کدها و خطاهای فتوکپی ریکو آفیشیو 2075

کدها و خطاهای فتوکپی ریکو آفیشیو 2075



SC100: Scanning System

SC No.


Possible Cause



Exposure Lamp Error  
At trigger on, the lamp was not detected on. x Exposure lamp defective x Lamp regulator defective x Exposure lamp connector defective x Dirty standard white plate

x Dirty scanner mirror or scanner mirror out of position

x SBU board defective x SBU connector defective x  IPU defective



Scanner home position error 1  
The scanner HP sensor does not detect the on condition during initialization or copying. x BCU, SDRB (Scanner Driver Board) defective.

x Scanner motor defective

x Harness between BCU, SDRB, scanner motor disconnected.

x Scanner HP sensor defective. x Harness between scanner HP sensor and BCU disconnected.

x Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, carriage installation incorrect.



Scanner home position error 2  
The scanner HP sensor does not detect the off condition during initialization or copying. x BCU, SDRB (Scanner Driver Board) defective.

x Scanner motor defective.

x Harness between BCU, SDRB, scanner motor disconnected.

x Scanner HP sensor defective.

x Harness between scanner HP sensor and BCU disconnected.

x Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, carriage installation incorrect.



Scanner home position error 3  
The scanner home position sensor does not detect the on condition during original scanning. x BCU, SDRB (Scanner Driver Board) defective.

x Scanner motor defective.

x Harness between BCU, SDRB, scanner motor disconnected.

x Scanner HP sensor defective. x Harness between scanner HP sensor and BCU disconnected.

x Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, carriage installation incorrect.



SC No.


Possible Cause



Scanner home position error 4  
The scanner home position sensor does not detect the off condition during original scanning. x BCU, SDRB (Scanner Driver Board) defective.

x Scanner motor defective.

x Harness between BCU, SDRB, scanner motor disconnected.

x Scanner HP sensor defective. x Harness between scanner HP sensor and BCU disconnected.

x Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, carriage installation incorrect.



SBU auto adjust error  
Automatic adjustment of the SBU fails when the machine is switched on. x Exposure lamp defective. x Exposure lamp regulator defective.

x Harness between exposure lamp and lamp regulator is disconnected.

x White plate installed incorrectly or is dirty.

x Scanning mirrors of the exposure unit are dirty or out of position. x SBU board defective. x VIB board defective.

x Harness between SBU, VIB disconnected.

x Harness between VIB, BCU disconnected. x IPU defective x  BCU defective



SBU transmission error  
After the SBU switches on, the BCU detects one of the following conditions on the SBU:

x 1 s after power on, the SYDI signal does not go high, even after 1 retry.

x 1 s after power on, the SYDI signal goes high, but the SBU ID could not be read after 3 attempts.

x SBU defective. x VIB defective

x Harness (40-pin shielded) between the SBU, VIB is disconnected.

x Harness (shielded cable) between the VIB, BCU is disconnected.

x IPU defective



SC No.


Possible Cause



CIS lamp abnormal  
After the CIS lamp trigger goes on, the CIS lamp is not detected on. Detecting the lamp on or off determines the peak white level value for shading correction. (If the peak level is determined to be below a certain level, the CIS lamp is judged to be off.) x CIS lamp defective. x CIS power supply board defective. x Harness between lamp and power supply board is disconnected.

x Harness between CIS, ADF is disconnected.

x CIS exposure glass dirty. x White roller dirty or installed incorrectly. x CIS unit defective.

x PSU defective







CIS auto adjust error  
Automatic adjustment of the CIS unit failed. x CIS unit defective. x CIS exposure glass dirty.

x White roller dirty or installed incorrectly.

x PSU power supply (+5V, –12V) is abnormal.

x  IPU defective



CIS transmission error  
When the CIS is powered on, the ADF detects one of the following abnormal conditions on the CIS unit:

x The SOUT signal does not go high within 1 s after power on.

x The SOUT signal goes high within 1 s after power on, but the SBU ID cannot be read after 3 attempts.

x CIS unit defective.

x Harness between the CIS, ADF is disconnected.

x PSU power (5V) is abnormal. x BCU, IPU defective


SC300: Image Development System (1)

SC No.


Possible Cause



Charge corona output error  
The feedback voltage from the charge corona unit is detected too high 9 times. x Charge corona power pack defective x Charge corona harness disconnected x  Poor charge corona unit connection


Charge corona grid leak  
When the high voltage is output to the corona grid, feedback voltage exceeds the prescribed value 9 times. x Charge corona power pack defective x Charge corona harness disconnected x Poor charge corona unit connection 


Charge corona wire cleaner error 1  
The charge corona wire cleaner motor is detected: x Motor locks within 4 s after switching on, or does not lock within 30 s. x Motor locks within 10 s after reversing, or does not lock within 30 s. x Charge corona wire cleaner motor defective x BCU board defective


Charge corona wire cleaner error 2  
The current at the charge corona motor is detected less than 83 mA. x Charge corona wire cleaner motor connector is defective or not connected.



When SC310~SC317 are logged, the machine halts without displaying the SC number. These SC codes log an abnormal condition at the potential sensor only when SP3901 (Auto Process Control) is set to on.


SC No.


Possible Cause



Potential sensor calibration error 1  
During drum potential sensor calibration, the drum potential sensor output voltage does not meet specification when test voltages (–100V, –800V) are applied to the drum. x Potential sensor defective

x Potential sensor harness disconnected x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x BCU defective x OPC connector defective x  Development power pack defective



Potential sensor calibration error 2  
During drum potential sensor calibration, the drum potential sensor output voltage does not meet specification when test voltages (–100V, –800V) are applied to the drum. x Potential sensor defective

x Potential sensor harness disconnected x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x BCU defective x OPC connector defective

x Development power pack defective










SC No.


Possible Cause



Potential sensor calibration error 3
During drum potential sensor calibration when adjusting the drum potential (VD), the drum potential sensor detects VD higher than VG (grid voltage).


When adjusting VD (drum surface potential of black areas after exposure), even after 5 adjustments of VG (charge corona grid potential), VD could not be set in the target range (–800r10 + VL + 130V)

x Potential sensor defective

x Potential sensor harness disconnected x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x BCU defective x OPC connector defective x Development power pack defective x Charge corona unit worn out, dirty



Potential sensor calibration error 4
During drum potential sensor calibration when adjusting the drum potential (VH) for LD power adjustment, the first time the VH pattern is made, the drum potential sensor detects that VH is more than 500V:

VH > |–500 + VL + 130| V

x Potential sensor defective

x Potential sensor harness disconnected x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x BCU defective x OPC connector defective x LD defective



Potential sensor calibration error 5
During drum potential sensor calibration, when –100V is applied to the drum, the output value is out of the prescribed range. x Potential sensor defective

x Potential sensor harness disconnected x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x BCU defective x OPC connector defective x  Development power pack defective



Potential sensor calibration error 6
During drum potential sensor calibration, when –800V is applied to the drum, the output value is out of the prescribed range. x Potential sensor defective

x Potential sensor harness disconnected x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x BCU defective x OPC connector defective x  Development power pack defective



Potential sensor calibration error 7
During drum potential sensor calibration, when VL is adjusted, the pattern surface potential VL pattern is not within range 0V ~ –400V. (VL is the potential after exposing a white pattern.) x Potential sensor defective

x Potential sensor harness disconnected x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x BCU defective x OPC connector defective

x Charge corona power pack defective x  Development power pack defective



No laser writing signal (F-GATE) erro r 1
The laser writing signal (F-GATE) for the IPU does not go LOW within 60 s. x IPU board defective

x PCI bus between controller board, IPU board defective



SC No.


Possible Cause



Laser synchronization detector error  
After the polygon motor reaches standard rotation speed and the LD unit fires for 500 ms, the laser synchronization detector does not generate a signal. x Harness between detector and I/F disconnected or damaged

x Detector is installed incorrectly.

x Detector board is defective x Controller board defective x IPU board defective x  LDB defective



Polygonal mirror motor error 1  
The ready signal does not go low within 20 s after the polygonal mirror motor turns on or changes speed of rotation. x Harness between I/F and polygon motor disconnected or defective

x Polygon motor or polygon motor driver defective x  IPU board defective



Polygonal mirror motor error 2  
The ready signal does not go high within 20 s after the polygonal mirror motor turns off. x Harness between I/F and polygon motor disconnected or defective

x Polygon motor or polygon motor driver defective x  IPU board defective



Polygonal mirror motor error 3  
The XSCRDY signal goes high while the polygonal mirror motor turns on, even though there was no demand for either turning off the motor or changing the motor speed. x Harness between the polygon motor and I/F disconnected or defective. x Polygon motor or polygon motor driver defective x  IPU board defective


Polygonal mirror motor error 1  
During exposure, while the polygon motor is rotating, the XSCRDY signal goes high. x Harness between the polygon motor and I/F disconnected or defective. x Polygon motor or polygon motor driver defective x  IPU board defective


TD sensor output error  
TD sensor output voltage (Vt), measured during each copy cycle, is detected 10 times at one of the following levels: Vt = 0.5 volts or lower

Vt = 4.0 volts or higher

x TD sensor defective

x TD sensor harness disconnected x TD sensor connector disconnected or defective

x BCU defective x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 bottle motor defective


Note: When the TD sensor is defective, the ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 supply is controlled using pixel count and the ID sensor.















SC No.


Possible Cause



TD sensor adjustment error 1  
During the TD sensor auto adjustment, the TD sensor output voltage (Vt) is 2.5 volts or higher even though the control voltage is

set to the minimum value (PWM =


When this error occurs, SP2-906-1 reads 0.00V.

Note: This SC is released only after correct adjustment of the TD sensor has been achieved. Switching the machine off and on will cancel the SC display, but does not release ID sensor ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 supply.

x TD sensor defective

x TD sensor harness disconnected x TD sensor connector disconnected or defective

x BCU defective x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 bottle motor defective


Note: When the TD sensor is defective, the ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 supply is controlled using pixel count and the ID sensor.



TD sensor adjustment error 2  
During the TD sensor auto adjustment, the TD sensor output voltage (Vt) does not enter the target range (3.0 ± 0.1V) within 20 s.

When this error occurs, the indication of SP2-906-1 reads 0.00V.

Note: This SC is released only after correct adjustment of the TD sensor has been achieved. Switching the machine off and on will cancel the SC display, but does not release ID sensor ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 supply.

x TD sensor defective

x TD sensor harness disconnected x TD sensor connector disconnected or defective x BCU defective



Development output abnormal  
The high voltage applied to the development unit is detected 10 times higher than the upper limit (45%) of PWM. x Development power pack defective x Development bias connection defective x Development bias connector disconnected or defective 


ID sensor error 1  
One of the following ID sensor output voltages was detected twice consecutively when checking the ID sensor pattern.

Vsp t 2.5V

Vsg < 2.5

Vsp = 0V

Vsg = 0

x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective

x BCU defective

x Defect at ID sensor pattern writing x Charge power pack defective x ID sensor dirty



ID sensor error 2  
The ID sensor output voltage is 5.0V and the PWM signal input to the ID sensor is 0 when checking the ID sensor pattern.


x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective

x BCU defective

x Defect during ID sensor pattern writing x Charge power pack defective x ID sensor dirty


SC No.


Possible Cause



ID sensor error 3  
For 2 s during the ID sensor pattern check, the ID sensor pattern edge voltage is not 2.5V or the pattern edge is not detected within 800 ms. x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective

x BCU defective

x Defect during ID sensor pattern writing x Charge power pack defective x  ID sensor dirty



ID sensor error 4  
One of the following ID sensor output voltages is detected at ID sensor initialization.

x Vsg < 4.0V when the maximum PWM input (255) is applied to the ID sensor.

x Vsg t 4.0V when the minimum PWM input (0) is applied to the ID sensor.

x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective

x BCU defective

x Defect during ID sensor pattern writing x Charge power pack defective x ID sensor dirty



ID sensor error 5  
20 s after the start of automatic adjustment, Vsg cannot be adjusted to target (4.0 r 0.2V).


x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective

x BCU defective

x Defect during ID sensor pattern writing x Charge power pack defective x  ID sensor dirty



ID sensor pattern voltage error  
Drum potential sensor output is out of the target range (-100 – -400V) when reading the drum voltage for the ID sensor pattern. x Drum potential sensor defective x Drum potential sensor harness disconnected

x Drum potential sensor connector defective

x IOB defective

x Defect during ID sensor pattern writing x Charge power pack defective x  Charge corona wire dirty



SC400: Image Development System (2)

SC No.


Possible Cause



Transfer output abnormal
When the transfer is output, the feedback voltage remains higher  than 4V for 60 ms. x Transfer power pack defective x Poor connection between the transfer current terminal and the transfer power pack 
402 D   Transfer output abnormal release det ection
When the transfer is output, there is hardly any feedback voltage within 60 ms even with application of 24% PWM. x Transfer power pack defective x Transfer unit harness disconnected x Transfer connector disconnected, defective
430 D   Quenching lamp error 
At the completion of auto process control initialization, the potential of the drum surface detected by the potential sensor is more than – 400V, the prescribed value. x Quenching lamp defective

x Quenching lamp harness disconnected x Quenching lamp connector disconnected or defective

440 D   Main motor lock
The main motor lock signal remains low for 2 seconds while the main motor is on. x Too much load on the drive mechanism x Main motor defective
441 D   Development motor lock
The development motor lock signal remains high for 2 seconds while the development motor is on. x Too much load on the drive mechanism x Development motor defective
490 D   Main fan abnormal
The main fan motor lock signal goes high for 5 s while the fan is on. x Too much load on the motor, motor is blocked by something x  Fan connector disconnected
495 D   ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 recycling unit error 
Encoder pulse does not change for 3 s after the main motor switches on. x Too much load on the drive mechanism x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 end sensor detective, disconnected
496 D   ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection bottle error
The ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection bottle set switch remains off when the front door is closed. x No ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection bottle set

x Poor connection on the switch connector

497 D   ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor error 
The ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor connector set signal remains off for 1 s. x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor defective x Motor connector disconnected


SC No.


Possible Cause



Tray 1 lift malfunction  
x The lift sensor is not activated within 10 seconds after the tray lift motor starts lifting the bottom plate.

x Paper height sensor actuator does not move away from the sensor for 4 counts.

x Tray lift motor defective or disconnected x Paper or other obstacle trapped between tray and motor

x Pick-up solenoid disconnected or blocked by an obstacle



Tray 2 lift malfunction  
x The lift sensor is not activated within 10 seconds after the tray lift motor starts lifting the bottom plate.

x Paper height sensor actuator does not move away from the sensor for 4 counts.

x Tray lift motor defective or disconnected x Paper or other obstacle trapped between tray and motor

x Pick-up solenoid disconnected or blocked by an obstacle



Tray 3 lift malfunction  
x The lift sensor is not activated within 13 s after the tray lift motor starts lifting the bottom plate.

x At power on, or when the tray set sensor goes on after tray inserted, the tray continues to lower for 5 s. The motor stops but restarts when the tray is re-inserted.

x Tray lift motor defective or poor connection x Lift sensor defective or poor connection


Tray 4 lift malfunction  
Japan only.  


LCT feed motor malfunction  
One of the following conditions is detected: x The LD signal from the feed motor is detected abnormal for 50 ms after the motor switches on.

x At power on, the motor is detected loose or disconnected.

x Feed motor defective

x Feed motor connector disconnected x Obstacle interfering with operation of motor



LCT tray malfunction  
One of the following conditions is detected:

x When the bottom plate is lifted, the upper limit sensor does not come on for 18 s.

x When the bottom plate is lowered, the lower limit sensor does not come on for 18 s.

x After lift begins, the upper limit sensor does not switch on before the pick-up solenoid switches on.

x The paper end sensor switches on during lift and the upper limit sensor does not switch on for 2.5 s, and a message prompts user to reset paper.

x Tray lift motor defective or connector disconnected

x Lift sensor defective or disconnected x Pick-up solenoid defective or disconnected x Paper end sensor defective


SC500: Feed, Transport, Duplexing, and Fusing Systems

SC No.


Possible Cause



Tandem rear fence motor error
One of the conditions is detected:

x The rear fence does not reach the return position within 10 s after the rear fence motor switches on, or does not return to the HP. x The HP sensor and return sensor switch on at the same time.

x Rear fence motor defective or poor connection

x Paper or other obstacle trapped between tray and motor

x Motor mechanical overload

x Return sensor or HP sensor defective or dirty



Tandem side fence motor error



The side fences do not reach the fully open or closed position within 2 seconds after the side fence motor switches on. x Side fence motor defective or poor connection

x Motor mechanical overload

x Side fence positioning sensor defective or dirty



Duplex jogger motor error 1
When the jogger fence moves to the home position, the jogger HP sensor does not turn on even if the jogger fence motor has moved the jogger fence 153.5 mm. x Paper or other obstacle has jammed mechanism

x Sensor connector disconnected or defective x  Sensor defective



Duplex jogger motor error 2
When the jogger fence moves from the home position, the jogger fence HP sensor does not turn off even if the jogger motor has moved the jogger fence 153.5 mm. x Paper or other obstacle has jammed mechanism

x Sensor connector disconnected or defective x  Sensor defective



Fusing thermistor open
x The fusing temperature detected by the thermistor is below 7qC for 35 seconds. x The center thermistor (noncontact) abnormal. x Thermistor open

x Thermistor connector defective x Thermistor damaged or warped x Fusing temperature –15% less than the standard input voltage



Fusing temperature warm-up error
x After power on, or after closing the front door, the hot roller does not reach the 80qC control temperature within 360 s. x After the fusing lamp temperature exceeds 80qC, temperature does not change 2 degrees within 20 s. x Fusing lamp disconnected

x Thermistor warped or installed incorrectly x Thermostat operating



Fusing lamp overheat error 1 (softwa re)
x Central thermistor detected a temperature of 230qC at the center of the hot roller.

x End thermistor detected 220qC x 100 ms 5 times at the end of the hot roller.

x PSU defective x BCU defective


Fusing lamp overheat error 1 (hardw are)
The BCU detects an overheat error even if the protection in the software does not work.


x PSU defective x BCU defective

SC No.


Possible Cause



Fusing lamp overheat error 2
After hot roller reaches the warmup temperature, the fusing lamps continued full capacity output for 55 s without the hot roller rotating (for a total of 45s). x Fusing thermistor out of position


Zero cross signal malfunction
One of the following conditions is detected 10 times: x When the main switch is on, the frequency measured by the number of zero cross signals for 500 ms is larger than 66Hz or smaller than 45 Hz. x The interval between one zero cross signal and the next is 7.5 ms or shorter 3 times consecutively for 500 ms. x Noise on the ac power line


Fusing Web End
Web end detected 5 times within 500 ms and web motor continues to rotate 40 s. If web end is detected for another 400 ms, then the SC is logged. x Web end (requires replacement) x Web end sensor defective


Note: After replacing the web with a new one, reset SP1902 001 to 0 to release SC550.



ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor error
The ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor sensor output does not change for 3 seconds while the ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor is on. x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor defective x Motor drive defective

x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor sensor connector defective x  Motor overload



1-bin Exit Motor Error (should only occur in Japanese models)
The transport lock sensor output does not change within 300 ms after the motor switches on. x Motor overload  x Motor drive defective


SC600: Data Communication

SC No.


Possible Cause



Communication error between BCU and scanner unit
x BCU does not communicate with scanner unit within 0.8 s after power on. x BCU does not detect a break signal after connecting to scanner unit.

x Communication error detected 3 times.

x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line


BCU ļ ADF communication/timeout  abnormal
After 1 data frame is sent to the ADF, an ACK signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not received after 3 retries. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line


BCU ļ ADF communication/break r eception abnormal
During communication a break (Low) signal was received from the ADF. x Serial line connection unstable x Harness disconnected or defective


BCU ļ ADF communication/comma nd abnormal
An command that cannot be executed was sent from the main machine to the ADF. x A software error, result of an abnormal procedure.


BCU ļ ADF communication/timeout  error
After 1 data frame is sent to the finisher MBX, an ACK signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not received after 3 retries. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line
621 D   BCU ļ Finisher communication/bre ak error
During communication with the finisher MBX, the BCU received a break (Low) signal from the finisher. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line
623 D   BCU ļ Tray 1~3 communication/tim eout error
After 1 data frame is sent to the trays, an ACK signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not received after 3 retries. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line
624 D   BCU ļ Tray 1~3 communication/bre ak reception error
During communication with the finisher trays, the BCU received a break (Low) signal. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line
626 D   BCU ļ LCT communication/timeout error
After 1 data frame is sent to the LCT, an ACK signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not received after 3 retries. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line
627 D   BCU ļ LCT communication/break r eception error
During communication with the LCT, the BCU received a break (Low) signal. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line
630 D   CSS (RSS) communication error bet ween line adapter and CSS center
Japan only  


SC No.


Possible Cause



Key/card counter device error 1
After 1 data frame is sent to the device, an ACK signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not received after 3 retries. x The serial line from the device to the ریکو آفیشیو ریکو آفیشیو     2075 is unstable, disconnected, or defective.


Key/card counter device error 2
During communication with the device, the BCU received a break (Low) signal. x The serial line from the device to the ریکو آفیشیو ریکو آفیشیو     2075 is unstable, disconnected, or defective.


Key/card counter device error 3
After installation of the device, a message alerts user to a backup RAM error. x Device control board defective x Device control board backup battery defective


Key/card counter device error 4
After installation of the device a message alerts user to a battery voltage abnormal error. x Device control board defective x Device control board backup battery defective


BCU ļ Controller data transfer error  1
Data is sent from the BCU to the controller, but the transmission causes a checksum error. x The error is logged but the machine can continue to operate.


BCU ļ Controller data transfer error  2
Data is sent from the BCU to the controller, but the transmission causes a frame error. x The error is logged but the machine can continue to operate.
670 D   Engine startup error
x Engine does not respond within 30 s after power on.

x Engine down detected suddenly during power on and warmup.

x BCU installation incorrect x BCU defective

x Sudden communication reset occurred between the BCU and the controller.

672 D   Controller startup error
x After power on the line between the controller and the operation panel does not open for normal operation.

x After normal startup, communication with the controller ceases.

x Controller stalled

x Controller installed incorrectly x Controller board defective

x Operation panel harness disconnected or defective

x The optional fax unit was installed with the jumper on the MBU at the OFF position. The jumper must be removed and set at the ON position. 

690 D   GAVD Block 12 bus error
The register for this block is set for an error. x IPU defective
691 D   GAVD FCI Block I2 bus error
The register for this block is set for an error. x IPU defective
692 D   CDIC GAVD Block I2 bus error
The register for this block is set for an error. x IPU defective


SC700: Peripherals

SC No.


Possible Cause



ADF original pick-up error 1  
Pick-up roller HP sensor signal does not change after the pick-up motor has turned on. x Pick-up roller HP sensor defective x Pick-up motor defective

x Timing belt slipping, out of position x  ADF main board defective

701 D   ADF bottom plate motor error  
x Bottom plate position sensor does not detect the plate after the bottom plate lift motor switches on to lift the plate.

x Bottom plate HP sensor does not detect the plate after the bottom plate motor reverses to lower the plate.

x Bottom plate position sensor defective x Bottom plate HP sensor defective x Bottom plate motor defective x ADF main board defective
720 D   Finisher transport motor error  
The encoder pulse of the transport motor does not change state (high/low) within 600 ms and does not change after 2 retries. x Finisher transport motor defective x Transport motor harness disconnected, or defective x  Finisher main board defective


Finisher jogger motor error  
x The finisher jogger HP sensor remains de-activated for more 1,000 pulses when returning to home position. x The finisher jogger HP sensor remains activated for more than 1,000 pulses when moving away from home position. x Jogger HP sensor defective x Jogger mechanism overload x Jogger motor defective (not rotating) x Finisher main board defective x Harness disconnected or defective


Finisher staple hammer motor error  
Stapling does not finish within 450 ms after the staple hammer motor switches on and the stapler jams. Stapler is released from the reverse lock status. If the stapler does not operate within 450 ms, even in the reverse lock position, then the SC is logged. x Staple jam

x Stapler operation overload x Staple hammer motor defective x Motor connector disconnected, or defective



Finisher stack feed-out motor error  
The stack feed-out belt HP sensor does not activate within the prescribed number of pulses after the stack feed-out motor turns on and does not activate after 2 retries. x Stack feed-out HP sensor defective x Harness disconnected or defective x Stack feed-out motor defective x Finisher main board defective x Motor overload


Finisher upper tray lift motor error  
The paper height sensor does not activate within the prescribed time after the upper tray lift motor turns on, or the sensor remains on after the motor reverses to lower the tray. x Upper tray paper height sensor defective x Sensor harness disconnected, defective x Tray lift motor defective x Finisher main board defective x Tray lift motor overload




SC No.


Possible Cause



Finisher stapler rotation motor error
The stapler motor switches on but the motor does not return to the home position within the prescribed number of pulses. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Stapler rotation motor defective x Poor stapler rotation motor connection x Stapler rotation sensor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Rotation motor overload


Finisher punch motor error
The punch HP sensor does not activate within the prescribed time the punch motor turns on. x Punch HP sensor defective

x Sensor harness disconnected, defective x Punch motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Poor punch motor overload



Finisher stapler movement motor err or
The stapler HP sensor does activate within the prescribed time after the stapler motor turns on and moves the stapler away from home position. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Stapler HP sensor defective

x Sensor harness disconnected, defective x Stapler movement motor defective x Finisher main board defective x Stapler movement motor overload 



Finisher shift roller motor error
The shift roller HP sensor does not activate within the prescribed time after the shift roller motor turns on. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Shift roller HP sensor defective x Sensor harness disconnected, defective x Shift roller motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Shift roller motor overload


Finisher lower tray lift motor error
After the lift motor switches on to lift the tray, paper height sensor 2 does not detect the top of the paper stack, or after the motor reverses to lower the stack the top of the stack remains detected (the status of paper height sensor 1 does not change). After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Paper height sensor 1 or 2 defective x Sensor harness disconnected, defective x Tray lift motor defective x Finisher main board defective x Tray lift motor overload


Finisher pre-stack motor error
x The pre-stack motor starts but does not return to the home position within 400 pulses. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam.

x Motor does not return to the home position within 280 pulses immediately before or after prestacking. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam.

x Jogger HP sensor defective x Sensor harnesses disconnected, defective

x Pre-stack motor defective x Finisher main board defective x Pre-stack motor overload



Finisher paper exit guide plate motor  error
The paper exit guide plate motor starts but the paper exit guide plate HP sensor does not activate within 750 ms. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Guide plate HP sensor defective x Sensor harness disconnected, defective x Paper exit guide plate motor defective x Finisher main board defective x Guide plate motor overload.





SC No.


Possible Cause



Trimmed staple waste hopper full
The hopper that holds the waste from staple trimming is full. x Staple waste hopper full x  Staple waste sensor defective


Finisher pressure plate motor error
The pressure plate motor switches on but does not return to the home position within the prescribed time after 2 counts. x HP sensor defective

x Harness disconnected, defective x Motor defective

x Finisher main board defective x  Motor overload



Finisher folder plate motor error
The folder plate motor turns on but the plate does not return to the home position within the prescribed time for 2 counts. x Plate HP sensor defective x Harness disconnected, defective x Folder plate motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Folder plate motor overload


Finisher front saddle-stitch stapler m otor error
Saddle-stitch stapler motor fails to operate within 450 ms within 2 counts.. x HP sensor defective

x Harness disconnected, defective x Stapler motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Stapler motor overload



Finisher rear saddle-stitch stapler m otor error
Saddle-stitch stapler motor fails to operate within 450 ms within 2 counts.. x HP sensor defective

x Harness disconnected, defective x Stapler motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Stapler motor overload



Finisher jogger side fence motor erro r
The jogger motor turns on but the side fences to not return to the home position within 340 pulses for 2 counts. x HP sensors defective

x Harness disconnected, defective x Motor defective

x Finisher main board defective x  Motor overload



Finisher Jogger Motor Error
The jogger fences did not return to their horizontal home positions on both ends of the unit, or to their down home positions within the prescribed number of pulses. Only staple mode is disabled. Shift output, or output to the proof tray can still be used. x Jogger lift sensor or jogger fence sensor connectors disconnected, loose, or damaged.

x Jogger lift sensor or jogger fence sensor is defective.

x Main harness connection loose or broken.

x Shift jogger motor or shift jogger lift motor defective.

Finisher main board defective.



Cover interposer bottom plate motor error
x The bottom plate motor turns on to raise the bottom plate but the plate position sensor does not detect the plate within 3 s.

x The bottom plate motor reverses to lower the bottom plate but the bottom plate HP sensor does not detect the plate within 3 s.

x Bottom plate position sensor defective x Bottom plate HP sensor defective x Bottom plate motor defective

x Cover sheet feeder main board defective x Harnesses disconnected, defective

SC No.


Possible Cause



Video output transfer does not end ( K)
Video signal is sent to the engine but no command is received within the prescribed time from the engine to signal the end of transfer – output all black. x Controller board defective


Video input transfer does not end (K) 
Video transfer is requested from the scanner, but no command is received within the prescribed time from the scanner to signal a response – output all black. x Controller board defective


Watchdog error
Control error x System program defective x Controller board defective x  Optional board defective
819 C   Fatal kernel error
Software defective x  Software defective 
820 C   Self-diagnostic error: CPU
Unexpected external error or interrupt occurred. x Controller board defective x  Software defective
821 C   Self-diagnostic error: ASIC
ASIC timer interrupt and CPU timer interrupt are compared and found to be out of range. x Controller board defective
822 C   Self-diagnostic error: HDD
Check performed when HDD is installed: x HDD device busy for over 31 s.

x After a diagnostic command is set for the HDD, but the device remains busy for over 6 s.

x A diagnostic command is issued to the HDD device but the result is an error.

x HDD defective

x HDD harness disconnected, defective x Controller board defective

823 C   Self-diagnostic error: NIB
x The SUM of the MAC address written in the SEEP ROM for the MAC address is calculated and compared with the stored SUM and judged NG.

x There is a format error in the MAC address stored in the SEEP ROM for the MAC address.

x A loopback error occurs on the PHY chip of the NIB.

x NIB board defective x Controller board defective


Self-diagnostic error: NVRAM
NVRAM device does not exist, or NVRAM device is damaged. x NVRAM defective x  Controller board defective


Self-diagnostic error: NVRAM (option )
Optional NVRAM is installed, but a write/verify error occurred. x Incorrect NVRAM installed.

SC800: Overall System

SC No.


Possible Cause



Self-diagnostic error: NVRAM (option  NVRAM)
The difference between the 1 s measured for RTC in the NVRAM and the 1 s timeout of the CPU is out of range, or the NVRAM is not detected. x NVRAM defective x NVRAM installed incorrectly
827 C   Self-diagnostic error: RAM
The write/verify check for the RAM mounted on the board resulted in an error. x Controller board defective x RAM defective
828 C   Self-diagnostic error: ROM
x Measuring the CRC for the boot monitor and operating system program results in an error.

x A check of the CRC value for ROMFS of the entire ROM area results in an error.

x Software defective x Controller board defective x ROM defective
829 C   Self-diagnostic error: RAM (option)
x A write/verify check of the RAM mounted on the board results in a error.

x The SPD value of the entire RAM DIM is incorrect, or cannot be read.


Note: RAM is not in use so the result is not displayed on the operation panel.

x Controller board defective x RAM defective
835 C   Self-diagnostic error: Centronic devic e
x Loopback connector is connected but check results in an error.

x Loopback connector is connected but DMA data error detected.

x Centronic loopback connector is not connected for detailed selfdiagnostic test.

x Controller board defective x Centronic loopback connector not connected correctly x Centronic loopback connector defective
836 C   Self-diagnostic error: Font ROM
A device exists in the font area but it contains corrupted data. x Font device defective
837 C   Self-diagnostic error: Font ROM (opti on)
A device exists in the font area but it contains corrupted data. x Font device defective
838 C   Self-diagnostic error: Clock Generato r
Setup data is read from the clock generator via the I2C bus but differs from the prescribed value. x Controller board defective


Net I/F error
x Duplicate IP addresses. x Illegal IP address.

x Driver unstable and cannot be used on the network.

x IP address setting incorrect x NIB (PHY) board defective

x Controller board defective



SC No.


Possible Cause



IEEE 1394 I/F error
Driver setting incorrect and cannot be used by the 1394 I/F. x 1394 I/F connection incorrect x 1394 I/F board defective x  Controller board defective
USB driver is corrupted or has become unstable and cannot be used by the USB I/F. x USB connection incorrect x Controller board defective


HDD startup error at main power on
x HDD is connected but a driver error is detected.

x The driver does not respond with the status of the HDD within 30 s.

x HDD is not initialized x Level data is corrupted x HDD is defective


HDD re-try failure
At power on with the HDD detected, power supply to the HDD is interrupted, after the HDD is awakened from the sleep mode, the HDD is not ready within 30 s. x Harness between HDD and board disconnected, defective

x HDD power connector disconnected x HDD defective

x  Controller board defective



Number of bad sectors exceeds allo wed maximum
The number of bad sectors on the HDD in the area for storing images exceeds 101. x Execute 5832 001 to format the HDD and replace the bad sectors. HDD replacement is recommended because an HDD unit that generates bad sectors is probably of poor quality and performs poorly.


HDD data read failure
The data written to the HDD cannot be read normally, due to bad sectors generated during operation. x HDD defective

x Note: If the bad sectors are generated at the image partition, the bad sector information is written to NVRAM, and the next time the HDD is accessed, these bad sectors will not be accessed for read/write operation.



HDD data CRC error
During HDD operation, the HDD cannot respond to an CRC error query. x Data transfer did not execute normally while data was being written to the HDD.


HDD access error
HDD responded to an error during operation for a condition other than those for SC863, 864. x HDD defective.


SC900: Miscellaneous

SC No.


Possible Cause



Electrical total counter error
The total counter contains something that is not a number.   x NVRAM defective


Mechanical total counter error
The mechanical counter is not connected. x Mechanical total counter defective x Mechanical total counter connector not connected


F-GATE signal error
When the IPU has already received the F-GATE signal (laser writing start trigger signal), the IPU receives another F-GATE signal. x Software defective x BCU defective
953 D   Scanner image setting error
The settings required for image processing using the scanner are not sent from the IPU. x Software defective
954 D   Printer image setting error
The settings required for image processing using the printer controller are not sent from the IPU. x Software defective
955 D   Memory setting error
The settings that are required for image processing using the memory are not sent from the IPU. x Software defective
964 D   Printer ready error
The print ready signal is not generated for more than 17 seconds after the IPU received the print start signal. x Software defective
984 D   Print image data transfer error
After a data transfer begins from the controller to the engine via the PCI bus, the transfer does not end within 15 s. x Controller board defective

x BICU defective

x BICU, controller disconnected

985 D   Scanned image data transmission er ror
After a data transfer begins from the engine to the controller via the PCI bus, the transfer does not end within 3 s. x Controller board defective

x BICU defective

x BICU, controller disconnected

986 D   Value of setting for software write pa rameter incorrect
The write parameter received by the write module at the beginning of the setting table is NULL. x Controller board defective

x BICU defective

x  BICU, controller disconnected

990 D   Software performance error
The software performs an unexpected function and the program cannot continue. x Software defective, re-boot*1








SC No.


Possible Cause



Software capable of looping cannot c ontinue
The software performs an unexpected function and the program cannot continue. However, unlike SC990, recovery processing allows the program to continue. x Software defective, re-boot*1


*1: In order to get more details about SC990 and SC991:

1)   Execute SP7403 or print an SMC Report (SP5990) to read the history of the 10 most recent logged errors.


2)   If you press the zero key on the operation panel with the SP selection menu displayed, you will see detailed information about the recently logged SC990 or SC991, including the software file name, line number, and so on.  1) is the recommended method, because another SC could write over the information for the previous SC.



SC No.


Possible Cause



Undefined software error  
Software encountered an unexpected operation. This error is issued if the error cannot be covered by SC990. x Software defective

x An error undetectable by any other SC code occurred



Cannot select application function  
Application does not start after pressing the appropriate key on the operation panel. x Software bug

x A RAM or DIMM option required by the application is not installed or not installed correctly.

998 D   Application cannot start  
Register processing does not execute for any application within 60 s after the machine is powered on. All applications do not start correctly, and all end abnormally. x Software bug

x A RAM or DIMM option required by the application is not installed or not installed correctly.

999 D   Program download error  
The program download from the IC card does not execute normally.

This SC is not logged.

x Card installed incorrectly x BICU defective x IC card defective x NVRAM defective x Power down during program downloading 



Here is a list of SC codes that are printed in the SMC report but may not appear in the operation panel display. Note that the codes that have the same number are identified by an additional 4-digit hexadecimal number.


SC No.


Possible Cause

820 0001 TLB conversion (store) exception error Unexpected error in CPU device: x Controller board defective x Boot monitor or self-diagnostic program corrupted
820 0002 TLB miss (load) exception error
820 0003 TLB miss (store) exception error
820 0004 Read address exception error
820 0005 Write address exception error
820 0006 Command bus exception error
820 0007 Data bus exception error
820 0008 System call exception error
820 0009 Break exception error
820 000A Illegal command exception error
820 000B Potential sensor exception error
820 000C Overflow exception error
820 000D UTLB miss exception error
820 0010 Allocation 0 error
820 0011 Allocation 1 error
820 0012 Allocation 2 error
820 0013 Allocation 3 error
820 0014 Allocation 4 error
820 0015 Allocation 5 error
820 00FF Non-initialization allocation error x CPU defective x Local bus defective x  Controller board defective
820 0601 Read address exception error x CPU device error x Controller board defective
820 0602 Write address exception error
820 0605 System call exception error
820 0606 Break point exception error
820 0607 Illegal command exception error
820 060A Allocation 0 mask exception error x CPU device error x ASIC device error x Controller board defective
820 060B Allocation 1 mask exception error
820 060C Allocation 2 mask exception error
820 060D Allocation 3 mask exception error
820 060E Allocation 4 mask exception error
820 0610 CPU timer 2 allocation set error x CPU device error x  Controller board defective
820 0612 ASIC allocation error x ASIC device error x Controller board defective x  Peripheral device defective
820 06FF CPU master clock error x CPU device error

x Error in CPU initialization data (ASIC error) x  Controller board defective

SC No.


Possible Cause

820 0702 Command cache error x CPU cache defective x Controller board defective x  Memory error (insufficient speed)
820 0709 Data cache error x CPU device error

x Boot mode setting for CPU error x Controller defective x  Insufficient memory

820 070A Data cache clear error
820 0801 TLB virtual address error x CPU device defective (controller board defective)
820 0804 TLB global error
820 0807 UTLB miss error
820 0808 TLB read miss error
820 0809 TLB write miss error
820 080A TLB mode file error
820 4002 Single-precision calculation error x CPU error (controller board defective)
820 4003 Double-precision calculation error
820 4004 Exception error
820 4005 Exception mask error
822 3003 HDD timeout x HDD defective

x HDD connector disconnected, defective x ASIC device error (controller board defective)

822 3004 Self-diagnostic command error x  HDD defective
823 6101 MAC address SUM error x NIB (PHY) board defective x Controller board defective
823 6104 PHY chip ID illegal
823 6105 PHY loopback error
824 1401 NVRAM verify error x  NVRAM defective
826 1501 Clock error x  Optional NVRAM defective
826 15FF RTC non-detection error x Incompatible NVRAM installed x  NVRAM battery defective
826 0201 Resident memory verify error x Memory on controller board defective x  RAM DIMM defective
828 0101 Boost trap code (CODE) error x Software storage error (re-install software) x  Controller board defective
828 0104 ROM FS error x  ROM device error
828 0105 Forgery prevention error x Forgery prevention chip defective x Forgery prevention chip error

x Replace the controller, ROM, or RAM DIMM

829 0301 Option memory 0 verify error x Controller board internal memory error x RAM DIMM defective
829 0302 Option memory 0 configuration information error
835 1102 Verify error x Loopback connector error (controller board defective)
835 110C DMA verify error x Loopback connector error x  Controller board defective
835 1120 Loopback connector nondetection x Loopback connector not set x Loopback connector error x Controller board defective
836 1601 Font ROM 0 error
837 1602 Font ROM 1 error
838 2701 Verify error


SC No.


Possible Cause


D IEEE802 11b card startup error
Not used.  


D IEEE802 11b card access error
Not used.  


D IEEE802 11b card error
Not used.  


D IEEE802 11b card connection board e rror
Not used.  


B Address book data error
The address book in the hard disk is accessed. o An error is detected in the address book data; address book data is not read; or data is not written into the address book.

NOTE: To recover from the error, do any of the following countermeasures:

Format the address book by using SP5-832-008 (all data in the address book–including the user codes and counters–is initialized)

Initialize the user data by using SP5832-006 and -007 (the user codes and counters are recovered when the main switch is turned on).  Replace the hard disk (the user codes and counters are recovered when the main switch is turned on).

x Data corruption x Defective hard disk

x Defective software


920 D Printer error
The printer program cannot be continued. x Defective hardware x Data corruption x  Defective software
925 D Net file error
The management file for net files is corrupted; net files are not normally read.

Netfiles: Jobs to be printed from the document server using a PC and the DeskTopBinder software

x Defective hardware x Data corruption x Defective software
992 C Other system SCs
The controller received an unknown SC code from the engine. x Contact your product specialist.
993 D Network error
The ASIC program of GW controller cannot be continued. x Defective ASIC x  Defective GW controller




At locations where the machine contains sensitive data, the customer engineer cannot operate the machine until the Administrator turns the service mode lock off. This function makes sure that work on the machine is always done with the permission of the Administrator.

NOTE: This function is not used on B064 series machines.

  1. If you cannot go into the SP mode, ask the Administrator to log in with the User Tool and then set “Service Mode Lock” to OFF. After he or she logs in: User Tools > System Settings > Administrator Tools > Service Mode Lock > OFF

x       This unlocks the machine and lets you get access to all the SP codes.


x     The CE can do servicing on the machine and turn the machine off and on. It is not necessary to ask the Administrator to log in again each time the machine is turned on.

  1. If you must use the printer bit switches, go into the SP mode and set SP 5169 to “1”. 
  2. After machine servicing is completed: x Change SP 5169 from “1” to “0”.  x Turn the machine off and on. Tell the administrator that you completed servicing the machine.

x       The Administrator will then set the “Service Mode Lock” to ON.



There are 4 levels of service call conditions.



Reset Procedure


Fusing unit SCs displayed on the operation panel. The machine is disabled. The user cannot reset the SC. Enter SP mode, then turn the main power switch off and on.


SCs that disable only the features that use the defective item.  Although these SCs are not shown to the user under normal conditions, they are displayed on the operation panel only when the defective feature is selected. Turn the main power switch off and on.


SCs that are not shown on the operation panel. They are internally logged. Logging only


Turning the operation switch or main power switch off then on resets SCs Displayed on the operation panel. These are re-displayed if the error occurs again. Turn the operation switch or main power switch off and on.




x If a problem concerns electrical circuit boards, always disconnect then reconnect

the connectors before replacing the PCBs. x If a motor lock error occurs, first check the mechanical load before replacing motors or sensors. x When a Level “A” or “B” SC occurs while in an SP mode, the display does not display the SC number. If this occurs, check the SC number after leaving the SP mode.

How to Read These Tables

Most of the SC codes in these tables apply to both the B140 Series and B246 Series machines. However, there are some differences. These differences are annotated: x If an SC code applies to the B140 Series machine only, this SC will be marked “B140” to the right of the number. x If an SC code applies to the B246 Series machine only, this SC will be marked “B246”.

x If there is neither a “B140” nor “B246” notation, the SC code applies to both


machines. x Pay special attention to the “B140/B246 Duplicated Number” notation. The same number SC codes exists in both machines but the meaning is different.

SC100: Scanning System

SC No.


Possible Cause



Exposure Lamp Error  
At trigger on, the lamp was not detected on. x Exposure lamp defective x Lamp regulator defective x Lamp regulator harness damaged, disconnected

x Dirty standard white plate

x Scanner mirror dirty or out of position x Lens dirty, out of position x  SBU board defective



Scanner home position error 1  
The scanner HP sensor does not detect the on condition during initialization or copying. x BCU, SDRB (Scanner Driver Board) defective

x Scanner motor defective

x Harness between BCU, SDRB, scanner motor disconnected.

x Scanner HP sensor defective. x Harness between scanner HP sensor and BCU disconnected.

x Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, carriage installed incorrectly.



Scanner home position error 2  
The scanner HP sensor does not detect the off condition during initialization or copying. x BCU, SDRB (Scanner Driver Board) defective

x Scanner motor defective

x Harness between BCU, SDRB, scanner motor disconnected

x Scanner HP sensor defective x Harness between scanner HP sensor and BCU disconnected

x Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, carriage installed incorrectly.



Scanner home position error 3  
The scanner home position sensor does not detect the on condition during original scanning. x BCU, SDRB (Scanner Driver Board) defective

x Scanner motor defective

x Harness between BCU, SDRB, scanner motor disconnected

x Scanner HP sensor defective x Harness between scanner HP sensor and BCU disconnected

x Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, carriage installed incorrectly




Scanner home position error 4  
The scanner home position sensor does not detect the off condition during original scanning. x BCU, SDRB (Scanner Driver Board) defective

x Scanner motor defective

x Harness between BCU, SDRB, scanner motor disconnected

x Scanner HP sensor defective x Harness between scanner HP sensor and BCU disconnected

x Scanner wire, timing belt, pulley, carriage installed incorrectly.



SBU auto adjust error  
Automatic adjustment of the SBU fails when the machine is switched on. x Exposure lamp defective x Exposure lamp regulator defective x Harness between exposure lamp and lamp regulator is disconnected

x White plate installed incorrectly or is dirty x Scanning mirrors of the exposure unit are dirty or out of position

x SBU board defective x VIB board defective.

x Harness between SBU, VIB disconnected

x Harness between VIB, BCU disconnected



SBU transmission error  
After the SBU switches on, the BCU detects one of the following conditions on the SBU: x 1 s after power on, the SYDI signal does not go high, even after 1 retry.

x 1 s after power on, the SYDI signal goes high, but the SBU ID could not be read after 3 attempts.

x SBU defective x VIB defective

x Harness (40-pin shielded) between the

SBU, VIB is disconnected x Harness (shielded cable) between the

VIB, BCU is disconnected



Copy data security unit error B828 B246



The copy data security option is installed by not operating correctly. x Copy data security card corrupted x The board is not installed or the board is defective x  IPU board defective




CIS lamp abnormal  
After the CIS lamp trigger goes on, the CIS lamp is not detected on. Detecting the lamp on or off determines the peak white level value for shading correction. (If the peak level is determined to be below a certain level, the CIS lamp is judged to be off.) x CIS lamp defective

x CIS power supply board defective x CIS lamp regulator defective x Harness between lamp and lamp regulator is disconnected.

x Harness between CIS, ADF is disconnected

x CIS exposure glass dirty.

x White roller dirty or installed incorrectly x  CIS unit defective



CIS auto adjust error  
Automatic adjustment of the CIS unit failed. x CIS unit defective x CIS exposure glass dirty

x  White roller dirty or installed incorrectly



CIS transmission error  
When the CIS is powered on, the ADF detects one of the following abnormal conditions on the CIS unit:

x The SOUT signal does not go high within 1 s after power on.

x The SOUT signal goes high within 1 s after power on, but the SBU ID cannot be read after 3 attempts.

x CIS unit defective

x Harness between the CIS, ADF is disconnected



SC200: Exposure



Polygon mirror motor error 1: Timeout at ON B246
The polygon mirror motor unit did not enter “Ready” status within 20 sec. after the motor was turned on, or within 20 sec. after the speed of rotation was changed. x The polygon mirror motor PCB connector is loose, broken, or defective

x Polygon mirror motor PCB defective x Polygon mirror motor defective x  IPU defective



Polygon mirror motor error 2: Timeou t at OFF B246
The polygon mirror motor did not leave “Ready” within 3 sec. after the motor was switched off. (The XSCRDY signal did not go HIGH

(inactive) within 3 sec.)

x The polygon mirror motor PCB connector is loose, broken, or defective

x Polygon mirror motor PCB defective x Polygon mirror motor defective x  IPU defective



Polygon mirror motor error 3: XSCR DY signal error B246
The polygon mirror motor “Ready” signal went inactive (HIGH) while the motor was operating at normal speed, even though the motor was neither switched off nor was there a request for a change in speed.  x Electrical oise interference on the line with the motor signals

x Polygon mirror motor PCB connector loose, broken, defective

x Polygon mirror motor PCB defective x  Polygon mirror motor defective



Polygon mirror motor error 4: Unstab le timeout B246
The “Ready” signal (XSCRDY) was detected as unstable for more than 20 sec. while the polygon mirror motor was operating at normal speed. x Electrical noise on the line with the motor signals

x Polygon mirror motor PCB connector loose, broken, defective

x Polygon mirror motor PCB defective x  IPU defective



Laser synchronization detection error B246
The 1st laser synchronization detection unit could not detect the line synchronization signal (DETP0) within 500 ms while the polygon mirror motor was operating at normal speed.

Note: The unit polls for the signal every 50 ms. This SC is issued after the 10th attempt fails to detect the signal.

x Laser synchronization board connector loose, broken, defective

x Laser synchronization detection board is not installed correctly (out of alignment)

x Laser synchronization board defective x  IPU defective



SC300: Image Development System (1)

SC No.


Possible Cause



Charge corona output error  
The feedback voltage from the charge corona unit is detected too high 9 times. x Charge corona power pack defective x Charge corona harness disconnected x  Poor charge corona unit connection


Charge corona grid leak  
When the high voltage is output to the corona grid, feedback voltage exceeds the prescribed value 9 times. x Charge corona power pack defective x Charge corona harness disconnected x Poor charge corona unit connection 


Charge grid circuit open  
When high voltage goes to the corona grid, feedback voltage is more than the set value 9 times. This feedback voltage is used to update PWM for output control.  x Charge corona unit defective or disconnected

x Charge corona harness defective x Charge corona power pack is defective.



Charge corona wire cleaner error 1  
The charge cleaner pad does not arrive at the home position:

x Motor locked within 4 s after switching on, or does not lock within 30 s. x Motor locked within 10 s after reversing, or does not lock within 30 s.

x Charge corona wire cleaner motor defective x Motor driver defective


Charge corona wire cleaner error 2  
Charge coronal motor is disconnected. (The current at the charge corona motor is detected less than 83 mA.)  x Charge corona wire cleaner motor connector is defective, connected.


NOTE: When SC310~SC317 are logged, the machine halts without displaying the SC number. These SC codes log an abnormal condition at the potential sensor only

                     when SP3901 (Auto Process Control) is set to on.

SC No.


Possible Cause



Potential sensor calibration error 1  
During drum potential sensor calibration, the drum potential sensor output voltage does not meet specification when test voltages (– 100V, –800V) are applied to the drum. x Potential sensor defective x Potential sensor harness disconnected

x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x IOB defective x OPC connector defective x  Development power pack defective




Potential sensor calibration error 2  
During drum potential sensor calibration, the drum potential sensor output voltage does not meet specification when test voltages (– 100V, –800V) are applied to the drum. x Potential sensor defective x Potential sensor harness disconnected

x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x IOB defective x OPC connector defective x  Development power pack defective



Potential sensor calibration error 3  
During drum potential sensor calibration when adjusting the drum potential (VD), the drum potential sensor detects VD higher than VG (grid voltage).


When adjusting VD (drum surface potential of black areas after exposure), even after 5 adjustments of VG (charge corona grid potential), VD could not be set in the target range (– 800r10 + VL + 130V)

x Potential sensor defective x Potential sensor harness disconnected

x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x IOB defective x OPC connector defective x Development power pack defective x Charge corona unit worn out, dirty



Potential sensor calibration error 4  
During drum potential sensor calibration when adjusting the drum potential (VH) for LD power adjustment, the first time the VH pattern is made, the drum potential sensor detects that VH is more than 500V:

VH > |–500 + VL + 130| V

x Potential sensor defective x Potential sensor harness disconnected

x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x IOB defective x OPC connector defective x  LD defective



Potential sensor calibration error 5  
During drum potential sensor calibration, when –100V is applied to the drum, the output value is out of the prescribed range. x Potential sensor defective x Potential sensor harness disconnected

x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x IOB defective x OPC connector defective x  Development power pack defective



Potential sensor calibration error 6  
During drum potential sensor calibration, when –800V is applied to the drum, the output value is out of the prescribed range. x Potential sensor defective x Potential sensor harness disconnected

x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x IOB defective x OPC connector defective x  Development power pack defective





Potential sensor calibration error 7
During drum potential sensor calibration, when VL is adjusted, the pattern surface potential VL pattern is not within range 0V ~ –400V. (VL is the potential after exposing a white pattern.) x Potential sensor defective x Potential sensor harness disconnected

x Potential sensor connector defective or disconnected

x IOB defective x OPC connector defective

x Charge corona power pack defective x  Development power pack defective



F-GATE error B140 Only
The laser writing signal (F-GATE) for the IPU does not go LOW within 60 s. x BICU board defective

x PCI bus between controller board,

BICU board defective



Laser synchronization detector error B140 Only
After the polygon motor reaches standard rotation speed and the LD unit fires for 500 ms, the laser synchronization detector does not generate a signal. x Harness between detector and I/F disconnected or damaged

x Detector is installed incorrectly x Detector board is defective x  IPU board defective



Polygon mirror motor error 1 B140 Only
The ready signal does not go low within 20 s after the polygon mirror motor turns on or changes speed. x Harness between I/F and polygon motor disconnected or defective

x Polygon motor or polygon motor driver defective x  IPU board defective



Polygon mirror motor error 2 B140 Only
The ready signal does not go high within 20 s after the polygonal mirror motor turns off. x Harness between I/F and polygon motor disconnected or defective

x Polygon motor or polygon motor driver defective x  IPU board defective



Polygonal mirror motor error 3 B140 Only
The XSCRDY signal goes high while the polygon mirror motor turns on, even though there was no request to either turn off the motor or change the motor speed. x Noise on the line where the polygon ready signal (XSCRDY) is transmitted. x Harness between the polygon motor and I/F disconnected or defective.

x Polygon motor or polygon motor driver defective



Polygonal mirror motor error 4 B140 Only
While the polygon motor is rotating, the XSCRDY signal goes high during exposure. x Noise on the linef where the polygon ready signal (XSCRDY) is transmitted. x Harness between the polygon motor and I/F disconnected or defective.

x Polygon motor or polygon motor driver defective x  IPU board defective




TD sensor output error  
TD sensor output voltage (Vt), measured during each copy cycle, is detected 10 times at one of the following levels: Vt = 0.5 volts or lower

Vt = 4.0 volts or higher

x TD sensor defective

x TD sensor harness disconnected x TD sensor connector disconnected or defective

x IOB defective

x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 bottle motor defective

Note: When the TD sensor is defective, the ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 supply is controlled using pixel count and the ID sensor.



TD sensor adjustment error 1  
During the TD sensor auto adjustment, the TD sensor output voltage (Vt) is 2.5 volts or higher even though the control voltage is set to the minimum value (PWM = 0). When this error occurs, SP2-906-1 reads 0.00V.

Note: This SC is released only after correct adjustment of the TD sensor has been achieved. Switching the machine off and on will cancel the SC display, but does not release ID sensor ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 supply.

x TD sensor defective

x TD sensor harness disconnected x TD sensor connector disconnected or defective

x IOB defective

x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 bottle motor defective

Note: When the TD sensor is defective, the ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 supply is controlled using pixel count and the ID sensor.



TD sensor adjustment error 2  
During the TD sensor auto adjustment, the TD sensor output voltage (Vt) does not enter the target range (3.0 ± 0.1V) within 20 s. When this error occurs, the display of SP2-906-1 reads 0.00V.

Note: This SC is released only after correct adjustment of the TD sensor has been achieved. Switching the machine off and on will cancel the SC display, but does not release ID sensor ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 supply.

x TD sensor defective

x TD sensor harness disconnected x TD sensor connector disconnected or defective x IOB defective



Development output abnormal  
The high voltage applied to the development unit is detected 10 times higher than the upper limit (45%) of


x Development power pack defective x Development bias leak due to poor connection, defective connector


ID sensor error 1  
One of the following ID sensor output voltages was detected twice consecutively when checking the ID sensor pattern.

Vsp t 2.5V

Vsg < 2.5

Vsp = 0V

Vsg = 0

x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective x IOB defective

x ID sensor pattern not written correctly x Incorrect image density x Charge power pack defective x ID sensor dirty





ID sensor error 2  
The ID sensor output voltage is 5.0V and the PWM signal input to the ID sensor is 0 when checking the ID sensor pattern.


x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective x IOB defective

x ID sensor pattern not written correctly x Incorrect image density x Charge power pack defective x  ID sensor dirty



ID sensor error 3  


For 2 s during the ID sensor pattern check, the ID sensor pattern edge voltage is not 2.5V or the pattern edge is not detected within 800 ms. x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective x IOB defective

x ID sensor pattern not written correctly x Incorrect image density x Charge power pack defective x  ID sensor dirty



ID sensor error 4  
One of the following ID sensor output voltages is detected at ID sensor initialization.

x Vsg < 4.0V when the maximum PWM input (255) is applied to the ID sensor.

x Vsg t 4.0V when the minimum PWM input (0) is applied to the ID sensor.

x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective x IOB defective

x ID sensor pattern not written correctly x Incorrect image density x Charge power pack defective x ID sensor dirty



ID sensor error 5  
Vsg falls out of the adjustment target (4.0 r 0.2V) during Vsg checking. x ID sensor defective

x ID sensor harness disconnected x ID sensor connector defective x IOB defective

x ID sensor pattern not written correctly x Incorrect image density x Charge power pack defective x  ID sensor dirty



ID sensor error 6  
The Vp value, which measures the reflectivity of the ID sensor pattern, was not in the range of –70V to –400V. x Potential sensor defective x Potential sensor harness defective x Potential sensor disconnected x IOB defective

x OPC unit connector defective x Charge corona power pack defective x  Charge corona wire dirty, broken



SC400: Image Development System (2)

SC No.


Possible Cause


Transfer output abnormal
When the transfer is output, the feedback voltage remains higher  than 4V for 60 ms. x Transfer power pack defective x Transfer current terminal, transfer power pack disconnected, damaged connector


Transfer output abnormal release det ection
When the transfer is output, there is hardly any feedback voltage within 60 ms even with application of 24% PWM. x Transfer power pack defective x Transfer unit harness disconnected x Transfer connector loose, defective


Quenching lamp error 
At the completion of auto process control initialization, the potential of the drum surface detected by the potential sensor is more than

 –400V, the prescribed value.

x Quenching lamp defective

x Quenching lamp harness disconnected x Quenching lamp connector loose, defective



Main motor lock
The main motor lock signal remains low for 2 seconds while the main motor is on. x Drive mechanism overloaded x Motor driver board defective


Development motor lock
The development motor lock signal remains high for 2 seconds while the development motor is on. x Drive mechanism overloaded due to ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 clumping in the wasted ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 path x  Motor driver board defective
If this SC is returned on a machine in  the field, inspect the ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 supply unit coil. If the gear is not damaged replace the coil. If the gear is damaged, the gear shaft is probably deformed, so replace the e ntire unit.


Main fan error
The main fan motor lock signal goes high for 5 s while the fan is on. x Fan motor overloaded due to obstruction x Fan connector disconnected


ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 recycling unit error 
Encoder pulse does not change for 3 s after the main motor switches on. x Waste ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 transport has stopped due to motor overload

x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 end sensor detective, disconnected



ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection bottle error
The ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection bottle set switch remains off when the front door is closed. x No ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection bottle set

x Poor connection of the switch connector



ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor error 
The ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor connector set signal remains off for 1 s. x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 pump motor defective x Motor connector loose, disconnected


SC500: Feed, Transport, Duplexing, and Fusing Systems

SC No.


Possible Cause



Tray 1 lift malfunction  
x The lift sensor is not activated within 10 seconds after the tray lift motor starts lifting the bottom plate. x When the tray lowers, the tray lift sensor does not go off within 1.5 sec.

x Tray overload detected when the tray is set.

x The lower limit sensor of the LCT does not detect the lower limit within 10 sec.

x Tray lift motor defective, disconnected x Paper or other obstacle trapped between tray and motor

x Pick-up solenoid disconnected, blocked by an obstacle

x Too much paper loaded in tray Note (B246)

x At first, the machine displays a message asking the operator to reset the tray.

x This SC will not display until the operator has pulled the tray out and pushed it in 3 times. x If the operator cycles the machine off/on before the 3rd opening and closing of the tray, the 3-count is reset.



Tray 2 lift malfunction  
x The lift sensor is not activated within 10 seconds after the tray lift motor starts lifting the bottom plate. x When the tray lowers, the tray lift sensor does not go off within 1.5 sec.

x Tray overload detected when the tray is set.

x Tray lift motor defective or disconnected x Paper or other obstacle trapped between tray and motor

x Pick-up solenoid disconnected or blocked by an obstacle

x Too much paper loaded in tray Note (B246)

x At first, the machine displays a message asking the operator to reset the tray.

x This SC will not display until the operator has pulled the tray out and pushed it in 3 times. x If the operator cycles the machine off/on before the 3rd opening and closing of the tray, the 3-count is reset.



Tray 3 lift malfunction  
x The lift sensor is not activated within 10 seconds after the tray lift motor starts lifting the bottom plate.

x When the tray lowers, the tray lift sensor does not go off within 1.5 sec.

x Tray overload detected when the tray is set.

x Tray lift motor defective or disconnected x Paper or other obstacle trapped between tray and motor

x Pick-up solenoid disconnected or blocked by an obstacle

x Too much paper loaded in tray Note (B246)

x At first, the machine displays a message asking the operator to reset the tray.

x This SC will not display until the operator has pulled the tray out and pushed it in 3 times.

x If the operator cycles the machine off/on before the 3rd opening and closing of the tray, the 3-count is reset.





Tray 4 lift malfunction  
x The lift sensor is not activated within 10 seconds after the tray lift motor starts lifting the bottom plate. x When the tray lowers, the tray lift sensor does not go off within 1.5 sec.

x Tray overload detected when the tray is set.

x Tray lift motor defective or disconnected x Paper or other obstacle trapped between tray and motor

x Pick-up solenoid disconnected or blocked by an obstacle

x Too much paper loaded in tray Note (B246)

x At first, the machine displays a message asking the operator to reset the tray.

x This SC will not display until the operator has pulled the tray out and pushed it in 3 times. x If the operator cycles the machine off/on before the 3rd opening and closing of the tray, the 3-count is reset.



LCT feed motor malfunction  
One of the following conditions is detected: x The LD signal from the feed motor is detected abnormal for 50 ms after the motor switches on. x At power on, the motor is detected loose or disconnected. x Feed motor defective

x Feed motor connector disconnected x Obstacle interfering with mechanical movement of motor.




LCT tray malfunction  
One of the following conditions is detected: x When the bottom plate is lifted, the upper limit sensor does not come on for 18 s. x When the bottom plate is lowered, the lower limit sensor does not come on for 18 s.

x After lift begins, the upper limit sensor does not switch on before the pick-up solenoid switches on. x The paper end sensor switches on during lift and the upper limit sensor does not switch on for 2.5 s, and a message prompts user to reset paper.

x Tray lift motor defective or connector disconnected

x Lift sensor defective or disconnected x Pick-up solenoid defective or disconnected x Paper end sensor defective





Tandem rear fence motor error  
One of the conditions is detected: x The return sensor does not switch on within 10 sec. after the rear fence motor switches on.

x The HP sensor does not switch on 10 sec. after the rear fence motor switches on. x The HP sensor and return sensor switch on at the same time.

x Rear fence motor defective or poor connection

x Paper or other obstacle interfering with operation of the sensors

x Paper or other obstacle trapped between tray and motor

x Motor mechanical overload due to obstruction

x Return sensor or HP sensor defective or dirty

Note (B246)

x This problem will not issue the SC code on the operation panel. x The machine will prompt the operator to reset tray by opening and closing it.

x If the problem persists, the machine will display again and the tray cannot be used.



Duplex jogger motor error 1  
When the jogger fence moves to the home position, the jogger HP sensor does not turn on even if the jogger fence motor has moved the jogger fence 153.5 mm. x Paper or other obstacle has jammed mechanism

x Sensor connector disconnected or defective x  Sensor defective



Duplex jogger motor error 2  
When the jogger fence moves from the home position, the jogger fence HP sensor does not turn off even if the jogger motor has moved the jogger fence 153.5 mm. x Paper or other obstacle has jammed mechanism

x Sensor connector disconnected or defective x  Sensor defective



Fusing exit motor error  
The PLL lock signal was low for 2 seconds during motor operation. x Motor lock caused by physical overload x  Motor drive PCB defective


Fusing thermistor open  
The fusing temperature detected by the center thermistor was below 0qC for 7 sec. x Thermistor open

x Thermistor connector defective x Thermistor damaged, or out of position x Fusing temperature –15% less than the standard input voltage



Fusing temperature warm-up error  
One of the following occurred:

x After power on, or after closing the front door, the hot roller does not reach the 100qC control temperature within 25 s.

x 5 sec. after temperature rise started, temperature remained below 21qC after 5 samplings.

x Fusing unit did not attain reload temperature within 48 sec. of the start of fusing temperature control.

x Fusing lamp disconnected x Thermistor warped, out of position x Thermostat not operating





Fusing lamp overheat error 1 (software)
Central thermistor detected a temperature of 240qC at the center of the hot roller. Fusing temperature control software error x PSU defective x IOB defective x BICU defective


Fusing lamp overheat error 1 (hardw are)
The central thermistor or an end thermistor detected a temperature of 250qC on the hot roller. x PSU defective x IOB defective x  BICU defective


Fusing lamp overheat error 2
After hot roller reaches warmup temperature, the fusing lamps remained on at full capacity for 11 samplings (1.8 sec. duration) while the hot roller was not rotating. x Thermistor damaged, or out of position x Fusing lamp disconnected


Zero cross signal malfunction
One of the following conditions is detected 10 times: x When the main switch is on, the frequency measured by the number of zero cross signals for 500 ms is larger than 66Hz or smaller than 45 Hz. x The interval between one zero cross signal and the next is 7.5 ms or shorter 3 times consecutively for 500 ms. x Noise on the ac power line


Fusing Web End
Web end detected 5 times within 500 ms and web motor continues to rotate 40 s. If web end is detected for another 500 ms, then the SC is logged. x Web end (requires replacement) x Web end sensor defective

Note: After replacing the web with a new one, reset SP1902 001 to “0” to release SC550.




Fusing thermistor error 1
The end thermistor (contact type) was less than 0C (32F) for more than 7 seconds. x Thermistor disconnected x Thermistor connector defective


Fusing thermistor error 2
The end thermistor (contact type) could not detect:

x 100qC 25 seconds after the start of the warmup cycle.

x A change in temperature more than than 16 degrees for 5 seconds.

x The reload temperature with 56 seconds after the start of the fusing temperature control cycle.

x Fusing lamp disconnected x Thermistor bent, damaged x Thermistor position incorrect




Fusing thermistor error 3  
The end thermistor (contact type) was at 240qC (464qF) for more than 1 second. The temperature is read 10 times every sec. (at 0.1 sec. intervals). x PSU defective

x IOB control board defective x BICU control board defective



Fusing lamp error  
After the start of the warmup cycle, a fusing lamp was at full power for 1.8 seconds but the hot roller did not turn. x Thermistor bent, out of position x Fusing lamp disconnected x Circuit breaker opened


Zero cross signal error B246
High frequency noise was detected on the power line. x No action required. The SC code is logged and the operation of the machine is not affected. 


Fusing jam: 3 counts B246
At the fusing exit sensor the paper was detected late for three pulse counts (lag error), and SP1159 was on.     This SC only occurs if SP1159 is on, and a jam occurred in the fusing unit for three consecutive sheets of paper.

    Remove the paper that is jammed in the fusing unit. Then make sure that the fusing unit is clean and has no obstacles in the paper feed path.



Fusing pressure release motor error  
During copying, the HP sensor could not detect the actuator, tried again 3 times and could not detect. x Motor lock because of too much load x Motor driver defective

x HP sensor defective, disconnected, connector defective, harness damaged



ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor error  
The ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor sensor output does not change for 3 seconds while the ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor is on. x Motor lock due to obstruction x Motor driver board defective x Motor connection loose, defective x ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 collection motor sensor disconnected, sensor defective

x Rotational transmission shaft (I6 x 30) missing



1-bin Exit Motor Error (Japan Only)  
The transport lock sensor output does not change within 300 ms after the motor switches on. x Motor overload  x Motor driver defective



SC600: Data Communication

SC No.


Possible Cause



BICU Ù ADF communication/timeou t abnormal
After 1 data frame is sent to the ADF, an ACK signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not received after 3 retries. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line


BICU Ù ADF communication/break r eception abnormal
During communication a break (Low) signal was received from the ADF. x Serial line connection unstable x Harness disconnected or defective


BICU Ù ADF communication/comm and abnormal
A command that cannot be executed was sent from the main machine to the ADF. x A software error, result of an abnormal procedure.


BICU Ù ADF communication/timeou t error
After 1 data frame is sent to the finisher MBX, an ACK signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not received after 3 retries. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line


BICU Ù Finisher communication/bre ak error
During communication with the finisher MBX, the BICU received a break (Low) signal from the finisher. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line


BICU Ù Tray 1~4 communication/ti meout error
After 1 data frame is sent to the trays, an ACK signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not received after 3 retries. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line


BICU Ù Tray 1~4 communication/br eak reception error
During communication with the finisher trays, the BICU received a break (Low) signal. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line


BICU Ù LCT communication/timeout  error
After 1 data frame is sent to the LCT, an ACK signal is not received within 100 ms, and is not received after 3 retries. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line


BICU Ù LCT communication/break r eception error
During communication with the LCT, the BICU received a break (Low) signal. x Serial line connection unstable x External noise on the line




NRS Modem Communication Error 
One of the following factors could be the cause of this error:

x In the User Tools, check the settings for the dial-up user name and dial up password.

x Modem has been disconnected.

x  Modem board disconnected.

Check the following for a machine that is using Cumin (NRS modem):

x An error was returned during the dialup connection

x A network was detected at startup x At startup the machine detected that the NIB was disabled, or did not detect a

modem board

NOTE: For more details about this SC code error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC report so you can read the error code. The error code is not displayed on the operation panel. Here is a list of error codes:

Error Problem Solution
1 Failure to certify dial-up In the User Tools, check the dial-up user and dialup password settings
4 Illegal modem setting Check the setting of SP5816 160 to determine whether the setting for the AT command is correct. If this SP setting is correct, then the problem is a bug in the software.
5 Poor connection due to low power supply on the line. The problem is on the external power supply line, so there is no corrective action on the machine.
11 Data in the NVRAM became corrupted when the network enable switch and Cumin-M were enabled at the same time. Use SP5985 1 and set the NIC to “0” (Disable) to disable the network board. 
12 The modem board could not enable the NIB. Replace the modem board.


SC No.


Possible Cause



Illegal Remote Service Dial-up   
An expected error occurred when Cumin-M dialed up the NRS Center. x Software bug

x No action is required because only the count is logged


D Engine startup error  
The machine engine, controlled by the BICU (Base Image Control Unit), was operating incorrectly when the machine was switched on or returned to normal operation from the energy save mode. x Check the connections between BICU and controller

x BICU defective

x Controller board defective x PSU defective


B Controller startup error  
x After power on, the line between the controller and the operation panel did not open for normal operation.

x After normal startup, communication with the controller stopped.

x Controller stalled

x Controller installed incorrectly x Controller board defective

x Operation panel harness disconnected or defective



SC700: Peripherals

SC No.


Possible Cause



ADF original pick-up error 1
Pick-up roller HP sensor signal does not change after the pick-up motor has turned on. x Pick-up roller HP sensor defective x Pick-up motor defective

x Timing belt slipping, out of position x  ADF main board defective

701 D   ADF bottom plate motor error
x Bottom plate position sensor does not detect the plate after the bottom plate lift motor switches on to lift the plate.

x Bottom plate HP sensor does not detect the plate after the bottom plate motor reverses to lower the plate.

x Bottom plate position sensor defective x Bottom plate HP sensor defective x Bottom plate motor defective x ADF main board defective
720 D   Finisher transport motor error
The encoder pulse of the finisher transport motor does not change state (high/low) within 600 ms and does not change after 2 retries. x Finisher transport motor defective x Transport motor harness disconnected, or defective x  Finisher main board defective


Finisher jogger motor error
x The finisher jogger HP sensor remains de-activated for more 1,000 pulses when returning to home position. x The finisher jogger HP sensor remains activated for more than 1,000 pulses when moving away from home position. x Jogger HP sensor defective x Jogger mechanism overload x Jogger motor defective (not rotating) x Finisher main board defective x Harness disconnected or defective


Feed-Out Belt Motor (B478) B246
The pawl of the feed-out belt did not return to the home position during the prescribed time after 2 attempts to detect. x Stack feed-out belt HP sensor loose, broken, defective

x Feed-out belt motor defective x  Finisher control board defective



Finisher staple hammer motor error ( B478)
The staple hammer motor did not return to the home position within the prescribed time (340 ms).  x Staple hammer HP sensor loose, broken, defective

x Electrical overload on the stapler drive

PCB elect x Staple hammer motor defective x  Finisher main board defective


B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Finisher stack feed-out motor error B140
The stack feed-out belt HP sensor does not activate within the prescribed number of pulses after the stack feed-out motor turns on and does not activate after 2 retries. x Stack feed-out HP sensor defective x Harness disconnected or defective x Stack feed-out motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Motor overload


Exit guide motor B246
The status of the exit guide sensor did not change at the prescribed time during operation of the exit guide. x Exit guide open sensor loose, broken, defective. x Exit guide motor defective x  Finisher main board defective


B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Finisher upper tray lift motor error B140
The paper height sensor does not activate within the prescribed time after the upper tray lift motor turns on, or the sensor remains on after the motor reverses to lower the tray. x Upper tray paper height sensor defective

x Sensor harness disconnected, defective

x Tray lift motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Tray lift motor overload



Front shift jogger motor error (B703) B246
The sides fences do not retract within the prescribed time after the shift jogger motor switches on. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Shift jogger motor disconnected, defective

x Shift jogger motor overloaded due to obstruction

x Shift jogger HP sensor disconnected, defective


B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Finisher stapler rotation motor error B140
The stapler motor switches on but the motor does not return to the home position within the prescribed number of pulses. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Stapler rotation motor defective x Poor stapler rotation motor connection x Stapler rotation sensor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Rotation motor overload


Rear shift jogger motor (B703) B246
The side fences do not retract within the prescribed time after the shift jogger motor switches on. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Motor harness disconnected, loose, defective

x Motor defective x Motor overload x HP defective




Shift jogger retraction motor error (B703) B246
The side fences do not retract within the prescribed time after the retraction motor switches on. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Motor harness disconnected, loose, defective

x Motor defective x Motor overload x  HP defective



Finisher punch motor error B140
The punch HP sensor does not activate within the prescribed time after the punch motor turns on. x Punch HP sensor defective x Sensor harness disconnected, defective

x Punch motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Poor punch motor overload



B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Finisher stapler movement motor error B140
The stapler HP sensor does activate within the prescribed time after the stapler motor turns on and moves the stapler away from home position. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Stapler HP sensor defective x Sensor harness disconnected, defective

x Stapler movement motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Stapler movement motor overload



Finisher Tray 1 shift motor error B246
The shift roller HP sensor of the upper tray does not activate within the

prescribed time after the shift tray starts to move toward or away from the home position. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code.

x Shift tray HP sensor of the upper tray disconnected, defective

x Shift tray motor of the upper tray is disconnected, defective

x Shift tray motor of the upper tray overloaded due to obstruction




Finisher shift roller motor error  
The shift roller HP sensor does not activate within the prescribed time after the shift roller motor turns on. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Shift roller HP sensor defective x Sensor harness disconnected, defective x Shift roller motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Shift roller motor overload


Finisher lower tray lift motor error  
After the lift motor switches on to lift the tray, paper height sensor 2 does not detect the top of the paper stack, or after the motor reverses to lower the stack the top of the stack remains detected (the status of paper height sensor 1 does not change). After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Paper height sensor 1 or 2 defective x Sensor harness disconnected, defective x Tray lift motor defective x Finisher main board defective x Tray lift motor overload




Finisher pre-stack motor error
x The pre-stack motor starts but does not return to the home position within 400 pulses. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Motor does not return to the home position within 280 pulses immediately before or after prestacking. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Jogger HP sensor defective x Sensor harnesses disconnected, defective

x Pre-stack motor defective x Finisher main board defective x Pre-stack motor overload



Finisher paper exit guide plate motor  error
The paper exit guide plate motor starts but the paper exit guide plate HP sensor does not activate within 750 ms. After 2 counts, the SC is logged as a jam. x Guide plate HP sensor defective x Sensor harness disconnected, defective x Paper exit guide plate motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Guide plate motor overload.


Trimmed staple waste hopper full
The hopper that holds the waste from staple trimming is full. x Staple waste hopper full x  Staple waste sensor defective


Finisher pressure plate motor error
The pressure plate motor switches on but does not return to the home position within the prescribed time after 2 counts. x HP sensor defective

x Harness disconnected, defective x Motor defective

x Finisher main board defective x  Motor overload



Finisher folder plate motor error
The folder plate motor turns on but the plate does not return to the home position within the prescribed time for 2 counts. x Plate HP sensor defective x Harness disconnected, defective x Folder plate motor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Folder plate motor overload


B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Finisher front saddle-stitch stapler motor error B140
Saddle-stitch stapler motor fails to operate within 450 ms within 2 counts.. x HP sensor  defective

x Harness d isconnected, defective x Stapler m otor defective x Finisher m ain board defective x  Stapler m otor overload



Finisher corner stapler motor error B246
The stapler motor does not switch off within the prescribed time after operating. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Staple jam

x Number of sheets in the stack exceeds the limit for stapling x Stapler motor disconnected, defective



B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Finisher rear saddle-stitch stapler motor error B140
Saddle-stitch stapler motor fails to operate within 450 ms within 2 counts.. x HP senso r defective

x Harness d isconnected, defective x Stapler m otor defective x Finisher main board defective x  Stapler m otor overload



Finisher corner stapler rotation motor  error B246
The stapler does not return to its home position within the specified time after stapling. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Stapler rotation motor disconnected, defective

x Stapler rotation motor overloaded due to obstruction

x Stapler rotation HP sensor disconnected, defective




B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Finisher jogger side fence motor error B140
The jogger motor turns on but the side fences to not return to the home position within 340 pulses for 2 counts. x HP sensor s defective

x Harness d isconnected, defective x Motor def ective

x Finisher m ain board defective x  Motor ove rload



Finisher stapler movement motor err or B246
The stapler HP sensor is not activated within the specified time after the stapler motor turned on. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Stapler movement motor disconnected, defective

x Stapler movement motor overloaded due to obstruction

x Stapler HP sensor disconnected, defective



B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Finisher shift motor errors B140
For the optional jogger unit for the B706 finisher: During the return operation, the shift jogger motor or shift jogger fence lift motor did not return to the home position within the set number of pulses. x HP sensor of shift jogger motor, harness, connector defective, or motor disconnected

x HP sensor, harness, connector of retraction motor defective, or motor disconnected

x Shift jogger motor defective x Shift jogger fence lift motor defective x Finisher main control board defective




Booklet stapler motor error 1 B246
The front stapler unit saddle-stitch motor does not start operation within the specified time. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Front motor disconnected, defective x Front motor overloaded due to obstruction




Booklet stapler motor error 2 B246
The rear stapler unit saddle-stitch motor does not start operation within the specified time. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Rear motor disconnected, defective x Rear motor overloaded due to obstruction


B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Cover interposer bottom plate motor error B140
x The bottom plate motor turns on to raise the bottom plate but the plate position sensor does not detect the plate within 3 s.

x The bottom plate motor reverses to lower the bottom plate but the bottom plate HP sensor does not detect the plate within 3 s.

x Bottom plate position sensor defective x Bottom plate HP sensor defective x Bottom plate motor defective

x Cover s heet feeder main board defective x Harness es disconnected, defective



Finisher tray 1 (upper tray lift) motor error B246
The upper tray paper height sensor does not change its status with the specified time after the tray raises or lowers. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Tray lift motor disconnected, defective x Upper tray paper height sensor disconnected, defective

x Finisher main board connection to motor loose x  Finisher main board defective



B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Z-Folding unit error 3 B140
The HP sensor of the upper stopper motor does not go off after the stopper moved 128.7 mm. x Upper stopper motor defective x Upper stopper motor disconnected, connector defective

x Upper stopper motor HP sensor disconnected, defective x  Z-Fold main control board defective



Return roller motor error B246
Occurs during the operation of the lower tray pressure motor. x Motor harness disconnected, loose, defective

x Motor overloaded

x Home position sensor harness disconnected, loose, defective x  Home position defective



B140/B246 Duplicated Number



Z-Folding unit error 4 B140
2000 ms after the fan motor switched on, the lock signal did not release.  x Fan motor defective x Fan motor disconnected

x Fan motor locked because of too much load x  Z-Fold main control board defective



Z-Fold Unit Fan Motor Error B246
The motor lock signal failed to release within 2 sec. after the Z-fold unit fan motor turned on.  x Fan motor connected loose, broken, defective

x Fan motor defective x  Fan blocked by an obstruction




Z-Folding unit error 5 B140
The fold timing sensor does not operate correctly. x Paper dust on the sensor x Sensor disconnected, defective x Reflector plate dirty, or out of position x  Z-Fold main control board defective


Z-Folding unit error 6 B140
The leading edge sensor does not operate correctly. x Paper dust on the sensor x Sensor disconnected, defective x Reflector plate dirty, or out of position x  Z-Fold main control board defective


Z-Folding unit error 7 B140
The machine could not write to the EEPROM two times (one after the other). x EEPROM defective, replace Z-Fold main control board


Finisher punch motor error B246
The punch HP sensor is not activated within the specified time after the punch motor turned on. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Punch HP sensor disconnected, defective

x Punch motor disconnected, defective

x Punch motor overload due to obstruction



Finisher folder plate motor error B246
The folder plate moves but is not detected at the home position within the specified time. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Folder plate HP sensor disconnected, defective

x Folder plate motor disconnected, defective

x Folder plate motor overloaded due to obstruction.



Finisher pressure plate motor error B246
Pressure plate motor operating but the plate is not detected at the home position within the specified time. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Pressure plate HP sensor disconnected, defective

x Pressure plate motor disconnected, defective

x Pressure plate motor overloaded due to obstruction





Punch movement motor error B246
Occurs during operation of the punch unit. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Motor harness disconnected, loose, defective x Motor defective


Paper position sensor slide motor error B246
Occurs during operation of the punch unit. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Motor harness disconnected, loose, defective x Motor defective


Folding unit bottom fence lift motor B246
The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Motor harness disconnected, loose, defective x  Motor defective


Clamp roller retraction motor error B246
The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Motor harness disconnected, loose, defective x  Motor defective


Stack junction gate motor error B246
Occurs during operation of the punch unit. The 1st detection failure issues a jam error, and the 2nd failure issues this SC code. x Motor harness disconnected, loose, defective

x Motor overload x  Motor defective



Cover interposer tray bottom plate motor error B246
x After the motor starts to raise the bottom plate, the bottom plate position sensor does not detect the plate at the specified time (3 s).

x After the motor starts to lower the bottom plate, the bottom plate HP sensor does not detect the bottom plate.

x Bottom plate position sensor, disconnected, defective

x Bottom plate HP sensor disconnected, defective



Z-Fold feed motor error B246
The feed motor does not attain the prescribed speed within the specified time. x Feed motor disconnected, defective x Feed motor overloaded due to obstruction x  Feed motor lock


Z-Fold lower stopper motor B246
The lower stopper motor does not attain the prescribed speed within the specified time. x Lower stopper motor disconnected, defective

x Lower stopper motor overloaded due to obstruction

x Lower stopper HP sensor disconnected, defective



Z-Fold upper stopper motor B246
The upper stopper was not detected at the home position after the motor remained on long enough to move it 128.7 mm. x Upper stopper motor disconnected, defective

x Upper stopper motor overloaded due to obstruction

x Upper stopper HP sensor disconnected, defective





Z-fold timing unit fold timing sensor adjustment error B246
The A/D (Digital/Analog) input value did not change even after the D/A (Digital/Analog) output value changed. x Fold timing sensor connector loose, broken, defective

x Fold timing sensor defective x Fold timing sensor, mylar covered with paper dust x  Mylar disconnected.



Z-fold leading edge sensor adjustme nt error B246
The A/D input value did not change even after the D/A output value changed. x Leadi ng edge sensor connector loose, broke n, defective

x Leadi ng edge sensor defective x Leadi ng edge sensor, mylar covered with paper  dust x  Mylar  disconnected.



Z-fold EEPROM error B246
The write operation to the Z-folding EEPROM failed after 2 attempts x EEP ROM defective


Finisher staple trimming hopper full B246
The staple waste hopper is full of cut staples. x If the hopper is full, empty the hopper x If the hopper is not full, the hopper full sensor is disconnected, defective



SC800: Overall System

SC No.


Possible Cause

817 B Monitor Error  
This is a file detection and electronic file signature check error when the boot loader attempts to read the selfdiagnostic module, system kernel, or root system files from the OS Flash ROM, or the items on the SD card in the controller slot are false or corrupted. x OS Flash ROM data defective; change the controller firmware

x SD card data defective; use another SD card

Error Codes



0x0000 0000 BIOS boot error
0x0000 0001 Primary boot start load error
0x0000 0002 Secondary boot load error (Boot3.Elf)
0x0000 0003 Self-diagnostic module error (Diag.Elf
0x0000 0004 Kernel start error (Netbsd)
0x0000 0005 Root file system file read error (Rootfs)
0xffff ffff Other error

Example: Data in the self-diagnostic module, system kernel, or root system files are corrupted or do not exist in OS flash ROM or on the SD card

Files in the self-diagnostic module, kernel, or root file system on the SD card have been falsified or altered

x Before discarding the SD card, try to update the data on the card. If the error occurs again, the card may be defective. x Be sure to use an SD card that contains the correct electronic signature.


SC No.


Possible Cause



Watchdog error  
While the system program is running, a bus hold or interrupt program goes into an endless loop, preventing any other programs from executing. x System program defective; switch off/on, or change the controller firmware if the problem cannot be solved x Controller board defective x  Controller option malfunction


Fatal kernel error  
Due to a control error, a RAM overflow occurred during system processing. One of the following messages was displayed on the operation panel. x System program defective x Controller board defective x Optional board defective x Replace controller firmware
0x696e init died  
0x766d vm_pageout: VM is full  
4361 Cache Error  


NOTE: For more details about this SC code error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC report so you can read the error code. The error code is not displayed on the operation panel.


SC No.


Possible Cause




Self-diagnostic error 2: ASIC
The ASIC provides the central point for the control of bus arbitration for CPU access, for option bus and SDRAM access, for SDRAM refresh, and for management of the internal bus gate.


Error code 0xffff ffff is returned when the register Write & Verify check is executed on the ASIC mounted on the controller board. The ASIC controls the ROM and buses for other devices. x ASIC (controller board defective)




ASIC not detected x ASIC defective

x Poor connection between North Bridge and PCI I/F x  Replace controller board



Failed to initialize or could not read connection bus. Data in SHM register incorrect. x Connection bus defective x SHM defective x Replace controller board



NOTE: For more details about this SC code error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC report so you can read the error code. The error code is not displayed on the operation panel.



SC No.


Possible Cause



Self-diagnostic error 3: HDD  



3003 Check performed when HDD is installed:

x HDD device busy for over 31 s.

x After a diagnostic command is set for Sthe HDD, but the device remains busy for over 6 s A diagnostic command is issued to the HDD device b the result is an erro




x HDD defective

x HDD harness disconnected, defective x Controller board defective

3004 No response to the selfdiagnostic command from th

ASIC to the HDDs

e x HDD defective
3013 Mandolin does not respond, the HDD device remains BUSY for more than 31 s, or the BUSY signal does not drop within 6 s after the diagnostic command is issued to the HDDs.   x HDD defective

x HDD connector loose or defective x Controller defective

SC No.


Possible Cause

    3014 Error returned from HDD in response to the selfdiagnostic command,

Mandolin could not be located due to a read/write error at the HDD register.

x HDD defective


Self-dia gnostic error 4: NVRAM
NVRA M device does not exist, 

NVRA M device is damaged, NVRAM socket damaged

x NVRAM defective x Controller board defective x NVRAM backup battery exhausted x  NVRAM socket damaged


Self-dia gnostic error 6: NVRAM (option NVRAM)
1501 The difference between the 1 s measured for RTC in the NVRAM and the 1 s timeout of the CPU is out of range, or the NVRAM is not detected. x NVRAM defective

x NVRAM installed incorrectly


15FE Backup battery error. Battery is exhausted or not within rated specification. x The battery is attached permanently to the controller board. Replace the controller board.


Self-diagnostic error 7: ROM
x Measuring the CRC for the boot monitor and operating system program results in an error.

x A check of the CRC value for ROMFS of the entire ROM area results in an error.

x Software defective x Controller board defective x ROM defective


NOTE: For more details about this SC 833, SC834 error, execute SP5990 to print an SMC report so you can read the error code. The error code is not displayed on the operation panel. The additional error codes (0F30, 0F31, etc. are listed in the SMC report.


SC No.


Possible Cause



Self-diagnostic error 8: Engine I/F A SIC



ASIC (Mandolin) for system control could not be detected. After the PCI configuration, the device ID for the ASIC could not be checked. x ASCI (Mandolin) for system control is defective

x Interface between North Bridge and

AGPI is defective x  Replace the mother board



The read/write check done for resident RAM on the mother board could not be done correctly. x Memory device defective x Replace the mother board


Could not initialize or read the bus connection. x Bus connection defective, loose x SSCG defective x  Replace the mother board


Value of the SSCG register is incorrect. x Bus connection loose, defective x SSCG defective x  Replace the mother board


Self-diagnostic error 9: Optional Me mory RAM DIMM


The write/verify check for the optional RAM chip on the engine mother board gave an error. x Controller defective x Mother board defective


Net I/F error

SC No.


Possible Cause

    x Duplicate IP addresses. x Illegal IP address.

x Driver unstable and cannot be used on the network.

x IP address setting incorrect x NIB (PHY) board defective

x Controller board defective




IEEE 1394 I/F error
Driver setting incorrect and cannot be used by the 1394 I/F. x NIB (PHY), LINK module defective; change the Interface Board x  Controller board defective


Wireless LAN Error 1
During machine start-up, the machine can get access to the board that holds the wireless LAN, but not to the wireless LAN card

(802.11b or Bluetooth).

x Wireless LAN card missing (was removed)


Wireless LAN Error 2
During machine operation, the machine can get access to the board that holds the wireless LAN, but not to the wireless LAN card

(802.11b or Bluetooth).

x Wireless LAN card missing (was removed)


Wireless LAN error 3
An error was detected on the wireless LAN card (802.11b or Bluetooth). x Wireless LAN card defective

x Wireless LAN card connection incorrect



Wireless LAN error 4
An error was detected on the wireless LAN card (802.11b or Bluetooth). x Wireless LAN card defective x PCI connector (to the mother board) loose


USB I/F Error
The USB driver is not stable and caused an error. x Bad USB card connection x  Replace the controller board


HDD startup error at main power o n
x HDD is connected but a driver error is detected.

x The driver does not respond with the status of the HDD within 30 s.

x HDD is not initialized x Level data is corrupted x HDD is defective


HDD re-try failure
At power on with the HDD detected, power supply to the HDD is interrupted, after the HDD is awakened from the sleep mode, the HDD is not ready within 30 s. x Harness between HDD and board disconnected, defective

x HDD power connector disconnected x HDD defective

x Controller board defective





SC No.


Possible Cause



HDD data read failure  
The data written to the HDD cannot be read normally, due to bad sectors generated during operation. x HDD defective

Note: If the bad sectors are generated at the image partition, the bad sector information is written to NVRAM, and the next time the HDD is accessed, these bad sectors will not be accessed for read/write operation.



HDD data CRC error  
During HDD operation, the HDD cannot respond to an CRC error query. Data transfer did not execute normally while data was being written to the HDD. x HDD defective


HDD access error  
HDD responded to an error during operation for a condition other than those for SC863, 864. x HDD defective.


SC card error 1: Confirmation  
The machine detects an electronic license error in the application on the SD card in the controller slot immediately after the machine is turned on.

The program on the SD card contains electronic confirmation license data. If the program does not contain this license data, or if the result of the check shows that the license data in the program on the SD card is incorrect, then the checked program cannot execute and this SC code is displayed.

x Program missing from the SD card x Download the correct program for the machine to the SD card


SD card error 2: SD card removed  
The SD card in the boot slot when the machine was turned on was removed while the machine was on. x Insert the SD card, then turn the machine off and on.


SD card error 3: SC card access  
An error occurred while an SD card was used. x SD card not inserted correctly x SD card defective

x Controller board defective

Note: If you want to try to reformat the SC card, use SD Formatter Ver 1.1.





Address book data error
Address book data on the hard disk was detected as abnormal when it was accessed from either the operation panel or the network. The address book data cannot be read from the HDD or SD card where it is stored, or the data read from the media is defective. x Software defective. Turn the machine off/on. If this is not the solution for the problem, then replace the controller firmware.

x HDD defective. 

More Details

x Do SP5846 050 (UCS Settings –  Initialize all Directory Info.) to reset all address book data. x Reset the user information with S P5832 006 (HDD Formatting– User Information).

x Replace the HDDs. x  Boot the machine from the SD ca rd.



HDD mail send data error
An error was detected on the HDD immediately after the machine was turned on, or power was turned off while the machine used the HDD.  x Do SP5832-007 (Format HDD – Mail TX Data) to initialize the HDD.

x Replace the HDD



Delete All error 1: HDD
A data error was detected for the HDD/NVRAM after the Delete All option was used.

Note: The source of this error is the Data Overwrite Security Unit B660 running from an SD card.

x Turn the main switch off/on and try the operation again. x Install the Data Overwrite Security Unit again. For more, see section “1.


x  HDD defective



Delete All error 2: Data area
An error occurred while the machine deleted data from the HDD.

Note: The source of this error is the Data Overwrite Security Unit B660 running from an SD card.

x Turn the main switch off/on and try the operation again.


File Format Converter (MLB) error
A request to get access to the MLB was not answered within the specified time. x MLB defective, replace the MLB


SC900: Miscellaneous

SC No.


Possible Cause



Electrical total counter error B140
The total counter contains something that is not a number.   x NVRAM incorrect type x NVRAM defective x NVRAM data scrambled

x  Unexpected error from external source



Mechanical total counter error
The mechanical counter is not connected. x Mechanical total counter defective x Mechanical total counter connector not connected


  External Controller Error 1




  External Controller Error 2


  External Controller Error 3


  External Controller Error 4


  External Controller Error 5
      The external controller alerted the machine about an error. x Please refer to the instructions for the external controller.


  External Controller Error 6 B140/ B246
While EAC (External Application Converter), the conversion module, was operating normally, the receipt of a power line interrupt signal from the FLUTE serial driver was detected, or BREAK signal from the other station was detected. x Power outage at the EFI controller x EFI controller was rebooted x Connection to EFI controller loose


  Printer error 1 B140
An internal application error was detected and operation cannot continue.  x Software defective; turn the machine off/on, or change the controller firmware x  Insufficient memory


  Printer error 2 B140
When the application started, the necessary font was not on the SD card. x Font not on the SC card



SC No.


Possible Cause



NetFile Function Error  
x The NetFile file management on the HDD cannot be used, or a NetFile management file is corrupted and operation cannot continue.

x The HDDs are defective and they cannot be debugged or partitioned, so the Scan Router functions (delivery of received faxes, document capture, etc.), Fabric services, and other network functions cannot be used.( HDD status codes displayed on the debug console are described below.)

x HDD defective x Power supply to machine cut occurred while writing data to HDD

x Software error x Please refer to the detailed descriptions below for recovery procedures.

HDD Status Codes Displayed on Debug Console




HDD not connected


HDD not ready


No level


Partition type incorrect


Error returned during level read or check


Error returned during level read or check


“filesystem” repair failed


“filesystem” mount failed


Drive does not answer command


Internal kernel error


Size of drive is too small


Specified partition does not exist


Device file does not exist

Recovery Procedure 1


If the machine returns SC codes for HDD errors (SC860 ~ SC865), please follow the recovery procedures described for these SC codes.

Recovery Procedure 2

If the machine does not return one of the five HDD errors (SC860 ~ SC865), cycle the machine off and on. If this does not solve the problem, then initialize the NetFile partition on the HDD with SP5832 011 (HDD Formatting – Ridoc I/F).

NetFiles: Jobs printed from the document server using a PC and DeskTopBinder Before initializing the NetFile partition on the HDD please inform the client that:

  1. Received faxes on the delivery server will be lost
  2. All captured documents will be lost
  3. DeskTopBinder/Print Job Manager/Desk Top Editor job history will be cleared
  4. Documents stored on the document server, included scanned documents, will not be lost.
  5. The first time the network accesses the machine, the management information must be reconfigured (this will require a significant amount of time).

Before initializing the Netfile partition with SP5823 011, do the following:

  1. Enter the User Tools mode and execute “Delivery Settings” to print all received fax documents scheduled for delivery and delete them.
  2. In the User Tools mode, execute Document Management> Batch Delete Transfer Documents.
  3. Execute SP5832 011 then cycle the machine off and on. Recovery Procedure 3

If “Procedure 2” does not solve the problem, execute SP5832 001 (HDD Formatting – All), then cycle the machine off and on.

Executing SP5832 001 erases all document and address book data stored on the hard disks. Be sure to consult with the customer before executing this SP code.

Recovery Procedure 4

If “Recovery Procedures 1 to 3” fail to correct the problem, replace the HDD.


SC No.


Possible Cause



Scanner image setting error
The settings required for image processing using the scanner are not sent from the IPU. x Software defective


Printer image setting error
The settings required for image processing using the printer controller are not sent from the IPU. x Software defective


Memory setting error
The settings that are required for image processing using the memory are not sent from the IPU. x Software defective


Printer ready error
The print ready signal is not generated for more than 17 seconds after the IPU received the print start signal. x Software defective


Print image data transfer error
After a data transfer begins from the controller to the engine via the PCI bus, the transfer does not end within 15 s. x Controller (SIMAC) board defective x BICU defective

x BICU Ù controller disconnected



Scanned image data transmission er ror
After a data transfer begins from the engine to the controller via the PCI bus, the transfer does not end within 3 s. x Controller (SIMAC) board defective x BICU defective

x BICU Ùcontroller disconnected



Software error 1
The write parameter received by the write module at the beginning of the setting table is NULL. x Controller (SIMAC) board defective x BICU defective

x BICU Ù controller disconnected



Software error 2 B140

SC No.


Possible Cause

    The software performs an unexpected function and the program cannot continue. x Software defective, re-boot*1




Software error 3 B140
The software performs an unexpected function and the program cannot continue. However, unlike SC990, recovery processing allows the program to continue. x Software defective, re-boot*1


*1: In order to get more details about SC990 and SC991:

3)   Execute SP7403 or print an SMC Report (SP5990) to read the history of the 10 most recent logged errors.


4)   If you press the zero key on the operation panel with the SP selection menu displayed, you will see detailed information about the recently logged SC990 or SC991, including the software file name, line number, and so on.  1) is the recommended method, because another SC could write over the information for the previous SC.


SC No.


Possible Cause



Software error 4: Undefined B140
An error not controlled by the system occurred (the error does not come under any other SC code).  x Software def ective

x Turn the mac hine power off and on. The machine can not be used until this error is cleared.



Operation Panel Management Rec ords Exceeded B246
An error occurred because the number of records exceeded the limit for images managed in the service layer of the firmware. This can occur if there if there are too many application screens open on the operation panel. x No action req uired because this SC does not interfere with operation of the machine.



Cannot select application function B140
An application does not start after the user pushed the correct key on the operation panel. x Software bug 

x A RAM or DI MM option necessary for the application is  not installed or not installed correctly.



Application cannot start B140
Register processing does not operate for an application within 60 s after the machine power is turned on. No applications not start correctly, and all end abnormally. x Software bug

x A RAM or DIMM option necessary for the application is not installed or not installed correctly.





Here are lists of SC codes that are printed in the SMC report; they do not appear on the operation panel display. 

Main Unit: Paper Jam Errors


Check-In Failure (Paper Does Not Arrive)


Check-Out Failure (Paper Remains)


Initial Jam (Power On)    


Tray 1 feed sensor


Tray 1 feed sensor


Tray 2 feed sensor


Tray 2 feed sensor


Tray 3 feed sensor


Tray 3 feed sensor


Tray 4 feed sensor (Japan Only)


Tray 4 feed sensor (Japan Only)


LCT feed sensor


LCT feed sensor


Transport sensor 1


Transport sensor 1


Transport sensor 2


Transport sensor 2


Transport sensor 3


Transport sensor 3


Transport sensor 4 (Japan Only)


Transport sensor 4 (Japan Only)


Relay sensor


Relay sensor


Registration sensor


Registration sensor


Fusing exit sensor    


Exit unit entrance sensor    


Exit unit


Exit unit


Exit unit entrance sensor


Exit unit entrance sensor


Duplex transport sensor 1    


Duplex transport sensor 2


Duplex transport sensor 2


Duplex transport sensor 3


Duplex transport sensor 3


Duplex inverter sensor


Duplex inverter sensor


1-Bin tray (Japan Only)


1-Bin tray (Japan Only)


Bypass paper end sensor    


Finisher B469 Jam Codes



Related SC Code


Entrance Sensor  


Proof Tray Exit Sensor  


Exit Sensor  


Staple Entrance Sensor  


Exit Sensor after jogging  


Stapler Unit 1  


Shift Motor



Jogger Fence Motor



Shift Roller or Guide Plate Motor

SC732, SC736


Stapler Movement or Stapler Rotation Motor

SC727, SC730


Stapler Unit 2



Feed Out Belt Motor



Punch Hole Motor



Finisher B468/B674 Jam Codes

No.            Location         Related SC Code

121      Entrance Sensor     

122      Proof Tray Exit Sensor       

123      Exit Sensor              

124      Staple Entrance Sensor      125     Exit Sensor after jogging         

126      Stapler Unit 1           

127      Saddle Stitch Stapler Unit  

128      Saddle Stitch Stapler Unit  

129      Shift Motor SC733, SC726 130     Jogger Fence Motor   SC722

131         Shift Roller or Guide Plate Motor             SC732, SC736

132         Stapler Movement or Stapler Rotation Motor      SC727, SC730

133         Stapler Unit 2        SC724, SC728, SC740,


134         Folder Plate Motor            SC739 135      Feed Out Belt Motor   SC725 136      Punch Hole Motor       SC729


Finisher B478/B706 Jam Codes



Related SC Code


Entrance Sensor



Proof Tray Exit Sensor



Exit Sensor



Staple Entrance Sensor



Exit Sensor after jogging



Upper Transport Motor



Shift Motor

SC733, SC726


Jogger Fence Motor



Shift Roller or Guide Plate Motor

SC732, SC736


Stapler Unit  SC724, SC738, SC740, SC741


Feed Out Belt Motor



Punch Hole Motor



Z-Fold Jogger Motor (B706 Only)



Mailbox B471 Jam Codes



Related SC Code


Vertical Transport Sensor 1 (CN201)


Vertical Transport Sensor 2 (CN204)


Vertical Transport Sensor 3 (CN209)


Vertical Transport Sensor 4 (CN2014)


Vertical Transport Sensor 5 (CN2019)


Cover Interposer Tray B470 Jam Codes



Related SC Code

166 Feed or Pull-out Sensor

167 Exit Sensor

168  Bottom Plate Position Sensor





Z-Folding Unit B660 Jam Codes



  Related SC Code
169 Paper Feed Sensor: Paper Late  
170 Paper Feed Sensor: Paper Remains  
171 Fold Timing Sensor: Paper Late  
172 Fold Timing Sensor: Paper Remains  
173 Leading Edge Exit Sensor: Paper Late  
174 Leading Edge Exit Sensor: Paper Remains  
175 Upper Stopper Path Sensor: Paper Late  
176 Upper Stopper Path Sensor: Paper Remains  
177 Lower Exit Sensor: Paper Late  
178 Lower Exit Sensor: Paper Remains  
181 Upper Exit Sensor: Paper Late  
182 Upper Exit Sensor: Paper Remains  
183 Paper Fold Motor Lock  
184 Lower Stopper Motor Lock  
185 Upper Stopper Motor Lock  




These codes are also used in the SMC report.

Codes that have the same number in this series are identified by an additional 4digit hexadecimal number.

SC No.


Possible Cause

820 0001 TLB conversion (store) exception error Unexpected error in CPU device: x Controller board defective x Boot monitor or self-diagnostic program corrupted
820 0002 TLB miss (load) exception error
820 0003 TLB miss (store) exception error
820 0004 Read address exception error
820 0005 Write address exception error
820 0006 Command bus exception error
820 0007 Data bus exception error
820 0008 System call exception error
820 0009 Break exception error
820 000A Illegal command exception error
820 000B Potential sensor exception error
820 000C Overflow exception error
820 000D UTLB miss exception error
820 0010 Allocation 0 error
820 0011 Allocation 1 error
820 0012 Allocation 2 error
820 0013 Allocation 3 error
820 0014 Allocation 4 error
820 0015 Allocation 5 error
820 00FF Non-initialization allocation error x CPU defective x Local bus defective x  Controller board defective
820 0601 Read address exception error x CPU device error x Controller board defective
820 0602 Write address exception error
820 0605 System call exception error
820 0606 Break point exception error
820 0607 Illegal command exception error
820 060A Allocation 0 mask exception error x CPU device error x ASIC device error x Controller board defective
820 060B Allocation 1 mask exception error
820 060C Allocation 2 mask exception error
820 060D Allocation 3 mask exception error
820 060E Allocation 4 mask exception error
820 0610 CPU timer 2 allocation set error x CPU device error x  Controller board defective
820 0612 ASIC allocation error x ASIC device error x Controller board defective x  Peripheral device defective
820 06FF CPU master clock error x CPU device error

x Error in CPU initialization data (ASIC error) x  Controller board defective

SC No.


Possible Cause

820 0702 Command cache error x CPU cache defective x Controller board defective x  Memory error (insufficient speed)
820 0709 Data cache error x CPU device error

x Boot mode setting for CPU error x Controller defective x  Insufficient memory

820 070A Data cache clear error
820 0801 TLB virtual address error x CPU device defective (controller board defective)
820 0804 TLB global error
820 0807 UTLB miss error
820 0808 TLB read miss error
820 0809 TLB write miss error
820 080A TLB mode file error
820 4002 Single-precision calculation error x CPU error (controller board defective)
820 4003 Double-precision calculation error
820 4004 Exception error
820 4005 Exception mask error
822 3003 HDD timeout x HDD defective

x HDD connector disconnected, defective x ASIC device error (controller board defective)

822 3004 Self-diagnostic command error x  HDD defective
823 6101 MAC address SUM error x NIB (PHY) board defective x Controller board defective
823 6104 PHY chip ID illegal
823 6105 PHY loopback error
824 1401 NVRAM verify error x  NVRAM defective
826 1501 Clock error x  Optional NVRAM defective
826 15FF RTC non-detection error x Incompatible NVRAM installed x  NVRAM battery defective
826 0201 Resident memory verify error x Memory on controller board defective x  RAM DIMM defective
828 0101 Boost trap code (CODE) error x Software storage error (re-install software) x  Controller board defective
828 0104 ROM FS error x  ROM device error
828 0105 Forgery prevention error x Forgery prevention chip defective x Forgery prevention chip error

x Replace the controller, ROM, or RAM DIMM

829 0301 Option memory 0 verify error x Controller board internal memory error x RAM DIMM defective
829 0302 Option memory 0 configuration information error
835 1102 Verify error x Loopback connector error (controller board defective)
835 110C DMA verify error x Loopback connector error x  Controller board defective
835 1120 Loopback connector nondetection x Loopback connector not set x Loopback connector error x Controller board defective
836 1601 Font ROM 0 error
837 1602 Font ROM 1 error
838 2701 Verify error



SC No.


Possible Cause


D IEEE802 11b card startup error
Not used.  


D IEEE802 11b card access error
Not used.  


D IEEE802 11b card error
Not used.  


D IEEE802 11b card connection board e rror
Not used.  


B Address book data error
The address book in the hard disk is accessed. o An error is detected in the address book data; address book data is not read; or data is not written into the address book.

NOTE: To recover from the error, do any of the following countermeasures:

Format the address book by using SP5-832-008 (all data in the address book–including the user codes and counters–is initialized)

Initialize the user data by using SP5832-006 and -007 (the user codes and counters are recovered when the main switch is turned on).  Replace the hard disk (the user codes and counters are recovered when the main switch is turned on).

x Data corruption x Defective hard disk

x Defective software


920 D Printer error
The printer program cannot be continued. x Defective hardware x Data corruption x  Defective software
925 D Net file error
The management file for net files is corrupted; net files are not normally read.

Netfiles: Jobs to be printed from the document server using a PC and the DeskTopBinder software

x Defective hardware x Data corruption x Defective software
992 C Other system SCs
The controller received an unknown SC code from the engine. x Contact your product specialist.
993 D Network error
The ASIC program of GW controller cannot be continued. x Defective ASIC x  Defective GW controller










Symptom at Power On

115 V





Anti-condensation heater does not operate.



No response.



SC510 is displayed.



Nothing displayed on LCD.



“Door Open” is displayed.



ADF does not operate.



SC121 is displayed.



Finisher does not work.



“Door Open” is displayed.



SC510 is displayed.



Nothing is displayed on LCD.






Inspect, Clean, Replace

Dirty Copies Fusing Unit Pressure roller
Jam – Fusing Unit Fusing Unit Hot roller
Jam – Fusing Unit Fusing Unit Hot roller strippers
Jam – Original ADF Pick-up, paper feed, separation rollers
Lines (black or white) Around the Drum Cleaning blade, cleaning brush
Misfeed – Fusing Unit Fusing Unit Hot roller
Offset Fusing Unit Hot roller
Poor separation Transfer Belt Unit Transfer belt, transfer belt cleaning blade
SC300 ~ SC306 Around the Drum Charge corona wire, charge corona grid, charge corona wire cleaner.
Skew – Original  ADF Pick-up, paper feed, separation rollers
ریکو آفیشیو   TONER ریکو آفیشیو     2075 on transfer belt Transfer Belt Unit Transfer belt, transfer belt cleaning blade
Wrinkling Fusing Unit Pressure roller



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