شارپSharp MX2600N

ایرادات دستگاههای شارپ براساس کد می باشد. شرکت کپی ایران در نظر دارد تمامی سرویس مانوئلها و رفع ایرادات را در اختیار شما عزیزان قرار دهد.


A0-01    PCU PWB ROM error    The firmware version-up is not completed properly by interruption of the power during the version-up operation, etc  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM49-1 to perform the firmware version-up procedure again  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
A0-02    SCU PWB ROM error    The firmware version-up is not completed properly by interruption of the power during the version-up operation, etc  copyir.com  SCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM49-1 to perform the firmware version-up procedure again  copyir.com  Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com
A0-04    Scanner expansion PWB (ACU) (ACRE) ROM error    Scanner expansion PWB (ACU) (ACRE) ROM data error  copyir.com  An error occurs during firmware upgrading for some reasons  copyir.com     Perform firmware upgrading again  copyir.com
A0-05    Scanner expansion PWB (ACU) (ACRE) firmware error    Improper firmware A firmware of a different model is installed  copyir.com  A ROM of a different model is installed  copyir.com     Replace the ROM with a proper one  copyir.com  Write the proper firmware  copyir.com  (Upgrade to the proper firmware  copyir.com )
A0-10    Color profile error    The content of the color profile is abnormal  copyir.com  Combination error between the MFPC PWB firmware and the color profile    Upgrade the firmware collectively  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
A0-11    Firmware version inconsistency (MFP – PCU)    Firmware combination error between the MFP and the PCU  copyir.com     Install the firmware in the all-firmware version-up mode  copyir.com
A0-14    Inconsistency between the MFP and the CPU firmware version    Combination error between the MFP and the CPU UI firmware version  copyir.com     Install the firmware in the all-firmware version-up mode  copyir.com
A0-15    Incompatible DSK BOOT and program firmware    Installation of the normal firmware was performed with a security kit enable  copyir.com     Stop installation of the normal firmware  copyir.com
A0-16    Data error of the energy-saving NIC controller firmware in the SD card
Data error of the energy-saving NIC controller firmware in the SD card  copyir.com     SD card trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble    Reinstall the firmware  copyir.com  Replace the SD card  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB
A0-17    Inconsistency between the UI data and the CPU firmware version    Combination error between the UI contents data and the CPU UI firmware version  copyir.com     Install the firmware in the all-firmware version-up mode  copyir.com
A0-20    Conflict firmware and EEPROM data version (MFP)    Inconsistency between the MFP firmware version and the EEPROM data version  copyir.com     Check the combination of the firmware  copyir.com
A0-21    Conflict firmware and EEPROM data version (PCU)    Inconsistency between the PCU firmware version and the EEPROM data version  copyir.com     Check the combination of the firmware  copyir.com
A0-22    Conflict firmware and EEPROM data version (SCU)    Inconsistency between the SCU firmware version and the EEPROM data version  copyir.com     Check the combination of the firmware  copyir.com
A0-A3    LSU LD PWB EEPROM read/write error (Y)
Write error in the EEPROM write sequence    LD PWB EEPROM trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com     Check the LSU, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
C1-10    Main charger trouble (Monochrome)    The main charger unit (BK) is not installed properly  copyir.com  There is an abnormality in the main charger unit (BK)  copyir.com  The developer unit (KCMY) is not installed properly  copyir.com  There is an abnormality in the developer unit (KCMY)  copyir.com  Disconnection of the high voltage MC PWB connector  copyir.com  Breakage of the high voltage harness  copyir.com  High voltage MC PWB trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check the output of the main charger with SIM8-2  copyir.com  Check the output of the developing bias with SIM8-1  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the main charger  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the developer unit  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the high voltage MC PWB connector  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Replace the high voltage MC PWB  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
C1-14    Main charger trouble (Color)    The main charger unit (CMY) is not installed properly  copyir.com  There is an abnormality in the main charger unit (CMY)  copyir.com  Disconnection of the high voltage MC PWB connector  copyir.com  Breakage of the high voltage harness  copyir.com  High voltage MC PWB trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check the output of the main charger with SIM8-2  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the main charger  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the high voltage MC PWB connector  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Replace the high voltage MC PWB Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
C4-00    PTC trouble (TC high voltage trouble)    The PTC unit is not installed properly  copyir.com /Trouble  copyir.com  The primary transfer unit is not installed properly  copyir.com / Trouble  copyir.com  The secondary transfer unit is not installed properly  copyir.com / Trouble  copyir.com  High voltage TC PWB trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Replace the PTC unit  copyir.com  Replace the primary transfer unit  copyir.com  Replace the secondary transfer unit  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the high voltage TC PWB connector  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Replace the high voltage TC PWB  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
E7-01    MFP image data error    Image data transfer error in the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the connector and the harness of the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Check or replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
E7-03    HDD trouble / Mirroring kit error    Connector, harness connection trouble in the MFPC PWB and HDD  copyir.com  HDD (error file management area) data abnormality (FAT breakage)  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com
(When the mirroring kit is installed) RAID PWB trouble  copyir.com  A HDD which has been used for mirroring is installed  copyir.com  Both HDD’s go into trouble under the use environment of mirroring  copyir.com M    Check connection of the connector and the harness of the MFPC PWB and HDD  copyir.com  Use SIM62-2, 3 to check read/write operations of the HDD  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  Check or replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
(When the mirroring kit is installed) Check the RAID PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  (For details, refer to the HDD and RAID PWB replacement procedures under mirroring environment  copyir.com )
E7-04    HDD-ASIC error    HDD-ASIC trouble  copyir.com  (MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com ) An error occurs in the HDD-ASIC self test when booting  copyir.com     Check or replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
A0-20    Conflict firmware and EEPROM data version (MFP)    Inconsistency between the MFP firmware version and the EEPROM data version  copyir.com     Check the combination of the firmware  copyir.com
A0-21    Conflict firmware and EEPROM data version (PCU)    Inconsistency between the PCU firmware version and the EEPROM data version  copyir.com     Check the combination of the firmware  copyir.com
A0-22    Conflict firmware and EEPROM data version (SCU)    Inconsistency between the SCU firmware version and the EEPROM data version  copyir.com     Check the combination of the firmware  copyir.com
A0-A3    LSU LD PWB EEPROM read/write error (Y)
Write error in the EEPROM write sequence    LD PWB EEPROM trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com     Check the LSU, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
C1-10    Main charger trouble (Monochrome)    The main charger unit (BK) is not installed properly  copyir.com  There is an abnormality in the main charger unit (BK)  copyir.com  The developer unit (KCMY) is not installed properly  copyir.com  There is an abnormality in the developer unit (KCMY)  copyir.com  Disconnection of the high voltage MC PWB connector  copyir.com  Breakage of the high voltage harness  copyir.com  High voltage MC PWB trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check the output of the main charger with SIM8-2  copyir.com  Check the output of the developing bias with SIM8-1  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the main charger  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the developer unit  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the high voltage MC PWB connector  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Replace the high voltage MC PWB  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
C1-14    Main charger trouble (Color)    The main charger unit (CMY) is not installed properly  copyir.com  There is an abnormality in the main charger unit (CMY)  copyir.com  Disconnection of the high voltage MC PWB connector  copyir.com  Breakage of the high voltage harness  copyir.com  High voltage MC PWB trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check the output of the main charger with SIM8-2  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the main charger  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the high voltage MC PWB connector  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Replace the high voltage MC PWB Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
C4-00    PTC trouble (TC high voltage trouble)    The PTC unit is not installed properly  copyir.com /Trouble  copyir.com  The primary transfer unit is not installed properly  copyir.com / Trouble  copyir.com  The secondary transfer unit is not installed properly  copyir.com / Trouble  copyir.com  High voltage TC PWB trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Replace the PTC unit  copyir.com  Replace the primary transfer unit  copyir.com  Replace the secondary transfer unit  copyir.com  Check disconnection of the high voltage TC PWB connector  copyir.com /Replace  copyir.com  Replace the high voltage TC PWB  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
E7-01    MFP image data error    Image data transfer error in the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the connector and the harness of the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Check or replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
E7-03    HDD trouble / Mirroring kit error    Connector, harness connection trouble in the MFPC PWB and HDD  copyir.com  HDD (error file management area) data abnormality (FAT breakage)  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com
(When the mirroring kit is installed) RAID PWB trouble  copyir.com  A HDD which has been used for mirroring is installed  copyir.com  Both HDD’s go into trouble under the use environment of mirroring  copyir.com M    Check connection of the connector and the harness of the MFPC PWB and HDD  copyir.com  Use SIM62-2, 3 to check read/write operations of the HDD  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  Check or replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
(When the mirroring kit is installed) Check the RAID PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  (For details, refer to the HDD and RAID PWB replacement procedures under mirroring environment  copyir.com )
E7-04    HDD-ASIC error    HDD-ASIC trouble  copyir.com  (MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com ) An error occurs in the HDD-ASIC self test when booting  copyir.com     Check or replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
E7-07    SD card error    SD card trouble or contact error MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the SD card  copyir.com  Check the SD card socket  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
E7-10    Shading error (Black correction)    Abnormality in the CCD black scan level when the scanner lamp is turned OFF  copyir.com  Improper installation of the harness to the CCD unit  copyir.com  CCD unit abnormality  copyir.com  SCU PWB abnormality  copyir.com     Check connection of the harness to the CCD unit  copyir.com  Check the CCD unit  copyir.com  Check the SCU PWB  copyir.com
E7-11    Shading error (White correction)    Abnormality in the CCD white reference plate scan level when the scanner lamp is turned ON  copyir.com  Improper installation of the harness to the CCD unit  copyir.com  Dirt on the mirror, lens, and the reference white plate  copyir.com  Scanner lamp lighting trouble  copyir.com  Scanner lamp drive PWB trouble CCD unit abnormality  copyir.com  SCU PWB abnormality  copyir.com     Check connection of the harness to the CCD unit  copyir.com  Check connection of the harness to the scanner lamp unit  copyir.com  Check or replace the scanner lamp  copyir.com  Check or replace the scanner lamp drive PWB  copyir.com  Clean or replace the mirror, the lens, and the reference white board  copyir.com  Check or replace the CCD unit  copyir.com  Check or replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com
E7-14    CCD-ASIC error    SCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check the SCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com
E7-20    LSU laser detection error (K)    Laser optical axis misalignment Reduced laser power, lighting error, laser diode trouble  copyir.com  LSU harness, connector trouble LSU trouble    Use SIM61-1 to check the operation of the LSU  copyir.com  Check or replace the LSU control PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the LSU harness  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
E7-21    LSU laser detection error (C)    Laser optical axis misalignment Reduced laser power, lighting error, laser diode trouble  copyir.com  LSU harness, connector trouble LSU trouble    Use SIM61-1 to check the operation of the LSU  copyir.com  Check or replace the LSU control PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the LSU harness  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
E7-22    LSU laser detection error (M)    Laser optical axis misalignment Reduced laser power, lighting error, laser diode trouble  copyir.com  LSU harness, connector trouble LSU trouble    Use SIM61-1 to check the operation of the LSU  copyir.com  Check or replace the LSU control PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the LSU harness  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
E7-23    LSU laser detection error (Y)    Laser optical axis misalignment Reduced laser power, lighting error, laser diode trouble  copyir.com  LSU harness, connector trouble LSU trouble    Use SIM61-1 to check the operation of the LSU  copyir.com  Check or replace the LSU control PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the LSU harness  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
E7-24    LSU LD driver error (K)    When lighting the LSU LD, initialization of the LD driver is not performed normally  copyir.com  Harness/connector trouble between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  LD PWB trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM61-1 to check the operation of the LSU  copyir.com  Check the LSU, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check connection of the harness/connector between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com
E7-25    LSU LD driver error (C)    When lighting the LSU LD, initialization of the LD driver is not performed normally  copyir.com  Harness/connector trouble between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  LD PWB trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM61-1 to check the operation of the LSU  copyir.com  Check the LSU, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check connection of the harness/connector between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com
E7-26    LSU LD driver error (M)    When lighting the LSU LD, initialization of the LD driver is not performed normally  copyir.com  Harness/connector trouble between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  LD PWB trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM61-1 to check the operation of the LSU  copyir.com  Check the LSU, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check connection of the harness/connector between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com
E7-27    LSU LD driver error (Y)    When lighting the LSU LD, initialization of the LD driver is not performed normally  copyir.com  Harness/connector trouble between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  LD PWB trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM61-1 to check the operation of the LSU  copyir.com  Check the LSU, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check connection of the harness/connector between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com
E7-28    LSU – PCU connection error    Communication error between the CPU in the PCU PWB and the LSU control ASIC  copyir.com  Improper connection of the communication connector between the PCU PWB and the LSU control PWB (interface PWB)  copyir.com  Harness trouble between the PCU PWB and the LSU control PWB (interface PWB) PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  LSU control PWB trouble  copyir.com  LSU trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the connector and the harness between the PCU PWB and the LSU control PWB (interface PWB)  copyir.com  Replace the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com  Replace the LSU control PWB  copyir.com
E7-29    LSU ASIC frequency error    Oscillation abnormality of the external oscillator and the internal oscillating circuit used in the LSU ASIC  copyir.com  LSU ASIC abnormality on the LSU ASIC PWB  copyir.com     Replace the LSU control PWB  copyir.com
E7-42    Image data trouble (Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) ASIC)    An image data error occurs  copyir.com  An image data send error occurs  copyir.com  Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) connection trouble  copyir.com  Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the scanner expansion PWB (ACRE)  copyir.com  Check the scanner expansion PWB (ACRE), and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the MFPC PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
E7-46    Image data decode error (Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) ASIC)    A decode error occurs while high compression PDF images are made  copyir.com  (garbled data) Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) connection trouble  copyir.com  Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the scanner expansion PWB (ACRE)  copyir.com  Check the scanner expansion PWB (ACRE), and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the MFPC PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
E7-48    Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) ASIC memory error
• DDR calibration error
• DIMM insertion trouble, etc  copyir.com     Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) DIMM trouble, memory slot trouble  copyir.com  Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) DIMM insertion trouble  copyir.com  Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) connection trouble  copyir.com  Scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com     (ACRE) DIMM memory  copyir.com  Check the scanner expansion PWB (ACRE) DIMM memory, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check connection of the scanner expansion PWB (ACRE)  copyir.com  Check the scanner expansion PWB (ACRE), and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the MFPC PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
E7-49    Water Mark data error    Watermark data trouble  copyir.com  HDD trouble    Use SIM49-5 to upload the watermark data  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com
E7-50    Combination error between PWB and firmware (PCU PWB detection)    A PWB/firmware/LSU which is not compatible with the machine specifications is detected  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble LSU trouble    Check the kind and the version of the firmware  copyir.com  Check or replace the LSU  copyir.com  Check or replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
E7-55    PCU PWB information sum error
PCU EEPROM PWB information sum error    PCU EEPROM sum check error  copyir.com  PCU EEPROM trouble  copyir.com  PCU EEPROM contact trouble  copyir.com     Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the PCU EEPROM  copyir.com
E7-60    Combination error between PWB and firmware (MFPC PWB detection)    A PWB/firmware which is not compatible with the machine specifications is detected in the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check the kind and the version of the firmware  copyir.com  Check or replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
E7-61    Combination error between the MFPC PWB and the PCU PWB (MFPC PWB detection)    Combination error between the MFPC PWB and the PCU PWB  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check the combination between the MFPC PWB and the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
E7-65    MFP EEPROM sum check error    MFPC PWB EEPROM trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB EEPROM contact trouble  copyir.com     Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB EEPROM  copyir.com
E7-80    MFP – SCU PWB communication error    SCU PWB – MFPC PWB connection trouble  copyir.com  SCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the SCU PWB and the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Check the ground  copyir.com  Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
E7-89    Communication error between MFPC PWB CPU and energy-saving NIC controller
No response can be obtained from the energy-saving NIC controller  copyir.com     MFPC PWB trouble    Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
E7-90    MFP – PCU PWB communication error    PCU PWB – MFPC PWB connection trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the PCU PWB and the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Check the ground  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
E7-91    FAX reception image data error
An error of FAX reception image data process occurs  copyir.com     Image data process abnormality HDD trouble SD card trouble or contact error Image compression data corruption MFPC PWB trouble DIMM memory trouble or contact error FAX control PWB trouble    Use SIM60-01 to check the read/write operations of the memory  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  Replace or check installation of the SD card  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Replace or check installation of the DIMM memory  copyir.com  Replace the FAX control PWB  copyir.com
E7-92    Copy image data error
An error of copy image data process occurs  copyir.com  (In Non ERDH)    Image data process abnormality HDD trouble Image compression data corruption MFPC PWB trouble DIMM memory trouble or contact error    Use SIM60-01 to check the read/write operations of the memory  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Replace or check installation of the DIMM memory  copyir.com
E7-93    Copy, image send, filing, print image data process error
An image data process error occurs in the following operation mode: • Copy (in ERDH) • Copy composing system function (Water mark) • When in image send • When filing documents • When displaying the preview • When printing with the GDI/PCL printer • Copy composing system function (Water mark)    Image data process abnormality HDD trouble Image compression data corruption MFPC PWB trouble DIMM memory trouble or contact error    Use SIM60-01 to check the read/write operations of the memory  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Replace or check installation of the DIMM memory  copyir.com
E7-94    Image file data process error (when importing file data)
File image process error (backup restore error) when importing filing data    Image data process abnormality HDD trouble Image compression data corruption MFPC PWB trouble DIMM memory trouble or contact error    Use SIM60-01 to check the read/write operations of the memory  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Replace or check installation of the DIMM memory  copyir.com
E7-95    Printer PWB DIMM memory check error
Printer PWB DIMM memory access trouble    Memory data corruption occurs Printer PWB trouble DIMM memory trouble or contact error    Use SIM60-01 to check the read/write operations of the memory  copyir.com  Replace the printer PWB  copyir.com  DIMM memory socket check Replace the DIMM memory  copyir.com
E7-96    MFPC PWB DIMM memory check error
MFPC PWB DIMM memory access trouble    Memory data corruption occurs MFPC PWB trouble DIMM memory trouble or contact error    Use SIM60-01 to check the read/write operations of the memory  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  DIMM memory socket check Replace the DIMM memory  copyir.com
E7-A0    LSU LD PWB EEPROM read/write error (K)
Write error in the EEPROM write sequence    LD PWB EEPROM trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com     Check the LSU, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
E7-A1    LSU LD PWB EEPROM read/write error (C)
Write error in the EEPROM write sequence    LD PWB EEPROM trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com     Check the LSU, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
E7-A2    LSU LD PWB EEPROM read/write error (M)
Write error in the EEPROM write sequence    LD PWB EEPROM trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com     Check the LSU, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the LD PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness between the PCU PWB and the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
EE-EC    Automatic toner density adjustment error
The sampling level in the automatic toner density adjustment is outside of 128    Toner density sensor trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
EE-EL    Automatic toner density adjustment error (Over toner)
The sampling level in the automatic toner density adjustment is 76 or less or the control voltage is 208 or above  copyir.com     Toner density sensor trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
EE-EU    Automatic toner density adjustment error (Under toner)
The sampling level in the automatic toner density adjustment is 178 or above or the control voltage is 51 or less  copyir.com     Toner density sensor trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F1-00    Finisher – PCU PWB communication error    Connection trouble of the connector and the harness between the finisher and the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check the connector and the harness between the finisher and the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F1-03    Finisher paper exit roller lifting operation trouble    Finisher paper exit roller lift motor trouble Harness and connector connection trouble Home position sensor trouble Finisher control PWB trouble    Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the paper exit roller lift motor  copyir.com  Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the paper exit roller lift motor  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com
F1-08    Stapler shift trouble    Stapler shift motor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the stapler shift motor  copyir.com  Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the stapler shift motor  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com
F1-10    Staple operation trouble    Staple motor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the staple motor  copyir.com  Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the staple motor  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com
F1-11    Finisher grip motor trouble    Paper exit operation trouble caused by the gripper  copyir.com  Gripper motor lock or trouble  copyir.com  Gripper home position sensor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the harness and the connector of the finisher control PWB and the gripper motor  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the gripper motor  copyir.com  Check the connection of the harness and the connector of the finisher control PWB and the gripper motor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the gripper motor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the gripper home position sensor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the finisher control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
F1-15    Finisher paper exit tray lift operation trouble
Lift motor trouble  copyir.com     Paper exit tray lift motor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the paper exit tray lift motor  copyir.com  Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the paper exit tray lift motor  copyir.com  Replace the home position sensor  copyir.com
F1-19    Finisher alignment operation trouble F    Finisher paper alignment motor lock  copyir.com  Motor speed abnormality  copyir.com  Over-current to the motor  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the paper alignment motor F  copyir.com  Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the paper alignment motor F  copyir.com  Replace the home position sensor  copyir.com
F1-20    Finisher alignment operation trouble R    Finisher paper alignment motor lock  copyir.com  Motor speed abnormality  copyir.com  Over-current to the motor  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble    Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the paper alignment motor R  copyir.com  Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the paper alignment motor R  copyir.com  Replace the home position sensor  copyir.com
F1-21    Finisher fan trouble    Motor lock, motor harness short-circuit/open, finisher control PWB trouble, connection harness/connector trouble  copyir.com  Fan motor lock, short-circuit, open circuit  copyir.com  Finisher fan trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble    Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the fan  copyir.com  Check the finisher fan, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the finisher control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the connector/harness, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
F1-31    Finisher saddle motor trouble (Saddle stitch finisher)    Saddle paper folding motor trouble  copyir.com  Saddle paper folding mechanism trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Folding plate home position sensor trouble  copyir.com  Saddle paper folding motor rotation sensor trouble  copyir.com  Harness/connector connection trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the saddle motor  copyir.com  Check the saddle paper folding mechanism  copyir.com  Check the finisher control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the folding plate home position sensor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the saddle paper folding motor rotation sensor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check connection of the harness/connector, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the PCU PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
F1-32    Communication error between the finisher and the punch unit (Saddle stitch finisher)    Connector/harness trouble between the finisher and
the punch unit  copyir.com
Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com
PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com
Malfunction due to noises  copyir.com     Check the connector/harness between the finisher and the punch unit, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the finisher control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the PCU PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
F1-33    Punch unit shift operation trouble    Punch shift motor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble  copyir.com  Harness and connector connection trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the punch shifting  copyir.com  Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the punch shift motor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the home position sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the connectors and the harness  copyir.com
F1-34    Punch operation trouble    Punch motor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble  copyir.com  Harness and connector connection trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the home position sensor  copyir.com  Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the punch  copyir.com  Replace the punch motor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the home position sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the connectors and the harness  copyir.com
F1-36    Punch paper edge detection error    Punch paper edge sensor trouble  copyir.com  Harness disconnection  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Punch control PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the sensor  copyir.com  Replace the punch paper edge sensor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the punch control PWB  copyir.com
F1-37    Finisher data backup RAM error    Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Malfunction due to noises    Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com  Readjust the finisher  copyir.com  (Use SIM3-10, Finisher control PWB DIP SW adjustment  copyir.com )
F1-38    Punch data backup RAM error    Punch control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Malfunction due to noises    Replace the punch control PWB  copyir.com  Set the punch unit specifications, and adjust the sensor  copyir.com  (Punch unit control PWB DIP SW adjustment  copyir.com )
F1-39    Punch paper dust sensor error    Punch dust sensor trouble  copyir.com  Harness and connector connection trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Punch unit control PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-2 to check the operation of the sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the connectors and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the punch dust sensor  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the punch unit control PWB  copyir.com
F1-41    Saddle paper positioning operation trouble
Abnormality in the folding positioning guide motor in the saddle section  copyir.com     Saddle paper positioning guide drive motor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble  copyir.com  Harness and connector connection trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the saddle paper positioning motor  copyir.com  Check connection from the control PWB to the motor  copyir.com  Turn OFF/ON the power  copyir.com  Replace the control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the sensor  copyir.com
F1-43    Saddle alignment operation trouble    Saddle alignment motor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble  copyir.com  Harness and connector connection trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the Saddle alignment motor (FSPAM)  copyir.com  Check connection from the control PWB to the motor  copyir.com  Turn OFF/ON the power  copyir.com  Replace the control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the sensor  copyir.com
F1-45    Saddle staple trouble
Abnormality of the staple unit drive motor in the saddle section  copyir.com     Saddle staple motor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Home position sensor trouble  copyir.com  Harness and connector connection trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the saddle staple motor  copyir.com  Check connection from the control PWB to the motor  copyir.com  Turn OFF/ON the power  copyir.com  Replace the control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the sensor  copyir.com
F1-47    Saddle paper transport motor trouble
Abnormality in the drive roller oscillation motor in the finisher saddle transport section  copyir.com     Saddle paper transport motor trouble  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Harness and connector connection trouble  copyir.com  Fuse blown (24V line)  copyir.com     Use SIM3-3 to check the operation of the saddle paper transport motor  copyir.com  Check connection from the control PWB to the motor  copyir.com  Replace the control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the sensor  copyir.com
F1-50    Main unit – Finisher combination error    The finisher which is not supported by the main unit model is installed  copyir.com  Finisher control PWB trouble  copyir.com     Install a proper finisher  copyir.com  Replace the finisher control PWB  copyir.com
F2-22    Discharge lamp trouble (K)
The lamp is kept open for 1 sec from turning on the discharge lamp  copyir.com     Contact trouble between the discharge lamp PWB (K) and the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Discharge lamp PWB (K) trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the discharge lamp PWB (K)  copyir.com  Check the harness and the connector  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-23    Discharge lamp trouble (C)
The lamp is kept open for 1 sec from turning on the discharge lamp  copyir.com     Contact trouble between the discharge lamp PWB (C) and the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Discharge lamp PWB (C) trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the discharge lamp PWB (C)  copyir.com  Check the harness and the connector  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-24    Discharge lamp trouble (M)
The lamp is kept open for 1 sec from turning on the discharge lamp  copyir.com     Contact trouble between the discharge lamp PWB (M) and the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Discharge lamp PWB (M) trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the discharge lamp PWB (M)  copyir.com  Check the harness and the connector  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-25    Discharge lamp trouble (Y)
The lamp is kept open for 1 sec from turning on the discharge lamp  copyir.com     Contact trouble between the discharge lamp PWB (Y) and the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Discharge lamp PWB (Y) trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the discharge lamp PWB (Y)  copyir.com  Check the harness and the connector  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-39    Process thermistor trouble    Process thermistor trouble  copyir.com  Process thermistor harness connection trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the process thermistor  copyir.com  Check connection of the process thermistor harness and the connector  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-40    Toner density sensor trouble (K)    Toner density sensor output abnormality  copyir.com  Sensor connector and harness connection trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the sensor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-41    Toner density sensor trouble (C)    Toner density sensor output abnormality  copyir.com  Sensor connector and harness connection trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the sensor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-42    Toner density sensor trouble (M)    Toner density sensor output abnormality  copyir.com  Sensor connector and harness connection trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the sensor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-43    Toner density sensor trouble (Y)    Toner density sensor output abnormality  copyir.com  Sensor connector and harness connection trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the sensor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-45    Color image density sensor trouble    Color image density sensor sensitivity adjustment trouble  copyir.com  Color image density sensor trouble  copyir.com  Sensor harness and connector connection trouble  copyir.com  Image density sensor dirt  copyir.com  Calibration plate dirt  copyir.com  Transfer unit lift operation trouble PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the color image density sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the sensor harness and the connector  copyir.com  Clean the image density sensor  copyir.com  Replace the calibration plate  copyir.com  Repair the transfer unit lift mechanism  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Use SIM44-13 to perform the sensitivity adjustment of the process control sensor  copyir.com
F2-49    LSU thermistor trouble    The LSU temperature is outside of -28„aC – 78„aC  copyir.com  LSU thermistor trouble  copyir.com  LSU thermistor harness and connector connection trouble PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  LSU control PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the LSU control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com
F2-50    K drum phase sensor trouble    Drum phase sensor trouble  copyir.com  Drum phase sensor harness and connector
connection trouble Drum drive section trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM30-1 to check the operation of “DHPD_K”  copyir.com  Replace the drum phase sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the drum phase sensor harness and the connector  copyir.com  Repair the drum drive section  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-51    CL drum phase sensor trouble    Drum phase sensor trouble  copyir.com  Drum phase sensor harness and connector connection trouble Drum drive section trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM30-1 to check the operation of “DHPD_CL”  copyir.com  Replace the drum phase sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the drum phase sensor harness and the connector  copyir.com  Repair the drum drive section  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-58    Temperature/humidity sensor trouble (HUD_M/TH_M)    Temperature/humidity sensor trouble  copyir.com  Process humidity sensor harness and connector connection trouble PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the temperature/humidity sensor  copyir.com  Check connection of the temperature/humidity sensor harness and the connector  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-64    Toner supply operation trouble (K)    Toner motor trouble  copyir.com  Toner density sensor trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Toner cartridge trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  Toner transport pipe section trouble    Replace the toner motor  copyir.com  Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Connector and harness check  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Check the toner transport pipe section  copyir.com
F2-65    Toner supply operation trouble (C)    Toner motor trouble  copyir.com  Toner density sensor trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Toner cartridge trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  Toner transport pipe section trouble    Replace the toner motor  copyir.com  Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Connector and harness check  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Check the toner transport pipe section  copyir.com
F2-66    Toner supply operation trouble (M)    Toner motor trouble  copyir.com  Toner density sensor trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Toner cartridge trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  Toner transport pipe section trouble    Replace the toner motor  copyir.com  Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Connector and harness check  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Check the toner transport pipe section  copyir.com
F2-67    Toner supply operation trouble (Y)    Toner motor trouble  copyir.com  Toner density sensor trouble  copyir.com  Connector/harness trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Toner cartridge trouble  copyir.com  Developing unit trouble  copyir.com  Toner transport pipe section trouble    Replace the toner motor  copyir.com  Replace the toner density sensor  copyir.com  Connector and harness check  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com  Check the toner transport pipe section  copyir.com
F2-70    Improper toner cartridge detection (K)    An improper toner cartridge is inserted  copyir.com  (The main unit detects a toner cartridge of a different specification  copyir.com ) Toner cartridge trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-71    Improper toner cartridge detection (C)    An improper toner cartridge is inserted  copyir.com  (The main unit detects a toner cartridge of a different specification  copyir.com ) Toner cartridge trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-72    Improper toner cartridge detection (M)    An improper toner cartridge is inserted  copyir.com  (The main unit detects a toner cartridge of a different specification  copyir.com ) Toner cartridge trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-73    Improper toner cartridge detection (Y)    An improper toner cartridge is inserted  copyir.com  (The main unit detects a toner cartridge of a different specification  copyir.com ) Toner cartridge trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F2-74    Toner cartridge CRUM error (K)    Toner cartridge (CRUM) trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector and harness trouble between PCU PWB and toner cartridge    Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness between the PCU PWB and the toner cartridge  copyir.com
F2-75    Toner cartridge CRUM error (C)    Toner cartridge (CRUM) trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector and harness trouble between PCU PWB and toner cartridge    Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness between the PCU PWB and the toner cartridge  copyir.com
F2-76    Toner cartridge CRUM error (M)    Toner cartridge (CRUM) trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector and harness trouble between PCU PWB and toner cartridge    Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness between the PCU PWB and the toner cartridge  copyir.com
F2-77    Toner cartridge CRUM error (Y)    Toner cartridge (CRUM) trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector and harness trouble between PCU PWB and toner cartridge    Replace the toner cartridge  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness between the PCU PWB and the toner cartridge  copyir.com
F2-78    Registration/BK image density sensor trouble (Transfer belt substrate reflection rate abnormality)    Image density (registration) sensor trouble (Sensor sensitivity adjustment trouble)  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Image density (resist) sensor connector and harness connection trouble Image density (registration) sensor dirt  copyir.com  Transfer belt dirt, scratch  copyir.com     Replace the image density (registration) sensor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness of the image density (resist) sensor  copyir.com  Clean the image density (registration) sensor  copyir.com  Clean or replace the transfer belt  copyir.com
F2-91    High density process control high voltage error (K)
For the production process (Not occur in the market  copyir.com )        
F2-92    High density process control high voltage error (C)
For the production process (Not occur in the market  copyir.com )        
F2-93    High density process control high voltage error (M)
For the production process (Not occur in the market  copyir.com )        
F2-94    High density process control high voltage error (Y)
For the production process (Not occur in the market  copyir.com )        
F3-12    Paper feed tray 1 lift operation trouble    LUD1 is not turned ON within the specified time  copyir.com  CLUD1 sensor trouble  copyir.com  Paper feed tray 1 lift unit trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Sensor harness and connector connection trouble    Check connection of the harness and the connector of LUD1  copyir.com  Replace the lift-up unit  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F3-22    Paper feed tray 2 lift operation trouble
LUD2 does not turn ON within the specified time  copyir.com     LUD2 does not turn ON within the specified time  copyir.com  CLUD2 sensor trouble  copyir.com  Paper feed tray 2 lift unit trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Sensor harness and connector connection trouble    Check the harness and the connector of LUD2  copyir.com  Replace the lift-up unit  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
F6-00    MFPC PWB – FAX communication trouble
MFP – FAX communication establishment error / Framing / Parity / Protocol error    FAX control PWB trouble FAX control PWB – MFPC PWB connector and harness trouble FAX control PWB – Mother board connector and harness trouble FAX control PWB ROM trouble / ROM pin breakage    Replace the FAX control PWB  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness between the FAX control PWB and the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness between the FAX control PWB and the mother board  copyir.com  Check the ROM of the FAX control PWB  copyir.com
F6-01    FAX control PWB EEPROM read/write error
FAX control PWB EEPROM access error (Read and write)    FAX control PWB EEPROM trouble FAX control PWB EEPROM access circuit trouble    Check that no trouble occurs after replacement of EEPROM  copyir.com  Execute the memory check of SIM66-3 to insure that EEPROM can be accessed  copyir.com  Replace the FAX control PWB  copyir.com
F6-04    FAX MODEM operation trouble
FAX control PWB MODEM chip operation trouble    FAX MODEM chip operation trouble The FAX MODEM chip cannot be accessed    Replace the FAX control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the FAX control PWB  copyir.com
F6-21    Improper combination of TEL/LIU PWB and FAX soft switch
Incompatibility between the TEL/LIU PWB and the FAX control PWB information (soft switch)    The destination of the TEL/LIU PWB installed is improper  copyir.com  TEL/LIU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check the destination of the TEL/LIU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the TEL/LIU PWB  copyir.com PWB  copyir.com
F6-30    FAX 1-chip microprocessor access error (FAX detection)
FAX 1-chip microprocessor access error (Read and write)    Program writing trouble to the 1-chip microprocessor, or no program data written  copyir.com  FAX 1-chip microprocessor circuit trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM66-42 to rewrite the 1-chip microprocessor program  copyir.com  Replace the FAX control PWB  copyir.com
F6-97    Incompatibility between FAX control PWB and the main machine    The FAX control PWB installed is improper  copyir.com  FAX control PWB trouble  copyir.com     Install a proper FAX control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the FAX control PWB  copyir.com
F6-98    Incompatibility between the FAX control PWB destination and the main machine destination    Incompatibility between the destination information written into the FAX control PWB EEPROM and that in the main machine (set with SIM26-6)    1) Check the destination of the FAX control PWB  copyir.com  2) Check the destination of the machine  copyir.com  (SIM26-6)
F9-91    Communication error between MFP and the printer section when booting
Booting of the printer section cannot be recognized when booting  copyir.com     MFPC (section) PWB trouble  copyir.com  Printer (section) PWB trouble  copyir.com  Printer flash ROM trouble  copyir.com  MFPC (section) PWB – printer (section) PWB connection trouble  copyir.com     Replace the MFPC (section) PWB  copyir.com  Replace the printer (section) PWB  copyir.com  Replace the printer flash ROM  copyir.com  Check connection between the MFPC (section) PWB and the printer (section) PWB  copyir.com
F9-92    Printer (section) PWB hardware error
Printer (section) PWB    Printer PWB trouble Font ROM contact trouble or error DIMM memory contact trouble or error    Replace the printer PWB  copyir.com  Check the font ROM socket  copyir.com  Check the DIMM memory socket  copyir.com  Check the font ROM  copyir.com  Replace the DIMM memory  copyir.com
H2-00    Thermistor open trouble (TH_UM_AD2)    Thermistor trouble PCU PWB trouble Thermistor connector and harness connection trouble Fusing section connector connection trouble Fusing unit not installed    Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the thermistor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Check the connector in the fusing section  copyir.com
H2-01    Thermistor open trouble (TH_LM)    Thermistor trouble PCU PWB trouble Thermistor connector and harness connection trouble Fusing section connector connection trouble Fusing unit not installed    Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the thermistor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Check the connector in the fusing section  copyir.com
H2-02    Thermistor open trouble (TH_US)    Thermistor trouble PCU PWB trouble Thermistor connector and harness connection trouble Fusing section connector connection trouble Fusing unit not installed    Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the thermistor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Check the connector in the fusing section  copyir.com
H2-03    Thermistor open trouble (TH_UM_AD1)    Thermistor trouble PCU PWB trouble Thermistor connector and harness connection trouble Fusing section connector connection trouble Fusing unit not installed    Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the thermistor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Check the connector in the fusing section  copyir.com
H3-00    Fusing section high temperature trouble (TH_UM)    The fusing temperature exceeds the specified level  copyir.com  Thermistor trouble PCU PWB trouble Thermistor connector and harness connection trouble HL control PWB trouble    Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Use SIM5-2 to check the flashing operation of the heater lamp  copyir.com  Use SIM14 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the thermistor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the HL control PWB  copyir.com
H3-01    Fusing section high temperature trouble (TH_LM)    The fusing temperature exceeds the specified level  copyir.com  Thermistor trouble PCU PWB trouble Thermistor connector and harness connection trouble HL control PWB trouble    Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Use SIM5-2 to check the flashing operation of the heater lamp  copyir.com  Use SIM14 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the thermistor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the HL control PWB  copyir.com
H3-02    Fusing section high temperature trouble (TH_US)    The fusing temperature exceeds the specified level  copyir.com  Thermistor trouble PCU PWB trouble Thermistor connector and harness connection trouble HL control PWB trouble    Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Use SIM5-2 to check the flashing operation of the heater lamp  copyir.com  Use SIM14 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the thermistor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the HL control PWB  copyir.com
H4-00    Fusing section low temperature trouble (TH_UM_AD2)
The fusing temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time from turning ON the power relay  copyir.com     Thermistor trouble  copyir.com  Heater lamp trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Thermostat trouble  copyir.com  Connector, harness connection trouble  copyir.com  HL control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Power unit trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM14 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com  Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Use SIM5-2 to check the flashing operation of the heater lamp  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the heater lamp  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the thermostat  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the HL control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the power unit  copyir.com
H4-01    Fusing section low temperature trouble (TH_LM)
The fusing temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time from turning ON the power relay  copyir.com     Thermistor trouble  copyir.com  Heater lamp trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Thermostat trouble  copyir.com  Connector, harness connection trouble  copyir.com  HL control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Power unit trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM14 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com  Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Use SIM5-2 to check the flashing operation of the heater lamp  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the heater lamp  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the thermostat  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the HL control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the power unit  copyir.com
H4-02    Fusing section low temperature trouble (TH_US)
The fusing temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time from turning ON the power relay  copyir.com     Thermistor trouble  copyir.com  Heater lamp trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Thermostat trouble  copyir.com  Connector, harness connection trouble  copyir.com  HL control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Power unit trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM14 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com  Use SIM44-14 to check the state of the thermistor  copyir.com  Use SIM5-2 to check the flashing operation of the heater lamp  copyir.com  Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the heater lamp  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the thermostat  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the HL control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the power unit  copyir.com
H5-01    5 times continuous POD1 not-reach jam    A fusing jam is not canceled completely  copyir.com  (A jam paper remains  copyir.com ) POD1 sensor trouble Fusing unit installation trouble POD1 sensor connector and harness connection trouble PCU PWB trouble Fusing unit, drive section trouble    Replace the POD1 sensor  copyir.com  Check installation of the fusing unit  copyir.com  Replace the fusing unit  copyir.com  Check or repair the fusing drive section  copyir.com  Check connection of the POD1 sensor connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Use SIM14 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com
H7-10    Recovery error from low fuser temp  copyir.com  (TH_UM_AD2)
The fusing temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time from stopping a job due to fall in the fusing temperature  copyir.com     Thermistor trouble  copyir.com  Heater lamp trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Thermostat trouble  copyir.com  Connector, harness connection trouble  copyir.com  HL control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Power unit trouble  copyir.com     Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the heater lamp  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the thermostat  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the HL control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the power unit  copyir.com  Use SIM5-2 to check the flashing operation of the heater lamp  copyir.com
H7-11    Recovery error from low fuser temp  copyir.com  (TH_LM)
The fusing temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time from stopping a job due to fall in the fusing temperature  copyir.com     Thermistor trouble  copyir.com  Heater lamp trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Thermostat trouble  copyir.com  Connector, harness connection trouble  copyir.com  HL control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Power unit trouble  copyir.com     Replace the thermistor  copyir.com  Replace the heater lamp  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the thermostat  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the HL control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the power unit  copyir.com  Use SIM5-2 to check the flashing operation of the heater lamp  copyir.com
L1-00    Scanner feed trouble
Scanner feed is not completed within the specified time  copyir.com     Scanner unit trouble  copyir.com  SCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Scanner control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Harness and connector connection trouble  copyir.com  Scanner home position sensor trouble  copyir.com  Scanner motor trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM1-1 to check the scan operation  copyir.com  Replace the scanner unit  copyir.com  Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connectors and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the scanner home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the scanner motor  copyir.com
L3-00    Scanner return trouble
Scanner return is not completed within the specified time  copyir.com     Scanner unit trouble SCU PWB trouble Scanner control PWB trouble Harness and connector connection trouble Scanner home position sensor trouble Scanner motor trouble    Use SIM1-1 to check the scan operation  copyir.com  Replace the scanner unit  copyir.com  Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connectors and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the scanner home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the scanner motor  copyir.com
L4-02    Paper feed motor trouble
A lock signal is not detected within the specified time in ON operation of the paper feed motor after warming-up or canceling a jam  copyir.com     Paper feed motor trouble Paper feed motor harness and connector connection trouble PCU PWB trouble    Use SIM6-1 to check the operation of the paper feed motor  copyir.com  Replace the paper feed motor  copyir.com  Check connection of the paper feed motor harness and the connector  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
L4-03    Fusing motor trouble
The motor lock signal is detected during rotation of the fusing motor  copyir.com     Fusing motor trouble Fusing motor harness and connector connection trouble PCU PWB trouble    Use SIM6-1 to check the operation of the fusing motor  copyir.com  Replace the Fusing motor  copyir.com  Check connection of the fusing motor harness and the connection  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
L4-04    Developing motor trouble (BLACK)
The motor lock signal is detected during rotation of the developing motor  copyir.com     Developing motor trouble Developing motor harness and connector connection trouble PCU PWB trouble Developing unit trouble    Use SIM25-1 to check the operation of the developing motor  copyir.com  Replace the developing motor  copyir.com  Check connection of the developing motor harness and the connection  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the developing motor  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com
L4-05    Developing motor trouble (COLOR)
The motor lock signal is detected during rotation of the developing motor  copyir.com     Developing motor trouble Developing motor harness and connector connection trouble PCU PWB trouble Developing unit trouble    Use SIM25-1 to check the operation of the developing motor  copyir.com  Replace the developing motor  copyir.com  Check connection of the developing motor harness and the connection  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the developing motor  copyir.com  Replace the developing unit  copyir.com
L4-06    Transfer unit lift trouble
A change in the primary transfer position sensor cannot be detected within the specified time in lifting operation of the primary transfer unit  copyir.com     Transfer unit position sensor trouble Dirt on the transfer unit position sensor  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Transfer unit lift mechanism trouble Primary transfer belt unit is not installed  copyir.com     Use SIM6-3 to check the separating operation of the transfer unit  copyir.com  Install the primary transfer belt unit  copyir.com  Replace the transfer unit position sensor  copyir.com  Clean the transfer unit position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Repair the transfer unit lift mechanism  copyir.com
L4-07    Transfer belt motor trouble    The motor lock signal is detected during rotation of the transfer belt motor  copyir.com  Transfer belt motor trouble Transfer belt motor harness and connector connection trouble PCU PWB trouble    Use SIM25-1 to check the operation of the transfer belt motor  copyir.com  Check the transfer belt motor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check connection of the harness and connectors of the transfer belt motor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the PCU PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
L4-11    Shift motor trouble
No change in the shifter home position sensor signal is detected in the operation of the shifter initializing  copyir.com     Shift motor trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Shifter home position sensor trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM6-1 to check the shift operation  copyir.com  Use SIM30-1 to check the operation of the shifter home position sensor  copyir.com  Replace the shift motor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the shifter home position sensor  copyir.com
L4-12    Secondary transfer separation trouble
A change in the separation sensor status cannot be detected within the specified time in separation operation of the secondary transfer  copyir.com     Secondary transfer separation mechanism trouble  copyir.com  Secondary transfer separation clutch trouble  copyir.com  Secondary transfer separation sensor trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check or repair the secondary transfer separation mechanism  copyir.com  Replace the secondary transfer separation clutch  copyir.com  Replace the secondary transfer separation sensor  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com
L4-16    Fusing pressure release trouble
A change in the fusing pressure release sensor signal cannot be detected within the specified time after outputting the fusing pressure release motor  copyir.com     Fusing pressure release sensor trouble  copyir.com  Fusing pressure release motor trouble  copyir.com  Pressure release drive gear and pressure release idle gear trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Replace the fusing pressure release sensor  copyir.com  Replace the fusing pressure release motor  copyir.com  Replace the pressure release drive gear and the pressure release idle gear  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com
L4-31    Paper exit cooling fan trouble
The fan operation signal is not detected  copyir.com     Paper exit cooling fan trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Check connection of the connectors and the harness  copyir.com  Use SIM6-2 to check the rotating operation of the fan  copyir.com  Replace the paper exit cooling fan  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
L4-32    Power source cooling fan trouble
The fan operation signal is not detected  copyir.com     Power cooling fan trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Use SIM6-2 to check that the fan is actually rotating  copyir.com  Replace the power cooling fan  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connectors and the harness  copyir.com
L4-34    LSU cooling fan trouble    When the LSU cooling fan is operated, the fan operation signal is not detected within the specified time  copyir.com  LSU fan trouble  copyir.com  Harness, connector trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com     Use SIM6-2 to check the fan operation  copyir.com  Check the LSU fan, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the harness/connector, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LSU mother PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
L4-35    Fusing cooling fan trouble
The fan operation signal is not detected  copyir.com     Fusing cooling fan trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Use SIM6-2 to check that the fan is actually rotating  copyir.com  Replace the fusing cooling fan  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com
L4-43    Paper exit cooling fan 2 trouble
The fan operation signal is not detected  copyir.com     Paper exit cooling fan trouble  copyir.com  (Machine R side) PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Replace the fan  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Use SIM6-2 to check that the fan is actually rotating  copyir.com
L4-50    Process fan trouble
The fan operation signal is not detected  copyir.com     Process fan trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Check that the fan is rotating after turning ON the power  copyir.com  Replace the process fan  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com
L4-51    Process fan 2 trouble
The fan operation signal is not detected  copyir.com     Fan trouble  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Replace the fan  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Check that the fan is rotating after turning ON the power  copyir.com
L6-10    Polygon motor trouble
The polygon motor does not reach the specified RPM within the specified time after starting rotation of the polygon motor  copyir.com     Polygon motor trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Use SIM61-1 to check the operation of the polygon motor  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the LSU  copyir.com  Replace the LSU mother PWB  copyir.com
L8-01    Full wave signal detection error
The full wave signal is not detected  copyir.com     PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  Power unit trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Replace the power unit  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com
L8-20    Communication error of MFPC PWB/ LSU mother board    LSU mother board PWB – MFPC PWB connection trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com  LSU mother board trouble  copyir.com     Check connection between the LSU mother board PWB and the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Check the ground of the main unit  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  Replace the LSU mother board  copyir.com
P1-00    PCI communication error    Communication error between the MFPC PWB and the PCI  copyir.com  Connection failure of connectors and harness between the MFPC PWB and the PCI  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com  PCI control PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the harness and connectors between the MFPC PWB and the PCI  copyir.com  Check the MFPC PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  (Refer to the necessary procedures after replacement of the MFPC PWB in the Service Manual, and perform the procedures  copyir.com ) Check the PCI control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
P1-01    PCI fan error    The PCI fan operation signal is not detected  copyir.com  PCI fan trouble  copyir.com  PCI control PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the connectors and harness between the PCI fan and the PCI control PWB  copyir.com  Check the PCI control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the PCI fan, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
P1-02    Plasma generating device error    Connection failure of connectors and harness between the plasma generating device and the PCI control PWB  copyir.com  Plasma generating device trouble  copyir.com  PCI control PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the connectors and harness between the plasma generating device and the PCI control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the plasma generating device  copyir.com  Check the PCI control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
PC–    Personal counter not detected    The personal counter is not installed  copyir.com  The personal counter is not detected  copyir.com  SCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the connectors and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com
U1-01    Battery trouble
RTC backup battery voltage fall    1) Battery life 2) Battery circuit abnormality    Check to confirm that the battery voltage is about 2  copyir.com 5V or above  copyir.com  Replace the battery  copyir.com
U2-00    MFP EEPROM read/write error    MFPC PWB EEPROM trouble EEPROM socket contact trouble MFPC PWB trouble Strong external noises  copyir.com     Replace the MFPC PWB EEPROM  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  (Refer to the pages on the necessary works after replacing the MFPC PWB in the Service Manual, and perform the works  copyir.com ) Check the power environment  copyir.com
U2-05    HDD/MFPC PWB SRAM contents inconsistency (23cpm machine)
The HDD or the MFPC PWB installed is improper  copyir.com  (Erroneous detection of account management data)    The HDD was replaced  copyir.com  The MFPC PWB was replaced  copyir.com  HDD trouble MFPC PWB trouble    (Refer to the pages on the necessary works after replacing the HDD and the MFPC PWB in the Service Manual, and perform the works  copyir.com ) Use SIM16 to cancel the error  copyir.com
U2-05    Erroneous detection of account management data / HDD internal authentication DB table error (26/31/36cpm machine)    The HDD internal authentication DB table is broken  copyir.com  After detection of the broken authentication DB table, the machine is rebooted to rebuild the authentication table  copyir.com  This error can be confirmed only by the error history of SIM22-4  copyir.com  If frequent occurrence of this error is found, the following devices may possibly be damaged  copyir.com  HDD trouble MFPC PWB trouble    Check the HDD, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the MFPC PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  When replacing the HDD and the MFPC PWB, refer to “Necessary works and procedures for replacement of HDD and MFPC PWB” and perform the necessary procedures  copyir.com  If this error does not occur frequently, the above procedure is not required  copyir.com
U2-10    MFPC PWB SRAM user authentication index check sum error    SRAM user index information (user authentication basic data) check sum error  copyir.com  MFPC PWB SRAM trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com  Strong external noises  copyir.com     Use SIM16 to cancel the error  copyir.com  (Index information data in the HDD are transferred to the SRAM  copyir.com ) Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  (Refer to the pages on the necessary works after replacing the MFPC PWB in the Service Manual, and perform the works  copyir.com )
U2-11    MFPC PWB EEPROM counter check sum error    MFPC PWB EEPROM trouble EEPROM socket contact trouble MFPC PWB trouble Strong external noises  copyir.com     Use SIM16 to cancel the error  copyir.com  (The previous writing data (about the latest 8 sheets) are written into the EEPROM  copyir.com ) Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  (Refer to the pages on the necessary works after replacing the MFPC PWB in the Service Manual, and perform the works  copyir.com )
U2-24    MFPC PWB SRAM memory user authentication counter check sum error    MFPC PWB SRAM trouble MFPC PWB trouble Strong external noises  copyir.com     Use SIM16 to cancel the error  copyir.com  (The check sum error detection data are calculated again to reset the proper check sum data  copyir.com ) Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  (Refer to the pages on the necessary works after replacing the MFPC PWB in the Service Manual, and perform the works  copyir.com )
U2-30    MFPC PWB and PCU PWB manufacturing No  copyir.com  data inconsistency
Inconsistency between the manufacturing No  copyir.com  saved in the PCU PWB and that in the MFPC PWB  copyir.com     When replacing the PCU PWB or the MFPC PWB, the EEPROM which was mounted on the PWB before replacement is not mounted on the new PWB  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble PCU PWB trouble    Check that the EEPROM is properly set  copyir.com  Check to confirm that the EEPROM which was mounted on the PWB before replacement is mounted on the new PWB  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  (Refer to the pages on the necessary works after replacing the MFPC PWB in the Service Manual, and perform the works  copyir.com ) Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
U2-40    SD card system storage data area error    A file error occurs in the SD card system storage data partition  copyir.com  SD card trouble MFPC PWB trouble    Turn OFF/ON the power, and the backup data in the HDD are written into the SD card and the machine is automatically booted  copyir.com  Check the MFPC PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the SD card, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
U2-41    HDD system storage data area error    A file error occurs in the HDD system saved data area, disabling backup of the saved file of the machine adjustment values in the SD card  copyir.com  HDD trouble MFPC PWB trouble    Check the HDD, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the MFPC PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  When replacing the HDD and the MFPC PWB, refer to the chapter of “Necessary works and procedures of HDD and MFPC PWB replacement  copyir.com “
U2-42    Machine adjustment data (system storage data area) error    The saved file of the machine adjustment values in the SD card and the HDD cannot be found or is broken  copyir.com  Both of the SD card set data and the HDD system saved data area are broken  copyir.com  HDD trouble MFPC PWB trouble SD card trouble    Check the HDD, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the MFPC PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the SD card, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  When replacing the HDD, the MFPC PWB, and the SD card, refer to the chapter of “Necessary works and procedures of HDD, MFPC PWB, and SD card replacement  copyir.com ” Use SIM to adjust the machine again and set the adjustment values  copyir.com
U2-50    HDD user authentication data check sum error    HDD trouble MFPC PWB trouble Strong external noises    Check the data related to the check sum error (address book, image send system registration data (senders record, meta data)) and register again  copyir.com  Use SIM16 to cancel the U2 trouble  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  (Refer to the pages on the necessary works after replacing the HDD and the MFPC PWB in the Service Manual, and perform the works  copyir.com )
U2-60    Watermark check error    Watermark data trouble HDD trouble MFPC PWB trouble    Use SIM16 to cancel the U2 trouble  copyir.com  Use SIM49-5 to install the watermark data  copyir.com  Replace the HDD  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com  (Refer to the pages on the necessary works after replacing the HDD and the MFPC PWB in the Service Manual, and perform the works  copyir.com )
U2-80    SCU PWB EEPROM read/write error    SCU PWB EEPROM trouble SCU PWB trouble SCU PWB EEPROM socket connection trouble    Replace the SCU PWB EEPROM  copyir.com  Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com  Check connection of the SCU PWB EEPROM socket  copyir.com  Check the SIM adjustment value of the following items, and adjust again if they are improper  copyir.com  • Scanner-related adjustments • Touch panel-related adjustments Use SIM16 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com
U2-81    SCU PWB EEPROM check sum error    SCU PWB EEPROM trouble  copyir.com  Installation of non-initialized EEPROM  copyir.com  SCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  EEPROM socket contact trouble  copyir.com     Replace the SCU PWB EEPROM  copyir.com  Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com  Check contact of the EEPROM socket  copyir.com  Use SIM16 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com  (The check sum error detection data are calculated again to reset the proper check sum data  copyir.com )
U2-90    PCU PWB EEPROM read/write error    PCU PWB EEPROM trouble PCU PWB trouble EEPROM socket contact trouble    Replace the PCU PWB EEPROM  copyir.com  Check the SIM adjustment values of the engine, and adjust again if they are improper  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check contact of the EEPROM socket  copyir.com  Use SIM16 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com
U2-91    PCU PWB EEPROM check sum error    PCU PWB EEPROM trouble PCU PWB trouble EEPROM socket contact trouble    Replace the PCU PWB EEPROM  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Check contact of the EEPROM socket  copyir.com  Use SIM16 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com  (The check sum error detection data are calculated again to reset the proper check sum data  copyir.com )
U6-00    PCU PWB – Paper feed desk (paper feed tray 3, 4) communication trouble    Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Paper feed desk control PWB trouble PCU PWB trouble    Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the paper feed desk control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
U6-01    Desk paper feed tray 1 lift trouble
D1ULD does not turn ON within the specified time when lift-up operation  copyir.com     D1ULD sensor trouble  copyir.com  Desk control PWB trouble  copyir.com  Lift unit trouble  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Replace the D1ULD sensor  copyir.com  Replace the desk control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the lift unit  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
U6-02    Desk paper feed tray 2 lift trouble
D2ULD does not turn ON within the specified time when lift-up operation  copyir.com     D2ULD sensor trouble Desk control PWB trouble Lift unit trouble Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  PCU PWB trouble    Replace the D2ULD sensor  copyir.com  Replace the desk control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the lift unit  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
U6-09    LCC lift motor trouble
No variation in the motor rotation sensor signal (encoder sign) is detected within the specified time after booting or stopping the LCC lift motor  copyir.com     LCC lift motor rotation sensor trouble LCC control PWB trouble LCC lift mechanism trouble LCC lift motor trouble    Use SIM4-2 and 4-3 to check the operation of the LCC sensor and the lift motor  copyir.com  Check the LCC lift motor rotation sensor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LCC control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LCC lift mechanism, and repair if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LCC lift motor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Use SIM15 to cancel the trouble  copyir.com
U6-10    Desk paper feed unit paper transport motor trouble    Desk paper feed motor trouble (motor lock, motor rpm abnormality, over-current to the motor)  copyir.com  Desk control PWB trouble Connection trouble of the connector and the harness  copyir.com     Use SIM4-3 to check the operation of the desk transport motor  copyir.com  Replace the desk control PWB  copyir.com  Replace the desk paper feed motor  copyir.com  Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com
U6-20    LCC control PWB – PCU PWB communication error    Communication error between the LCC control PWB and the PCU PWB  copyir.com  Connection trouble of the harness and the connector between the machine and the LCC and those of the LCC control PWB  copyir.com  LCC control PWB trouble PCU PWB trouble Malfunction due to noises  copyir.com     Check to confirm the LCC model  copyir.com  Check the connection of the harness and the connector between the machine and the LCC and those of the LCC control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LCC control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the PCU PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
U6-21    LCC transport motor trouble
No variation in the motor rotation sensor signal (encoder sign) is detected within the specified time after booting or stopping the LCC transport motor  copyir.com     LCC transport motor rotation sensor trouble LCC control PWB trouble LCC paper transport mechanism trouble LCC paper transport motor trouble    Use SIM4-3 to check the operation of the LCC transport motor  copyir.com  Check the LCC transport motor rotation sensor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LCC control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LCC paper transport mechanism, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LCC transport motor, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
U6-22    LCC 24V power trouble
The power voltage of DC24V is not supplied to the LCC unit  copyir.com     Connection trouble of the harness and the connector between the machine and the LCC and those of the LCC control PWB  copyir.com  LCC control PWB trouble Machine power unit trouble    connector between the machine and the LCC and those of the LCC control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the LCC control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the machine power unit, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
U6-50    Desk – Main unit combination trouble    Improper combination between the main unit and the desk  copyir.com  Desk control PWB trouble  copyir.com     Install a desk which is proper for the main unit mode  copyir.com  Replace the desk control PWB  copyir.com
U6-51    LCC – Main unit combination trouble
An LCC of a different model which is not supported by the machine is installed  copyir.com  (Improper combination of the machine and the LCC model code  copyir.com )    LCC control PWB trouble PCU PWB trouble    Check to confirm the LCC model  copyir.com  Check the LCC control PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com  Check the PCU PWB, and replace if necessary  copyir.com
U6-52    PCU PWB – Paper feed desk (paper feed tray 2) communication trouble
Paper feed tray 2 (desk unit) is not recognized  copyir.com     Connection failure between the machine and paper feed tray 2 (desk unit)
PCU PWB trouble  copyir.com     Check connection of the connector and the harness  copyir.com  Replace the PCU PWB  copyir.com
U7-50    MFPC PWB – Vendor machine communication error
Communication error between the MFP and the serial vendor  copyir.com     Improper setting of the vendor machine specifications (SIM26-3)  copyir.com  Vendor machine trouble  copyir.com  MFPC PWB trouble  copyir.com  Connector, harness connection trouble  copyir.com  Strong external noises  copyir.com     Cancel the error by turning OFF/ON the power  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness in the communication line  copyir.com  Change the specifications of the vendor machine (SIM26-3)  copyir.com  Replace the MFPC PWB  copyir.com
U7-51    Vendor machine error
MFP (Notification of a trouble from the serial vendor)    Serial vendor machine trouble  copyir.com  Connector, harness connection trouble  copyir.com     Err  copyir.com XX is displayed on the operation panel of the vendor  copyir.com  (XX is the detail code  copyir.com ) Repair the vendor machine referring to the detail code  copyir.com  Check the connector and the harness in the communication line  copyir.com
UC-02    CPT – ASIC error
SCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  (CPT-ASIC trouble  copyir.com )    SCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  (CPT-ASIC trouble  copyir.com )    Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com
UC-20    DOCC ASIC error    SCU PWB trouble  copyir.com  (DOCC-ASIC trouble  copyir.com )    Replace the SCU PWB  copyir.com

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