کیو سرا میتا m3540idn

0030    FAX control PWB system error
Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a software problem      copyir.com    FAX control PWB      copyir.com
0060    Control PWB mismatch
Unmatching engine and engine sub boards      copyir.com Defective engine subboard    Control PWB
0070    FAX control PWB incompatible detection error
Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted      copyir.com    FAX control PWB (The FAX PWB installed will not be the one designed for the machine      copyir.com
0100    Backup memory device error    EEPROM (Control PWB)
0110    Backup memory data error    EEPROM (Control PWB)
0120    MAC address data error
For data in which the MAC address is invalid      copyir.com    EEPROM (Control PWB)
0130    Backup memory read/write error (main NAMD)    Flash memory (Control PWB)
0140    Backup memory data error (main NAND)    Flash memory (Control PWB)
0150    Backup memory read/write error (control PWB)
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively      copyir.com Mismatch of reading data from 2 locations occurs 8 times successively      copyir.com Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively      copyir.com    EEPROM (Control PWB)
0160    Backup memory data error (control PWB)
Reading data from EEPROM is abnormal      copyir.com    EEPROM
0170    Billing counting error
The values on the main circuit PWB and on the engine do not match for any of charging counter, life counter, and scanner counter      copyir.com    EEPROM      copyir.com Control PWB
0180    Machine number mismatch
Machine number of control does not match      copyir.com    Data damage of EEPROM      copyir.com
0190    Backup memory device error (control PWB)    Control PWB
0800    Image processing error
JAM010X is detected twice      copyir.com    Control PWB      copyir.com
0830    FAX control PWB flash program area checksum error
A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX control PWB      copyir.com    FAX software      copyir.com FAX control PWB      copyir.com
0840    Faults of RTC (“Time for maintenance T” is displayed) [Check at power up]
The RTC setting has reverted to a previous state      copyir.com The machine has not been powered for 5 years (compared to the settings stored periodically in the EEPROM)      copyir.com The RTC setting is older than 00:01 on January 1, 2000      copyir.com [Checked periodically (in 5- minute interval) after powered up] The RTC setting has reverted to a state older than the last time it was checked      copyir.com 10 minutes have been passed since the previous check      copyir.com    Battery (Control PWB)      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
0870    PCFAX control PWB to main PWB high capacity data transfer error
High-capacity data transfer between the FAX control PWB and the main PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times      copyir.com    FAX control PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
0920    Fax file system error
The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX control PWB      copyir.com    FAX control PWB      copyir.com
0970    24 V power down detect
If a 24V power disconnection signal is observed and a 12V power disconnection signal is observed simultaneously for one second      copyir.com    Connect right PWB      copyir.com Control PWB
1010    Lift motor error (50/60 ppm model only)
After cassette 1 is inserted, lift sensor does not turn on within 10 s      copyir.com This error is detected four times successively      copyir.com    Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette      copyir.com Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the lift motor      copyir.com Lift motor      copyir.com Connect right PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
1020    PF lift motor 1 error (paper feeder)
After cassette 2 is inserted, PF lift sensor 1 does not turn on      copyir.com This error is detected four times successively      copyir.com    Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette      copyir.com Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor      copyir.com PF lift motor      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com
1030    PF lift motor 2 error (paper feeder)
After cassette 3 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on      copyir.com This error is detected four times successively      copyir.com    Dottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette      copyir.com Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor      copyir.com PF lift motor      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com
1040    PF lift motor 3 error (paper feeder)
After cassette 4 is inserted, PF lift sensor 3 does not turn on      copyir.com This error is detected four times successively      copyir.com    Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette      copyir.com Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor      copyir.com PF lift motor      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com
1050    PF lift motor 4 error (paper feeder)
After cassette 5 is inserted, PF lift sensor 4 does not turn on      copyir.com This error is detected four times successively      copyir.com    Bottom plate elevation mechanism in the cassette      copyir.com Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the PF lift motor      copyir.com PF lift motor      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com
1800    Paper feeder 1 communication error
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession      copyir.com    Paper feeder      copyir.com Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
1810    Paper feeder 2 communication error
A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession      copyir.com    Paper feeder      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
1820    Paper feeder 3 communication error
A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession      copyir.com    Paper feeder      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com Control PWB
1830    Paper feeder 4 communication error
A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession      copyir.com    Paper feeder      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com Control PWB
1900    Paper feeder 1 EEPROM error
When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession      copyir.com    PF main PWB (EEPROM)
1910    Paper feeder 2 EEPROM error
When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession      copyir.com    PF main PWB (EEPROM)
1920    Paper feeder 3 EEPROM error
When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession      copyir.com    PF main PWB (EEPROM)
1930    Paper feeder 4 EEPROM error
When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession      copyir.com    PF main PWB (EEPROM)
2000    Main motor startup error
Main motor is not stabilized within 2 s since the motor is activated      copyir.com    Main motor      copyir.com Connect right PWB      copyir.com Control PWB
2010    Main motor steady-state error
After main motor is stabilized, the ready signal is not ready for 2 s continuously      copyir.com    Main motor      copyir.com Connect right PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
2200    Drum motor drive error (50/60 ppm model only)
The drum motor is not stabilized within 2 s after driving starts      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the drum motor      copyir.com Drum motor      copyir.com Connect right PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
2210    Drum motor steady-state error (50/60 ppm model only)
Stable OFF is detected for 2 s continuously after drum motor stabilized      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the drum motor      copyir.com Drum motor      copyir.com Connect right PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
2330    Envelope motor error (Over-current) (50/60 ppm model only)
The over-current detection signal of the motor is detected continuously twenty times      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the envelope motor      copyir.com Envelope motor      copyir.com Connect left PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
2340    Envelope motor error (Timeout) (50/60 ppm model only)
The position detection sensor is not detected continuously for 30 s      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the envelope motor      copyir.com Envelope motor      copyir.com Connect left PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
2600    PF drive motor 1 error (paper feeder 1)
When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor      copyir.com DPF drive motor      copyir.com DPF main PWB      copyir.com
2610    PF drive motor 2 error (paper feeder 2)
When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor      copyir.com PF drive motor      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com
2620    PF drive motor 3 error (paper feeder 3)
When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor      copyir.com PF drive motor      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com
2630    PF drive motor 4 error (paper feeder 4)
When the PF drive motor is driven, error signal is detected continuously for 2 s      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drive transmission system of the PF drive motor      copyir.com PF drive motor      copyir.com PF main PWB      copyir.com
3100    Scanner carriage error
The home position is not correct when the power is turned on, at the end of a reading process of the table and document processor      copyir.com    Image scanner motor      copyir.com Home position sensor      copyir.com CCD PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
3200    Exposure lamp error
When a lamp is made to turn on one side at a time, the white standard data at the time of an initial is lower than a rated value      copyir.com    LED PWB      copyir.com CCD PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
3500    Communication error between scanner and ASIC
An error code is detected      copyir.com    CCD PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
4000    Polygon motor steady-state error
After Polygon motor is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 20 s continuously      copyir.com    Polygon motor (LSU)      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
4200    BD steady-state error
The BD signal is not detected      copyir.com    PD PWB (LSU)      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
5100    Chager current error When the current value measured at the time of potential adjustment is less than 20 mcA      copyir.com The error of the charge current before toner installation      copyir.com The error of the charge current before printing      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com High voltage PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
6000    Broken fuser heater wire (Center)
(50/60 ppm model) Fuser thermistor 2 detects a temperature less than 100°C/ 212°F continuously for 30 s after a warm-up start      copyir.com (40 ppm model) Fuser thermistor 1 detects a temperature less than 100°C/ 212°F continuously for 30 s after a warm-up start      copyir.com    Fuser unit      copyir.com Fuser thermistor connect PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com Power source PWB      copyir.com Fuser heater      copyir.com
6020    Abnormally high fuser thermistor 2 temperature (Center)
(50/60 ppm model only) Fuser thermistor 2 detects a temperature higher than 235°C/455°F      copyir.com In a heater-off state, the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 2 is higher than 195°C/383°F after the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 2 was 155°C/311°F or less      copyir.com    Fuser unit      copyir.com Fuser thermistor connect PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
6030    Broken fuser thermistor 2 wire (Center)
(50/60 ppm model only) Input from fuser thermistor 2 is 1019 or more (A/D value) continuously for 4 s      copyir.com    Fuser unit      copyir.com Fuser thermistor connect PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com Fuser thermistor 2      copyir.com Fuser thermostat (triggered)      copyir.com Power source PWB
6120    Abnormally high fuser thermistor 1 temperature
(50/60 ppm model) The detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 245°C/473°F      copyir.com In a heater-off state, the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 195°C/383°F after the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 was 155°C/311°F or less      copyir.com (40 ppm model) The detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 250°C/482°F      copyir.com In a heater-off state, the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 is higher than 170°C/338°F after the detection temperature of fuser thermistor 1 was 155°C/311°F or less      copyir.com    Connector pin      copyir.com Triac      copyir.com Fuser thermistor      copyir.com Contrl PWB      copyir.com
6130    Broken fuser thermistor 1 wire (50/60 ppm model only)
A/D value of the fuser thermistor 1 exceeds 1019 bit continuously for 4 s during warming up      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Connector pin      copyir.com Triac      copyir.com Fuser thermistor      copyir.com Fuser thermistor connect PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
6400    Zero-cross signal error
While fuser heater ON/OFF control is performed, the zerocross signal is not input within 2 s      copyir.com    Fuser unit      copyir.com Power source PWB      copyir.com Connect right PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
7000    Toner motor error
During driving the toner motor, an over-current detection signal is detected at intervals of 10 ms as for 300 accumulation      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Drum unit      copyir.com Connect left PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
7100    Toner sensor error
Sensor output value of 930 or more continuously for 5 s      copyir.com    Toner sensor      copyir.com Toner motor      copyir.com Connect left PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
7400    Developer unit non-installing error
Sensor output value of 31 or less continuously for 5 s      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Toner sensor      copyir.com Connect left PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
7410    Drum unit type mismatch error
The drum PWB EEPROM does not communicate normally      copyir.com Absence of the drum unit is detected      copyir.com    Connector cable or poor contact in the connector      copyir.com Toner sensor      copyir.com Connect left PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
7800    Broken temperature sensor wire
Input from temperature sensor is 1019 or more continuously for 160 ms      copyir.com Input from temperature sensor is 930 or more continuously for 5 s      copyir.com    Temperature sensor      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
7810    Short-circuited temperature sensor wire
Input from temperature sensor is 31 or less continuously for 5 s      copyir.com    Temperature sensor      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
7900    Drum EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively      copyir.com Mismatch of reading data from 2 locations occurs 8 times successively      copyir.com Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively      copyir.com    DR PWB      copyir.com Connect left PWB      copyir.com Control PWB      copyir.com
F000    Communication error between Control PWB and Operation PWB    Control PWB      copyir.com Operation PWB      copyir.com
F010    Control PWB checksum error    Control PWB      copyir.com
F020    Control PWB RAM check sum error    Main memory (RAM)      copyir.com
F040    Communication error between Controller and Print engine    Control PWB      copyir.com
F041    Communication error between Controller and Scan engine    Control PWB      copyir.com
F050    Print engine ROM checksum error    Control PWB      copyir.com
F051    Scan engine ROM checksum error    Control PWB

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