (i       copyir.come       copyir.com, the Remote signal is being turned ON)       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit contact failure YES: Correct or clean Imaging Unit contact       copyir.com 2 High Voltage Unit 1 contact failure YES: Correct or clean High Voltage Unit 1 contact       copyir.com 3 After corona output has been turned ON: Cyan (C0200): The voltage across PJ9I-10 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Magenta (C0202): The voltage across PJ9I-8 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Yellow (C0204): The voltage across PJ9I-6 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Bk (C0206): The voltage across PJ9I-12 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com YES: Change High Voltage Unit 1       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.comoard       copyir.com
C0204    Yellow PC Drum Charge Corona malfunction
The SCD signal remains inactive for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period while charge corona is being output (i       copyir.come       copyir.com, the Remote signal is being turned ON)       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit contact failure YES: Correct or clean Imaging Unit contact       copyir.com 2 High Voltage Unit 1 contact failure YES: Correct or clean High Voltage Unit 1 contact       copyir.com 3 After corona output has been turned ON: Cyan (C0200): The voltage across PJ9I-10 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Magenta (C0202): The voltage across PJ9I-8 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Yellow (C0204): The voltage across PJ9I-6 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Bk (C0206): The voltage across PJ9I-12 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com YES: Change High Voltage Unit 1       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.comoard       copyir.com
C0206    Black PC Drum Charge Corona malfunction
The SCD signal remains inactive for a continuous 1sec       copyir.com period while charge corona is being output (i       copyir.come       copyir.com, the Remote signal is being turned ON)       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit contact failure YES: Correct or clean Imaging Unit contact       copyir.com 2 High Voltage Unit 1 contact failure YES: Correct or clean High Voltage Unit 1 contact       copyir.com 3 After corona output has been turned ON: Cyan (C0200): The voltage across PJ9I-10 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Magenta (C0202): The voltage across PJ9I-8 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Yellow (C0204): The voltage across PJ9I-6 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com Bk (C0206): The voltage across PJ9I-12 on Master Board and GND is DC 24 V when the output is turned OFF and DC 0 V when the output is turned ON       copyir.com YES: Change High Voltage Unit 1       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.comoard       copyir.com
C0400    Exposure Lamp’s failure to turn ON
A Lamp-Out Detection signal is ON after the lapse of 5 sec       copyir.com after the Exposure Lamp has been turned ON       copyir.com    1 Exposure Lamp conduction NO: Change Exposure Lamp       copyir.com 2 Temperature Fuse conduction       copyir.com NO: Change Temperature Fuse       copyir.com 3 Flat Cable conduction NO: Check for correct installation or change       copyir.com 4 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 3       copyir.com NO: Change DC Power Supply 2       copyir.com 5 Exposure Lamp turns ON and OFF correctly after DC Power Supply 2 has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Image Processing Board       copyir.com
C0410    Exposure Lamp turning ON at abnormal timing
CCD Sensoroutputsare writteninlineRAM at the end of a scan job and the average of these readings exceeds a predetermined value       copyir.com    1 Exposure Lamp conduction NO: Change Exposure Lamp       copyir.com 2 Temperature Fuse conduction       copyir.com NO: Change Temperature Fuse       copyir.com 3 Flat Cable conduction NO: Check for correct installation or change       copyir.com 4 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 3       copyir.com NO: Change DC Power Supply 2       copyir.com 5 Exposure Lamp turns ON and OFF correctly after DC Power Supply 2 has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Image Processing Board       copyir.com
C0500    Heating Roller warm-up failure (Fusing Thermistor 1)
• Fusing Thermistor 1 does not detect a predetermined temperature and the warm-up cycle is not completed within the period of 9 min       copyir.com 10 sec       copyir.com after the warm-up cycle has been started       copyir.com • The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 1 does not rise to a level more than the predetermined output value within 30 sec       copyir.com after the warm-up cycle has started       copyir.com    1 Fusing Unit condition: the resistance across CN4-15 and 16 on the Fusing Unit end is infinity with CN4 (2P) disconnected       copyir.com YES: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 2 Heating Roller Heater Lamps turn ON       copyir.com YES: Change DC Power Supply 1       copyir.com Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com
C0501    Lower Fusing Roller Heater Lamp warm-up failure (Fusing Thermistor 2)
•The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 2 does not reach 100 C within 180 sec       copyir.com after the warm-up cycle has started       copyir.com • The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 1 does not rise to a level more than the predetermined output value within 130 sec       copyir.com after the warm-up cycle has started       copyir.com    1 Fusing Unit condition: the resistance across CN4-17 and 18 on the Fusing Unit end is infinity with CN4 (2P) disconnected       copyir.com YES: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 2 Lower Fusing Roller Heater Lamp turns ON       copyir.com YES: Change DC Power Supply 1       copyir.com Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com
C0510    Heating Roller abnormally low temperature (Fusing Thermistor 1)
• The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 1 remains below 120 C for 1 sec       copyir.com or more in the standby state       copyir.com • The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 1 remains below 130 C for 1 sec       copyir.com or more during a print cycle       copyir.com • The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 1 remains below 90 C for 1 sec       copyir.com or more in the Energy Saver mode       copyir.com    1 Fusing Unit condition: the resistance across CN4-15 and 16 on the Fusing Unit end is infinity with CN4 (2P) disconnected       copyir.com YES: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 2 Heating Roller Heater Lamps turn ON       copyir.com YES: Change DC Power Supply 1       copyir.com Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com
C0511    Lower Fusing Roller Heater Lamp abnormally low temperature (Fusing Thermistor 2)
• The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 2 remains below 100 C for 1 sec       copyir.com or more in the standby state       copyir.com • The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 2 remains below 100 C for 1 sec       copyir.com or more during a print cycle       copyir.com • The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 2 remains below 100 C for 1 sec       copyir.com or more in the Energy Saver mode       copyir.com    1 Fusing Unit condition: the resistance across CN4-17 and 18 on the Fusing Unit end is infinity with CN4 (2P) disconnected       copyir.com YES: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com 2 Lower Fusing Roller Heater Lamp turns ON       copyir.com YES: Change DC Power Supply 1       copyir.com Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com
C0520    Heating Roller abnormally high temperature (Fusing Thermistor 1)
The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 1 remains above 220 C for 1 sec       copyir.com or more at all times       copyir.com    1 Fusing Unit condition: the resistance across CN4-15 and 16 on the Fusing Unit end is 0 Om (or close to 0) with CN4 (2P) disconnected       copyir.com YES: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com       copyir.com
C0521    Lower Fusing Roller Heater Lamp abnormally high temperature (Fusing Thermistor 2)
The temperature of Fusing Thermistor 2 remains above 190 C for 1 sec       copyir.com or more at all times       copyir.com    1 Fusing Unit condition: the resistance across CN4-15 and 16 on the Fusing Unit end is 0 W (or close to 0) with CN4 (2P) disconnected       copyir.com YES: Change Fusing Unit       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0650    Scanner Home Sensor malfunction
• The Scanner Home Sensor fails to detect the Scanner at its home position though the Scanner is so located       copyir.com • The Scanner Home Sensor fails to detect the Scanner though the motor has been energized to move the Scanner over the maximum distance       copyir.com • The Scanner Home Sensor detects the Scanner at its home position though the Scanner has moved 5 mm away from the home position       copyir.com    1 Scanner can be moved manually       copyir.com NO: Correct drive coupling (Scanner Belt tension, pulley operation, drive cable tension) 2 Scan motion: initial scan motion after the Power Switch has been turned ON or Front Door has been opened and closed       copyir.com NO: Carry out misfeed/malfunction troubleshooting procedures       copyir.com 3 Connectors are connected properly on Scanner Motor Drive Board: PWB-IC PJ1IC, PJ2IC, and PJ3IC       copyir.com NO: Check connectors for connection       copyir.com 4 Scanner Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Check connectors for connection       copyir.com Change motor       copyir.com Change Scanner Motor Drive Board       copyir.com 5 I/O check for Scanner Home Sensor: the voltage across PJ6C-2 on Image Processing Board and GND is DC 0 V (home position) when the sensor is blocked and DC 5 V when the sensor is unblocked       copyir.com YES: Change Image Processing Board       copyir.com NO: Check sensor for installation       copyir.com Correct detecting plate       copyir.com Check sensor connector for connection       copyir.com Change sensor       copyir.com 6 “IR Area” check: Malfunction when Power Switch is turned ON after “Top Image” has been set to 0 and “FD-Mag       copyir.com” to 1       copyir.com000       copyir.com NO: Adjust “IR Area” data       copyir.com
C0660    Scanner overrun failure
The Scanner Home Sensor detects the Scanner at its home position during a period from when the prescan command and scan preparation command have been executed to when home return command is executed       copyir.com    1 Scanner can be moved manually       copyir.com NO: Correct drive coupling (Scanner Belt tension, pulley operation, drive cable tension) 2 Scan motion: initial scan motion after the Power Switch has been turned ON or Front Door has been opened and closed       copyir.com NO: Carry out misfeed/malfunction troubleshooting procedures       copyir.com 3 Connectors are connected properly on Scanner Motor Drive Board: PWB-IC PJ1IC, PJ2IC, and PJ3IC       copyir.com NO: Check connectors for connection       copyir.com 4 Scanner Motor turns when the Start key is pressed       copyir.com NO: Check connectors for connection       copyir.com Change motor       copyir.com Change Scanner Motor Drive Board       copyir.com 5 I/O check for Scanner Home Sensor: the voltage across PJ6C-2 on Image Processing Board and GND is DC 0 V (home position) when the sensor is blocked and DC 5 V when the sensor is unblocked       copyir.com YES: Change Image Processing Board       copyir.com NO: Check sensor for installation       copyir.com Correct detecting plate       copyir.com Check sensor connector for connection       copyir.com Change sensor       copyir.com 6 “IR Area” check: Malfunction when Power Switch is turned ON after “Top Image” has been set to 0 and “FD-Mag       copyir.com” to 1       copyir.com000       copyir.com NO: Adjust “IR Area” data       copyir.com
C0990    LCC Lift-Up Motor malfunction    1 LCC Lift-Up Motor turns after the LCC Drawer has been slid into position while the LCC Drawer is being used       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com Change LCC Control Board       copyir.com
C0991    LCC Lift 1 ascent motion failure    1 Lift 1 ascends after the LCC Lift-Up Motor has been energized       copyir.com NO: Correct drive coupling (oneway gear engagement, coupling engagement, spring operation, and belt tension)       copyir.com 2 I/O check for Lift-Up Sensor 1 operation: the voltage across CN4A-6 on LCC Control Board and GND is DC 0 V when the sensor is unblocked and DC 5 V when the sensor is blocked (during lifting motion detection)       copyir.com YES: Change LCC Control Board       copyir.com NO: Check sensor for installation       copyir.com Check sensor connector for connection       copyir.com Change sensor       copyir.com
C0995    LCC Transport Motor malfunction    1 LCC Lift-Up Motor turns when the Start key is pressed while the LCC Drawer is being used       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com Change LCC Control Board       copyir.com
C0999    LCC Lift 2 ascent motion failure    1 Lift 2 ascends after the LCC Lift-Up Motor has been energized       copyir.com NO: Correct drive coupling (oneway gear engagement, coupling engagement, spring operation, and belt tension)       copyir.com 2 I/O check for Lift-Up Sensor 2 operation: the voltage across CN4A-9 on LCC Control Board and GND is DC 0 V when the sensor is unblocked and DC 5 V when the sensor is blocked (during lifting motion detection)       copyir.com YES: Change LCC Control Board       copyir.com NO: Check sensor for installation       copyir.com Check sensor connector for connection       copyir.com Change sensor       copyir.com
C0B00    Finishing option transport drive malfunction
C0B20    Stapling Unit CD drive malfunction
C0B30    Finishing option Paper Aligning Bar moving mechanism malfunction
C0B48    Finishing option Exit Roll pressure/retraction failure
C0B4A    Finishing option Storage Roller pressure/retraction failure
C0B50    Finishing option stapling mechanism 1
C0B54    Finishing option stapling mechanism 2
C0B73    Finishing option punch cam motor mechanism malfunction
C0B78    Finishing option punch selector motor mechanism malfunction
C0B80    Finishing option Shift Motor mechanism malfunction
C0BA0    Finishing option Elevator Tray drive failure
C0F30    Abnormally low toner density detected by Cyan ATDC Sensor
Toner density that is 2 % or more lower than the target level is detected ten consecutive times during a print cycle, ATVC, or image stabilization sequence       copyir.com    1 ATDC Sensor window is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 2 ATDC Sensor spring moving part operates properly       copyir.com NO: Correct       copyir.com 3 Hopper supplies toner properly       copyir.com NO: Correct       copyir.com 4 ATDC Sensor LED is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 5 ATDC Sensor LED emits light properly       copyir.com NO: Check connector for connection       copyir.com Check harness       copyir.com 6 Imaging Unit Shutter operates properly       copyir.com NO: Correct       copyir.com 7 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 6       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F31    Abnormally high toner density detected by Cyan ATDC Sensor
Toner density that is 4 % or more higher than the target level is detected ten consecutive times during a print cycle, ATVC, or image stabilization sequence       copyir.com    1 ATDC Sensor window is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 2 Bias voltage is properly applied to the ATDC Sensor window       copyir.com NO: Check wiring       copyir.com 3 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 2       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F32    Abnormally low toner density detected by Magenta ATDC Sensor
Toner density that is 2 % or more lower than the target level is detected ten consecutive times during a print cycle, ATVC, or image stabilization sequence       copyir.com    1 ATDC Sensor window is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 2 ATDC Sensor spring moving part operates properly       copyir.com NO: Correct       copyir.com 3 Hopper supplies toner properly       copyir.com NO: Correct       copyir.com 4 ATDC Sensor LED is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 5 ATDC Sensor LED emits light properly       copyir.com NO: Check connector for connection       copyir.com Check harness       copyir.com 6 Imaging Unit Shutter operates properly       copyir.com NO: Correct       copyir.com 7 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 6       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F33    Abnormally high toner density detected by Magenta ATDC Sensor
Toner density that is 4 % or more higher than the target level is detected ten consecutive times during a print cycle, ATVC, or image stabilization sequence       copyir.com    1 ATDC Sensor window is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 2 Bias voltage is properly applied to the ATDC Sensor window       copyir.com NO: Check wiring       copyir.com 3 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 2       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F34    Abnormally low toner density detected by Yellow ATDC Sensor
Toner density that is 2 % or more lower than the target level is detected ten consecutive times during a print cycle, ATVC, or image stabilization sequence       copyir.com    1 ATDC Sensor window is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 2 ATDC Sensor spring moving part operates properly       copyir.com NO: Correct       copyir.com 3 Hopper supplies toner properly       copyir.com NO: Correct       copyir.com 4 ATDC Sensor LED is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 5 ATDC Sensor LED emits light properly       copyir.com NO: Check connector for connection       copyir.com Check harness       copyir.com 6 Imaging Unit Shutter operates properly       copyir.com NO: Correct       copyir.com 7 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 6       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F35    Abnormally high toner density detected by Yellow ATDC Sensor
Toner density that is 4 % or more higher than the target level is detected ten consecutive times during a print cycle, ATVC, or image stabilization sequence       copyir.com    1 ATDC Sensor window is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 2 Bias voltage is properly applied to the ATDC Sensor window       copyir.com NO: Check wiring       copyir.com 3 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 2       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F36    Abnormally low toner density detected by Black ATDC Sensor
Toner density that is 2 % or more lower than the target level is detected ten consecutive times during a print cycle, ATVC, or image stabilization sequence       copyir.com    1 Image density is low       copyir.com YES: Check and correct Imaging Unit Bk Shutter       copyir.com 2 The problem has been eliminated through the check of step 1       copyir.com NO: Check and correct Hopper       copyir.com 3 The problem has been eliminated through the check of step 2       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F37    Abnormally high toner density detected by Black ATDC Sensor
Toner density that is 4 % or more higher than the target level is detected ten consecutive times during a print cycle, ATVC, or image stabilization sequence       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit Bk is installed correctly       copyir.com NO: Reinstall       copyir.com 2 Each of Imaging Unit Bk contacts makes good contact       copyir.com NO: Clean or correct       copyir.com 3 ATDC Sensor harness is open-circuited       copyir.com YES: Change Imaging Unit Bk       copyir.comChan
C0F3A    Cyan ATDC Sensor adjustment failure
Cyan ATDC Sensor adjustment does not function properly, failing to adjust to an appropriate value       copyir.com    1 ATDC Sensor window is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 2 Imaging Unit window for ATDC Sensor is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 3 LED retracting lever is locked in position       copyir.com NO: Slide out the Imaging Unit and then reinstall       copyir.com 4 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 3       copyir.com NO: Check ATDC Sensor connector       copyir.com Change ATDC Sensor       copyir.com 5 The problem is eliminated after the ATDC Sensor has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Imaging Unit       copyir.com 6 The problem is eliminated after the Imaging Unit has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F3B    Magenta ATDC Sensor adjustment failure
Magenta ATDC Sensor adjustment does not function properly, failing to adjust to an appropriate value       copyir.com    1 ATDC Sensor window is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 2 Imaging Unit window for ATDC Sensor is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 3 LED retracting lever is locked in position       copyir.com NO: Slide out the Imaging Unit and then reinstall       copyir.com 4 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 3       copyir.com NO: Check ATDC Sensor connector       copyir.com Change ATDC Sensor       copyir.com 5 The problem is eliminated after the ATDC Sensor has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Imaging Unit       copyir.com 6 The problem is eliminated after the Imaging Unit has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F3C    Yellow ATDC Sensor adjustment failure
Yellow ATDC Sensor adjustment does not function properly, failing to adjust to an appropriate value       copyir.com    1 ATDC Sensor window is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 2 Imaging Unit window for ATDC Sensor is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 3 LED retracting lever is locked in position       copyir.com NO: Slide out the Imaging Unit and then reinstall       copyir.com 4 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 3       copyir.com NO: Check ATDC Sensor connector       copyir.com Change ATDC Sensor       copyir.com 5 The problem is eliminated after the ATDC Sensor has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Imaging Unit       copyir.com 6 The problem is eliminated after the Imaging Unit has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C0F3D    Black ATDC Sensor adjustment failure
Black ATDC Sensor adjustment does not function properly, failing to adjust to an appropriate value       copyir.com    1 Malfunction code C0F3D is displayed       copyir.com YES: Change Imaging Unit       copyir.com 2 The problem is eliminated after the Imaging Unit has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Check harness       copyir.com Check connector for connection       copyir.com Change Master Board
C13C8    New Transfer Belt Unit resetting failure
The output from the new unit detecting terminal remains HIGH and the copier does not recognize that a new unit has been installed       copyir.com 1       copyir.com After an image stabilization sequence is completed, the fuse blowout signal of the new unit is set to a blowout state       copyir.com 2       copyir.com After the lapse of 2 sec       copyir.com after step 1, the fuse blowout signal is brought to a state where no new units are installed       copyir.com 3       copyir.com After the lapse of 0       copyir.com1 sec       copyir.com after step 2, a new unit check sequence is carried out       copyir.com A total of three cycles of steps 1 to 3 are carried out and, if the copier fails to detect a new unit a third time, a malfunction condition results       copyir.com    1 Each unit is installed properly in the copier (good contact connection)       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Reinstall       copyir.com
C13CA    New Fusing Unit resetting failure
The output from the new unit detecting terminal remains HIGH and the copier does not recognize that a new unit has been installed       copyir.com 1       copyir.com The fuse blowout signal of the new unit is set to a blowout state       copyir.com 2       copyir.com After the lapse of 0       copyir.com5 sec       copyir.com after step 1, the fuse blowout signal is brought to a state where no new units are installed       copyir.com 3       copyir.com After the lapse of 0       copyir.com1 sec       copyir.com after step 2, a new unit check sequence is carried out       copyir.com A total of two cycles of steps 1 to 3 are carried out and, if the copier fails to detect a new unit a second time, a malfunction condition results       copyir.com    1 Each unit is installed properly in the copier (good contact connection)       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Reinstall       copyir.com
C13CB    New Fusing Web Unit resetting failure
The output from the new unit detecting terminal remains HIGH and the copier does not recognize that a new unit has been installed       copyir.com 1       copyir.com The fuse blowout signal of the new unit is set to a blowout state       copyir.com 2       copyir.com After the lapse of 0       copyir.com5 sec       copyir.com after step 1, the fuse blowout signal is brought to a state where no new units are installed       copyir.com 3       copyir.com After the lapse of 0       copyir.com1 sec       copyir.com after step 2, a new unit check sequence is carried out       copyir.com A total of two cycles of steps 1 to 3 are carried out and, if the copier fails to detect a new unit a second time, a malfunction condition results    1 Each unit is installed properly in the copier (good contact connection)       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Reinstall       copyir.com
C13CC    New Oil Coating Unit resetting failure
The output from the new unit detecting terminal remains HIGH and the copier does not recognize that a new unit has been installed       copyir.com 1       copyir.com The fuse blowout signal of the new unit is set to a blowout state       copyir.com 2       copyir.com After the lapse of 0       copyir.com5 sec       copyir.com after step 1, the fuse blowout signal is brought to a state where no new units are installed       copyir.com 3       copyir.com After the lapse of 0       copyir.com1 sec       copyir.com after step 2, a new unit check sequence is carried out       copyir.com A total of two cycles of steps 1 to 3 are carried out and, if the copier fails to detect a new unit a second time, a malfunction condition results       copyir.com    1 Each unit is installed properly in the copier (good contact connection)       copyir.com YES: Change Master Board       copyir.com NO: Reinstall       copyir.com
C13D1    Cyan IU EEPROM failure
EEPROM access error: When EEPROM access control is executed, setting 1 “Start Flag” of GA register does not become ready even after the lapse of a predetermined period of time       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit is installed properly       copyir.com NO: Reinstall       copyir.com 2 Connector between the Imaging Unit and copier is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 3 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 2       copyir.com NO: Change Imaging Unit       copyir.com 4 The problem is eliminated after the Imaging Unit has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C13D2    Magenta IU EEPROM failure
EEPROM access error: When EEPROM access control is executed, setting 1 “Start Flag” of GA register does not become ready even after the lapse of a predetermined period of time       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit is installed properly       copyir.com NO: Reinstall       copyir.com 2 Connector between the Imaging Unit and copier is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 3 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 2       copyir.com NO: Change Imaging Unit       copyir.com 4 The problem is eliminated after the Imaging Unit has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C13D3    Yellow IU EEPROM failure
EEPROM access error: When EEPROM access control is executed, setting 1 “Start Flag” of GA register does not become ready even after the lapse of a predetermined period of time       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit is installed properly       copyir.com NO: Reinstall       copyir.com 2 Connector between the Imaging Unit and copier is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 3 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 2       copyir.com NO: Change Imaging Unit       copyir.com 4 The problem is eliminated after the Imaging Unit has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C13D4    Black IU EEPROM failure
EEPROM access error: When EEPROM access control is executed, setting 1 “Start Flag” of GA register does not become ready even after the lapse of a predetermined period of time       copyir.com    1 Imaging Unit is installed properly       copyir.com NO: Reinstall       copyir.com 2 Connector between the Imaging Unit and copier is dirty       copyir.com YES: Clean       copyir.com 3 The problem has been eliminated through the checks of steps up to 2       copyir.com NO: Change Imaging Unit       copyir.com 4 The problem is eliminated after the Imaging Unit has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com
C3310    CCD clamp/gain adjustment failure
• When clamp adjustment is made: (AVE1 -AVE2) =< 4 • When gain adjustment is made: The average of CCD Sensor output values is 1 or less       copyir.com Dgain = 0 Dgain = 255    1 Check that each of the values displayed on the screen falls within the above range       copyir.com 2 There is a wide difference between the clamp and gain adjustment values, the value being close to “0” or “255       copyir.com” YES: Make positive connection of the harness connectors between CCD Sensor Board and Image Processing Board       copyir.com 3 Clamp adjustment value exceeds the allowable range       copyir.com YES: Reinstall covers, as extraneous light is the cause of the problem       copyir.com 4 The lamp adjustment value or gain value exceeds the upper limit of the allowable range, being abnormally great       copyir.com YES: Clean lens, mirrors, CCD surface, shading sheet, and related parts       copyir.com 5 The lamp adjustment value or gain value falls short of the lower limit of the allowable range, being abnormally small       copyir.com YES: Reinstall covers, as extraneous light is the cause of the problem       copyir.com Change Scanner, as the reflectors are deformed       copyir.com
C3700    IR Cooling Fan Motor 1 turning at abnormal timing
A Lock signal is detected ten consecutive times when it is monitored at 0       copyir.com01-sec       copyir.com intervals while a Fan Motor ON signal is being output and, at the same time, after the lapse of 2 sec       copyir.com or more after the output of the Fan Motor ON signal has been started       copyir.com    1 IR Cooling Fan Motor 1 rotation: the voltage across PJ6C-6 on Image Processing Board and GND remains DC 0 V while the motor is turning       copyir.com YES: Change Image Processing Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com Master Board
C3710    IR Cooling Fan Motor 2 turning at abnormal timing
A Lock signal is detected ten consecutive times when it is monitored at 0       copyir.com01-sec       copyir.com intervals while a Fan Motor ON signal is being output and, at the same time, after the lapse of 2 sec       copyir.com or more after the output of the Fan Motor ON signal has been started       copyir.com    1 IR Cooling Fan Motor 2 rotation: the voltage across PJ6C-9 on Image Processing Board and GND remains DC 0 V while the motor is turning       copyir.com YES: Change Image Processing Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.com Master Board
C3720    Original Glass Cooling Fan Motor turning at abnormal timing
A Lock signal is detected ten consecutive times when it is monitored at 0       copyir.com01-sec       copyir.com intervals while a Fan Motor ON signal is being output and, at the same time, after the lapse of 2 sec       copyir.com or more after the output of the Fan Motor ON signal has been started       copyir.com    1 Original Glass Cooling Fan Motor rotation: the voltage across PJ2C-6B on Image Processing Board and GND remains DC 0 V while the motor is turning       copyir.com YES: Change Image Processing Board       copyir.com NO: Change motor       copyir.comBo
C3A00    PIC communication error
• A sampling lock is not received after the lapse of a predetermined period of time after IREQ has been received during AIDC sampling of image stabilization sequence or registration adjustment       copyir.com • There is an open-circuit in the communication harness between the PIC Board and Master Board       copyir.com • Either the PIC Board or Master Board is faulty       copyir.com    1 Harnesses and connectors connecting PIC Board to Master Board are in good condition       copyir.com NO: Change harnesses       copyir.com Reconnect connectors       copyir.com 2 The problem has been eliminated through the check of step 1       copyir.com NO: Change PIC Board       copyir.com 3 The problem is eliminated after the PIC Board has been replaced       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.comoard       copyir.com
C3A01    PIC Board malfunction
The PIC Board is faulty       copyir.com    1 The same malfunction recurs even after the malfunction has been reset, Power Switch turned OFF and ON, and the power cord plugged out and back in       copyir.com YES: Change PIC Board       copyir.com
C3FFF    ROM contents fault detected upon start
The system fails to rewrite flash memory during updating       copyir.com    1 This malfunction occurs when an attempt is made to update firmware (rewriting of flash ROM)       copyir.com YES: Try downloading again       copyir.com 2 The problem has been eliminated through the check of step 1       copyir.com NO: Change Master Board       copyir.com

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